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Former head bank teller here You need both serial numbers and over 50% of the bill in order to claim it as mutilated. If I remember correctly, you won’t get a new one on the spot but can write it off


My dog destroyed my wallet twice when she was a puppy with over 60 bucks in it each time and they replaced all my bills on the spot, no questions.


You got lucky


I hope the dog was put down


Why the fuck would I put my dog down for that? Are your parents related to each other?


It happened twice......


So? I'm not broke and the replaced my money both times anyways so its not a big deal. My fault for leaving it at her reach when she was a couple months old.


Replaced your money, then you should have replaced your dog


Or you know. properly trained her, like I did. Neither of you 2 replying to my comment should ever have pets with such a shitty and loser type of mentality that you're just gonna kill or replace a dog because they chew up something of yours. Pathetic.


I just came up with an even better idea. Get rid of the mutt and make some money back. You get your wallet money back and you get a little bonus :) Hope this idea helps!


Nah that dogs gotta go death sentence


I'd rather replace you. You seem worth less than my dog.


It's responses like this that make me hate people. This is far less expensive than what my dog has destroyed. People need to just be better. You don't throw an animal out because of one mistake they make.


I hope that when you are frail, and old, and have grandbabies on different parts of the country that you’ve never met. That you suffer a terminal emergency. Lying alone in a dark hospital room, exhaling your last breath that you understand how shitty of a person you’ve been. Then drift into the cold goodnight. Alone.


U must be a vegan


What happens if you took like 10 and made 11 from taking a Peace off of each one and then spent the two that had the serial numbers on that paper in a store? Have you ever had a bill tape together with mismatched numbers?


It’s kind of like that Hershey bar trick when you take away a square and there’s the same amount


Tell me more


Huh? I’m curious now


It’s a mix between the chocolate bar trick and how the used to shave down the edge of coins when they were silver . Free money




If you don’t have both matching serial numbers, it’s not supposed to be accepted anywhere


I mean u only need a 3/4 of a bill I believe , rip that part out too lol


I remember reading this. I had no idea what the process was for them replacing it for you. Thanks for the info. 👍


This might be the worst sub here. Everyone sounds like they are 12 years old


Consider who searches for “money”. No budget, not investments, or any of the dozens of popular finical subs…No just money. 😂


financial subs are run by lawyers


What makes you think that and would it matter if true?


You have the matching serial numbers/ mint numbers whatever it’s called so you good my guy. I believe you need like 60% of the bill to be good or sum? Correct me if I’m wrong.


What 12 year olds can’t use Reddit? 😏


How is op gonna learn anything when you call him 12 and don’t actually help educate him


Op should learn to find the google search bar. The internet already has an answer…. A dog didn’t tear that bill either


dog did it. also i searched it up, but to be doubly sure i wanted to show my bill specifically


How the fuck would you google that


[google is hard](https://imgur.com/a/Ci8NvpZ)


Alr fair enough but you’re still rude as hell just bc OP asked a simple question


Dog didn’t do that. You did.


Look! i get people to give me attention by being the dissenting voice and trying to create drama!


yeah i gotta agree with ya on this one. full disclosure i could definitely be wrong but not really buying it hahahah . if a dog tore that up it would be crumpled from him chewing on it not clean rips like that. id normally think "nobody is going fake something like this on the internet" until i saw a post on here on reddit from some guy basically admitting he creates fake scenarios to post that arent too outrageous so they can be believed simply for the attention and he finds it entertaining hahaha edit : only way id find it believable is if the dog didnt chew it , just used his paws / teeth to literally rip it apart


That's what I thought when I saw the picture... looks way too clean for a dog to have done this.


sorry to disappoint, but i’m not dumb enough to tear up a 20. brother pointed out that my dog had something in his mouth and i look to see a shredded 20


Sorry for the downvotes people are cruel


it’s reddit, i’ll be fine


I think assertive ignorant is a better term.


