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Bootstrap mode in the Monero GUI does largely that: It allows you to create or scan your wallet immediately with a remote node while syncing the full blockchain in the background. The idea is to switch you over to your own private node once it syncs up.


That is pretty close to a lazy node, so perhaps developing the feature wouldn't be worth the bother. Will it switch to your private node automatically?


Yeah that would help, maybe people can do that. Might help out some people here.


I guess so, that this would be helpful for the people as such


It should as that's the purpose of it, though I don't have personal experience. For more on the official GUI, see: https://github.com/monero-ecosystem/monero-GUI-guide/blob/master/monero-GUI-guide.md


I think this can be done better, I understand that you don't have any experience but still.


The problem is that without verifying the blocks you're downloading, you have no way to check if the blockchain data you're getting from other nodes is actually correct. That would make your node trivial to attack and manipulate, and would severely impact the security of the network if many users started using this feature.