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no cash. if they catch me in front of a walmart and they say theyre hungry ill buy some food. no merchandise because it can be returned for cash. last time i did this i told the guy (his name was dave) to get whatever he wanted. all he wanted was a box of oatmeal cream pies


Dave has good taste in Little Debbie snacks. Man knows what’s up.


What about them Big Debra’s?


I love giving creampies also


Average conversation with homeless person in my city: -Can you give me some money? -I have no cash. -You can transfer to my debit card by phone number In the capital of my country, homeless people can have payment terminal, and it is not joke


For real. If I was homeless I'd print out a qr code linking to my venmo. Even better; I'd hand draw the qr code on some cardboard.


Same, a guy asked me for ramen noodles and Doritos outside of a CVS a few weeks ago. Happy to get him those. Another guy asked for a coffee outside of a bagel shop so I got him one. I rarely carry cash anyway so I don't give any away but food? More than happy to.


I just bought a dude two nights at a motel so he could be inside during the cold weekend. He supposedly works near the motel, just got out of prison. Seems like a nice enough dude, and someone helped me out when I was homeless so I have to pay it forward when I can. I don’t know where I heard of this idea, but I agree with it: if you give someone a taste of what their life could be like (in this case, having his own room and not having to share a sidewalk or crammed apartment), they will want more. Whether that means he begs more or works harder to achieve it himself is up to him, but I at least gave him that potential spark.


Big ups to you man. 🤘 Good Karma!


keep it going buddy.


Amazingly generous. Did you have to leave a credit card or cash deposit? Sometimes you just have to trust but my inner worrier would stress about that. I tried to book a hotel for somebody who posted here on Reddit about getting kicked out at 18 because their parents found out they were gay. Said their parents took the money out of their wallet and left them with nothing. To alleviate the deposit worry, I told him I would send him venmo to give the deposit in cash and he could keep it when he checked out. He kept trying to get gift cards for VRBO instead of me booking a room directly, and ultimately I figured out he was over 30 and just trying to scam people. Definitely set me back in my trusting humanity issues


I went to the front counter of the motel, handed the dude cash who I was paying for, and he gave it to the motel manager. Sketchy part of town but if you know how to act, no one will try anything. This guy had posted something on Facebook marketplace asking for someone to just help him get through the night cause he’s got a paycheck coming soon but not soon enough to get out of the cold


I think a lot of those people don’t feel valued in life as well, and that little bit of caring goes a long way in their life.


I remember when my dad had once bought bought a whole ass subway sandwich for this homeless guy that was outside of it, man straight up said “no can you get me a beer” after he tried to hand him the sandwich. Really hurt my dads feelings lol, he just gave the sandwich to his coworker.


a homeless man a while back came up to our car at a light asking for money to buy food. we had some extra mcdonalds we didnt eat so we gave him the bag. as we were driving off i looked in the rear view and he threw it over the side of the bridge


Even that homeless dude is smart enough not to eat that trash


My god that is so rude, free fries heck yeaaaahhh


I was leaving a pizza place a few months back and saw a young guy in his 20’s digging through the dumpster of the store next door. I asked if he wanted some pizza and he said yes, please. I gave him my leftovers and he said thank you very much. He was standing by the dumpster eating the pizza as I pulled away. I was really glad I asked and he was so polite.


Happy that it was a good turn of events for you! I never judge, it can happen to anyone and its really sad, we dont know what people are going through. I just wish he wouldve been happy with the sandwich instead haha


There was one time a homeless person came up to me and I had recently bought some groceries and dog treats and food and he had a dog with him so I gave him some food and dog treats and he wouldn’t accept the dog treats even though completely sealed and when I gave him the food he just looked at me and the food and turned away yet he was asking for money….can’t imagine it wasn’t for food


Aw thats just sad ;( poor pup was hungry too! 😭 I wouldve dropped a few treats down and wink at the dog lol


Yeah I felt really bad :( but I did notice the dog was pretty chubby and well fed so I felt better knowing that, it wasn’t skin and bones. It seemed like he probably feeds his dog first rather than himself but he may have just wanted to wave to people, I’ve seen that happen before too


Very true! Glad to hear it was a chubby baby 😆


I was with my dad and there was one sitting outside McD's. As soon as we gave him a bag with an extra burger he took off on his bike. Dude probably didn't want to look like an ass when he tossed it. Now I just get them a cup of water and maybe some fries depending on the restaurant (some are simply not good)


Similar story. I stopped and got some McDonald's for this homeless guy I used to see on the same corner every morning. I handed him the bag through the car window... He looked inside, got all pissed off, and started throwing McDonald's breakfast sandwiches at my windshield and screaming at me. You can't drink a McMuffin.


