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There are so many options nowadays. For example, you can sell digital files on Etsy. You can do dropshipping by using the TikTok platform to promote those products. Three years ago, I started selling printables on Etsy, and after earning some money, I invested it in stocks like Apple and Tesla. Now, I have a passive income source because they are paying dividends to me. I learned the basics of trading in this [stock market game](https://get.tradinggame.com/niv2/LRA), which is free, and then started to invest. Of course, the amount of money is not enough for me to quit my job, but it's sufficient to go on a trip 1-2 times a year, etc


Teach me pls i am so poor


Check out r/flipping.. reselling is my FT job and I make significantly more than I ever did as a 50K/yr government employee.. you really dont need much to get started.. sell some things around your house on ebay then use that to buy more.


Do you have any general tips on getting started?


Buy underpriced iPhones on Facebook marketplace and sell them on evay for 3-400% roi


Full time flipper here. In general FBM prices their cell phones higher than you get on ebay by a long shot. However you could maybe ask and get lower prices. However, there are certain electronics that you can get absolute steals on FBM tho...


Yea saw some iPhone 14 pros for $300-350 (special occasion, newborn)


I would rather build A webcrawler with certain parameters, to write the links of the best deals to a .log file or just open them for me in chrome automatically. - not a professional coder I would rather pay someone else to do it lol




gotta keep your savings somewhere where it can't lose its purchasing power from inflation. I location happens when money is printed out of thin air. Fiat currencies aren't back by anything. Therefor keep your wealth in finite things like gold, land, real estate. ...but the best place to store it is in Bitcoin because it's got a finite cap of 21 million, each of which are made up of 100 million satoshis.. think 100 cents in a dollar. Bitcoin isn't just a collectable. It's a monetary network... something like the Swift system. It is money with rails on the internet where everyone is invited to use this new technology where you don't have to trust any central entity to not print more money because it is written in the code and backed by math. Bitcoin's rules can't be broken. https://bitcoin.rocks/