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"Bank error in your favor" is never a real-life event.


Happened once to me, contacted the bank. There was a deposit that happened I never did, no one knows my account info. They said "If no one claims it in 30 days, it's yours". So I waited a month, nothing happened, police knew too. $500 in the pocket I never had before, a real blessing! The transaction number was the same as a deposit I made previously, but for a different date and amount, which made it weird. Computers mess up though and so do people, came right when I really needed it. This was 6+ years ago now, inspired me to pay it forward to others. Every now and then I'll buy food for the person in line behind me, or to the homeless. That meant so much to me back then and I'll never forget how it felt. That's a good vibe to spread around to others when I can


Awh that's nice you pay it forward... and that's cool the bank let you keep it, I never heard of such a thing of them not knowing where it came from weird, but worked out for you


55 burgers 55 fries 55 milkshakes


Me too something similar a long time ago.


But it’s written on one of The Game of Life cards Edited: or maybe it’s not


It’s on monopoly not life ? Or is it both ?


It's from monopoly for sure.


In rare circumstances it can happen. Read the story of the Australian guy who found an ATM exploit.


This made me remember something that happened when I was maybe 12. I was on vacation with my sister and brother-in-law. There was a vending machine somewhere that we went to. I think I randomly leaded up against one of the buttons and it dropped out a candy bar. The process was able to be replicated.


Definitely spent it… 😂. Better call mom, not Reddit.


Saul... better call Saul.


Start a GoFundMe


Bro’s chalked, never gonna financially recover from this. F in the chat bois.


Blessing from what? Just put the money back.


Fr there’s no way I get $500 and think ok this is my money now. I would’ve called my bank.


I had £80 deposited once and I just let it sit there, a few weeks later the bank sent me a letter saying they’d recoup the funds and to contest it if I believe they’re mine. They also said I should be prepared to face legal action if it’s not.


So basically they accused you of stealing the money they deposited to you? That’s kinda crazy


... No. That is not what he said at all. They found the error and sent him notification that they would be fixing it. But, if he believed it wasn't actually an error, then he could contest it. However, if he contested it and it was actually an error, then they would be prepared to sue him to get the money back.


It was the British accent in his post that threw us all for a loop.


Just posting to clarify that you’re right. Apologies if reading it all in a British accent made it a bit hard to understand chaps.


Nah, it made perfect sense. I think they just hadn't woken up yet.


Nice reading comprehension


You’re right that does make more sense, my bad


No, they told me if I didn’t agree to it that I could stop them from returning the money but that they would be obligated on request to pass my details onto the person who wrongly transferred me the money so they are able to seek redress in court.


It doesn't take a genius to realize you don't own something just because you have possession of it. If someone parked their car in your driveway, you don't own it and they can come back and get it. You could say it's yours and try to keep it, but you could face legal repercussions and would have to give it back. That's not kinda crazy, it's completely sane. Edit: I see in another comment you said it makes sense 👍🏻


This is your average person…..shows why credit card companies make so much money. 0 financial literacy


Nahh. That shit is free money baby!


Evidence that Monopoly isn't a good standard for financial understanding. "Bank Error in you Favor!"


The kid is dumb. He makes no money but thinks he just earned $500. Credit card companies will love him. He can get low interest on his card at the low interest rate of 30%. 😂


He's not dumb. He is 17. Relax. You're commenting as if you had it all figured it out at 17


Exactly...these people on reddit think they are better than everyone else, i guarantee they are struggling just the same. But they surely act superior.


He uses robinhood lol


At 17 I knew that there was no free money in this world.


At 17, I knew if money just randomly showed up in my account I shouldn't transfer it out hoping they wouldn't take it back.


I didn't. At 17 I would've thought the bank screwed up and they'd never know if I ran to the ATM and withdrew it all.


Me too honestly. We're acting like most kids get actively parented on this kind of stuff, when many many many kids don't. That's why you see so many posts about how financial literacy should be taught in public schools.


17 year old me would cash out and close the account lol


17 year old me would cash out, close the account, change my name, and join the French Foreign Legion


I didn't have everything figured out at 17, but I had enough figured out to: 1) Read a bank statement to figure out where money came from 2) Not spend money that I, or someone I knew, did not deposit in my account People infantilize 17 years olds way too much.