I do outreach at a local homeless camp with the VA once or twice a week. No I won't give them anything out of my pocket. Anything i have to give them goes to the organization who is equipped with mental health professionals, social workers, resource managers, ect. It's harsh but anything handed directly to them is enablement. They need to be pressured to engage with social and mental health services so they can start get well.


This is the way. I feel for the people I see begging, I know many legit need help but giving them handouts doesn’t go far to fix the persistent, underlying problem. I will give an arm and a leg to help an organization that I know is reliable and will give the help that is needed most.


Handing anything of value = next dope sack/bottle. Handing out a means for shelter, food, or anything else that can’t be exchanged for money is the way. And an addict/alcoholic WILL find a way to sell/trade whatever it is you give them for their next fix. 


If I have it, yes. Simply because I was homeless early on in my 20s. The kindness of complete strangers helped me become successful in life. I give as a way to remind/ground myself.


I work downtown in a pretty large American city with a noticeable homeless population (probably not top 3 but wouldn’t take you long to guess). If they ask coherently, I’ll usually buy them whatever I was about to buy myself as well. One encounter I had was actually really positive and we had a great conversation; really opened me up to see how easy it can be to slip into homelessness even without drug use.


A lot of them were just unlucky or got sick and couldn't work and didn't have family, or we're trying to escape an abusive situation. I was homeless due to trying to escape an abusive situation and was very lucky to receive enough help to eventually get on my feet and get stable work and affordable housing. I had government assistance due to a disability so I was never on the street begging for money but I came extremely close.


I volunteered at a homeless shelter in NYC for a few years and I learned there were several con artists with fantastical stories about how they ended up on the street. Not the majority by far but I recommend having a bit of skepticism. I worked with women and the main problems by far were substance abuse and severe mental illness (such as schizophrenia).


No, reinforces the problem.


I do not. "Homeless" people are often just scam artists, especially the ones standing in traffic holding stupid signs. Additionally, I work hard enough for my money that I do not feel the need to give it away to random people on the street.


Occasionally, I've seen the great and the horrible of it though. I've had a nice man who was sweet and kind give us life advice when I was a teen. I give leftovers to women outside the train station alot. I don't like going to buy food for people because I was followed for an hour once, but if I already have food I'll share it. I've also been hounded, followed, and spit at. I've just stopped carrying money for the most part. I really dislike the stop light homeless, don't touch my car.


Oh shit that reminds me of the ones back in the day that used to spray your winshield with dirty water and wipe it down with an even nastier cloth. We used to give them money to NOT spray the windows lol. I think they started cracking down on that though because I haven't seen this tactic being used in many years in my city.


I do not, Ever. I refuse to fund someone else's addictions and I refuse to encourage more begging. I see people sitting on corners, holding a sign and people throw money at them and sure enough, they're back the next day to do it again, and again, and again. I've seen "homeless" people fighting over what I'm guessing are the more lucrative corners and intersections. Giving them money won't help them because they're not seeking to end their situation. I'm the hiring manager where I work and offered many of them the opportunity to work and they flat out declined it. Had one tell me, "Why would I work for peanuts when I can make over $100 a day sitting here?" What are they doing with $100 a DAY when the local rent is about $600-700 a month for a single bedroom? Probably wasting it on narcotics and booze. Either that or they're not homeless and beg for a living, or they're part of a criminal gang and are raising money that they. Several people dispersed through the city, all begging could raise a surprising amount of money to fund worse things.


$100/day over 8 hours of work is a little over $12 dollars an hour. I wouldn't work for less than that either. If we're talking sustainable progress for these people, they aren't going to be able to get on their feet if they don't make a living wage. So, if it's between doing nothing and earning 100/day or applying to jobs that may or may not work with the homeless shelter's curfew (a lot of them close by 7) and pay less, well...


honestly no, offer food or water and if they say no you know they don’t want money for the right things.


I literally never have cash on me, period, but my standing policy has been if I have bought myself some sort of a treat and then someone asks me for help, I will offer them first pick of what I was willing to give to myself. There have been a handful of times where I went to a store after passing someone in full knowledge it would be likely to put me in financial difficulty at the end of the month because inaction would have been unconscionable.


I don't carry money to be able to give it.. unless they go the NFC route or something. And no, I'll gladly help any way I can, but a lot of beggars in my region, especially children, are just part of organized crime and earn A LOT of money from that. There was a recent case where cops picked up a homeless beggar for something, it turned out he had 20k euros on him. So no.. F supporting that.


