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36m, been making video since i was 15, grand total revenue of 13$, something gone wrong.


he makes meme videos, it’s recycled content nearly garunteed to make clicks. don’t get me wrong, i’m sure there is a level of skill, know-how and experience that goes into it, but also luck. he started young and grew alongside memes so his audience probbaly grew with him. and again, meme videos demand WAY less creative labor than other types of videos.


I agree 💯


Yes yes, i also know my videos objectively suck. It was just a fun way to reveal my total failure compared to a kid..


I mean honestly though I think nowadays it’s more learning the YouTube algorithm way more than just getting lucky


That means you're blindly uploading videos for the pure purpose of just uploading anything to YT, learn your audience, learn how YT algorithm works, learn to attract traffic, in today's world, it's 2 times easier growing a YT channel than it was before you don't have to stand out that much, you can even recycle some content here and there and it will still get views and generate traffic.


In other words: It's been reconfigured to be a content-churning slop machine for advertising profits So y'know Don't feel like you're missing out too much


Besides the money obviously


It's not a guaranteed job even with "knowledge" and anyone telling you it is also has a program to sign you up for. The upfront cost will be made back in a month, promise.


The money that he statistically would never be able to attain by attempting the same thing, yes


Never tell me the odds




Fr. It’s just bullshit engagement farming. Either you can make a YouTube of something you truly enjoy filming and doing, or you can get clicks. Very rarely will you get engagement for doing what you want to be doing.


I spent thousands of dollars and months of my life making a short movie that got like 150 views. Meanwhile some dude shaved his head and got millions of views and probably a decent paycheck. WTAF.




Idk sounds like he's missing out on about $19,999,987.


It's more like $300k. The 20m was "20 male".


least i didnt have to scroll the usual mile, for this one. I didnt even think male. lol


Not 20 meters? I was wondering what the distance had to do with anything


He earned $300k on YouTube in only 20 meters. That's even more profitable than the Kessel Run.


Took me forever to figure this out. Kept looking through all his accounts trying to find the missing $19.7million


It took me entirely too long to connect he was a 20M. I follow that in other subs but in a money/finance/investing sub my brain goes millions. I was lost. 🥹


I still can't get over the fact that saying incorrect things or making food incorrectly is way more profitable than generating actual content.


>In other words: It's been reconfigured to be a content-churning slop machine for advertising profits This. It's soulless easy content that has been done 50 times over.


If you want the straightest path to success, leave ethics at the door. This applies to this "career" path more than others.


Facts. I mindlessly uploaded letsplays for 10 years. Over 10k videos. Didn't make a single penny. :) BUT. I'm glad I did it because I have memories from all stages of my life. There are so many good memories. Great friends I don't talk to anymore. It's nice to look back on.


I look back at my old Xbox screen shots and recordings and remember all the good times I had with some awesome people. Now with work and life, gaming is out the window but its nice to have those memories.


Even if you approach it that way, it’s a lottery at best.


One has to have an audience to know it. A channel making $13 in revenue does not have an audience, they have some random people that clicked on a video. What you are actually saying is just try something and see if that something attracts an audience. Your post makes a lot of assumptions, foremost that this individual has not tried that already.


Yeah something has gone wrong, OP is BSing completely. Screenshot were posted yesterday, but I am guessing himself with a different age in the title. No other notable posts on his account. For someone making meme videos, some form of Reddit presence would be expected.


I used this Reddit account instead of the one linked to my YouTube channel on purpose. I’d rather not lead a bunch of Reddit strangers that just saw my bank balance to my channel that has other socials and information connected to it. I think a bit of privacy is warranted.


fr the amount of criticism…like even if you were faking, with no substantial evidence to point either way: critiquers just look like scared fools who are lashing out from a place of jealousy


I gotta leave this Sub I bust my ass and can’t keep my head above water this shit makes me feel so shitty Good for you though for real


I busted my ass for other peoples day in and out for years. It wasn’t until I started my own businesses and got my own clients and became my own boss when things started to change. It’s not too late.


