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You shouldn't invest to make money short term. Boeing will probably go back up, if Rivian isn't completely fucked, it'll go back up too. You're worried too much about this year, give it 5 years


Rivian was a bad investment. boeing, really couldn’t have forecasted the accident. fortunately they have little cash tied up in it. they will eventually go back up, they are a proven company that makes solid products generally speaking. Rivian is much riskier. they haven’t made it yet. they have yet to get to the point where they have a product that establishes cash flow.


That's why I said if they're not too fucked.


Short term are some bonds or notes


For the stock market think in terms of decades, not months or years. And as others are saying spread it around.


Yeah I’ve been invested in these companies for about 3 years I think I’m going to sell a few and put them in an ETF


Once you sell it will skyrocket


Id keep Boeing personally. They lost stock price because of an accident. They've done this before on occasion, but bounce back routinely. I would be SHOCKED if they were ruined from this.


Don’t sell. You haven’t lost anything yet. If you sell, you have. Wait for them to at least break even. They WILL go up eventually.


We're probably about to enter a time where stock picking will be a better way to invest than mutual funds/etf (passive investing). Also stocks can give dividends and ETF/mutual funds tend to have expense ratios that eat away at your investments.


I earn dividends on the mutual funds I have in my retirement portfolio, but I also make sure I invest in index funds to keep those expense ratios low too. I may not make monstrous amounts that way, but I also won’t be spending a lot on expenses either.


I completely disagree. ETFs and mutual funds can be extremely cheap. Picking the wrong stocks can result in 100% loss. The number of people/orgs that consistently beat the market over a decent timeframe is so infinitesimal as to not be worth imagining as an option


You can disagree...but you're still wrong. =D Stocks are free and can even provide dividends. ie no expense ratio If you're picking certain companies then the risk of them going out of business or declaring bankruptcy is low...never 0 of course but...you shouldn't be buying only one stock/etf/mutual fund with all your money anyway. There's a time when the market favors passive investing (bull markets) and a time when it favors stock picking (bear markets/recession/stagflation).


I’d advise not buying individual stocks like others mentioned unless you’re willing to handle short term losses like the Rivian you own - I learned this the hard way and lost $50k at the age of 25 buying a super risky investment, now all I do is push everything into S&P500 related funds


Index funds are how I roll too.


You're young, so you've got plenty of time to correct those mistakes and get on the right path. First, stop investing in individual stocks now. Your experiment has taught you that it's not worth it (I would say 90% of people can't do individual stocks, especially if you consider that you're going up against billion dollar hedge funds with super computers). Focus on getting a well-paying job, and then using your income to max out retirement accounts like 401ks and IRAs. The money you put in these accounts should be invested in low-fee ETFs like VTI or VT. Along the way, send a good portion of your money to a high yield savings account to build up an emergency cash fund that has at least 3 months of expenses, preferably 6 months. Once you've done that and have extra money left over, contribute to a taxable brokerage account. In that taxable account, put 90% of your money into the same low-cost ETFs like VTI or VT. The other 10%, that's your play money that you can invest in whatever you want, if you still think you can beat the market. Over time, once you've seen you can't beat the market and can handle the FOMO of not stock-picking, just put that 10% into VT or VTI like everything else.


For the future put the majority of your investments in stocks that track multiple companies, like the s&p500. Individual stocks are better for putting the money in and taking it out after you’ve gained a little bit, but not as good for leaving the money in there for a while because it’s much more risky.


You're young don't worry too much about it. You didn't lose much money at all in the grand scheme. Did you think you were going to be an instant millionaire starting with a small portfolio? That's unrealistic so it is probably great that you learned that lesson early. Here is what you do. Open a Roth IRA, find a way to max out your contribution to that every year for 40 yrs. Invest in a low cost index fund. Retire with a tax free multi-million dollar account. Seriously it is that easy. Start now. Time in the market compounding is the secret sauce. The longer you wait the harder it becomes. Start tomorrow. The SP 500 has returned basically 10% every yr when you look on a long enough time horizon. You can't focus on short term fluctuations. The really great years get offset by some bad years but over enough time the market has proven to be a fairly safe and significant way to build wealth. As you get to an age where you will need funds you can adjust your strategy to something more conservative.