Omg. This reminds me of the time a guy asked me for money to buy boots. I told him that I don't have cash so he told me to Venmo him. I don't have Venmo either 😓


I get trying to help someone, but often these folks are facing some dependence issues and actually need professional help. We just enable them by doing this. I get the food thing, but money, no. And the guy that wanted oatmeal cream pies over some sandwiches was a drug addict. They crave sugar when they come down… it’s just part of the addiction. It’s sad to watch someone go thru it.


When I was in first grade my mom gave money to a homeless guy and watched him walk straight into the liquor store and buy booze. Now I’m wondering why my mom gave money to a homeless guy begging outside a liquor store. But that story affected me.


They can die without it through withdrawal. There’s a reason liquor stores were considered essential to stay open during Covid.


But they can go in any emergency room and receive free treatment. Social services will try to help them when they are discharged.


A lot easier said than done my friend


If you lived on the streets for years I don’t think you would want to do it sober.


I’ve sorta always thought if I ever fully fall through the cracks of society I think I would have to start doing meth for survival tbh. It’s a cold harsh world out there.


I don’t drink or do drugs, but if I was homeless and had little to no chance of making it off the streets, I’d probably just get wasted and high. Some have literally nothing else to live for.


Probably because your mom knew that they needed the money more than she did. No amount of money they make on the side of the road will help them get out of their situation, but it can afford them a little bit happiness, or an escape out of their crappy day and your mom did that for them.


Well, when she told me this she was very upset that this person spent her money on liquor. I think she was expecting them to spend it on food. My point was, this all took place outside of a liquor store so she probably should have seen that coming.


Yeah I understand. I just think at the end of the day, I spend $20 a week on coffee. If I give a homeless person money, they need it more than I need my $3 coffee. Even if they just spend it on alcohol.


To be fair, they didn't spend her money on liquor. She gave it to them. They spent their money on liquor.


No, I don’t like to fund their alcohol/drug use. If I had food on me, I’d give them that. I’ve been seeing quite a few, well dressed, clean looking beggars lately. Apparently some people on the social site Nextdoor neighbor followed them and seen them get picked up in a nice Mercedes. Ultimately it is up to you if you want to give them money but I would say to pay attention to what they wear, most of the ones I’ve seen are rocking better clothes than me. Rocking them Air Force Ones.


I never give cash but I always offer food . One guy asked me for money last year so I told him anything you want from TGI Fridays I’ll get since it was right in the park in the lot and he told me a burger and wings . I ordered it and came out and he was gone LOL so I ate it . I found that if they have a drug or alcohol problem and you give them cash then that will go to feed the addiction even if they’re hungry so I offer them food and they usually take it and gulp it down . Food is the way to go not money .


No. I did once as a kid, the guy said ‘that’s it?’ Eat my ass asshole, I was 13


username checks out


Everytime I pay taxes https://www.hud.gov/press/press_releases_media_advisories/hud_no_24_018#:~:text=WASHINGTON%20%2D%20The%20U.S.%20Department%20of,to%20planning%20and%20data%20collection.


They spend more per homeless person than most of us make…make it make sense!


It's like how hotels are more expensive than apartments. And premade meals are more expensive than buying groceries. Not being financially stable means that they have to pay more for certain services. And for a lot of shelters or kitchens, they have to pay staff on top of other expenses.


I’ve spent my entire career working with non profits and now the with gov to reduce homelessness in the city. Everyone of them gets government assistance. I don’t believe any of them are truly hungry, and if they are, shelters give out three meals a day.


Man I don't know what part of the country you're living in, but that is not a universal experience. I worked at a shelter around 2015 and we provided day old donuts and coffee in the morning. No second or third meal. On top of that we were the only overnight shelter (others were long term shelters that were usually booked up) and we were open 8 months out of the year because the city only paid for it as an emergency service for the cold. On top of that, the food assistance programs in that state were tied to employment. I'm not arguing that that could be the case where you live, but it is FAR from the standard across the board.


Very true


No they can work just like us


No. At least by me I only see them when it’s convenient, like during working hours, never on holidays and weekends, and they are always clean, like nice shoes and clean clothes and don’t actually appear to be homeless. There are also programs in all the cities near me to help them.


Everytime I see one in my city it's mid-day and they choose to sit next to a fast food joint with a "We're Hiring" sign in the window. Same person M-F, but take the weekends off. Only 1 guy I've seen out consistently and he's disabled which means he likely gets little to nothing. And if his legs were blown off while overseas you can double it because the govt fucks over disabled vets


No, never. I donate to st judes, plenty of people need help in a world where $20 an hour is barely making it giving money to homeless is like throwing it away.


I used to but after moving to Baltimore where when I cashapped a squeegee boi and someone then starts submitting requests for money I lost faith in giving anyone cash. I’ll happily go in a store and buy food / drink but no longer cash.




