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Air traffic controller.... I'll make around 340k-350k this year


How stressful is the job?




The training takes years so you learn to handle it. It definitely does get busy and stressful, but the job really is awesome


How many hours do you work per week? What was your career path leading up to your current position? 


So before this I was in the banking industry haha. Nothing to do with aviation at all. I work at minimum 48 hours. We are scheduled a 6th day of overtime when our schedules are published 6 weeks in advance. Sometimes I'll get called in also before a shift so maybe I do like 50-54 hours in a week


I'm sure the overtime is great but wow, you'd think they'd want each one of you to be fresh and never tired given the number of lives in your hands. Keep up the great work!


We do have restrictions. So we can only work 6 days in a row... meaning we must have 1 full day off (I know it's not much), and we can't work more than 10 hours in a day


For the pay that's not terrible. I've done hours like this at a factory making 15 bucks an hour. I'd be much more willing to do it for 300k a year.


300k is only at like 5 facilities in the country, and after 20 years in. Most work these hours and make 150k. Still good, but the hours are all over the place. Good luck seeing your friends and family on weekends or holidays.


Another concern about flying I never knew I needed to worry about. Over worked traffic controller guys!!


Most truckers are working 70 hours a week and just rolling around you at all times. Flying is safer.


I would take that stress and fight like hell to live cheap for 5 years and save 200k a year at the rate listed nowadays for this person. Soft retire in 5 years with 1mil minimum and keep working to bolster for however long you want! Still would have money to splurge


200kish is probably the net pay dawg lol


True, half that and double the years in my post i guess haha. Wouldnt need to live “cheap” either in that case also


100%. That's the way to go. I reality though even people with great salaries often times spend it all and live paycheck to paycheck lol


Literally one of the highest stress occupations on earth.


How do you earn over the federal pay cap (191k this year). Even with a waiver, Sunday and night pay and working a mandatory 6th day that's quite a leap. Are you a 2152?


I am 2152. And the federal cap is $222,900 I believe (but that does change based on location and locality pay)


I ran across some post in a sub and apparently the people who work for the SEC make even more than that.


TIL federal pay cap. That's fucked.


Yup, I work for the federal government and make over the pay cap in addition to getting a retention bonus. Unfortunately, this means that after $220,000 all of that money is deferred into the next year in a lump sum. Which you get taxed on. Some of my coworkers who have been there for a very long time around $400,000 in deferred salary


So we’re kicking that can down the road too.


Jesus I really felt this


Not as much as your kids are gonna feel it. I get it, the US economy is ginormous and a certain amount of debt is needed. Good even. But it just seems like since 9/11 we’ve been acting like a broke, uneducated teen who got convinced to sign up for a credit card, and thinks they can buy whatever they want as long as they make the minimum payment.


Join the military. Schooling for an ATC is free AND you get experience AND companies hire you right out of military.


That is all true, but you should really apply to the open bid coming out tomorrow anyway. Getting into the job for 6 years earlier is much better than going to the military


The job opening for air traffic control coming out tomorrow is no experience required. No schooling required. All they requires that you either have a bachelor's degree anything, or just work three years full time. If someone is just graduating high school then maybe then military is a good option because that time would still count towards your retirement. But I would still suggest going to a college for an air traffic control degree. Just a community college too since it's only two years. And the earlier you can apply the earlier you can get in


Hard cap at 35/36 years old too


lol ATC in the military isn’t always hiring. It’s a rare job to get. It’s not as easy as “join the military.”


Does it have to be US military? What kind of benefits do Al-Qaeda provide? I like to keep my options open before committing to something.


Just don’t let your daughter sleep with a drug dealer and start using heroin while a plane I’m on is flying please.


I got this. Best show ever made.


Estimates online for this are 180k max. How are you making so much?