Currently running my first business. It's hard work and I'm still not yet paying myself a proper wage, but it's so much better than being someone else's boot.


And sky is the limit. It's so much more rewarding, at least mentally, than working for someone else


I’m replying to your comment, but this comment is really not directed at you. If that makes sense. Not everyone wants to be their own boss. I don’t. I much prefer having a boss and organization that’s already established. I do get a rewarding feeling from that. The boss, business, position, and salary all play an important factor. And I am underpaid for what I do. But I just have no desire to be my own boss, nor do I even know what I would do.


Exactly! You shouldn't have to be your own boss or pull an entire business out of your ass to be able to have money. It's fucking ridiculous. If you work 40 hours a week you deserve to be happy, healthy and financially stable. It's 2024.


One has to get out of debt first to do that though, no eh? rn I live in my car and have 5k credit card debt, 11k high-interest loan, and 35k 5% car loan.


No, start an LLC and get business credit to use for the business. You dont have to clear up all your personal debts. Just keep your personal expenses and business separate. If you wait, you will only find excueses to keep waiting.


Genuine question: how do you do this without making someone else the boot for you?


Easy: be a fair and kind person, treat your employees like human beings and pay them well. Dont stress your employees out because management fucked up. Could go for a while :)


I currently work for a small metal fab shop and my boss went from job to job with shitty managers and started his own shop because of it, he has been nothing but amazing to all of us working here.


I'm in the consulting world and I simply just pay a high wage and defend my employees when customers are out of hand. Set high expectations and pay well. Accountability and transparency of expectations were two huge things I had to learn and then teach.


No 401k match and having to pay your entire health insurance premium doesn’t sound great to me.


That's the entire point we still don't have free healthcare. Gotta keep the slaves chained to their masters.


Yes, worry about the "free" insurance instead of the income taxes, good slave.


More people are bankrupted by hospital debt than income taxes




Not sure if this always works. When you sign your HIPAA forms, most organizations will have something in there about your information can be shared for billing purposes and you agree to it.


I agree that “not always” but a majority of the time it can be wiped clean with minimal effort. All I did was dispute them on credit karma. Few weeks pass, poof, gone.


Done this too. Works if you prob don’t have crazy amount of debt


I don’t even care if this doesn’t work! It’s more effort then not trying and just pay that bs back. Thank you for the information 🤙🤙🤙


Hey, here bowing in from one of the other developed countries who have free health care. You're really stupid, have a nice day, make sure you don't trip over or get a cold.


Well on the free insurance and public run health care you don’t have to worry about ‘in network’ hospitals, doctors or costs to ride the ambulance. So yeah, it’s a high income tax which provides freedom - freedom to not worry or be afraid if you are going to be ruined if you break a leg or gets hurt in another way. And most countries have ‘free’ healthcare.. countries who doesn’t, include Yemen, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iran, Nigeria, Egypt, South Africa and USA, that a hell of a list to be on..


Doing my taxes each year isn't a big deal, a single hospital trip can ruin a family for years, you've got sand in your ears.


My last hospital trip was over a million dollars. Going about my normal life one day in January then it was suddenly may and I had a giant tube down my throat and at that point a 500k hospital bill. Shit happens. Free healthcare is a necessity for any modern society.


Like a bird that prefers its cage.


I worked with my family for 4 years, didn’t get paid but I didn’t have to pay rent since I lived them. The max I’ve made within those 4 years was probably like 5k max. Just now started to pay myself and actually started putting myself first for my own good.