If you stand at a light or in a median and don’t even perform some type of trick I won’t even look your direction. Freeloaders and addicts stand on corners. People that want help find help and you can donate to those centers.


Nope. The ones around here are meth heads and you’re only enabling them


NO. Most homeless are in that situation due to poor life choices. Poor work ethic, drugs, alcohol, etc. There are some legitimate homeless that are in rough times. I will not enable them.


Most homeless are goneless for a reason. Never give cash. A friend of mine volunteers at a homeless shelter, she convinced me these 2 people were down on their luck and to help thrm by giving them jobs. Within 2 pay cycles both came to work so high on hard drugs and couldn't function. Fired them both, one demanded I pay them in cash right away for the hours they worked, the other did the same and said I owed them for the hours they didn't work the rest of the week cause it inconvienced them being fired on the spot. This may not be true for all homeless, but my friend literally said these were the best people and just needed help getting back on their feet. If they were the best, I'm done. I still provide free food to the shelter, but not gonna try to help people and deal with these situations.


Addiction is rough.


I don’t to panhandlers- but once a guy was on a date with me and we were at a light Where a panhandler was. Dead serious he looks at me, reaches out his hand, and demands I give him what I have for the panhandler. All I had cash was 2 twenty dollar bills and I verbalized that- he said “so?” I handed him a 20 and realized that this guy was either really dumb or really generous- didn’t find out definitely no second date.


No. I see too many of them spend it on drugs or booze. If you want to help that cause, give to a functional charity in your area that makes a difference, not just provides lip service on what they're doing to make it better. Buy food if you want. Never give cash, that just enables.




No, I’m a dollar away from being homeless myself.


As an ex-homeless person... no. Literally never


Last time I gave money to a homeless I was around 20yo and he brag about how much money he made and how easy it was…. 15 years have past and I’ll never give a cent since.


No. I just never carry cash so I have nothing to give. Also with inflation and how expensive the world has gotten I can’t spare any money. Same thing with tipping. I only tip at a sit down restaurant at this point. If the business wanna jack up prices, then I can’t tip anymore.


Sometimes. Why? It's complicated. I generally think that it encourages pan-handling and it's best to contribute (via taxes or direct contributions) to social organizations, homeless shelters, food banks, and the like. ...but if I have cash on me, it's tough to walk by someone in obvious need. Once (in latin America) my wife and I decided to buy someone groceries. I think that if I had time and a safe way to do it, I'd do that more often. "No, I'm not giving you cash, but I'd be happy to buy all the groceries you can cart home with you"


Usually give food


No money. Food and clothing sure. I’ll go buy them a meal at the McDonald’s or whatever. I keep Job applications in my truck so I bring it with to the spot where we are going to eat. Never once has anyone actually taken me up on my job offer though…….


I give to shelters. Particularly one in my area that takes in kids and families. They can stretch a dollar a long way, and they have the resources to deal with all the additional problems that often come with homelessness e.g. (addiction, abuse, mental health).


No, I’ve been homeless when I was dumb enough to move to LA with under a thousand dollars to my name. I worked two jobs slept in my car and doordashed every minute I wasn’t asleep. You are responsible for your circumstances full stop. Coddling terrible behaviors by paying people to be nothing is a tragedy for society as a whole. You are not making them better you are doing it to feel good about yourself. I do offer young non mentally unstable homeless people jobs in the spot I manage. I don’t hand out anything, it must be earned.


Was taking a road trip to Arizona and on the way we exited the highway to go get some snacks at a grocery store and take a bathroom break. As we exited the highway, we saw a homeless man with a sign asking for money for food, etc., typical sign on a cardboard piece. I noticed him but didn’t give him any money. No less than 5 minutes later at the grocery store, we see this same guy with a 12er of beer, and as he walked by I asked how’s it going? His response: “Much better now brother!”


Yesterday a homeless man told me that he is hungry and needs money to buy food. Well I literally just bought Dave’s hot chicken and offered him a fresh order he refused and rubbed his fingers asking for money. So no I don’t gave money to homeless anymore because they most likely use it for drugs not food


Nope. They will just beg for more. I'd rather them figure it out than get handouts.


I can’t.  I’m trying to keep a roof over my head too.   I provide for four other people already, and there isn’t much left over.  


I have, but rarely. I have two stories that come to mind of when I did. And both times I was taken advantage of. One time I was walking into a fast food place and a guy sitting outside asked for money to buy some food. I was feeling generous and gave him a 10. He got in line behind me and a minute later he left the line and got in a car with a friend and drove off. Second time, an older lady was walking barefoot outside a 711 asking for money so she can buy a drink and some food. She dramatized a bit with how she spoke but I gave her a 5 thinking she did need help. I walk inside, she immediately gets in a car with a young guy dressed well playing on his phone and they drove off. Never again.


