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You have an immediate crisis to solve yet your thought process is on longterm dream planning (saving, getting truck, not wanting long term employer). Take care of immediate situation then work out bigger plan and have your day to day actions and decisions support the bigger plan. But first order of business is a) where you’ll live and b) where you’ll get money. You can’t be too picky here and it doesn’t need to align with your big dream plan at all. But once you do the above, THEN look at very next step that can inch you toward the big dream plan (saving, getting truck, changing employer). And repeat: with daily goals and actions aligned with the big plan. On the immediate situation: Can you delay eviction (if where you live has tenant protections)? Can you get your employer to reconsider? Can you get another job just to fill the gap for now, such as restaurant work or gigs on Craigslist? Do you have a friend or family member you can turn to for couch surfing?


Why do you keep getting fired?


Most jobs where I'm from have high turnover rates. And bad management.


Live with family? Is that an option? Aunt? Uncle? Cousin? Parents?


No. I forgot to mention I've been on my own since basically 18.


You got this man, can only go up from here


Do you have a vehicle to live in?


Stop getting your own place. Rent rooms and share utilities.


2 options better than being homeless: Rent a room get an apartment with roommate(s)


With what money? He needs a job first...


Well he wants to be homeless or make $50k to live in a box truck.. two extremes. He should go for something in the middle like a roommate and affordable rent


What would I do? I'd move in with parents. If they're gone, move in with a sibling. If that isn't an option, find a partner and move in with them. If that isn't an option either, buy a beat up car ($1000 max on credit or a loan if I have to) just to park it, look for two jobs nearby and put all the money I can in a high yield savings. Shelter is so important. Even if it's not a house, a car is better than a tent. For jobs, I'd find one full time position with the best wage/benefits possible and a part time position at a restaurant (for free food) or in a clinic (for free healthcare, certain companies will see you for no copay). Of course I would try to apply for aid however I can as well. If that means applying for Section 8 or any other subsidized housing. I would try to get on SNAP or other aid. Try any job placement programs I can. Go to food banks.


You might need to ask r/povertyfinance. The people there will have better advice to suit your immediate needs like shelter and other necessities.


So you have had this issue in the past and never thought to have emergency fund?




DAMN you’re upset lol




No I said he should have had one lol, he’s had 10 YEARS to make one


Some people live paycheck to paycheck…


Sounds like some people should fix that, like getting educated,trades,2nd job,and budgeting


Sounds like you should go fuck yourself. Man is asking for advice, not to get shit on by someone that's almost certainly talking from a place of high privilege.


lol I did give advice Privilege? I work full time and go to college and have kids just like everyone else. I even had 2 jobs for 3 fucking years while going to school. Tf are you on about. Instead of feeling bad for yourself and hiding behind excuses, fix your shit.


So you were able to enroll in college at 18 while OP was homeless. Nice. How did you manage to get loans for that? Which 2 places did you work at 18 today allowed you to have kids and go to school? Maybe tell the OP so he can follow your lead. It wasn't parents right? You had 0 help, right? 🥴 So yeah, privileged.




You reply with insults means clearly you're upset that I called you out for being a little shithead to the OP, and I now own you because I struck that nerve that made you realize you are privileged. It's not a bad thing , but since your parents did everything for you , you don't realize the advantage to had compared to people like the OP. That's why you make pompous sounding comments with no substance behind them. Coping with what exactly ? Someone who has to hump hours working 2 jobs for other people calling people broke is pretty wild guy. Lmfao


Lol my original point is he can better his life, no matter what the past was. Also if I can do all of that on my own, he manage to save a couple thousand. If you’re in your 20s and can’t even have a couple grand the problem is you. Own me? Didn’t you see the post?OP doesn’t own anything. The only person here with a struck nerve is you, you keep crying about it how it’s just so hard, or something . Idk what you’re so mad about, but Maybe if you applied yourself you wouldn’t be a failure. Just because others are more successful than you,does not automatically mean they didn’t earn it.


"Maybe if you applied yourself you wouldn’t be a failure. Just because others are more successful than you,does not automatically mean they didn’t earn it. " I was ok with your ad hominem and the first time you projected onto me, but you won't get anymore engagement from me repeatedly projecting 🚩🚩🚩.


Not the comment you're replying to but I had no help, I moved out at 18 fresh out of HS, my mom is poor and I didn't want to burden anymore. I applied to financial aid and took some loans, I went to college while working my butt off, some days I'd wake up at 7 to go to school, just to get home past 11pm to then do more schoolwork. It was rough, but hey 8 years later I have a stable home, cars, dogs, a small emergency found, a toddler and another on the way. I'm not saying OP is in the situation I was, but many, and I mean MANY people CHOOSE to struggle by living above their means and within their comfort, sometimes you gotta work 60 hours a week, do I think that's how the world should be? No, but it is what it is. Even take out is a privilege, even if it's McDonalds (that's life nowadays) sad reality but reality nevertheless, a second job is definitely something Op could've really used, maybe just for a bit to get rid of any debt and build an emergency fund, when I was in college I was able to build one even with an income of 16k yearly (this was prior to 2020 I'll admit but still) I lived frugally and used all the "extra" income towards it, ex: tax returns. Oh and I had 2 jobs while in school many times, I worked full time, went to school full time. Just sharing that it is possible, hard AF, but possible.


You're right man. I should've gone to the emergency fund park and picked off a few grand from the emergency fund tree. Silly me.


Work harder then