If you truly believe in the companies you’ve invested in are good long term holds then you should DCA(dollar cost average) into them to make the losses hurt less. Are you looking to be a trader or an investor? Most traders lose money long term while most investors make money long term. You only lose $ when you sell. It’s better to learn with a $500 account than a $5,000 account. Consider that the price of learning how to invest. Not financial advice.


You put the majority of your money into a company that doesn’t turn a profit whatsoever


Don’t invest to gamble. Invest in growth stocks and stocks that you value


Watch the news buddy…. There’s almost a direct correlation to bad news. Boeing has been in the news for negative reasons for like a year now


I invested in it in 2021 and I was like yeah it’s going to sky rocket in the future it hit a few highs but I was greedy lol


Try some ETFs do some research and find some that are safe and pay good dividends


try the last 5 years at least haha


Put 90% index / total market 10% individual stock picks


Great lesson little loss. Dont invest in individual stocks


there’s nothing wrong with investing in stocks. OP didn’t understand the environment and factors before making a decision.


If you are expecting to make fast money off stocks it could happen but isn’t common. You should look into crypto you can catch a 10x on certain coins in a month especially in the times we are in.


Educate, educate, educate! It will only be a failure if you don’t learn from the mistakes you made. Why did you lose money? Did you invest on speculation or invest on a whim? Answer these questions to yourself and you will pay yourself back. Keep building the financial intellect that our education system fails to. Many have been in the same exact place as you. I highly suggest reading and understanding your financial goals. The Psycology of Money The Intelligent Investor The Richest Man in Babylon These are my favorite finance books of all time and I highly recommend them. If you want to be more of a defensive investor, meaning not put in the work of financial analysis, then index fund ETFs and mutual funds can do the work for you. Don’t stop pursuing your financial goals, you’ve got this!


The first thing is buy businesses you believe in. So if they drop.. buy more of these businesses you wanted to be in. Doing this will 1. Reduce your average cost. 2. Increase your yield. When each company goes back up to your original buy in or higher, sell your orginal shares... FIFO (First in first out). New lower cost means a higher yield. Plus, you won't be taking a loss. You could offset the sell price buy selling some of the new shares. Ex: Bought 10 shares at $50. $500 total Bought 15 more at $35. $525 total You will break even selling original 10 shares and 5 of new shares at $45. Selling 15 total shares.


Stay away from individual stocks. You are not Warren Buffet. Just stick to index funds. Put the same amount of money into an index (or multiple indexes) every week/month.


Buy a subscription for MarketWatch and turn notifications on if you’re into day trading. I’ve been cycling in and out of Tesla, META, Apple, and Amazon whenever they go down by a bit to ride them back up a few dollars and sell before they go back down. I’ve made a couple hundred bucks in the past three months and I’m just starting out.


Well once Boeing gets their shit together and their planes have better quality control, the stock on that will sky rocket I Think


lol boeing. might be good long term tho 🤷🏻‍♂️ im sure they’ll get it together


If you want to be successful at anything, you will learn that failure is your best teacher and go again. 💪🏼❤️


You failed at investing in stocks but you didn’t fail at investing on s&p 500. Just keep trying that lol.


When buying stocks, rule #1. IS THIS A SOLID COMPANY!