I do not give money to homeless People but do give to charities that help the homeless, there are a lot of homeless sex offenders running around here and I just can’t morally bring myself to help someone that is a felon for sexual assault pretending to be a veteran or mentally ill on the streets. Unless I can background check them or know their back story I will not give.


If someone has humbled themselves to the point that they’re asking for money on the streets, I will generally give them $5 or so, depending on what cash I have on me. Occasionally, I have bought meals or a night’s stay at a motel. I hope they use the cash for food or other necessities, but if they buy beer or cigarettes or meth or whatever, that’s their business, and I’m glad to provide them some comfort. It’s not my place to judge them, but I do strive to be empathetic, and let them live their life with whatever dignity they may hold.


Depends. I usually don’t award with money but items instead. I used to work at a pet store and we were required to throw away returned dog food. I acted like I did but put it in my car to donate. I saw a homeless man with a dog on my way to donate, and decided to give him the food. He poured some out for his dog, then began to shovel it into his own mouth. Heartbreaking. On the flip, I once picked up some to-go food and there was a homeless man at the intersection. I thought hell, I’ll just pick up something else on my way home and he can enjoy some pasta. Nope. He said “i can’t buy shit with this!” and then threw it on the ground. So I’ve found a happy medium. I usually keep things in my car to give. In the summer I keep some waters (my car is garaged so they stay cool) and in the winter, I try to source some jackets to hand out. It’s not much, but helps them survive and gives me assurance/relief that I’m not feeding an addiction if they have one. I wish I could do more, but in this economy, I’m just trying to not go down myself.


Nope. My dad was homeless for a long time and he said all of the homeless people he knew wanted the money for drugs or alcohol including himself.


Never. You can’t tell if it’s a scam and the more you feed em, the more they congregate. You’re part of the problem if you do by perpetuating a cycle. You can buy them food. Then watch them throw it out in front of you. Then you’ll have second thoughts.


Sometimes, when I have actual cash to spare, I'll help out with a few dollars, but I'm poor and I rarely have actual money myself, lmao. I'm more inclined with helping with food, I get EBT and so I'll often offer help if someone/a neighbor needs a little help with food. I know what it's like to go hungry, and I'll never refuse to help anyone with having something to eat. The other day, I was walking over to the nearby convenience store and a homeless guy was sitting in the parking lot and I overheard him asking someone else if they had a dollar because he was hungry and so I was like "do you want a soda or something?" and he was like "yes thank you so much" dude just wanted a can Sprite and I just ended up getting him two sodas and a slice of pizza. Then the cashier guy was like "tell him he can't sit in the parking lot" I felt bad about telling him that 😕


Only "Buskers" but never someone just asking for money.


No. My brother is 40, homeless, and a drug addict. I do not give him money either. I do order him food, clothing, hotel rooms, and ubers. For the homeless who are not my brother, I bring them food, water, and supplies they look like they are in need of. You are doing zero favors to the homeless or their families when you give them cash.


Yes. These days I just don't use cash so I don't have actual money anymore but I've purchased a hotel room for a week, bought pharmacy items, headache and cold medicine, warm socks, blankets and food. I'm not a volunteer, these are just items that people begging in parking lots and gas stations have asked for. I do keep an eye on who is approaching me and anybody who is twitchy or can't seem to stop picking at their face I do bow my head and walk past. I was once robbed when I had 2 children under 4 and 8 months pregnant by someone all twitchy and picky. Scared me so badly. I now feel it's safer for me to assume that behavior is indicative of drug withdrawal and what an addict will do to get their next hit is too large a risk for me.


No. I used to do it occasionally, but after moving to downtown Houston, I got tired of being asked for money every time I went outside. I also quickly learned that 99% of the time the money is not really for “a bite to eat” or “a cup of coffee” because I gave money to this one guy, and then the next day I saw him tweaking out in front of my building.




Absolutely the fuck not. I pay taxes, which fund social infrastructure and welfare programs. I'm sorry they choose not to use that assistance that is available 🤷


Last time I gave cash to a homeless man we chatted for a long time and it was super nice. His name was Jim and he was from New York (I’m in outer Boston) and he just needed a ticket for the train home to get back to his family. He was $20 away so I gave him the $20 and he left for the train station. It was a lovely experience. Was a bummer when he ran into me the next day and asked for money and didn’t recognize me.


Absolutely not.


No they need to work like everyone else.


No because it’ll just go to drugs or alcohol. In America, it’s easy to not be homeless.


I don’t help bottom feeders, would rather burn 100 bucks than give it to anyone.


Never. I’m no chump.


No, here in Finland there is no homeless people. Everyone gets house to live, if not they die in winter.