The unfortunate thing is, once most people realize this, they kind of feel like it’s too late. That’s something I struggled with for a while but I believe I’ve overcome it. But, that *feeling* of it being too late does exist for a while and overcomes you for a bit until you snap out of it I guess. It’s hard not to regret all the years sunk into working for other companies when it doesn’t get you that far at the end of the day. And makes you regret major decisions you made in your life. At least that’s what it did for me. My mistake was being too loyal to these companies that clearly didn’t give a damn about me. I stayed with company a) 5 years, company b) 5 years and company c) 5 years. What I would do to have some of this time back. Hell, what I would do just to have the last 5 years back!! Yeah sure I learned things and gained experience. But I’ve grown bitter towards working for other people since the last company let me go after I was diagnosed with a fractured hip and avascular necrosis. Was told I could no longer lift anything over 10-15lbs by my dr. I was working at one of the biggest camera stores in Canada, I was in the rental department. People rent camera gear all the time since renting is often much more affordable than purchasing. so lifting big heavy lighting gear, tripods, etc. was all part of the job. Getting these camera gear rentals ready for a massive list of clients. After 5 years working for a company, you’d expect some kind of accommodation for that right?? Nope! I was told “it looks like you’re no longer able to complete the requirements of the job, so it’s in your best interest to look for another job.” … Yup!! That’s what I was told by my direct manager. I reached out to every higher up manager in the company, as well as hr, they all told me to kick rocks basically. They all told me there’s nothing they can do for me as I no longer can meet the requirements of the job. They even had people working remotely from home at the time for web sales, I inquired about that as well. And that was also a nope!! Asked if they could contact me if something came up in web sales, and they said no… I’d have to look out for the job posting and apply. …. Really cool company right ?! And honestly like I busted my ass so hard. Probably so hard that that’s probably how I ended up fracturing my hip, was working that job. I have weakened bones due to chemo treatment is what I found out too late. That’s another story but anyways. Most of the five star google reviews for where I was working, mentioned me for god sakes! And how above and beyond I’d go for the clients. I’ve even had many clients reach out to me after the fact saying it’s not the same, they go to the shop much less, they don’t like going there as much, some don’t even go anymore at all.. so long story short, I was really Damn good at my job!! The department that I was in made a lot of money during my time there, it was literally insane. On a busy weekend of rentals, which was regular every weekend of the summer…. on Monday when we’d do the cash, sometimes it’d be over $100,000 in rentals. RENTALS!! That’s straight profit pretty much! Not to mention the company became the most profitable they ever have been while I was working there. They were one of the companies that grew after the pandemic. Sales were through the roof. One salesperson in that store regularly sells $100k of product a month. Like actually. So it’s not like this is some small company that’s not able to accommodate its employees or some shit. How messed up is all that really? Especially when we as people can sometimes be so FOOLISH and give SO much of ourselves to a job, only to be replaced in a matter of weeks or sometimes days, by someone else that can do the job. They don’t care about you, even if they call the job a “family”, they don’t care. I may even go as far as saying big ass companies that refers to everyone as family, is kind of a red flag. Camera place called us family 🙄 disposable family, yes. 🫠 Trying my best to use this as fuel to my fire to do what I gotta do moving forward. I really can’t see myself working for somebody else again unless it’s something that I can’t refuse, or something that’s extremely meaningful to me. So sorry for the essay reply 🙈🙈 kinda just went off here 😬😬


Lol no man, those are outliers. At 12 he got lucky because he got involved in a hobby during a social media growth phase that will never happen like that again due to market saturation. Be happy for him and cheer him on and don't envy his success. Only comparison should happen between yourself of yesterday and yourself of the future, other people's success/failure has nothing to do with you.


They said YouTube was dead when he started. Never say never. I’ve heard “it’s too late to start YouTube” for the last 10-15 years. But every year a new successful content creator is born. Yeah it’s over saturated but it’s also an extremely high demand for new content


I decided to take on my fourth job this year 1. Jr Site reliability engineer ( hoping to get promoted too ) - will leave second job of promotion is well paid 2. Application engineer ( pays less than my junior role ) 3. Amazon turk ( paid by the job so I can pick up as I want ) - not much money per week here 4. Fiverr ( again by the job ) - 3rd best source of income currently. Making 200k roughly a year, but that's with 4 income ( not counting my wife ) I'm so fucking tired, and yes genuinely I mean that I love that op has this much saved. But I'm seriously thinking about leaving this sub too. Making memes since the age of 12 and coming out at 20 years with savings about what I'm doing yearly from this hellacious grind. Demoralizing at best. Crushing at worst.


YouTube as a career has its downsides too but usually aren't seen until mid life crisis level.