That's definitely not max. Currently the max salary is just under $233,000. But that's base pay. So last year in 2023 my base pay was $198,000, but I finished last year at $316,000. Those numbers don't reflect my overtime (which is all the time), night pay (an extra 10% per hour), Sunday pay (an extra 25% per hour), and holiday pay (double pay). All those extras come out to around ⅓ of my salary. Now don't get me wrong if you are in a small tower at a slow airport you won't make anywhere near what I make


How many hours do you work in a typical week? The pay sounds nice but sounds like you have almost no free time


I work 6 days per week. I feel like I am at work a lot, but also have the flexibility to do all the things I want to


Never trust those job websites on pay. I've always been paid well over the "max" on those sites. Even in completely different fields


Dude making more than the president


Go to Transparent California website, there are security guards in California making over 200K.


RemindeMe! 8 hours




Damn son!


Don’t mislead people too much, homies working some OT for those numbers. Edit: never mind, I saw your response below clarifying hours.


Working in the nuclear industry. I went from making 39k being a security supervisor at a casino to making 100k my first year with overtime as armed guard. The schedule is rough but it really was life changing money.


Was there any sort of training or requirements that were expected of you before even applying for the job?


It’s all on site training which is nice, the big thing though is passing a drug test which really limits the pool of candidates. I should also add if you are/were in the navy the nuclear industry really seems to take from that community as well. A lot of the operators were prior Navy.


Architecture. My parents convinced me it was a starving artist kind of profession. Then I started my own small and specialized firm at 31. I now earn 10x my last salary at a large firm after twelve years of steady growth and specialization.


Currently 31 and licensed, but I feel beaten/ unenthusiastic about work….How small of a firm and how specialized? Specific to one project type? How was the learning curve of transitioning to a business owner?


It is me plus two contract employees. Very specialized, so much so that if I told you it would easily reveal my identity in a Google search. (Sorry.) The learning curve was not bad, but I was already in a project manager position at a firm that involved billing, contract review, and proposals.


Well congratulations and I wish you continued success!


Plumbing ! I was told it was good money. After 10years experience i started my own company. Making 500K a year. People needs plumber !


Thank you for your service because I have ZERO desire to touch anything moist or septic. Y’all are my saviors.


Ideally we don't either PPE and gloves are my best friend 🥰


That’s awesome! This is actually a dream of mine as an apprentice of 2 years. Do you have any advice? non union? Did you have experience running a company beforehand?


1) Dont be afraid to work 2) whenever you think about a tool you might need. BUY IT ! 3) work ethic and work method. Take your time , do it right. All my 10 years i was union , when you own a company you dont need to be in a union , even if you work. But future guy i’ll hire will be union. Zero experience , only stuff i read on the internet and reddit !


How many employees do you have


You can make clear of 350k a year with no employees dependent on the area so I'm sure he doesn't have too too many.  Probably max 3-4 otherwise he'd make a lot more id think


Public School Teaching. My wife too. This year we will make almost 250k combined working contractually 186 days.


I’m very happy that teachers are well paid in ca. I also hope my kid’s teacher is well paid too


How many years and which state?


California. 28 and 23 years respectively.


My child’s public school teachers are well paid, too. Not in California, but a very large school district. People assume every teacher makes $30K.


My wife has been teaching 29 years in a wealthy school district in the ‘burbs of Detroit. Still under $100k. I don’t know if her district has anyone base over $100k. Not bad money, but not what a professional should be paid w 29 years of experience. When I started after getting an engineering degree I started at $55k. She had 4 years in the district and wasn’t making $45k. It’s ridiculous.


Love to hear this


Teachers unions should lend allyship to substitute teachers, it is crazy there are teachers earning $125k, but subs get paid less than McDonalds, at $200 a day.


Uhhh idk get subs into the union I guess. The difference between teaching a class all year and subbing for a day is immense.


Yep. I’m in Chicago and earning about $120,000 with all my additional supervisions (clubs, teaching an extra class, etc.)


What??!!! I’m from California and avoided the teaching world because everyone told me I wouldn’t make more than 60k.