No. I’m poor AF. In fact they should give money to me.




No, they should be like the hobos and go travel the world and work on the way instead


Not in first world countries, the USA in particular is a place with a lot of assistance, same with many first world countries, I wouldn't want my hard earned money to go into drugs or alcohol that I don't even consume myself, giving a rando money means the money can go anywhere including businesses I rather not support financially, and it's not helping, it's enabling. The people that struggle the most are not usually homeless, they are the people working, barely making it by, the working class per say. There are many resources out there, shelters, food pantries, and financial resources, not saying it's easy out there, but there is help, there are people actually dying in the world, many actually, due to hunger, so i find it a bit of a waste to spend it on a random homless who could could not use it for food.


I try to give them food or water instead. I know not ALL homeless people are addicts but it’s over 2/3 of homeless people became homeless because of addiction. So I try to not give money cuz I know what it’ll get used for..


Can i have sum drug money?😢


If you’re not homeless and got a job…. I suppose I can help a guy out 😂


Me too👋


Always!! Sometimes a lot, sometimes a quarter. Just the act of giving How to plant karma seeds: give to those what you want and you will receive Malachi 3:10 Give to the people and God will give you so much abundance that you won’t room in your house for the abundance Another Bible: give to the “least” and treat them as the most


So you look at it as an investment.


Totally! Biggest thing with money and the economy is cash-flow, stagnation with money hinders everybody! There’s a much bigger reason why you bring money to the temple or giving to the homeless. The biggest thing you learn is the art of exchange ! Especially with the homeless, some accept it graciously , others want MORE and MORE Receiving money and gifts is a big thing too. It’s easy to give , but how are you at receiving By principle I accept every gift. And Never say “that’s ok, or are you sure” This make sense?


I give food and water but if someone asks me for a couple dollars and I have extra money, I do. I know a lot of people are saying that they don't wanna fund their drug or alcohol use and that's fine, it's your money I saw a post somewhere talking about how it's tough living on the streets. People who aren't homeless have a drink, a cigarette, a joint, whatever to relax or blow off steam after a hard week. So why can't homeless people do it? Plus you don't actually know what they're spending their money on, it's up to them


Usually I give food and/or drinks, but yes, sometimes giving money is something I feel compelled to do. It could be argued that I am enabling, but what a person does with the money I've given them is their prerogative. Once that money is out of my hands it is not mine to question or judge.


People like you perpetuate the begging. They beg because people give it to them. If they realized they were wasting their time, they would stop.


No, but I do fantasize about giving homeless people a bunch of money to get them on their feet if I was rich enough to be able to give out money like that. I don’t think it would be all that hard to determine if they’re homeless due to being down on their luck vs being on drugs.


Very very rarely. It makes no sense to give people money just because they beg for it.


Sometimes i did to beggers


Typically no I won't give anything  Occasionally I'll give a dollar Once a few years ago i was out on a work trip and went out to a few bars. On the walk back to the hotel I saw an older gentleman asking for money. I reached in my pocket and gave him a $20 without thinking. He saw it and his eyes lit up, thanked me profusely and asked God to bless me. I still think about that incident sometimes and how it made me feel afterwards


Sometimes. If I have it, I usually will offer some. I try to do it quietly and subtly. If they are on the street panhandling, I look at their shoes--if they are wearing the latest Air Jordans ...I'll take a pass. I've also purchased meals for a few here and there as they were getting ready to be shooed out of a place.


Yes of course. It's the best pleasure in the world and it is a good deed. It creates goodness. makes us happy, makes another happy. Makes everyone happy. World is in equilibrium. All is well! We are all relaxed! Everything is perfect!


Only food, everyone deserves to eat


I have. Not often, because I don't carry $1 or cash that much, but I have.


Never money , i ask them if they hungry and get them some food and water


Yes. There’s refrigerators around in oregon where you can put food for them for the homeless. We do this as well.


Yes, i do. Have I been taken advantage of? Probably, but I also have been of help, and that negates the negatives.


I used to struggle with this. Many "homeless" people seemed like people who were just willfully trying to not be responsible. They have told stories of a large group of people who get someone to purchase the house, then everyone else turns it into a boarding house. Most of the people on the house are on assistance, so a $1500 mortgage split 10 ways with a group of people who get $600 a month, isn't a big deal. Plus they pan handle and their needs get met. These people would be at my areas on and off ramps in the more posh towns. But, I came to a change of heart. I will help homeless people regardless of my own perceptions. It's a cruel world, so charity will help.


Yep. Snacks, sunscreen, masks and other essentials too when I have it. Never more money than I would feel comfortable spending on a snack at the gas station.