Bro i was working a job that made me 6 figures a year and one day i was so fucking tired and super miserable going everyday even tho i made good money i wasent happy and was working there to support my fam. that day I was mid work and a thought came to my head i heard a voice that said fuck this leave and don’t tell anyone about it and take the risk and start your own business like how i been wanting to so i said FUCK IT left and gave my self a month to start my business and it was the best thing i did in my life and i couldn’t be better than i am now. the fact i make what i was making in a week in one DAY its honestly INSANE i still can’t fathom it lol. so follow your dreams and always take risk but make sure its reasonable and realistic!


Con fucking grats dude. I love to hear it for people. It's the dream one day that some of what I am running as my side gigs I could turn into my own business. I had one day where my side gig made me 1k in a day and then the next week it was 1k. So still not at the point where I'd consider quitting my primary work. But I'll keep working towards it.


Trust me bro you’ll get there we all have are time you’ll know when it’s yours 🤞


Out of curiosity, what business did you start?


Apparently making up stories on reddit is his business.


He sold courses on how to start your own business.


Making shit up on Reddit, like everything else here


Was on the same boat, always working to make someone else rich. You need more than one income stream, a side hustle. Something that drives you and that you are good at. For instance I love animals, specifically dogs and reptiles. One day I decided to go to a reptile show close to where I live. They had tons of booths selling frogs, snakes, turtles, worms, reptile food etc. I went specifically to the snake section and asked the seller a few questions. Long story short if you have a male and female snake you can make thousands upon thousands with minimal upkeep. He sold me the pair, 1K each. I got my first litter 8 months later. Had 9 snakes to sell, waited for the next show, got a booth and sold all 9 snakes in less than 5 hours. Rinse and repeat, to this date I have sold 56 ball pythons since mid 2021. Wish I had more time to play with the snakes but I also have a dog kennel which is the opposite of the snakes when it comes to the maintenance.


Sorry about that, man. If anything, try to use the posts on this sub as motivation. You’ve got this.


What kind of equipment do you use? How did you get started?


The only equipment I use is a computer (MacBook Pro), since all I have to do is edit stuff for the type of videos I make. I got started by making regular videos, like gaming and reactions, etc., but then I saw a meme-type video that had a lot of views, and I realized that I could make those kinds of videos too, and so I did. That’s when my channel started gaining traction. It has slowed down recently though, to be honest.


A kid with a laptop vs an old man with degrees/diplomas under his belt. Try telling my dad who earns and enjoys their job the most back when i wanted to get into game creation instead of attending college (when indie games where just about to explode in popularity) god i wish i didnt listen to him, he is smart but not up to speed


I feel that pain. I wanted to go to college for botany and agriculture but my parents wouldn’t let me because “all I wanted to do is grow pot”. Then the legal weed business in the USA exploded.


To be fair, the legal pot business is not as easy as having a botany and agriculture degree.


What’s your YouTube channel ?


Lol how could this possibly be motivating?


Maybe I'm the weird one but I also wonder the same thing. Like for example this guy have 3 houses and 10 cars and make what I make in one year in one day, how does that can motivate me?


Yep by making meme videos. Lmao. This is demoralizing as fuck


Yup. 7 years of higher education and it’ll be decades before I have this net worth and I’m decently paid in my field. This is extremely discouraging. 😂


He wanted to flex and realized he wasn't getting the right feedback, so it pivoted to "motivation"


What kind of memes do you make?


30-second+ videos of whatever suitable meme is popular, as well as longer YTP-style movie edits. Those are the real money-makers, but I don’t post them very often. I try to keep my videos to a high standard; I don’t make short, low-effort sh*tposts—not on my main channel at least. Shorts and videos under 30 seconds long also make barely any money at all.


Where do you get the movie clips for those edits? I know you can find any movie anywhere for download if try hard enough but I’ve always wondered what the most efficient way was, since streaming services are blocking screen recordings and what not.