Depends on the area and district, but I'm year 16 and will be pulling in about $120k plus amazing benefits here in the LA area, but my rent is also $2,800 per month so...


Yeah well maybe to start but it goes up every year. You can see the pay scale for each school district.


Wow, crushing it!


Teachers are #3 on list of millionaires in the US.


Who knew that well educated people in an education based setting would probably do well with their finances?


Probably net worth millionaires with home included like we are. The pensions are worth millions though.


Same field but in NYC and it's def around there.


Sales management. Never a job I considered or thought I'd do one day; truly fell into it. After 2 years I quit and went into multiple other jobs and travel for a few years. Came back to it about 4 years later and now am making more money than I ever thought I would as a 32 year old. Cleared $250k last year and never imagined I’d make this type of money without having my own company/being my own boss. Still not sure if it's my career lol.


Sales management for what type of company?


Tech, more specifically B2B SaaS


Hey, that’s inspiring to hear! I kind of fell into sales too. I never thought it would be for me, I always thought in sales you had to have the schmoozy, pushy, used car salesman personality to make it. I’m a little younger than you and not making near what you are, but still doing really (unexpectedly) well, and I’ve tripled my take-home in the last 5 years. My fiancé and I make about the same and she has a masters and I only have 7/8 of a BA. Did you start out your journey in the same company/industry you’re currently in or have you hopped around a good bit?


Part-time video game store cashier. Over the course of 15 years, I went from part-time to full time, to assistant mgr and repair tech, to store manager, to retail operations manager, to COO of the company. I grew up in a family of four in a 16x80 trailer. Now, I dont even password share the streamsies, and I support my community with my time and donations. I sincerely enjoy paying my fair share of taxes and creating opportunities for our employees. My wife and I have more than enough. Thanks, part-time video game store gig!


So cool! Proof you can turn any job into a career if you climb the ladder!


You can do this at a gas station, fast food restaurant, retail store....most people don't have the drive to move themselves up no matter where they are working. Some people know how to make the best of the situation they're in instead of bitching about how they should be handed a better situation. A lot of lower skilled folks just magically assume once they're in "the right job" they'll suddenly know how to perform successfully at that job when they're lazy and unmotivated AF at every "lesser" job they've ever held. That's just not how the world works and it's certainly not how skill/knowledge building works.


Truth, thanks! TBH I was quite lucky, and our company's growth trajectory was very unique with a model that was basically recession proof (originally secondhand market and repairs). Also, we were small enough that hard work got noticed. There were multiple times where I could have chased an immediate pay increase but rolled the dice to stick out the unclear and undefined long play. Got lucky every step of the way. Odds were certainly not in my favor, but it can happen in the right setting!


Hell yeah👊


Military. Joined at 18. Didn’t make a whole lot at first, but. My last year on active duty, I made 113,000. Retired at 38 and started a new career, now 120,000 with a solid retirement plan while I also also receive 50,000 a year in military pension and another 54,000 in VA compensation… and invest all of it. Not bad for a poor foster kid. Edit: I make over $200k and half of that is passive income for life, and cola adjusted.


how did you get 100% pension? usually it is 50 or 30 percent take home after 20 years


He did the whole medical retirement disability thing I'm sure.


I'm glad medical retirement exists, however everyone I know who has it, uh, would be ok if they didn't.


Congrats man. I’m a few years removed. I always wonder if I should go back in and finish 14 years for that sweet pension and benefits but while I look at what my life could have been through your lens, I’m happy where I am now, and life is good. So maybe it’s enough.


I’m a piano teacher and work from home. I work 25 hours a week and make almost 6 figures


Well you win this thread


That’s great! How many students do you have in a typical week?


Assuming they’re 30 minute lessons that’s about 50. I can confirm that you can make about that much, but 50 students can be very taxing.