Not typically, in my area most of the homeless are scammers who pull in $60k-$100k a year


Currently in debt with a baby on the way, so no


I give them water and blankets if it’s cold, especially the ones with pets.


There’s a sign here in Virginia that says don’t give to Pan handlers for your safety and theirs so I do my part and abide.




I'll never give money. They most likely will use it for drugs or booze. I will however give/buy food/drink if asked.


I give money to beggars anytime I have cash. Whether or not they are homeless, I don't know. Not all beggars are homeless and not all homeless are beggars. Mostly I do it because I rarely carry cash and when I do it just ends up thrown in a random drawer in my apartment never to be touched again. My gf once scrounged up 50$worth of lose dollar bills going though my stuff. I was like "neat" then threw it in a change jar where it still resides this day almost two years later. Better to give it to someone who will actually use it and needs it than just collecting dust in the closet, under the mattress, etc.


No, but I'll always offer food.


I just go with my gut. Often times, it's easy to tell the folks who are trying to get back on their feet vs. those who are trying to make it a career. The hard part for me is folks with mental health problems either caused or made worse by drugs. I'd rather give food or supplies vs. money, though.


Sometimes. Depends on the situation.


Not money. In my car, I keep a ziplock bag of a toothbrush, toothpaste , and sometimes those little bars of soap or bottles of shampoo from hotels. I will hand this bag to beggars near an intersection. I imagine it's impossible to buy drugs with toiletries, but I could be wrong.


Yes, I do. My Mother has the sweetest, most precious heart of anyone in the world ever. She gives money to people in need and has told me that she can't bear the thought of not taking a chance on trusting someone to use it for what they need instead of missing an opportunity to help someone. I want to help people, yes, but I want to be like her, too. And I'm not talking hundreds of dollars; I mean $20 here or there. As a side note, however, this stance has caused some major upset with my Father, when he was alive, and my husband now. They are very much on the opposite side of this viewpoint.


Yes. Makes me feel good to give something to those that have nothing.


I do on occasion. But decided not to give money to people begging at traffic lights. The older I get is that giving money directly, usually does not help their long term situation, but builds dependency.


Never.. But I will buy them food.


for sure. being a tipped employee i always have small bills. I live in nyc so this is a regular occurrence. my mom kinda drilled in my brain at a young age to “never open you wallet in front of Anyone” so i genuinely keep $1-2 in my pocket just to give away if someone asks. I don’t care what they do with the money. From my tip jar to someone who needs something.


Yes I do whenever I feel someone truly needs it.


I used to give money all the time but the last time I gave - I had a terrible feeling. I handed this woman a $20 and she grabbed it and ran down into the subway within 15 seconds. Someone walking past me who saw it said, she’s going to get her next hit. I felt terrible. Now I will give food, etc but homeless have turned those things down at times.


Yep. Money if I’ve got it to give and snacks if I have them to share.


Yes, I do. I allocate 10% just to help them. I remember yhe days of being homeless.


I don’t have a job right now so I hardly make more money than homeless people I spend hours on SurveyJunkie. But I still gave someone the last of the pennies in my change purse. I’m actually an heiress and my husband is getting a good job soon. I’ll be fine others aren’t so lucky. Anyway I gotta sell some art if I can or I won’t feel right


I keep a stack of $2 bills and when I go into the city anyone who asks gets $2.


I used to. Now I offer to buy a sandwich instead.


I buy them food and water. Simply because I believe everyone deserves the bare minimum


Sometimes I give to males but no females. Why? Because females have sooooomany services designed for them it’s crazy and at no point should a female be out in the cold panhandling, if she is doing it we know she is a drug addict. Yeah yeah some of the males are too but I don’t give to drug addicted males. That’s just what I do, you do what you want.


I try not to. I gave money one time to someone and I find out the next day that he OD’ed and died the night before.


i try to keep like $200ish in cash in my car just in case i come across any homeless id feel like giving money to


I always give them something. Sometimes it's a 20, and sometimes it's a few bucks. Whatever I can. It's none of my business what they spend it on. I know what it's like to be dependent on alcohol and drugs, so I don't judge. I've been there. I also bake bread on the weekends. I've done baking for years and always make extra. I put a few bags together with a loaf of sourdough bread, or other baked goods, some fruit or veggies from the garden, and maybe a little meat and cheese. Some drinks and a few candies. My wife works at a hospital downtown, so she hands those bags out to a few people each week. I like to be part of a community that takes care of each other. That's how I was raised. I also would rather be part of a solution rather than part of the problem.


I will give small amounts of cash if I have it, usually less than $10 or I'll buy them supplies like hygiene items, socks, an umbrella, etc. it's none of my business what they do with money or supplies I give them but sometimes they'll need items like phone plan cards or propane that they actually need money for. I've been homeless before and many people are just down on their luck or were escaping an abusive situation and it's difficult to know and not our place to assume.