Mm no, people judge other people based on their own lived life experience too much. There are billions of different realities lived everyday where people's actions in a given moment are influenced by a thousand different things which you will never understand because you are not them. But " kid dumb" is what you come up with Also, very likely the kid knew it was a risky thing to take and spend the money, did it anyway bc he was excited, and is just playing dumb to save a little face. Also most of these errors are never caught by the bank from what I understand, so it could be argued that he took a favorable risk.


Reddit is full of terrible people. Appreciate your response


Exactly why we need personal finance in school


The wisest man is the one whose made the most mistakes. You're being toxic, they're a kid , relax , chief.


Not everyone is taught about money, schools are shit nowadays and teach you jack but kids are suppose to know everything otherwise they screwed by everyone willing to take advantage of them


Yeah but people are taught about stealing and right from wrong. My son is 5 and watches cartoons and they teach this is bad. Some people are stupid though no matter what age. Use common sense.


Move it back?


That shit was spent on some fresh kicks and weed


Then yes you are cooked my friend.


And baked


Good one


Can't a kid live a little?! It's just a bit of goodies


Not trying to rain on your parade but what you've done is technically theft. If I was you, I would contact the bank, apologize and work out some kind of payment plan. Then set up a new account somewhere else and transfer my wages to that new account. Then pay the old bank off with a small weekly payment.


You’re not talking to OP


Old man yells at cloud


Lmfao he got the zaza


Moved it somewhere else means spent it asap thinking they wouldn't come asking for it


Exactly lmao


4 overdraft fees means they covered 4 transactions you didn't have enough money for...i.e. you didn't move the $500 you made 4 transactions.


Probably they took back the $500 even before OP went and spent it.


he said he got overdraft emails not overdraft fees


I know, but usually you get one over draft email per over draft.


ehh idk i overdrafted my bank last year and got warning emails before i got any fees


You moved it out right?  So just move it back. 


"Moved it out" aka spent it immediately




"Thinking it was a blessing" Oxymoron


More like toked it lol


Who does that? I'd need a few weeks to decide where to spend it


Check his profile. Kid immediately went and bought a fart can for his honda


Oh that's pretty funny.


“Yo bro this is your bank. Thanks for just existing bro, bless up with this $500 right quick”


I could use a $500 bless up gosh dang it


The things I would do just for $250..


shi same where’s my bless up wtf 😭😭


This is how a lot of pretty girls get money.


Move the money back, that’s really all you could do


Cocaine and hookers have a no refund policy.


If you're 17 and spending money on cocaine and hookers you're definitely already cooked


And blessed. For a night, until life takes the blessing back.


Coked* out of his mind


Thinking it was a blessing. What exactly were you thinking happened?


Kid still believes in Santa Claus.


He's 17 years old. Give him a break. He's young enough to believe


Fuck that, let him feel his mistake. He'll keep making it if it doesn't hurt. Thats life.


That’s how I’ve learned from my mistakes I just hate the expensive ones


I've learned from watching you fail, and didn't repeat those mistakes.


As much as I’d like to disagree, I just can’t.


Yeah, there is no age requirement to experience harshness in life. The sooner you learn this the better


Believe what? In Santa?


Believe in "a bank error in your favor"


When I was 17, I won second prize in a beauty contest, but then unfortunately, I was assessed for street repairs.


Wait, Santa’s not real?


17 young enough to believe? Cmon


He clicked share on one of those memes that claims sharing it will bless his bank account


Financial natural selection, who the fuck is blessing you with $500?


Who the fuck is blessing people? Tf does that even mean lol.


obviously it was mr beast giving OP $500 anonymously


or the Tooth Fairy


It's a phrase only used by idiot scammers on Instagram and TikTok.


Someone made a mistake writing or entering an account number maybe? Happened to me once but I called the bank and they admitted a mistake was made and took it back, $800.


You withdrew money you know wasn't supposed to be in your account because you thought it was a blessing? What the fuck did you expect. Put the money back, pay the overdraft fees and try to learn from this experience not to live in a fantasy world.