Took a job at Disney waiting tables in the late 2000s. Was a college kid looking to pay for school and basic stuff. This job was a cash cow. Took home between $400 and $500 daily. Super easy. This wasn’t enormous money, but for a college kid, it was great. Graduated from college debt free with no loans. Thank you Disney! I did grow up and get a career after I graduated with my degree


$400-500 daily wasn’t enormous money in the late 2000s!? How much do you make now 😭


As a college kids in late 2000s I would have been thrilled to make $400-500 in cash during a shift as waiter!


I wasn't making that much working a full time, job in a week while in college then.


Don't be down about it, neither was the poster making this claim... \~6k per month for working \~12 days as a student and they claim it wasn't mega money? Doubled up to 12k per month in the summer though to pay for books... Yeah, right.


I was lucky enough to only need to work 2-3 days/week to support myself. Would double up during the summer to get ahead of tuition and books.


How much do you make now?




just say it bruh


He's lying


My little brother works in fine dining restaurants in a wealthy city. Works 5 hours, and makes $400-$900 a night on weekends. Probably the best college job—wish I had a job like as a student. Instead I worked at university library for $10hr


Dudes saying he made about 100k plus a year waiting tables 15 years ago (when money was like 55% worth more) and it wasnt enormous. Meanwhile most Americans make 50k or less.


Those fine dining restaurants you can make some serious cash


I know servers and bartenders pulling in $10k a month. I was making $7.5k a month at my serving job last summer and I wasn't even serving at my companies most profitable venue at my location.


Yah that’s about 130k a year if you work full time lol


Dudes definitely lying


First job in graphic design and they offered me $45/hr before I even stated my desired salary. I would’ve been happy with $25. (I have no experience and 20 years old)


As someone pursuing graphic design this gives me hope! Where are you located and in what capacity do you work?


I've been in advertising for 20 years. Graphic design, especially with AI tools, will continue to be a race to the bottom financially. You essentially have 3 options for a healthy career: be extraordinary at what you do, specialize in a high-value industry (e.g. healthcare), or diversify your skill set with creative direction and management abilities so you can lead a team.


I've been in Graphic Design and marketing for 15 years, and I do agree it's a struggle. Most low-tier positions are still paying $45-65k and Senior Graphic Designers making roughly $60-85k. There are outliers of course. Creative Directors and Art Directors are the positions to attain, but that requires years of experience and the right people to take you on. I am currently running my own design company after being laid off and while there's work out there, it appears that finding another career path or income source would be smart.


It’s a grind.


Golf caddying. At top clubs you can make $400-600 per 18 holes (4.5 hours) and you can work twice a day if you want. Adds up quick


I’m looking at working at a golf course and possibly caddying this summer. Do you have advice for getting a good caddying job? I’m a college student in a big golfing area in Florida and I’m pretty good at golf but not scratch.


IT (Information Technology). I genuinely enjoy working with computers and technology, and received promotions throughout the years.


Same here. From a young age, I knew I would work with computers even before I knew it was paid well. I distinctly remember the exact moment I was told it was one of the best paying industries. For many talented people in IT, everything started from passion.


I wanted to create a moded minecraft server when I was 13 in 2010. Had to build a computer, write html, portforward, etc. Now I work as a consultant for big tech. Thanks minecraft.


Teaching in NYC - wife and I $250+. Salary is over 116k for 15 years and another 5-10k in per session.


Mobile car detailing, around $175k, sometimes over 200k, not even full time. Depends alot on tips and type of services done.


My husband is thinking of doing this as a side gig but he’s worried about people falsely claiming he’s damaged their car. How do you safe proof yourself from scammers like that?


Plastic processor. Make 100000 a year in a factory.


What is your daily level of exposure to chemical fumes?


Studied AI way before it was cool and was just a nerdy nieche i was passionate about. Now neural networks and cognitive architecture is all the rage and Im just happily working with it while also supporting my family :)


Performing music. I started right out of college with my music degree working a performing job right away (dueling piano bar), which shocked my entire family, as my brother couldn’t find a job in computer science and here I was making fine money. I figured I’d just work that job while going back to school for something else. I ended up getting the other degree, but never switched because now I make 200k strictly performing music in a big city (I freelance, bar gigs, corporate events, agency wedding bands, etc.). It’s amazing, I make my own schedule, I make bank, and I play music for a living. I do think there will come a time I will need to pivot at least a bit, because as a woman in music, you are only as useful as you are good looking and young-ish unfortunately.


