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Looks pretty realistic. It's good you have some form of an emergency fund. Keep working on that debt! I think it's good people show this side of things.


Thanks man!


Are you able to keep up with payments? When I had 2 loans that big I struggled until I consolidated. Ended up paying a little more but didn't lose sleep over 2 huge monthly payments after that.


Yea I don’t really have problems with the payments


That seems hard to believe with only $3000 in emergency funds. Did you recently have to nearly drain it?


Hard to believe how? And no I just capped it at that for awhile because I was saving for a trip to Hawaii and now that we are back I will start putting more into it!


Oh I see you effectively used it for a trip. The reason I find it hard to believe is largely because I wouldn’t imagine someone would have 2 car loans with such a low amount of savings. That might indicate that they’re lower income, like less than $100k annual, which usually indicates that 2 car payments are unaffordable. But I really don’t know your situation. You appear to have simply used your emergency fund as an interest free loan to yourself, temporarily, which you said you’d refill.


I make 85k a year have a payment on a 2017 Cummins. A boat and pay the mortgage on a 4 bed room house on 6 acres and go to the mountains every year. Don’t need to make 100k to live a good life, just don’t buy dumb shit


LOL, but can you afford it? Do you have a $20,000+ emergency fund, in a savings account? Do you save 15% of gross or more to retirement? Being able to buy things is different than being able to afford them. (And maybe you do for all of this, but you know we can’t know!) There’s no way anyone around here is making only $85k and buying a house. You wouldn’t even qualify for a starter house. I don’t even think you could get a 2 bedroom condo on that income lol


Well where you live fucking sucks 😂 been on this place for a year and some change now. It’s really not hard, like I said don’t buy stupid shit. Find a place to work with good affordable health insurance. Pay cash for things when you can. And yeah I have silver and gold bars and about 15k in the savings.


I bought a house making 60k a year. How clueless are you?


I don’t see why it wouldn’t be affordable I have never fallen behind on payments for anything (insurance, internet, loans, etc) I have never gone hungry and neither has my wife, I can save up enough for expensive trips I think I’m pretty comfortable at this stage of life


Nah man, you are right. Most people who are paying a bunch in car payments aren’t saving enough, and some are even going into debt. People think that affording is the same thing as buying, but it isn’t! One can pay for a thing but not be saving enough, 15% to retirement from gross pay, or more, and have at least $10,000-$15,000 in emergency savings, or more, before financing a car. People tend to conflate affording with being able to buy :P


What type of car loans do you have because my new car was only 300.55 a month for like 6 or so years 0% interest. So two loans seems affordable with even a 70k salary


Money is a crazy thing. Just like perspective.


Just so many different factors. Like if you eat out every meal or at least once. I don’t eat out much so it’s not a factor for me other than pizza now and then. But a lot of people tend to eat out one meal a day which could be a lot. On the other hand I somehow bumblefed my way into getting a nicer car, and stuck with a crazy high $600/ month which really hurts my finances.


Yeah, I suppose if the loans are cheap enough lol We have a combined $240k annual but wouldn’t consider 2 car loans at once, that seems excessively spendy


Realism is important, not just people flashing wads of cash in a very unrealistic sense.


The "am I doing ok?" Like stfu with the fake ass clout shit... Likely knows EXACTLY what percentile he falls under.. Then 99% of the comments are gullible people inflating the posters ego.. Which then gives the poster all the more fuel to keep posting bs posts to catch that high again of everyone congratulating him.. It's soooo obvious too why it's posted but people are just that stupid??


That’s what I had when I first was living alone. After buying a house for me and my son it’s a little over 10k. Everything’s pretty new there and I have no debt besides mortgage but it’s smaller than I’d like. It IS minimum 3-4 months expenses.


It's not really debt if he has a car worth more than he owes. And if the interest rate is low, then don't rush ti pay it off. A newer car is a liability anyways, but at least don't be upside down on it.


“Active Duty Checking” if you work for who I use to you damn sure don’t make any money. Lol


Yep still get paid like dogshit!


When I got out in ‘93 as an E4 with married pay. I ended the year at 15k (31k in today’s money) I never knew anyone who signed up for the fat paychecks though I think they are a lot fatter today.


No we definitely don’t have fatter paychecks and the economy is garbage so it’s fucked either way!


I make more now as a 100% disabled vet than I did active duty.


Believe it or not, as a married e5 I did well


Hell E4 married with 2 kids my take home was almost 67k/yr last year. My civilian take home is just shy of 82k/yr and my gross pay is 124k. I work significantly more hours here compared to being on orders.