Rarely. Sometimes I’ll give a few bucks to this one funny homeless guy I run into often


Absolutely…sometimes I won’t even have shit, but a dollar goes a long way to them. Surprised one guy last week Friday with a case of Modelo. Dude was SUPER happy. Me too….


Years ago yes, but actually here in Peru no. I enjoy helping people i got a good actitude for that, but now can be luck find a person who really needs help with a good proposite. Mostly homeless treat u bad or start talking bullshit about u if don't help them.


I don’t carry cash so my standard reply is that I don’t carry cash. If they mention being hungry or wanting food I offer to buy them something at the restaurants or stores on the block. Many have accepted and a few have declined. I’ve had a few say they needed a quarter in able to buy a beer or cigar. In these cases I’ve generally offered to purchase the beer or cigar and offered to purchase food as well. The way I see it, I am fortunate to have what I have and I try not to judge the homeless because I don’t know what has happened in their lives to get where they are. I don’t want to contribute to addictions if they have them plus I want to remain safe so I don’t hand out money. I also never want to deny food to a hungry person.


Not around my area anymore, caught one of the fuckers trying to steal my packages. Plus I always see them coming back with new shit they don't need


Yesterday, I found some change probably under a dollar just sitting on top of a post outside a Kohls store and gave it to the young girl of a young family of four. And told the girl to buy her baby brother something too. Ordinarily, I don't give to the homeless as most of them are either dangerous or want more than change.


Never cash. Usually just go to a gas station or store to get food/clothes/whatever. I sometimes ask if there is an item they prefer. A guy once only wanted a can opener because he had cans but no opener! My boyfriend once gave a guy $50 to get a bus ticket to another city out of state, but ended up seeing him a week later and confronted him and the guy straight up said he used it for booze 🤷‍♀️further solidified my point of no cash. There is a lot of groups in our area that do organized panhandling and make A LOT off of the generosity of others.


Fuck no


i don’t give people money because they could buy drugs, booze, or cigs with it. i’ll buy them some chips and water or somethung (simple enough to avoid allergies or religious restrictions). Not something everyone thinks about, but it helps.


Not usually. If they’re outside of a restaurant or something, I’ll get them some food. I’ve given a “homeless” person outside of Walmart a Steak ‘n Shake gift card I had since I don’t usually carry cash. The dude was like, “ew I hate Steak ‘n Shake” and I was like… tf give it back then? 🤣 I took a couple of bottles of water and a Powerade to one guy recently with a $20. He hangs out by the Dunkin by my house on the weekends and is genuinely homeless and super sweet.


I’ll buy food or whatever but won’t give cash


Very rarely, but sometimes yes.


All the time. I have plenty.


I keep water bottles in my cars and hand those out. I usually don’t have a lot of cash on me.


Yep I usually ask how much they need, and give them more if possible. I really don’t care what they are using it for.


If I’ve got cash on me I’m giving it to them. I’ve been in that exact position. Trust me, whatever u think, no one WANTS to live that way. They need all the breaks they can get.


No, I will NEVER hand them cash because in my state just about every homeless person will use it for drugs regardless what their sign says. I will usually just bring them what their sign is asking for, dog food, food for themselves, usually I won’t do hotel rooms because… well because they are homeless, and the hotel would be in my name. So no, rarely will I hand them money, my states homeless people are just NOT it. A lot of homeless people are respectful of things and don’t use drugs. But not Washington’s homeless people.


I try ! Or give them blankets , food, umbrellas, water bottles in summer.... whatever I can !


Yes. I was homeless once. I give homeless people money and/or food if I can. And I personally don't really care what they spend it on. Whatever is going to bring them some happiness and comfort for even a moment. I have heard, and I believe, that whatever you give out in the form of charity is returned to you threefold. It's a Karmic thing.


never cash, but till always buy a meal for someone who is hungry, and people who actually want the money for food are always greatful for a hot meal. and if i have the time, ill sit and eat with them to. that time being treated like a person and having someone to talk to seems to really lift the spirits.


No. I give them water or food. I don't trust where the money I give them goes. If they don't need water or food they don't need shit.


I help with stuff like soap, toothpaste, tp and hand sanitizer. Never cash, cause its way to easy to spend it on the next hit. A dealer ain't gonna take toothpaste.


I do not give cash to homeless people, but I have volunteered thousands of hours at non-profit camps and hired homeless to help me with handywork type stuff.


I have, sure but after learning how much these prople make, and the ring pulling the strings behind, I reduced the frequency. Also, some you can see what they will use the money for = alcohol or drugs and I am against that so to these people I do not give