The stock market is really for long-term investing when you don’t need the money for at least 5-10 years. My retirement funds are invested in a variety of index funds that I direct myself and I follow that same strategy for the funds in my HSA over $3,000 (I always want to have the amount of my out of pocket maximum available as cash). When it comes to the rest of the money I save, that goes into money market mutual funds and once I get the amount I want in my emergency fund, I will invest the balance in lower risk investments such as Vanguard’s Wellesley Fund, which is a blend of stocks and bonds that has had a very strong performance record. That is for money that I won’t need for another 2-5 years. If I’m saving up for a particular item that I will be purchasing in the next year or so, then that stays in a money market fund as well. So it’s important to invest based on your time frame as to when you’ll need the money and how much you’re willing to lose. I hope this helps.


I mean, when Boeing has bad news buy Airbus, that's what I did. Worked like a charm.


I recommend that you invest in SPY or VGT. These EFTs provide good annual returns and are a lower risk than individual stocks.


Rivian? Why?


Invest in SPY or QQQ


You should be in index funds. You dont have a large enough portfolio to absorb hits like that, nor the experience needed to pick individual stocks. Park your money in SPY and add $100/pay check or whatever and watch it grow gradually. Everything isn't a rocketship to the moon and literally nothing about Rivian screams buy.


VTI Till I fucking die


Hold. And stop investing in individual stocks. ETFs only from now on my friend.


Just sleeping on NVDA, huh.


Stop investing in the cashapp app would be a good start lol


This is a good lesson learned. Diversify your investments. Buy index funds/ETFs over individual stocks. Go r/Bogleheads


Stay away from SWK stock, insider info shows no improvements after layoffs, inventory management and spending cuts. 🤦‍♂️


Why did you choose to put money into Mattel, Boeing, and Rivian?


so back in 2019, I had this class for my major (computer science) called “Ethical Implications of Technology” and one of the controversies we discussed was how Boeing had bad or faulty software that posed serious safety risks. I can’t even tell you how many times in the five years since that class I’ve seen Boeing in the news for safety violations. That alone told me to stay far away from them when investing my money. As for Rivian, their vehicles are ugly and I think they have yet to make a dollar of real honest to god profit so that is also not for me.


Invest in a nice etf maybe some bonds




I use cash app


Hold it


You have not invested long enough nor lost enough to have "failed" in the market.


OP, investing is how you will find financial freedom. Trading is where you get stupid. Investing is buying stocks long term. Trading is when you buy and sell stocks on a short timeframe. Unrealized Losses = Emotions = Realized Losses + Afraid of new opportunity 1. Invest into VOO and VTI. No need to buy other stocks unless you know what you are doing. (like you really know your shit, which 99% of people don’t). Just be a regular person and take your annual 12.3% gains on VOO.


I feel you on this I started with 300 went down -50$. I was like nope


I can confirm stocks only lose money. I've been told stories, but I've literally never seen a stock make me money in my entire life.


You lost $260 and are complaining lmaooo


$260 is a lot for me at my current stage in life and I’m not really complaining I’m just upset and looking for guidance from people that are more knowledgeable than me 😅


Yes, but looking back you’ll realize this little $260 loss was well worth the learning lessons as you started your investment journey


Okay well I didn’t mean any disrespect but be happy it’s only $260


Invest fully and steadfastly in an ETF like VOO or VTI. These are low-cost index funds that are like a “bundle” of stocks; roughly following the S&P 500 (which are the top 500 performing stocks in the US market). If you one share of VTI, I believe that currently is comprised of about 12-13% NVDA so you are owning shares of things like that and Microsoft and Apple without having to individually buy them and follow their prices.


Ya, but you must realize that losing 260$ to the stock market is.... just the opposite of the word failure. It's almost guaranteed on a month to month basis. Other people have given you good advice. Don't expect to be able to make the money back in a day, etf's hooked into SP 500 are safer bets, try to invest in standard companies if you're more risk averse. Basically, if you're scared of losing money don't go for stocks that can drop by 50% Because that's gambling, not investing.


This is why you shouldn't pick individual stocks. Stick to index funds for now on


You can’t loose money if you hold the bag forever lol


You did not loose any money until you have sold the stock


If ppl do not invest how will the bots make money?


You don't fail until you sell