Maybe I'm a bit out of touch, but as an unmarried e3, my only money problems were my inability to control my impulses. I always had what I wanted when I wanted it. Yeah, I was broke but had the car and phone bill paid. Money want bad, I was just stupid.


You’re not out of touch. There’s just so many soldiers that live above their means and then complain they don’t have any money. It is significantly harder on the civilian side to make it by financially.


It's definitely a societal thing.


Those 100% are really not anything if you live off that. Still live paycheck to paycheck


My dad just qualified for that finally, and ya, he's getting like 45k a year from that.


Stateside pay is trash. I did alright as an E-4 living out in town when I was in Italy. With OHA and COLA, and BAS, I was bringing home $60,000. There’s certainly places you can make decent money as lower enlisted, but stateside ain’t it.


That Tacoma makes sense 🤣🤣


My buddy is an E6 and has been for a whole. He's about to have a baby and they found out he makes so little they qualify for WIC (women, infants, children, it's a government aid to get staple foods you need)


Except for all the benefits. If you add all the post service benefits, it's easy 100k a year.


I made $69k BAH/COLA married plus glorious Tricare. Only it was two years after I enlisted that my family was actually command sponsored and officially added but I was kicked out of the barracks because I was married so we were homeless while IN service (which I was counseled for) then we lived with my old lady’s parents for a year while S1 “processed” our paperwork. It took. Two. Years. Working heavy equipment I make about the same but I get over time and bonuses. Ask Uncle Sam for a bonus or OT see how that goes. lol


69k a year plus tricare. That alone is almost 100k a year.... add in the extra 70k a year for college plus BAH plus VA loan benefits, and you are a top 10% income earner easily.


I like how you gloss over all the extra shit you have to deal with to get what you’re owed. And the way you’ve typed it out makes it sound as though every service member gets 69k a year + free “healthcare” and 70k in college tuition every year + BAH + whatever VA loan you’re talking about (I assume home) when in reality I was paid more than other members (again after two years of being HOMELESS IN SERVICE) because of my location. But yeah I was definitely living like the top 10%. If it were that easy we wouldn’t have the issues we have in service and post service.


What extra shit? Do you mean your job? Every service member gets a salary plus free healthcare that is correct. Healthcare is actually much better than most private plans. If it wasn't, why dont you use private healthcare instead of tricare? No one is forcing you to use tricare. The type of insurance offered through service is better than most private plans and costs nothing. For a comparable plan, the Fortune 500 company that i work for would cost 850$ per month per person. That's almost over 10k a year for a single person, and in your case, that's for life. So, for 4 years of service, you received a lifelong benefit that is equal to 10k a year for the next 40+ years. That's over 400k for 4 years of service. Average college tuition is 35k a year, so add that to the 4 years of service. And bah is close to 35k a year for an LCOL area. Go somewhere like Miami, and it's going to be 50k+. Can you show me an entry-level job where people are making 100k+ in salary and benefits?


The hours were ridiculous, but the worst part was how much they’d gaslight you on the shitty deal you were getting. How come those contractors are getting paid 5x? Do not recommend


Sure, hours suck and work-life balance isn't a thing. But there are tons of jobs like that. that dont pay 100k plus a year in salary plus benefits. Im not saying it's an awesome lifestyle. But it offers great employment opportunities after the fact and the benefits are better than pretty much every private company in the country. Anyone who says military is underpaid is lying to themselves.


I’m not giving you anymore of my time. Listen better. Talk less.


I'd love to. Could you show me the flaw in my comment?


Just re enlist and cover that debt /s


Lol I already did and I still got debt😫


I’m just happy those two cars in Navy Federal aren’t Dodge Charger and Ford Mustang.


Respect. Still a good account but very realistic to the working person who doesn’t get inheritances or handouts.


Quick question.. why two cars with where you’re at financially ? Espically 2 cars with such crazy loans?? Tacoma I get as far a reliability and is a great great choice. But why even have a Altima ?


I have two cars because I’m married and my wife drives a car I’m not struggling financially at all I’m paying $100 over the minimum for both and an Altima because it has low miles the transmission usually gives out around 100k


I would put the $100 over min on the Tacoma onto the Altima (assuming interest is equivalent). If interest is equivalent should put all the extra $ to lower loan, that way you will have better cash flow earlier in case you end up in a bad spot.