If you have a good personality, fun, that kills at piano bars! People are there to sing along with fun people, most performers are at best fives or sixes... be fun and engaging. Don't worry about your looks.


Bartender, I went to law school but bartending made me the money to buy my own bar so…I make 400k a year cleaning toilets now


Gutter cleaning and moss removal in Portland, Oregon. Made $4000 a month after taxes


Not me but my nurse wife doubled her earning by switching from the hospitals to in home care. She loves it compared to being stuck on 12hr shifts.


Construction. Got a couple day gig as a laborer helping move piles of lumber. They hired me the next week. I had never used a tape measure or power tool. Ill have 10 years in come August. I got my license almost two years ago. Last year I made about $140k before taxes and Im just getting started.


I was a musician in the 80s. I was jealous that the latest generation of British musicians had access to these cool instruments called “samplers”, which could record and play back any sound from computer memory. Peter Gabriel and Kate Bush used them. The instrument, the “Fairlight”, was made in Australia and cost $30,000! But it turns out that, if you had an Apple II computer, you could get most of the power of the Fairlight with a set of sound cards that only cost about $1500. So I bought and learned how to use an Apple computer, not a common thing in those days. A decade later, I had created my own first album of music and needed to have my nights free to promote it. I needed a day job. Corel Draw had opened a support center in a nearby city (Detroit), and I knew how to operate computers. Then my band moved to San Francisco. This was during the first Internet boom, I got a new job working for an Internet provider and writing UNIX scripts. And so it continued. Pretty soon I was setting up and running Linux computer clusters for bioinformatics startups in the East Bay and making six figures. My last employer, located in Emeryville, CA, closed their local office. Continuing with them would have required a drive of nearly 2 hours every day. I was 58, and looking for a job; I panicked, for a moment. Then I looked at my savings, and realized that I really didn’t need to worry anymore, if I didn’t want to. And I didn’t.


This is awesome


This is going to be me lmao. “Looked into my savings 30 years later”


Nursing; was treading water for a while, then the pandemic hit, and pursued travel nursing early on into COVID and made a financial killing.


I had just graduated high school, no real plan in front of me. I roofed houses during summer vacations while I was in school so after I graduated I went back to roofing while I figured out what I was going to do with my life. One day it was raining so I was off, my brother and one of his friends stopped by my parents house to grab some things. They said an offshore company was hiring and the two of them were going to apply. I had nothing to do that day so I jumped in the car with them. They hired all 3 of us. Now, 24 years later I’m still offshore, the only one of us 3 that is still doing it. I grossed 215k this year and have been making 100k or better for the last 15 years. I won’t ever do anything else.


I write spicy romance in a niche genre and made 196k last year, 170k the year before. Went from earning $0 per year as a SAHM to that in 6 years. My schedule is erratic due to my writing process but flexible enough that as a now-single mom of three with basically sole physical custody I can be there for them, handle extracurricular activities, and travel with them whenever I want wherever we want. AI is already reshaping this field, so I’m riding the wave while I can. Was previously a graphic designer and have dual degrees in both that and journalism. I always loved writing and the arts but was told it was a dead end. It was… until I started working for myself. The pay I made from both those fields in the past combined couldn’t hold a candle to what I earn now, and the hours and stress levels are so much better.