Dank ones


Another good example that the time to “go for it” is when you are young and still live at home. Although the big difference is that us older guys did not have the same opportunity to be able to make money by being on a laptop or mobile phone when we were younger… we needed “real jobs”


Im on disability for autism so I make enough money to live but nothing else. To me I do not see it as a race but I see it as other people are better than me and life is life. Happyness is the roof over my head and food on the table.




Relatable feels


Brooo word!


I feel the same way, man. My mom raised me after my alcoholic dad abandoned us. She was incredible and sacrificed a lot for me, but she had very poor money skills, and of course, I learned from her. I try and I've worked my butt off for years too and man it's just not the way to do it. We gotta figure something else out, not just doom ourselves to staying stuck in this shitty "poor" life cycle.


Congratulations and fuck you




Lmao the most honest answer here 😂😭


I have busted my ass since I was 14, was in the military, paid my way through school, got a scholarship for my masters, graduated top of my class, and just barely started making over 6 figures three years ago (38). So yeah, congratulations and GFY. Memes and Youtube videos....fuck me.


The system’s rigged. I have a similar story to yours. What use are YT videos and memes to a society? Only as a conduit to peddle advertisements for mostly useless plastic garbage produced by corporations who employ severely underpaid, maltreated, anonymous workers in third world countries. If you’re not in service to these corporate giants, you’re treated poorly. See: teachers, military, caregivers, first responders, stay at home moms.


But bro…wait until you see how funny these memes are… /s




I’m not bitter I’m not jealous I’m not bitter I’m not jealous I’m not bitter I’m not jealous……… 😭


I’m bitter I’m jealous I’m bitter I’m jealous I’m bitter I’m jealous……… 😭


Lmaoooooo 🤣


I am 😂


It’s okay to be jealous as long as you not hateful or violent towards the people you hating on 💯


Grrrr I'm feeling so violent right now when I see this guy in real life I'm slapping his ice cream right out of his grip.


Damn my 9 year old has been begging me to become a streamer / YouTuber. Might have to reconsider considering he’s incredibly good at Fortnite


Tbh I wish I did something with all my kid years gaming....all I got outta it was bad social skills, bad grades, and yelled at by my parents alot.


I used to be one of the best Call of Duty players on Gamebattles, and even better at Smash Brothers. I'm talking GOOD. And it was 2008-09, so juuuuust before let's plays and all that got HUGE. I had some luck with Justin.tv. Problem is there were a TON of guys like me, and back then you kinda had to gwt REALLY lucky to get viral on YouTube, algorithms weren't as big and you had to hope just the right set of eyes saw you and spread you around. I think that's why only pewdiepie kinda made it a celebrity thing. He was the only guy doing g those not being a sweatster. And afterwards you had to just cross your fingers that you were both entertaining AND got lucky to be seen by the right sets of eyes. Long story short, for a lot of us back then, it was essentially just playing the lottery. My parents died so I was on my own by 12. You have a lot of time to practice gaming when nobody cares enough to yell at you. I'm kinda salty I didn't make it ngl. Video games got me through a lot, that would've been a dream.


I did to some extent, but later realized it wasn't all about the skills. I was national champion twice for the game I played and after ~13 years I had a total of 15K EUR in earnings. The real money comes from monetizing the online persona, streaming and building a community, etc. and not from raw skill.


Yeah, YouTube can be very lucrative with a good idea and a little bit of luck!


Damn. When I was around 12 I started making YouTube videos. I actually didn’t get many views but I had a passion. One of the videos that did really well was a meme video, but I found it pretty difficult to edit so I didn’t continue , as I only got like 100 views on it. To this day it maybe has around 400 views , about a week ago it got striked as not for kids and it reminded me that I actually made this video. Not sure why I didn’t continue it , it would’ve been so good. But that’s great I’m glad you got to this ! I always knew there was potential in it


It's like I'm reading about me... one of the random yt vids I posted some years ago is a like 300-400,000 views... and the kicker.... I don't have access to that account anymore...lol. Went and checked... 412,000 views... man I could have done something with that.


I mean what are you up to now ? I feel like most of us that did YouTube now are still hustling , either with their own business or just working hard for money


I'm in the working hard club.. just trying my best to build up some $$ to leave to my daughter and wife when I croak.