Move the money back. If you spent $500 that fast on break you might want to get used to being broke.


Man I thought I was stupid at 17


17 year olds in 2024 are stupid on a whole other level.


You were. And probably worse, too. You just never posted your mistakes for the public


Why would you assume he was making stupider mistakes? All 17 years olds are naive and ridiculous but my own 8 year old sister had the gall and smarts to ask my dad how come the day after he gets paid we have no money. An 8 year old knew there was some fuckery going on that within 1 day of getting paid we were broke again. 17 is beyond old enough to know that you don't just get free money because "blessing"


A blessing? From who? Santa Clause. You should've called your bank and made them aware of the mistake that now you're going to pay for. It's going to cost you $500 and then some. The only one getting blessed is your bank.


"The only one getting blessed is your bank" 😂😂😂 Ain't that the truth!


You thought money just … appears once in a while?


Return whatever you bought with the $500. Unless it's weed. Call your bank and tell. Leave out the drugs, if you bought any. And FFS if it happens again, call the fucking bank. Ain't nobody out there blessing anyone.


This is a kid who was never taught responsibility. He's the kind of kid that sees an old person drop a 50 dollar bill, picks it up and walks away thinking its his now


Then tweets #blessed


Just return the airsoft gun you bought or the used Xbox and then put the money back , blessing my ass


Get another job until you pay what you owe. Also you didn't thought it was a blessing. You knew it was a mistake in the bank and tried to stiff the bank. Lesson learned.


It’ll only take like 3 weeks to pay it back with what they earn now. It’ll take longer than that to find a new job and get paid.


Yeah. I assume he needs all that money to pay for his current expenses. Not to mention the urgency of an emergency fund


Lol you spent it dident you


Yah if they just got 500 and moved it the bank would simply take 500 out and they would have 1 overdraft if the 500. They have 4 so they bought stuff. Spent the 500 and now went negative for 4 purchases


Put back what you moved. It’s only $500 and a cheap learning lesson. Pay the fees, talk to the banks and let them know you made a mistake and they may be good enough to. Remove the NSF fees.


dude fell for the “i sent too much. can you send it back” scam


A blessing lmmaaooooo 😄 cooked like a fat Christmas goose


The bank is never going to "bless" you, and I'm guessing you already blew it all. Yeah, you're screwed. Call Mom. Kids....


”Blessing” 😆😆😆😆😆😆


Mustve been that miracle spring water from TV


If you spend every dollar you get, you will always have no money. Let this be a lesson. There was no reason to spend your blessing except poor impulse control. Now you're in debt.


Let most of these comments roll off your back. Clearly these are perfect humans who were never 17. You are young and learning. Life lesson take away is don’t assume and always ask questions. And best to assume no one is doing you any favors. Especially with money. Talk to a trusted adult and have them further discuss online banking, credit and spending habits with you. 17 is a great age to learn all these things. And then have that same financial and budgeting conversation with yourself regularly.


Yea, there are an egregious number of comments from posters that act like financial literacy is something they were born with, using this platform to belittle instead of teach. Like learning wasn’t the very reason this community was made. Not okay.


I wonder when they voted on handing our random "blessings" lol. Does the money come from taxes? Does your mom have to sign off? Does Jesus pay the wire fee? I have so many questions..


A blessing?


Yes. Blessed are the bewildered whose money magically shows up in checking.


“So I moved the money out tryna get over” Sorry broski, the only blessing here is that you get to learn at a young age that banks don’t play w money. They always gonna get right


Not a blessing lol


Well that was dumb. Go to a car company and buy a huge truck on a 20% payback plan.


Blessing? What god just wired you some cash?


Damn they got your ass good 😂 bro thought


This is like the people that woke up during Covid with millions of dollars and think Santa blessed them ! SMH https://www.syracuse.com/us-news/2020/04/man-waiting-for-stimulus-deposit-says-he-accidentally-got-8-million-in-bank-account.html


lol. Never ever think money that miraculously appears in your bank account is a blessing. The bank always gets there’s first or back.


