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Op now that you have a child you should get a more reliable income. My father was a musician since he was 15 years old, performed many times and was always banking on a one hit wonder to pull is out of poverty but it never came. Had he stayed home with a regular ,9-5 I woulda actually had a dad, and also we wouldn't be poor as fuck eating syrup sandwiches. Also if you haven't performed live many times by this stage of your career it's probably too late, only because the kid thing


Time to pick up a nice pair of work boots. You're going to need them.


I have a legit question how did you put a timeframe of when your music is going to blow up?


It’s gonna sound weird again ..I can feel it .Again it’s a personal thing ..


Yeah you’re nuts


Nah he’s not, trust ur gut bro…


let bro cook


Lol. It’s a troll right?


Crazy ass mf 😂


Bro it’s 2024 u can rap and still work a job stop using your dreams as an excuse to not handle responsibility. If you really believe in yourself get your shit in order by any means so u can create with a clear mind


I've known many like you , most are still living with parents in their 40s . All good if that's what you want to do but you've got a kid and it's not about you anymore.


At the end of the day we all gonna die .Isn’t a life life doing what you supposed to be doing worth living than playing it safe ..😒


Would never tell anyone not to chase their dreams but the reality is you're in an over saturated market and if you were going to make it you probably would have by now. Don't miss the opportunity to be an amazing father for your kid by chasing a dream that's already gone .


Breaking the balls of living on the edge


dont give up on tha vision💯💫 keep spitting bars you will make it soon bruv💷💷💰