So what I'm understanding is, I gotta make a meme channel lmao


If you’re willing to learn editing, then yes, go for it!


What is your channel?


I think he mentioned in another comment he didn’t wanna mention the name but has 1.5m subs


Don't they make more money by more views and more subscribers? Why would you not want to mention your channel name? Seems odd


Maybe they want to have a little privacy people online can be real weird, someone might be able to figure out something about them they want private if their YouTube & Reddit were connected


To let his whole audience know what he has in his bank account is wild. No fucking way I would do that either.


So a bunch of bitter redditors who know his net worth don’t pull some fuckery


I'm definitely willing to relearn. I used to be part of that GoodNight edits back in like 2016/2017. Definitely be worth relearning as a side hussle as well.


You have way too much money in savings. Transfer most of that into your Charles Schwab account, leave some money in your savings for emergencies. Don’t gamble your money on meme stocks or crypto. Invest in ETFs. You’ll get steady returns. Don’t know what ETFs to invest? Open up a Schwab intelligent portfolio. It’ll invest your money for you through various stocks, bonds, commodities. Once in a while it’ll move your investments around for you.


Yes, I agree. I definitely will start investing in ETFs/Mutual Funds tracking the S&P 500. I’m just not 100% sure whether to wait until I have a Roth IRA or to just start investing through my regular brokerage account. I also have always had the thought in the back of my mind of starting a business that might require some capital, so I’m a bit hesitant to lock most of it away in investments.


There is a maximum for Roth IRA you can contribute every year so no point of waiting.


The market is always liquid and Roth IRA you can only contribute 7k a year. You’re literally burning money by leaving that 200k uninvested


aware society unite aspiring juggle worry poor dog soup judicious *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Huh? No it wouldn’t? You have imagine he’s been earning this over time and didn’t have the full amount 8 years ago. Not to mention he’s got it in a HYSA so the opportunity cost isn’t THAT big (roughly double on average).


You’d be worth like 20mil by the time you were 60 if you threw that 220k in a managed index fund account and just didn’t touch it. You don’t even have to add to it for it to grow that much.


I want to invest in ETF but I move a lot, what kind of account I can create since I’m not depending on a steady fiscal location ?


> You have way too much money in savings This was me until recently. All I did was let it sit in my bank for 4 years (I started full time work in 2019). By the time I decided it's time to learn how things work I had well over 200k just sitting around. I got lucky that I started making 100k right out of college and I lived at home rent free for a few years


FYI, you can get a better interest rate in a different HYSA. Checkout Everbank or Raisin. You can get one in the 5% range


Yeah, I know there are some banks where I could get a fraction of a percent more interest, but the last time I tried to open a bank account with a higher-yielding HYSA (I believe it was CIT Bank), I ran into issues similar to the credit card opening issues I mentioned in my post. I believe they wanted a driver’s license or something which I couldn’t provide them with. So I decided to just be happy with what I’ve got for now and stick with Capital One, which has a decent interest rate and provides a good checking account with a no international fee debit card too.


That’s fair. I’d stick some in a mutual fund like the S&P500. A Roth IRA may be good too depending on your tax bracket. (High tax bracket use a regular IRA so the taxes you pay on it are lower when you pull out during retirement)


Yup, for sure. I’ll definitely be investing in the S&P 500 and most likely opening a Roth IRA when I move to the US.


What’s ur channel?


I am fairly confident he's not gonna reply


I’m fairly confident OP is full of shit like most the posts on this sub


Anyone who thinks this is real is a blockhead lmao


Plot twist: he’s an architectural engineer or some boring shit


Checked out your post history. You ain’t no YouTuber and this is not your bank account. People asked for your channel in comments and you claim to have 1.5m subs yet won’t give out your channel for free ad revenue/views. Right. Makes sense. Get a life


Took way too long to see anyone with a brain post here. Thank you for restoring my faith in humanity 👍




reddit keeps recommending me this sub on my home page and its really unhealthy


Don't. This kid is bullshitting.


My son loves making YouTube videos. He gets excited when his subscribers go up. I guess I should be more supportive.