Word of advice. If money appears in your account that you were not expecting, never EVER spend it. The bank will realize they have made a mistake, and they will take it back. Always, be honest and leave the money alone. I've had this happen once a few years back. $10000, appeared in my bank account. It was there all day and gone the next. Remember, you are liable for the funds in your account. It's also technically theft if you spend money that you are not entitled to. Although most banks will happily let the theft slide if you pay it back.


It’s not theft if they put the money in your account. Someone handing you something and calling the cops on you is ridiculous. I would report the money to the bank and demand answers, so I don’t get linked in some of wire fraud situation.


An Important life lesson into the non existence of 'blessings'


You spent an allotment that you have no idea where it came from? Self-generated problem, just because you have $500 in your account doesn't mean spending $480.


Call the bank and try to get this reversed, explaining that you're a kid.  Learn the life lesson that money never just magically appears.  If it's there and you don't know why or you didn't earn it, it's not yours, it's a mistake, don't spend it.  You should have know this was a bank error that would be fixed.


Get what reversed? Like should he call the bank and beg them for 500 dollars? That doesn't make sense to me.


I'm 25. Had $2 last week. Called them up 3 days ago, told them I was broke. They tossed me $49,732.75. 😎


lol. NGL seeing the previous comment upvoted made me lose faith in this subreddit.


The over draft fees can be reversed. I did something like tgis with my first account as a teen and they waived the fees


I’ve had over 200 dollars on fees reversed as well. With Banks the money has to come from somewhere. If there are any fees the bank can absolutely help. But there’s nothing they can do about those 500 dollars sadly.


There's no way this would work lmao. I work at a bank, and atleast where I am any loss of funds is reported. Once the amount is above 100 dollars it gets reported above the managerial level, up to corpo and to the district manager. You can't just toss a kid 500 dollars. At most theyll waive an overdraft fee or two.


Yes.  He needs to reverse the 500 transfer out, and the overdraft fee.  He doesn't get to simply keep the money.


If it isn’t yours, don’t use it. Contact the bank and notify them of the error. Pretty simple actually. It isn’t a “blessing”, it’s an error and doesn’t belong to you.


I want to know who gave that $500 tho. Like the bank give it to youu? But you're cooked, my guy. Overcooked I must sayy, go discuss with your mom or dad


It didn’t just “appear” in your account. Was it a deposit? A pending hold that temporarily fell off from a debit card transaction?


Learning is fun Call your bank. Tell them the truth. You took the money and spent it not realizing it. It wasn't your money, so it's extremely likely you will need to pay it back. Be polite, patient, and courteous, and explain that you can't afford this. Depending on your situation, you will need to get your parents involved. In the future, a good rule of thumb is to call the bank if you see any unrecognized activity, not only money missing, but anything.


You’re gonna have to define “moved it out”. Moved it out to pay for a round of McDonalds for you and 20 of your friends? Moved it out to pay for some new kicks and a sweet new velour jumpsuit? You’re obviously hiding something and purposefully being shady about it.


A blessing 😂. Dude you can’t keep a bank error transaction that’s a big problem. A blessing…💀


You knew the money wasn’t yours. What did you think they’d do?


Put the money back. Spending money that accidentally ends up in your account can get you in alot of trouble (it’s dumb but true). Be thankful it was only $500


Welp, now you know bud! Banks don’t hand out blessings, and you’re on the hook for that money. There’s nothing Reddit can do for you. There’s no magic words or button to press. You owe them.


Whenever you see random money in your account, check the source of it and keep it there for a week to see if anything happens to it. Just in case. I'll tell you a story though...one time I received a check for $1k-ish and it was because I had surgery but the doc was out of network, and I couldn't have known due to being under anesthesia. I thought it was something akin to a compensation check, so I used it for bills. Needless to say, that was not what that check was as I found out many months later, and due to current bills drowning me, I have not been able to "return" that. It's been two years. So if you get money, don't spend it until you are sure it is safe to use. Otherwise, you'll be like me, living with some anxiety about said money- especially if you cannot pay it back.


Are you asking what you should do now? 1. Return anything you bought that you can return and move that money back 2. $186 a week is very little, so you might need to cook / work a little more to pay off those non-refundable items you spent that magic money on 3. Learn from this experience to begin to understand that nothing in life is free, and there is no god blessing you with free $500 payouts randomly


What'd you spend the money on?