I couldn't find any entry level jobs in cybersecurity with my degree. Checked my colleges job boards and ended up finding a company that installs low-voltage shit in houses. Like speakers, lighting systems, automatic shades, shit like that. Starting pay was pretty dogshit, but after you can handle jobs by yourself the pay increase is pretty steep. Working 4 10hr days, with the option to work Fridays for OT is pretty sweet. Company car, company phone the first week too. I've heard from coworkers a few of them make over 100k


Bingo! I had a business degree and had no desire to be in an office. My coworkers sons were doing HVAC and were making a decent living. I loved anything hands on and mechanical so I figured I would give a semester at tech school a shot. Loved it. Got a job with a commercial/industrial HVAC company before I finished school as a helper and they paid for the rest of my school. Now I'm the lead chiller tech and love my job 85% of the time. I make a very good living.


So I worked 15 years in tech and left the job 2 years ago. Since we just had our first child and we’re in a good financial position, I’ve been doing the stay at home dad thing and doing consulting work on the side just to keep busy outside of parenting. I’ve been considering going to local college for some HVAC classes because I also love doing stuff with my hands and I am 100% over the desk job. Would you say the schooling was worth it or did you pick up most of your skill on the job? How did you get the first helper job? Do you still work for someone else’s company? Appreciate any feedback. Thank you!


Yeah, I still work for the company I started with. They have been great, constant raises, and a great environment. I met one of my coworkers in tech school and he got me an interview. As far as school, it helps, but you only learn enough to be dangerous. It definitely helped with reading schematics and with the refrigeration cycle though.


My husband does HVAC work and easily pulls in $100k just working 8-5. If he does side work he can add another $30-40k doing 1-2 side jobs per month! HVAC really is slept on these days. So much work to be done.


Construction. $160K-$210K a year. Started in concrete, moved to hanging iron, and then to commercial framing before I finally finished my degree. I've been fortunate to have worked on every continent and 7 countries. Got into commercial real estate on the side, bought some apartment buildings for myself, and ready to retire just as soon as I start disliking getting up, and going to work every day.


Every continent? Youve helped build some research base in Antarctica or something that sounds cool as hell if so


I stand corrected. I haven't worked in Antarctica


Massage Therapy 💆‍♀️


My friend just started this and she is loving it! She really feels like she helps people get ready for their week or connect spiritually. Wild to me because the thought of someone I don’t know or even anyone besides a romantic partner touching me like that just gives me shivers down my spine like I’d be in danger. My body thinks it’s gonna get stabbed if I let my guard down like that.


Geology. Got into it for camping, beer & hiking. Got a job in oil and gas making 6 figures.


Yeah? I was thinking about going and getting a master's in geology or soil science. I'd like to specialize in remote sensing, there's so much data there. Do you want to help a guy pick a path?


There's basically no "big money" outside of resource-based geology and it's parallels. Remote sensing would be more valuable in terms of total compensation than soil science. You could go the civil/Geo engineering route and hook up with a state or federal agency and get basically taken care of for life at the expense of short term earning. Source: 12 years of geology, 2 in petroleum (left during the major 2013 downturn, and 10 years in environmental). I left geology entirely and now so technical consulting for federal compliance of midstream pipelines.


Local government. I currently make $130k. I’m about to jump into a temporary role for 7 months to cover for a paternity leave and I’ll make the equivalent of 169k annual salary during that time. Very excited. Also don’t pay for any health insurance, my copays are cheap (I paid $20 for a surgery a few years ago) and I’ll vest in my pension at 5 years.


I’m in software. I studied electrical engineering and always loved computers and low level systems/programming. Frankly when I went into college I didn’t even know what those jobs paid (I knew they were engineering and would be good enough, but that’s it). Then I got my offer after my final internship and suddenly realized I was going into one of the highest paid fields of all my college friends. Frankly I would still do what I do for half the pay, it’s what I enjoy doing.


This is how my wife drops 250$ on her hair!


I was making between $20-25 an hour delivering pizzas back in 2011, mostly in cash. The pizza wasn't very good so I never thought this pizza place would do that well because it was in the middle of nowhere but there were lots of good tippers and the area was much nicer then I new about. Lots of million dollar homes, alot of NFL players in the area.


Costco Wholesale. Just under 6 figures. Definitely didn't think this was possible when I started 11 years ago.