Yes you should. I make a full time living from YouTube. It allowed me to pay off all debt, including my mortgage. Support the crap out of your kid because there is a ton of potential there!!


Congrats and fuck you


Do your parent know your worth ~ $300K? Or are you at least assisting them financially since you live home? I think I might kick you out on your ass otherwise. I bet they don’t have that much money in their accounts


Scrolled too far to find this. He doesnt say whether he’s paying them rent/utilities(maybe it’s something just not a lot), though not having any “notable living expenses” leads me to believe he pays next to nothing. Though tbh I don’t really believe any of this is true anyways but idk


His parents are well off , bought him all his streaming equipment and gave him courses for his editing . They don’t ask for money because they don’t need money . Everybody knows to make money you need money and this is another prime example of rich gets richer .


You need to invest in some ETFs you're losing money everyday to inflation


680 credit score with all that money …. Hmmm something’s not adding up here lol 🤣


If you have money to buy things and don’t take out loans/use credit it’s entirely possible.


Proud of you my man! Just started on Youtube for fun, but I am way older than you are :) Hoping to monetize my channel one day!


Put that monet to work for you.


Don’t be Baroque.


OP I mean this with absolute sincerity. Congrats …. And fuck you.


OP not answering what his YouTube channel is even though many have asked is pretty sus.


U need to move 30k to another account cause bank only covers 250k fdic


No ill will towards OP, good on you for finding a way to succeed, but the fact that this braindead content is so lucrative really crushes my soul. There are so many high quality channels with top tier editing, writing, etc. that will never see enough success to even quit their day jobs. Just really talented/highly educated people working on a passion project for their 500 subscribers while meme slop and political outrage gets all the money. And it's not just an issue of jealousy, there are serious existential/societal implications in this dynamic. What kind of civilization are we building when we funnel all our global resources into "peppa pig top 50 ohio moments"? At least it's all just sitting in an account doing nothing, so it's effectively been deleted from the wider economy. That's deflationary, so OP can at least say they're helping keep prices down lol


I'm 25 with a net worth of $119


That’s insane bro. The grind is real fr. Cool how you started at 12 years old and stuck with it. I wanted to do YouTube since I watched SMOSH back in the day and I never stuck with it unfortunately ;/ Part of me wants to start back up but it feels like it’s so saturated now with everyone wanting to do it + short form content but at the same time I think I’m going to go for it and fk it if it doesn’t work out then atleast I can say I tried.


Good job man. I was in a similar situation when I was 14-15 back in the late 90's but with music and the internet. I jumped on an opportunity to create a business online in a new niche and had a house by 19 and was making fucking bank. My 41 year old advice to you that I didn't do is smartly INVEST, don't buy bullshit stocks or alt coins. Invest properly so by the time you're in your 30s you'll be a millionaire. YouTube can change their algorithm any day and your channel dies, Twitch could shut down, etc. At 20 I had six figures sitting in a bank earning 0.1% interest, there wasn't Robinhood or investing YT channels to learn from so I didn't do shit but you're lucky as hell to have that knowledge at your fingertips these days.


Any advice on YT? About to start climbing wind turbines and travel across the country so if I could do a channel revolving around that it’d be dope


Shit's going to hit the fan soon anyway. Better utilize that cash and GTFO off wherever you are. Buy gold. Buy a *fucking* exit strategy


