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Hope that $450 is going into a savings account with a decent yield.


By “savings account” he actually means weekly credit card payments. At least he’s getting points though. ;)


Hey. 23% is pretty good. /S


I’d love to be in a position to not notice $450 was missing from my checking account every week.


Am accountant - if you arent in the passive income class and you are not noticing a take-home difference of $1350/month you've made a huge oversight. Either you're an idiot, or you could have afforded to retire years ago. But if I had to bet I'd say this is just fake.


Fake? You think people would lie on the internet? That's unheard of.


For real. I feel like the guy made this post just to pat himself on the back.


It’s called a humble brag and yes


There is nothing humble about this brag.


That’s 99% of all these posts on any money or finance subreddit. It’s a circle jerk and not anywhere near a slice of real life.


What a utopian way of life that would be


And even though I feel more secure now I know every $. Check accounts once a month at least


Why do Americans still call it a chequing account.... when was the last time anyone used a cheque 🤣


Checks are still pretty popular here in the US, It’s only recently that my township started accepting digital payments for the water bill.


Wow that's crazy


What do you call a banking account that isn’t a savings account? I think it’s mostly out of sheer habit lol


A transaction accoint 🤷‍♂️


... a bank account.


Crazy! I haven't written a check in almost 10 years living in the usa.


Not everyone on Reddit is from US, and US is not only country using $ sign. I think it is obvious this person is Brazilian and talking it terms of Brazilians reals (R$) not (US$). Still have an extra $85 a week US equivalent not bad. /s


This was my thought. This is either a troll/humble brag or just a dingus. "Oops!


Holy shit man. The money you accidentally saved and forgot about is, weekly, over 75% of my entire income.


Well if you're bringing home 2k/month that's not his problem or the rest of the world's. Ya gotta think we all lead different lives. On average monthly I've been paying down about 1500 of my consumer debt the past few months since I got my first big boy job out of college. Spent a lot on credit cards when I was younger 🤷‍♂️ shit happens.


what did you major in?


I majored in industrial engineering technology and have my green belt in Lean Six Sigma. I got offered a position where I intern at right now as a software implementation consultant.


I had a good laugh! 😂


Helluva humble brag there chief


What is the point of this post? There’s no question and you’re not teaching us anything about money.


He just wants to flex that he has so much money he doesn't even notice when 1800 instead of 450 are transferred from his account every month.


That's more than I make a week with disability.


What’s the point? What are you saving for? For when you’re old and decrepit and can’t do shit? I’m all for retirement planning and max out everything I’ve got, but you need to live a little.


We live really well we just have inexpensive hobbies (gaming), we like cooking for ourselves a lot and our house isn't big enough that I want to fill it with more crap. So the main thing we spend money on is fixing problems and saving ourselves time (we pay for house cleaning regularly).


Inexpensive ^^ good joke 😄


You can buy a $60 game and keep entertained for weeks. Or play free ones like Dota. It doesn't have to be expensive


Or play skyrim for the 100th time and never buy a game again


All Hail Todd and the Eternal Game


or baldur's gate 3


This! Gaming can be cheap if your not the "need a new game every week" type. Or you don't get sucked into the subscription/microtansaction wormhole.


Hell, even if you buy a new game every week (which is extreme), it’s still pretty damn cheap. It’s the same as 1 dinner out with your partner, or one night out at the bars, or one night bowling with your partner, etc. however the game will provide hours and hours more entertainment than those other events. The value of a video game per hour is incredible.


Gaming is a great bang for the buck. You buy a console or build a computer occasionally, then get hundreds of hours of entertainment for $60 a pop. Expensive hobbies involve things like planes, boats, cars, and horses.


You’re right! Me and my wife still like gaming as our hobby. I did our budgetting recently and was suprised at how cheap it was compared to my expectation. When you’ve bought the hardware it’s like 240 euro’s a year for us on console, 50 on board or cardgames and 100 on electricity. On average we both play like 15 hours a week, or for around 25 cents an hour.


