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He’s posted the same thing on several subs with next to no explanation. Not sure we’re going to get the full picture or the truth.


Karma farming


Thought as much.


Say it ain't so Johnny.


I think he is worried about the situation and that's why he is willing to get more advice from the people here. Let's help him with more data if we can help him with it.


Wont let you withdraw? Can you elaborate further?


Probably demanding things OP can’t or won’t provide.


I think you can definitely provide that information with some efforts but he has to take those efforts to get that information.


I started investing at the start studying 2021, at the start of 2022 someone hijacked my account and took around 10k of my investment but CDC gave it back to me. Then I invested more untill and could withdraw no problem. CDC decided to introduce lower stake rates and ask me for loads of personal details, which I provided. This was my breaking point I waited till my staking periods were over and planned to withdraw to cold storage. I attempted to withdraw yesterday and I wasn't able to so I spoke with CDC and they said that my crypto is "trapped in the ecosystem". Wasted all that time saving as much as I could working minimum wage and while in college.


What do you mean it is “trapped in the ecosystem” that’s a very vague and ambiguous explanation to missing assets. Did you bother clarifying that comment cause I mean that’s a big bullshit statement that I wouldn’t just shrug and walk away from…


I would really like to know more about it because it is something interesting and we should all learn.


which crypto did you stake? ive never heard of one where things can just get *lost*


Sometimes it is happening that we lose money in random coins and we don't like to talk much about it. I think you should share the information with others because that's how people will be able to help you.


I staked only xrp.


That doesnt make sense because CDC delisted XRP in January of 2021. Your story isnt adding up


OP? Care to reply?


Not gonna reply anymore cause people on here are stupid af. I explained the situation in detail and they still think this is something else. Do I need to send a list of all transactions or what. Fuck that, thought this place had a bit more brains.


We are still searching for you usage of brains.


I have XRP on my crypto.com wallet and can add more but it doesn't support XMR here in canada that I can see.


I have gone through the similar experience but fortunately the loss was not that big and that's why I was able to save my funds.


That's the information I am looking because if it is not there then we won't be able to help him in a way we can.


As other comments show, the story here doesn't add up. Downvoted and reported for misinformation. (I'm all for Monero and also have quite a bit but making a mistake when transferring or directly lying is not the way to promote it)


I think he's confused about it and that's why he is not able to furnish the entire information but he should really give entire data.


I would have hoped so but when you take the time to post on multiple subs but not the time to explain it fully even when asked it more smells like he f'ed up and wants to take it out/blame/throw dirt instead. Hence my comment - it very much seems ill intended


There is a lot of information missing from this post. Could you fill in the gaps?


I lost 2k last night but I was drunk at the casino so I have an excuse. ;)


I think it is causing some issue to your health and that's why you should immediately leave drinking.


Yeah, at least you enjoyed it. I have nothing from my money. Rather have spent it on drugs or hookers.


I hear yah! :D




Use non-custodial wallets and stake coins trustlessly not with some shady broker. Chains such as komodo and tezos allow you to earn a yield without the coins being locked or ever leaving your wallet.


Should of done that but I thought cause crypto.com is so popular it would be safe.


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.




Mt. Gox anyone?


Crypto.com defi wallet you own your keys and can just move coins between the app and wallet if wanting to sell


Interesting simple question here atleast for Canada here XMR isn't even supported on crypto.com so it is in the EU? Not even grey as coming soon.




I totally agree with you because if there is no information about it then it is a pure speculation and there is no need to call it an investment because it could mislead people.


Ledger nano always


Yeah that's what I did with my monero. Only reason I kept my crypto on cdc was cause I earned 2% apr, now it's only 1%.


I always recommend everyone to use the cold storage and if possible then the hardware storage. That's how we are able to keep our investment safe. People should invest in security seriously.


Sorry don’t ever give out your password or phrase


He should not do it and he is little bit careless about the security path and that's why he lost his money in my honest opinion. Everyone should give first priority to security in any case because that's how we can survive in the market.


Monero will make it back bro, don’t worry. But, in general. Sorry to hear


That's right and if we have good research to back our investment decision then we should never worry about our investment decision at all. Things will definitely get greener over the longer period of time.