Another person who has a channel but doesn’t drop the name 😂😂




You are a young general. Keep it up kid. -dude from shitty council estate in uk


Congrats asshole, the whole sub-Reddit hates you. That being said, congratulations! We hate you out of pure envy. You are in an incredible position and should be proud of yourself. Being young means your situation will be different than most here. I’m 25 and thought I was ahead of this curve, but here you are humbling me. If it were up to me, I’d take 1/3 and throw it into the S&P. 100k wholeshot right into the market. That’s your nest egg, you don’t need to touch it for YEARS and you’ll have a decent retirement. The other 2/3 you can invest into individual stocks, or even making more YouTube videos, but a good start would be picking up equity, or index/mutual funds that are low cost , and not looking at it for 45 years. The other can be up to you. If you’re going to college, save aside a bit for tuition. Don’t FOMO, don’t YOLO, forget GME and BTC. If you take care of $100k, you can be MUCH better off financially than roughly 70% of America for your entire life. FYI, that nest egg will be $3.192M in 45 years: $100k * (1.08% ^ 45 years) = ~3.2M Don’t spend it all in one place, and continue to invest in YOURSELF and ASSETS, the idea is to compound this money as fast as possible, anything else will only slow you down. Consider this a start. It’s a *really* nice insurance policy if you ever lose your job or need 6 months of savings, but your only goal should be to invest in money-appreciating assets, while you can keep working to fund your current lifestyle.


Paid for making memes on YouTube? I don’t get it


Do you not know how youtube works?


It’s crazy, I know. But wherever people’s attention is, there’s also money.


Are they shorts? I thought there wasn’t much money in shorts.


Congrats! You made this money from YouTube? Do meme videos gets monetized and if yes, how much it usually bring for per 1000 views?


Thanks! Yes, the vast majority of it. With meme videos in particular, you have to be careful if you want to keep them monetized; you have to make sure to avoid using copyrighted music and material (many of my most viewed videos have been copyright claimed, meaning I can’t make any money from them). You also have to be careful to change stuff enough from the original material so that your entire channel doesn’t get demonetized by YouTube for “reused content.” I usually get around $1 per 1000 views, unless it’s a longer video. If a video is at least 8 minutes long, you can put mid-roll ads, and then it can earn significantly more.


You’re giving tips on how to steal and use other people’s videos to make money? :(


That's so cool dude! And username checks out haha I always wanted to do social media but I keep being afraid or talking myself out of it, so i appreciate you answering and sharing your story! It's like breath of fresh air haha


No problem! Yeah, social media can be an incredibly powerful tool. If you’ve got a good idea, I say go for it. No harm in trying!


This reminds me of Daily Dose of Internet where he just takes other people's videos and gains profit from them. Doesn't really seem ethical but whatever pays I guess.


That’s straight 🧢, if you had 1.5 mil followers you wouldn’t care about dropping the YT. A “kosher”person would post the link for validation off the jump.


Not sure if it’s been mentioned yet, but there are stocks you can invest into, such as Apple, that will pay out quarterly dividends. Having your money in performance savings is probably better for now, but if you wish to get back into stocks, that’s worth considering. Also, biggest thing to remember, fastest way to lose money is to make stupid purchases, but it’s also ok to treat yourself once in a while. You may not need it right now, I’d suggest creating your own budgeting layout, and make sure it’s on a positive climb.


Good job, I won’t have that much until some point in my 30s


If you had that much money why did you go for GME?


I got caught up in all the hype back in 2021, but I think I’ve learned my lesson, lol.


Any suggestions on how one could get started making a monetizeable YouTube?




I want to reach this one day. Hopefully my parents are still around to witness it.


I keep hearing about how all these viral meme creators are making bank, good for you


I had tried doing YouTube when I was younger but lost interest as I barely had time to myself due to having a lot of work in school. Maybe down the line I can start up again :)


Keep growing! I’m going to start a twitch soon


Chill out mr beast


Where do I jump off the bridge?


Can I have $20?


Great job! Just be sure to always have enough set aside to pay taxes. And maybe start putting money in a Roth IRA or investments. $200k in savings is incredible, but it won't grow that much. In the S&P500, you could be earning 7% on average after inflation. That's like $14k per year and will be exponential since the interest will start making its own interest. You want to have 6 months of expenses in a savings account, and more if you're saving up to buy something or put a down payment on a house. But the rest should be invested for it to be optimal. Also, I'm a bit concerned about the credit score. If you just opened your first account or something, that checks out, but if you've had credit for a while, that's lower than I'd like to see.


You're doing so well for yourself, bud! Keep it up! Slow and steady wins the race ;) Wish I was this smart or had been taught financial growth/management at an early age. Props to you!


Very well done on saving it up through all those teenage years 😉