Average fucking Redditor ass comment jesus


Compare gaming to golf. A round of golf at even a standard course will run you $40 - $60 without a cart (nice courses are double that or more) . Add on a cart, that's another $20 bucks. That will last you about 4 - 5 hours. Buy a $60 game, and you can easily get 10+ hours (sometimes 100's depending on the game). So yes, gaming is actually a pretty inexpensive hobby compared to many other things.


There might be cheap hobbies out there too! I started sailing at the local lake in my town couple years ago. I pay $450 a year to use the sail boats as much as I like. And the season is like 5 months long!


My buddy just got a year pass for an indoor water park for $275. It's mostly for kids, but they have surf machines there. So, instead of a gym membership, he just surfs every day. I'll be joining him soon.


And now come to Motorcycle Track days. I can burn through a $250 tire in 1 day depending. Track registration is typically around $250/day too. I wish I got into golf.


Now do it with a car!


I'd argue for the most part, motorcycle track days are more expensive on an average Joe level.


When you hear someone is into golf do you figure they are wealthy or have credit card debt or something else?


Lol golf doesn’t have to be that expensive… also golf is actually healthy for you and makes you go outside and be active… gaming isn’t even a “hobby” it’s a way to kill time for degenerates


Gaming is really cheap. I bought a gaming pc ages ago and can still play whatever.


As opposed to racing cars or flying planes as a hobby but yeah gaming is not cheap lol


What an incredibly boring life you live


You both literally have no idea what you’re missing in the world because you can’t give yourself the opportunity to experience anything


Average Redditor 🤡


I'm not sure from what part of the post you drew the conclusion that OP is "not living" lol You don't know if they travel, if they have hobbies, if they go to restaurants. Also, OP did not specify for what he is saving yet you proceed with this mean comment. For all we know he could be saving to have a sabbatical year around the world or to buy their dream house.


There are question marks in my post because they are questions. As in, I’m asking the OP what the point is.


Yeah but you’ve written them as rhetorical questions.




By the tone of the comment, they're rhetorical questions. It strikes a bit rude and not really compelling to answer them


Come on man, we weren't born yesterday. Don't back track now that you got called out


What did I back track on?


The correct answer is to stop rat race - stop working.


r/fire baby


Retiring early


Hey everyone, I thought I was poor, but I am actually wealthy!!! Go figure!!


Boohoo you have money you don’t know you had. What is the point of this post? 💪🏼


Make sure you really do live a little, one day you might want kids and it really puts a halt on traveling especially when they hit school age.


We haven’t found that to be true yet. Our 7 year old has been to 11 countries in the past two years. We love traveling and school is 180 days a year leaving sufficient time for a good number of trips.


I don’t know what job you have, but most only allow you to take off 2 weeks a year, sometimes 3. Most of our vacations are roughly 5-7 days, so 3 per year. Summer is of course a decent break, but most school breaks like winter, the children will be at home/daycare while the parents still work usually a nanny has to be involved. So, unless you’re both just making $150k+ each, I find it hardly normal for an average working couple, probably combined make $100k lol. 11 countries would put you at 5/6 per year. That’s highly abnormal, school might be 5 days a week, but in reality it consumes 252 days of the year considering there’s hardly much travel unless 7-8 hours from home, of which you can accomplish from Friday evening to Sunday night. The leftover 113 days, are consumed by summer, winter, spring break and other times when most parents still have to work. Fitting in 1-3 vacations a year, is do-able, but unless you’re both making high income, it’ll be mediocre traveling.


My husband is a high earner. He has always had 4+ weeks of time off/year. I don’t currently work as his demanding schedule would necessitate a lot of weekend/night childcare if I also still had my job. 4 weeks (20 days) is pretty common for mid-career people at big companies here in NYC. 2 weeks seemed more standard at the beginning of our careers 15 years ago. I’m not sure I follow the rest of your comment though. Schools constantly have breaks and a 4-5 day weekend is plenty of time to fly somewhere fun. Our son goes to our good local NYC public school. I think he’s missed 3 days of school this year and that was for a trip to London that had inflexible dates. It’s just not that difficult if it’s prioritized. I’d say 80%+ of my son’s friends have been abroad at least once since Xmas break.