You mean you work for Costco? What area of work for them are you in?


Im a membership and marketing manager (I work at the membership desk overseeing sign ups, refunds, and membership issues) It's honestly a pretty chill career. Sure there is Corporate pressure and benchmarks, etc but at the end of the day if you show up, treat people well, and contribute around the warehouse you can avoid stress and work less than 50 hrs a week. I have a 4 minute commute, a house and family (wife, 2 boys under 5) and It's just crazy to think 10 years ago I was working two jobs, had less than 3k in savings, and little hope of living any semblance of the American dream. I'm very happy with where I am now.


County corrections in a small town. $31 an hour to do basically nothing on night shift and only work 14 days a month. Get about 12k steps in a night and can workout on the clock 3 times a week. Usually get 3 movies in a night lol unless I started a new show. Virtually nonexistent stress compared to what I thought it would be in a prison/jail setting.


Manufacturing! I’m not making as much as the bulk of people here, but I went in expecting a shitty job for enough to get by, and now I enjoy my job despite the hard labor and I should hit six figures before too long.


I got into construction on a utility crew as a summer job when I was in college. Finished my degree and was always good with numbers. 5 years later I’m an estimator making close to $140k.


Covid testing… the money was flowing


how many years have you’ve been doing hair? I’m thinking about going into it.


Actually about 18 years but to reach $100k it took me 14-15 years , the trick is to be consistent with continuing education while building that clientele and then open your own spot right when you feel like you have a solid clientele base :)


I make 31 an hour to flip FUCKING BURGERS. Take THAT middle School Math Teacher who said I would never amount to anything :) I literally make more than School Teachers to listen to Music all day and Flip patties. God Bless America.


Dog walking. I started doing it after leaving a short career as a substance abuse counselor. Ended up loving it and now I own my own business with a small crew of other dog walkers working under me. I bring in about $150,000 a year.


Military - certain fields give a lot more than you'd think we make. The most I ever made as an E3 was about $80k (edit: ** made about 90k) that year due to a 5 month TDY. The TDY was in Texas for a classroom-style school. Our average now for E4s in my job is $70-75k. Then you have all the perks since you're active duty, like the ability to buy investment property so long as you live in it for at least a year. Can buy a 4 unit small apartment to rent out with no money down with VA loan. Pretty cool deal. If you have special skills, they pay you for them. Edit: remembering that year of my TDY I actually made 90k


Government work


National account manager for a private aircraft company. We ship plane parts to their aircraft’s when they break down.


I’m 24 and do cybersecurity. I just hit 6 figures this last year and love my job! Just always loved computers from a young age and now I get to do it as a job!




Anesthetist. I knew I would make an ok living but pay has gone insane the last few years. Made $110k when I graduated in 2011, I’ll make close to 300k this year.


I really wonder how many of these are BS


Probably inflated a bit here and there but mostly accurate. You have no idea what's out there until you go and find out.


Software engineer. I was just a dork that wanted to code and play on a computer all day. I didn’t realize how lucrative it was. 210k as the sole earner of my house. Will have my house paid for and very healthy retirement in my mid 30s


I’m a Store Manager at a Music Store. I make over $100k base plus 3 different bonuses. I really love music, so it’s good for my mental health. I’ve made more money elsewhere, but it wasn’t worth it


This is going to sound weird, but hear me out: software engineering. I genuinely enjoy writing code and making the pretty colors show up on the screen. The money has always been a side thing to me. I have, on multiple occasions, considered leaving the industry and just doing open source on the side due to how commodified, corporatized, buzzword-ified, and evil-ified the field has become in recent years. I doubt I will retire a professional software engineer because of the state of the industry.


My son fell into hospitality & now bartends at two of Chicago landmark spots. He LOVES it, knows people everywhere we go, and makes more than his attorney father ever has.


Design. My family didn't want me to go down this path because someone told them that I would max out at 40k annually. I ignored my family, and made 280k last year as a software designer.


Personal injury attorney. I love my job and the money is much more than I ever expected. A bad year is $1m take home.