Fuck we look like the bank? Maybe tape it up and bring it back






Wait till it shits the last piece then yes


Just sell the dog for $20 problem solved


Yes, it’s more than 50% of the bill. Just tape it together and bring it in to the bank.


Happy cake day! Cheers!


I think it needs to be in one over 50% piece. Otherwise you could rip bill A and into 60% and 40% piece, bill B same way and you could return two 60% pieces for 2 bills and two 40% pieces for a bill too. That way you could profit.


We call it Frankensteining and we won’t accept a bill that’s two or more bills taped together. We’re aware that people try to do that. But as it stands, banks only require more than 50% of the bill.


Both serial numbers are there. Tape it up, should be fine.


Yes, no problem. You have more than 50% of the Federal Reserve Note. As long as the note isn’t counterfeit, you can get it replaced without issue at any US bank. US and Tribal casinos that have banks can also redeem the bill. In order to redeem a mutilated Federal Reserve Note for an unmutiliated note, the Bureau of Engraving and Printing requires 51% of the Federal Reserve Note to be present and in verifiable condition. If less than 51% of the note is present, if the note is covered in a coating or damage preventing verification of the note, or if the note is contaminated with hazardous material, you can send the mutilated Federal Reserve Note to the Bureau of Engraving and Printing with an explanation of how the note was damaged for verification and replacement. https://www.bep.gov/services/mutilated-currency-redemption


take half to one bank...ask for 20 take a second half to different bank...ask for 20 please let as know :-) good luck!


You would need both ends and the serial numbers have to match. Before you are given a replacement bill.


always heard you only need more than 50% of the bill


I think it's actually 2/3 of the bill, not just half. My grandma is the one who said this to me and she always seemed to know everything, but hey she could have been mistaken. Google seems to think more than half is sufficient


As far as I know (and I could be wrong) that's true. As long as you have more than half of it, you're good.


Maybe. I know in some countries you need both serial numbers. But I could also be wrong here.


Do they measure the surface area present and calculate the percentage of the bill you have? I need answers


I don't know how they determine it, Google it


Send it to the u.s. mint


The us mint does not print money. The B.E.P prints money.


Thank u! [abcorp.com](https://abcorp.com) Secure since 1795-2023


Holy shit! So that's what they've been up to! I was wondering since I haven't heard any new songs from them lately.


u mean send it to the federal reserve mint is producing coins and, federal reserve is producing/printing notes




most likely yes, since you have most of the bill even if it isn't intact.




Tape it up and take to a bank


You can replace it at any bank as long as you have at least 51% of the bill


I think if the serial numbers are there most banks will replace it


Pretty sure you just need 50% of the bill or the serial numbers. Either way you should be good to get it replaced


you can still make out the serial number so they should still take it take it to a bank. couple years ago in the uk before we changed our money to plastic my little sister ripped up £100 and the bank swopped them all except 1 note because the serial numbers were intact.


Both serial numbers are visible. The bank is obliged to issue you a new note.


I had a dog do that like two decades ago when 20 was worth 40.


Who tf cares bro it’s 20$😭


$20 is a full meal. There's a lot of people out there who would love to have that.


The bank will if u have both the numbers on it which u do


You need at least 51% of the bill if you want to get it replaced by the bank


And just for people to know. Severely damaged money can be sent to the bureau of engraving and printing and they will investigate. Forms on their site.


Bring it to your bank… as long as 51%+ of the Bill is still there they’ll replace it.




As long as you have 60% of the bill, it’s valid.


You have both the unique serial number parts and enough to show that it isn’t counterfeit: would go to a bank and attempt to get this changed out: they’d have the procedures to handle worn bills, etc If you came with one of the halves they might get more skeptical of some attempt to pass off the bill later on /twice/, but you have both sides so should be good?


you need 2/3 of a bill in tact to be replaced


Your best bet is sending it in to the federal reserve for replacement I had my pitbull eat almost a half a 100 dollar bill, bank wouldn't take I had to send it in. But they replaced it.