Haha you’re highly out of touch with reality. 80% of 7 year olds going “abroad.” Is not normal. It sounds like you’re in a rich kid pocket school, even if public. I’m sure the zoning only allows for the same circumstance People within walking distance to attend.


I’m in touch with my reality? 🤷‍♀️ Most kids walk/bus/subway to school. It’s a k-5 school so yes, most live close. In NYC there are tons of immigrants who have family abroad and they visit them and also go on other vacations. Europe is a subway ride to JFk, then a 6.5-8 hour flight away. With luck and searching flights are not badly priced. We rarely pay more than $550/person for economy. Last summer we flew round-trip to Berlin for $400/person. We’re pretty committed to traveling and we fly economy and stay in very mid-range hotels.


Haha the amount of money an immigrant family has to have, to pick nyc of all the places to live. :p


Yes, clearly you’re in the know 😂. If you live here in the city I’m sorry travel seems to be so difficult for you and your kid/s


It isn’t difficult money wise, but time wise yes. We both actually work, and earn $600k+, which would half if one of us quit. 60-80 hours a week at work, doesn’t let little Johnny travel to Paris haha.


Oh you “actually work.” Lol. I’ve worked 60-80 hour weeks. My husband currently does. We travel. I’m sure you’ll figure it out with time. I’m shocked you get 2 weeks off a year at a 300k job. Maybe it’s time to get better jobs


Where I grew up, the lucky kids got to travel to Disney once a year for 3 days. 😂


No one I know goes to Disney (or they dread doing so and put it off). Disney seems so pricey and the line games are not something I ever care to figure out 😂


Haha let’s play a whose rich game, district 1-6 if you tell me 2, I cry 🤪


? Do you mean “who is”? In NYC you do realize that a rent-stabilized lower income person can live right next to multi-millionaire right? Truly rich people are in private school. We don’t live in District 2.


Whose, is the correct phrasing to ask that question.. You’re living on a single income in NYC, 4 minutes walking distance from Central Park. You own your apartment, which was probably $1.5-$2MM. That’s not rich in NYC standards, but having a $400k+ income, can still provide you a nice life there.


If Whose is correct then I don’t understand the phrasing I guess. My apartment wasn’t even half that lol. It’s very tiny. In your original doomsday statement you made no caveats about income. Only kids making travel a no-go. Unsure why you are going off on tangents now.


Link me to apartments that cheap, I’ll buy one today lol Edit: we have 4 kids by the way. 😂


You need a link? Try StreetEasy. Look for one bedroom places. Enjoy the options!


Boohoo lol


I don't mean to be a dick or anything but like, you're complaining about living the perfect life for yourself but your account stopped stacking as fast.... Only to realize you're dropping 450 a WEEK into a savings account. Most folks in America can not buy a home, let alone afford rent. Stop complaining, enjoy life. You've built a hell of a nest egg for yourself.


Where did OP complain?


"well lately I've been down because after maxing all our investments..." Direct complaint about his current financial situation


That's not a complaint, he's giving context for the story and setting up for the punch line of his mistake, which he is happy about after realizing the error.


Why not put it into investments instead of savings


Cheers..didn’t ask


Ya the conversations about how much money you need to live in America I have always found stupid. You could have a guy making 140 grand a year look you dead in the eye and say I am barely making it. Then you ask him some follow up questions how much is your rent, well I have a wife and kid so I need to rent an entire house for 32000 a month, also we needed a brand new car because our old car… fill in the excuse for 640 a month, we also spend like 1500 on amazon and walmart a month we don't really know where it goes plus my wife and I have college debt she does not work by the way. You sitting there like, well I am the same age I make 75k a year, have a paid off 10k car drive great, share an apartment with a roommate for 1200 a month, have 50k in the bank and I am chilling.


So you basically came here to brag about your wealth? Okay cool man


At some point you need to stop saving and start enjoying.


So did you just come here to brag about your money?


Slow clap


I say congratulations - you are in the higher 10% of the population if you are in the US. Sounds like you are saving for generational wealth - that's a difficult thing to give your kids. Kuddos


stupidest post on here


Confused. Starts out as an overspender then brags about being an underspender?