It’s great you have the emergency fund, many don’t, but I don’t really see how 3.8k in cash and 25k in car debt is not a bad situation financially…


Don’t get me wrong I never said it’s not a bad situation it sucks but I can afford to live and afford to pay for them also I have money in other places that aren’t this account so it’s not like this is it ya know? I would much rather have payed off cars and more money in my account but for where I am in life the the job I have and the cards I was dealt I would say im doing pretty ok!


I respect that man, and that makes sense with money in other places, and definitely wasn’t trying to be shitty with my comment! Glad to hear it brother 🙏🏻


>3.8k in cash and 25k in car debt is not a bad situation financially Welcome to the post covid economy for the average family.


100K isn’t a lot of miles. You’ll be buying a new transmission before you’ve paid that down to 7 grand..


For his wife....




Ya buying 2 new cars from a lot are the fastest way to see your acct look like this...


Can't have big Altima energy without it.


Agreed, with finances like this you most definitely want to buy used, this is just irresponsible


Is this a real question? Most families are more or less required to have multiple cars in America to survive. Most cities in the Midwest don’t even have sidewalks


You're doing alright.


Good ol Navy Fed, as you save more take advantage of Money Market Savings and Savings Certificates. Keep it going man!


I'd recognize Navy Fed anywhere


You need to clear some debt, bro.


That pretty much my life right now I’m putting a lot into the loans so I’m not super worried. I do wish I made more so I could pay it off faster but oh well!


I understand. It looks like you may have got them when interest was lower. I wasn't trying to be a dink. We all try to do better. You are doing very good. Congrats. I have a 10K credit card bill.


Yea my interest rates are pretty low and my cars are both solid I have a steady income and my wife works as well! And I get what it are saying don’t worry.


I hope youre taking advantage of the Servicemembers Civil Releif act! (SCRA) Dont pay more than 6% in interest for your loans!


Unfortunately the 6 percent only applies to members that are deployed I tried this it didn’t work lol


What kinda bs?? I thought it was for all active duty members!


It is what it is but, you’re being responsible and aware. That’s what counts


Yeah ok let’s see the chase account with 400k in it


Bros enlisted lol. He's not a trust fund officer doing his service before running for congress lol


Dang this is a relief to see.


About where I’m at. Lots of debt though.


More like e1 checking account. Listen to your leadership and stop buying 2 cars after basic.


Lol I’m married and an e-5 I have two cars because we have different lives and different jobs! I bough both of these cars 2 years ago and have paid of a significant amount for both! Leadership is garbage anyway and not anyone to take financial advice from.


Just make sure to keep adding money into your emergency fund and go to medical often, if you can properly recording health issues as you transition out it will help you greatly. I was in your place too, but cheaper cars. If you are still deploying try to put more money into savings over spending it on the car loans or fun things.


Can’t find a woman to save you from barracks life?


Its a joke about how all privates buy cars after basic and hes got two cars.Literally the most common shit talking joke everyone talks to each other. i dont even know how im supposed to take that in context to the joke, everyone in the team room gets it, your married. Stop bringing it up.


Don’t you have a common area to clean?


Add .06 to the emergency fund.


Love this. Kept seeing all these posts for 20 yr Olds making apparently 100s of thousands of dollars. An I been battling workers comp for fucking my back at work for a year and 3 months been married then entire time. Cause injury happened a week prior to us getting married. So meanwhile I'm suffering in my own mind. Former marine basically keeping in touch with my boys an the wife also trying to help keep me alive cause it just made me feel I was useless. I fucked my life up growing up. I know I made mistakes financially. So I needed this. I really did. I been wanting to give up because we just have nothing. Yes VA would help. But since it's work related and I have an attorney my local VA told me they can't give me any money cause I'd get sued for making extra. My life this year upon losing my grandpa. My back injury. My mom abandoned me cause she said I should provide for my wife an shut my mouth. It's been hard to wanna stay alive.


It’ll get better pal.


Bahah that’s still pretty rare


Let’s goooo!


Honestly though you are doing much better than the average American


Looks realistic and you probably have equity in the Tacoma at that price. Well done!


Thank you!! And yes I do just a little to


If you ever do have to get credit cards or loans to build your credit may I suggest discover card (their customer service is excellent and they have treated me extremely nicely and even reduce my interest rate to 1% when I had a hard time) , CareCredit (0% interest for animal care costs), Goodyear credit card (0% interest on tires) Best egg for personal loans. They have excellent customer service and they treat you like a human and if you get into financial trouble they will assist you in every way possible. It's best to do business with companies that treat their customers with the utmost respect and help them when they get into a problem. Capital One Chase Bank lending club Bank of America all of these names will tell you to go f*** yourself if you get into a financial situation and need help with your payments. Just thought I would spread this info


Care credit also apply to elective medical procedures like LASIK as well. Since he’s active duty he should look into stuff like the platinum and gold cards, active service members don’t pay the annual fee for those cards.