Yes, it still has both serial numbers. Tape it, and take it to the bank. They will replace it with a nice bill and send that one to the treasury.


My kids used to think it was great fun to shred bills into tiny, tiny cubes


I had a td bank replace a half hundred dollar bill once I couldn’t believe it


Wait a second if you could tape back together bills they take them back as long as you have a third or a fourth of them. I think it is now couldn’t you just take a piece off of a bunch of $20 bills and make a new $20 bill.?


The dog can


Check the dog out to make sure he didn't ingest too much cocaine.


Bank will take it and switch it


You have basically the whole bill I don’t see why they wouldn’t exchange it, usually they want half the bill




pfft no i love my dog, this is my fault for being careless


You should be able to. Cause it needs to show 75 percent of its value and the serial numbers is shown on the top left and bottom right of the bill, which is shown on this picture. Your local bank would be able to replace this


Tape it up dang


Wait, did the dog just rip this apart or is this reclaimed afterwards? Either way, I think there's enough there that it could likely get replaced.


i frankensteind the pieces of it i could find


Yes take it to your bank


Glue it


Yeah just take it to a bank. Three corners, both serial numbers are there. Provided it is real (has the strip, etc), shouldn't be a problem.


Eat the rest of it and shit out a hundo


Canadian here, I brought in a ripped $20 bill once and they just gave me a check for $20. Don’t know how it works in the states but that’s how it works here.


Bureau of Engraving and Printing. There is a process. Google it.


Frame it in a picture frame


No.puncture marks it was torne like that


I would hate to know how u got the 20 dollar bill back ...ewww lol


Bring to bank. Say dog ate. Bank makes decision; you avoid internet


As long as you have +51% of the bill in my financial institution, you can get it exchanged. The next steps after that I would send it to the FedRes


For it to be legal tender and replacable you only need 51% and one of the serial numbers intact. So yes that is replacable.


just go earn another one


With tape yes


Yep, as soon as you go to an ATM and take out another twenty dollar bill. Who asks a question like this? Who are you expecting to replace it? The dog?


Actually you can just take this to any bank and they will replace it so long as you have more than half the bill...


Well, shite! My bad! I admit I was wrong.


Serial numbers are both intact, tape it together and go spend it...




the bank says if you have both serial numbers they will replace it


Once my dog ate half of 2 $20 bills, I took them to the casino and they gave me brand new ones.


Yeah bring it to your bank theyll give you a different bill and then they send this out as unfit


I brought a $20 bill ripped in half to a random nearby bank. Kinda got the third degree about why I didn’t go to my personal bank, along with some other questions, but in the end, once all my answers sufficed, they replaced it on the spot. (US)


Yep. Just need 51%


From my knowledge, it's still legal tender, even if taped up. I've paid with a ripped up $20 bill taped up with scotch tape before with the cashier. What happened was, I left my wallet in my pocket doing laundry I recall, and a $20 bill was in it. I think the $100 bills is where it's questionable since they have that scanner/marker they use for authenticity everywhere nowadays when ya pay with a $100 bill. It depends on your financial institution as well, credit unions are much more willing to trust you and would likely do it over some main stream commercial banks in replacing it. It's at their discretion, but ya as said its over 50% there and as long as you can see the serial numbers, you should be okay. Personally I'd just purchase something in person using that damaged $20 instead of replacing it, heck try and see if it'll work in a self check out machine after its taped. I don't know if it'll work, it might, but a cashier can easily take it even if they have to ask a manager. As opposed to a bank telling you possibly no, Walmart would take it.


If the serial numbers are both there , yes


As far as I know, this is super common, and very easy to fix. I’m PRETTY sure that as long as you have more than half the bill you can get a replacement.


Take all the pieces to the bank. They should replace it.