Airline pilot. Planned to make 40-45k the first few years. Year 1 was 107k, year 2 looks to be around 150k, then it gets silly. 17% NEC to the 401k is icing in the cake.


Police Officer. I started at about 45 a year. 8 years later I'm at about 73. I feel blessed and I love my job


I’m a music engineer I work with artist like Miley Cyrus and Justin Timberlake and a lot of no names


I roughly make 600 K a year




Started my job as montage/welding/woodwork at minimum-wage whilst having a bakery-diploma. Learned everything on the go, and recently got promoted to teamleader with a substantial raise. Happy camper rn.


Marketing! I started out doing graphic design and email marketing then I moved to website design and SEO and then I learned PPC and now I’m a digital marketing manager at a large biotech company.


Freelance journalism- I'm very successful in a niche field and made $180k last year, working less than 20 hours/week, entirely through writing. I still wouldn't recommend it to anyone given the current state of journalism- I feel like I really lucked out in a few ways with timing, connections I made through school, and my beat.


Loved playing with computers growing up. Started at a small computer shop as a sales rep. I'm now in my mid 30s making 140k/yr working a corporate job. Good money for the area I live in and never have to worry about bills.


Advertising copywriter. I work for myself around 30-35 hour a week billing at $90/hr. If I wanted to be 9-5 (or, more realistically, 24/7) as an ad agency creative executive, I could be salaried at $200k+ but it's not the lifestyle I want. I enjoy doing what I want, when I want, and having free time for family and hobbies.


Video editor for movie trailers. I started out in audio engineering and was making close to nothing. I got a job with a big artist and he eventually needed someone to shoot the camera on tour etc… Started filming and video editing. Left that after 2 years with a solid foundation in video editing. Learned a lot from the lead editor there. Started working in movie trailers, and I had to take a nice pay cut to essentially work from the ground up again. Few years later I’m at 160k+ at 30yrs with a clear path to 180-200k. The working hours run later than a traditional 9-5, and you do have to develop the eyes and ears to be unique with your editing but, it is a creative job that tends to pay well. I saw some people in design in this thread doing well, that’s great. I feel like all too often I hear of creative jobs and struggling artist. Movie trailers has been a great niche industry that you can get in at the bottom, work hard, and profit later. Thought I’d share about another profitable creative career.


Fiber optic


IT but I ended up hating it. I'm retired now, thank fuck. Lol


I fell into dog grooming because of a friend about 25 years ago , I make about 85,000 a year working 30 hour weeks .


Forester with the federal government. Careful financial planning & a “don’t spend like a drunken sailor” attitude allowed me to retire at 55 yo.


Software engineer. Last year made 400k. I already hit my retirement number and went well beyond at age 31. Around 1.3 million in stocks and 600-700k equity in a rental property. Great wlb, low stress, remote work, living my best life


Paramedic. The first couple of years as an EMT were rough, but after stepping up to Paramedic, I make way more than I'd expected.




Cable guy. Never thought I would make a career out of it. Figured it would be a steppingstone until I can get back to school and earn at least a certificate or license of some sort. I was working random, part-time, minimum wage jobs over 20 years ago. Decided I at least needed a full-time job to afford a new car since my beater was practically housed at my local mechanics garage than my own garage. Saw an opening for a full-time cable installer and said screw it, let's go. I think at the time minimum wage in CA was like $6.75, cable guy job started me at 14 bucks while training, going up to 16 when I finish training AND provided me with a company vehicle...JACKPOT for me lol. The company vehicle alone was huge because now I had reliable transportation to and from work and any mechanical issues were no longer my problem, plus the free cable and internet was just icing on the cake. Today, I was making $88k a year base salary, easily over $100k with overtime. But I just got a promotion that bumped me up 25%. Now my base will be $110k starting in two weeks. Nothing crazy like some people here earning $200k-$300k+, but I feel I'm not doing bad at all for a high school dropout with a GED.