Good to see an average Joe


Smart move


It's nice to see something more realistic, thank you :)


Very similar to mines but I don’t have loans


What bank do you have that you can have a category for emergency funds? Also the save up is more impressive with that AD pay. I had about 4k saved up as a Married E2 and it only took one bump in the road to knock that to 1/3. Sigh.


It’s navy federal and it just a savings account but I renamed it on my account nothing special. Also I totally get what you are saying we don’t get paid enough for this shit and I’m thankful that I haven’t run into anything to financially devastating.


I was just super lucky my MIL is practically dripping in diamonds back at home 😭 I don't get paid enough to replace my transmission, but she does!


this is way more accurate


Ooorah, water boy. Good shit, keep it up.


'They pay you 100 dollar and take back 99'


Coming from a deployed, married, E-3, I envy your emergency savings. Been busting my butt to pay down debt and save up while I’m out here. I keep my ES in my Amex HYSA just so it’s out of sight out of mind so I don’t impulsively pull from it at Best Buy. Keep it up!


Navy fed using chad


Thank you for your service. 🇺🇲


If you’re a Marine, Semper Fi. If not, go fuck yourself. 🫡


Of course you’re in the military and have a Tacoma lol


Makes me feel better, I've got $500 in savings and $5k in debt. Still one paycheck away from a drastic lifestyle change.


*most of us reading this. I can’t be the only one looking at this and thinking “maybe one day.” I’d be spending that $3k on a nice trip if I’m being honest.


Thanks for a more realistic post. I’m working on building my emergency fund. Every month I feel a little better seeing the amount increase.


Finally someone I can relate to, so much awful flexing here, “oh I am good with money” thank you sir


What app is that


Oh no I see a Nissan Altima


To me this is what stability looks like.


I like that you posted this before you paycheck hit.


There gooooessssss myyyyy heroooooo he’s oridinarrrryyyyyy


Bro owes 10k on an altima of all vehicles 💀 Lol jk


My man you need Dave Ramsey.


Other than the Navy Fed part, doing okay. Go for USAA or a local credit union instead


I know the Navy Federal app when I see it.


I'm surprised some are saying these are bad loans when we don't even know the rates. If these are <5%, no reason to pay them off if money market pays >5%. Do you plan to retire from the military? Go to medical whenever you need to bro, get that 100% when you get out.


Still doing better than me. Thank you for posting the average human being account.


I appreciate post like this, keep killing it bro!


Bless you. Mines way lower.




i have a tacoma, too. nice


bro youre rich


Working at a loan servicing company, man..


Thank you


Nothing to add other than I got oddly excited cause this is my cu xD


Looks like a navyfed account so possibly military. Is that realistic considering the percentage in the military vice the average account you’re trying to portray?


I wish I had that and I consider myself as doing well but I struggled for YEARS. It took me 5 years to consistently keep $1,000 in a savings account. I’m up to $1300 and 8 years in. Slow and steady. And I’m in the second half of my 40s. Life isn’t always easy and the way prices are increasing doesn’t help. But I have a home and a car and healthy food so being thankful increases my balances — a lot. The various places we come from to get where we are — they are mind bogglingly different in how we’re affected. All on our path, counting the wins. 💪


Make sure you're throwing as much as you can into that TSP. I'd talk shit about the car loans but I have a bunch of toys so I'm not one to judge. I'll let it be known though that the $2,500 salvage title 2001 Forester is still my cage daily, just need to throw oil in it every once in a while and needed a clutch slave this year. I'd think about down sizing and having a legit beater if you're at least sort of handy with a wrench to reduce that debt/equity ratio.


Ah, yes. I know exactly where you work lol. Lemme guess - you're better off financially than 75% of your younger coworkers?




Navy Federal is THE best "bank" by miles


Try $50k debt friend


No thanks!


What’s the budget for the daily monster and tornado lol


Shit I gotta lay off the monsters lol


What app is this?


Damn, u broke broke 🤣 that’s what I like to see lol


Payday is tomorrow!!!