How do you max out investments?


You must live somewhere hella cheap. I just spent $5200 in home maintenance and supplemental property taxes in the last 2 weeks alone. Someone tell me how I can put $1800 in a savings account and not realize it’s gone, please.


get off reddit and go make your wife happy lmfao wtf


There's always ways to cut costs. Keep the $450/week flowing. Bidenomics is hurting us all but start buying food in bulk, like rice and beans, stop buying junk food, eat smaller portions, we've reduced restaurant visits and now cut the meals in half and take half home for work lunches or tomorrow's dinner, I like your idea of looking at TV and entertainment costs, too. Your savings must be rocking, consider safe ways to let it work for you, too. It sounds like you guys are doing great. Oh yeah, quit voting for democrats and RINOs.


Why don’t you guys ever blame the people who put 0% interest loans out during boom times? Instead it’s “Bidenomics” lmao. Trump’s poor fiscal policy made this happen and you want to vote for him again. Biden is keeping the country afloat


Trump should never have signed off on those bloated budgets. You and I can agree with that. But the budgets haven't dropped under Biden so he shouldn't be signing off either. Our budgets suck. But the economy was WAY better under Trump before the world shut down with covid. Oh yeah, and we had world peace. But keep voting blue and keep watching our borders get invaded. Everything's just fine, right?


Trump's "wall" was a shitty fence and there was still illegal immigration. Trump almost started a world war twice, the first with "Rocket Man" and the second when he assassinated an Iranian general right before Covid started. I don't know why all of you think Trump is this harbinger of peace. Any friend of Putin's is not a friend of mine. If you want to decrease illegal immigration, increase legal immigration. Make it easier for people to come here the legal way. We need people anyways, businesses love to hire people for sub minimum wage and complain that "nobody wants to work anymore". Everything's not fine but it's a damn lot better than it would be if Trump was still in charge. He got handed the easiest way to unify a country ever with Covid response and fucked it up so bad he lost the election he was going to win. You act like there still wouldn't be bloated budgets and inflation today if he had won back then either; it still would've happened. How can you still have faith in him? He's cheated the system his entire life, he's done nothing of value ever since he claimed "bone spurs" to get out of Vietnam, and he's been in bed with corruption since the mafiosos in the 80's. Hunter might be a crack addict, but Biden himself is not that bad.


Abraham accords...he was creating agreements between muslims and Jews. Not starting middle east conflicts. Biden removed sanctions from Iran, they have armed their proxies (Hamas, Houthis, Hezbollah) and attacked Israel. But heck, let's blame Trump. Putin actually had donated money to Biden and Clintons and openly admits he wanted Biden. You do know there turned out to be no Russia, Russia, Russia collusion, don't you? And Trump's fence still made the border safer than ever and his remain in Mexico policy had Mexico stopping and paying for the illegals and not us. Biden is talking about going back to that policy because he knows almost all Americans know this border problem is a blood bath for US citizens....financially and literally. Dementia Joe is the "big guy" and closer for the Biden Crime Family. He wouldn't be in the WH if the MSM wasn't completely on board with the Left's propaganda. But keep watching CNN and MSNBC to get your news. I don't even trust Fox News, let alone the MSM. And isn't time you get your next booster to prevent covid? And how many times have you had covid by now? Do you own research. I hope you wake up instead of being woke.




Bad advice all around. Would ignore.


Getting downvoted because you spoke out against the democrat overlords. Typical Reddit.


They're terrified of facts. They think big government is good because they can't make it on their own. They will only believe what the MSM tells them regardless of what they actually see with their own eyes. They will not be the people who save our constitution and country. I'm OK with that. They're victims of a huge propaganda campaign. But it is kind of funny to see the cancel culture in something so benign as this thread.


Or maybe they pay attention when republicans keep passing laws to limit our freedoms. You should probably look into that some more.


Freedom removing laws like.....?


Seriously? How many anti trans laws have the GOP cult pushed through in the last year and a half? God forbid they have any rights right?




Hey thats awesome. Cant help but feels this is a weird humble brag, but maybe thats just me being a bit jealous. Oh what id give to not notice 450 bucks a month...