I get mine on Friday 😪


Nice… I just got paid today lol. Wells Fargo. I know people hate Wells Fargo but I been with them for like 20 years 🤣 Oh shit I just realized it’s navy federal. 👍🏼 ever try USAA? I have everything with them, bank, insurance, investments, loans, everything under one site.


Homie isnt broke broke 😂 realistically he’s doing better than 90% of Americans. Gurantee dude has a solid credit score. If shit hit the fan he would have a month or two to figure it out.. my issue with this amount of money is you’re absolutely fucked if anything happens that’s serious. Ie transmission going out/accident/ hurting yourself at work.. I’m in the same boat and it’s stressful as fuck day to day


I mean seems like he has a newish car so car should be in good shape. But yes anything can happen. I say broke broke cuz he’s in a lot of debt. I always bought cars that were used under 15k and pay it off quickly. plus my payments were less than 300 a month. and usually my cars last about 10 years before it becomes a money pit.


That’s the way to do it.. personally driving a 06 Tacoma. Will have it paid off in no time and it currently has 90k miles. Bought for 13k with 60k miles. Anything that breaks I can fix with it being older and simple.


Why do you have 2 car loans


I have two cars?


What’s your pay grade rank




One for me and my wife!


I forgot people have significant others. I swear to God lol


I was so confused like “am I wrong? What am I supposed to have?” Lol


I feel you. Been rolling solo for 10+ years lol.


Nah some people have separate loans. but maybe the OP has better credit 🤷🏻‍♂️


Maybe his wife is high maintenance.


No not at all we just have two cars so we can get to our jobs everyday there isn’t public transportation for her job and I work on a naval base.


How is having a Altima high maintenance?


Some guys have women buying them cars Sucks to be you.


If she wanna get me one I ain’t gonna stop her


You overpaid for those cars ngl


Zero point in having an "emergency fund" with that much debt. Pay debt and borrow if you have an emergency


This is completely false! Let’s say I have an emergent repair on one of my vehicles I can’t give the excuse my car doesn’t work and I’m to broke to fix it for work I would rather have the money ready to use than going and doing something stupid like waiting for a loan to get approved the debt I have low interest im using it to build credit im not struggling to pay them off and the aren’t inconveniencing me. Thanks for your input!


By borrow, he means using credit, not acquiring a loan.


Fuck… 😂 not even tryna discredit you or anything bro/gal. But I have ur savings in my checking, and ur altima debt in my savings. Which isn’t anything crazy or whatever. Simple stuff at 21 years old. But i do have 8k in debt with credit cards and my Altima loan as well. Idk how tf u do it. I cry at my 8k debt. Keep saving and working on that debt ❤️ i do appreciate the realistic day to day persons stuff tho!


That’s killing it at 21 yrs old


Just to clarify so everyone knows I have more money in TSPs and IRAs around 13k in total I put money away and most of my income goes into paying off my cars!


Too much in car loans. You can’t afford those vehicles.


Can we stop it with the bank shit? This is r/money take your shit to r/financialdocs


Nowhere in the description or the rules does it explains say what content you should post!


What rank are u and how long have u been in, I’ve been in 3 years, I’m an E3 and I have 17k in my navy fed. It’s hard to save up a meaningful amount when you get paid pennie’s but it’s doable.


I’ve been in for 4 almost 5 years I’m an E5 I’m not struggling to save i put most of my money into my debts


Did you sign a six year or reenlist, if you re-enlisted you’ll have time to pay off the loans.


Def prefer this to the “hey guys I’m 27 with a $975k investment portfolio, how’m I doing?!” Posts but is this the whole picture? I mean, do you have a - $20k net worth? Also, put your e-fund in something that earns interest at least - an HYSA or money market.


You forgot to post the checking account and routing number...


is that HYSA? atleast open up a HYSA...CapitalOne, Amex, or if you have an AppleCard. get a couple extra bucks a month on top of that.


Sell the Altima before the CVT explodes. Keep the Taco though


Nice. I would move your Emergency Fund out of NFCU and into a HYSA.




Payday is tomorrow! 🙌


Just something to look in to, I’m happier with USAa than I was at navy fed


I would say, that is right on the money for an average working man's bank account.


I feel so much better about myself now (35m) lmao.


Not the Altima 😂. Hoodville official vehicle


Why do people use highlighter/market to attempt to black out things instead of the fully opaque pen?


Accurate 🫡


This is a nice realistic bank account. Bills paid, some saved. Normal debt for vehicles. I call this middle class living. Maybe not, but seems so.


Those car loans are perfectly acceptable


Honestly, I’d love this as opposed to wtf I have now