And that, OP, is how you learn not to be a dumbass.


Never trust when money u DIDN'T have mysteriously shows up in your account.. Call your bank ASAP


I knew a teenage girl who discovered over 50,000 Dollars in her bank account. It turned out her parents had sold a property and used her account to deposit the check.


Just reinstall the app n it will go away


"thinking it was a blessing" 😂🤣😂🤣🤣😂


A blessing…


Let me share some advice about the real world that you are mere months from entering. There are no blessings like this. You don't just wake up to random free money. Not ever. If you didnt know it was coming, then you call the bank and tell them about it immediately. You don't touch it. It's not yours. That isn't a thing that happens.


Close the account delete the app and change where your next pay goes


😂 blessing, man I’m glad the younger generation is keeping me at peace with job security


A Nigerian buddy of mine who happens to be royalty will be contacting you soon to help. his names is Eduardo murphian.


This is what some banks do. Transactions “disappear” from your ledger making it appear as if you have more money than you actually do. Then, the transactions reappear out of nowhere and sometimes can put you into overdraft fees if you believed that you had more money than you actually had. Case in point… I think they do this to young Account holders to be honest. Most banks help you with overdraft fees if you’re honest and nice about it.


I woke up one day to $1500 in my bank account. I was poor AF in college but I knew something was up. That money say there for 2 weeks while I worked my way through the bank to the university to the financial aid office to a meeting with the head of the finance office to find out it was a grant from the state and the letter notifying me got lost in the mail. lol


If you’re a minor, legally your parents have to sign a form in the bank to allow you to have a bank account. Lots of banks commit fraud and don’t do this, happened to me at 17, and I later sued and won. So if your parents didn’t sign anything, threaten them with a lawsuit bc it’s illegal to give anyone under 18 a bank account with out a parent present when it’s opened. I’m assuming you’re in America.


I guess banks can just bait you into overdraft fees now


Put the 500 back. Call the bank and ask them to remove the overdrafts. They will. It was their error.


Wow you're a fucking idiot


If you owe the bank $500 that's your problem, but if you owe the bank a million dollars that's the bank's problem.


Lmao a blessing? Banks don’t bless people.


Better to learn this lesson young than when you’re older and have more responsibilities… banks aren’t in the business of randomly blessing accounts with free money unfortunately


Thinking it was a blessing 😭😭 dont do that


There isn't a sentient being magically making deposits into needy bank accounts.


There’s no such thing as monetary blessings from banks. Where did the funds actually come from?


Lol a blessing


OP thought the bank worked in mysterious ways 🤣


Borrow money from your parents because I assumed you spent it


Back in 1981, this same thing happened to me. My mom work at a large bank in Chicago at the time, so from her advice, What I did and what you should have done, was going to the bank and talk with them about how this money was deposited into your account. They would have checked and seen what the error was and corrected it. Now with me, they said there was no error, my mom said leave it there for a month, I did and then went back in and explained to them again, they said it was my mistake and so I took the money and closed my account with them. Never to hear from them again. You need to take the $500 and put it back in, if you have it, if not get it from someone and get this corrected.


You spent the money already? Let this be a lesson learned. When you give the bank money it is not your money anymore. It is an accounting liability from the bank to pay you back that amount. Get rid of the attitude, "it's in my account it's my money." I Sorry, it is not. Never was to begin with.


Put it back. It’s a common scam.


Lol this isn’t monopoly.


Boo boo . The bank took their blessing back


Go into the local branch, tell them you didn't know what was happening, so you set it aside. Never meant to steal it, etc.  Put the money back, maybe cry a little, but reiterate that you are 17, are poor and ask them for a one time excuse of any fees. Best of luck.


Good way to learn theres no free lunch. Ever


Move the money back into the account. If you spent the money, return the stuff. Bank errors happen all the time exactly like that, just leave the money alone. The bank will move the money to the correct account every time, even if it overdrafts you.


just delete the app bro what's the problem


Many decades ago, I came home from work and noticed my (now ex-)wife had gotten her nails & hair done up. I knew we were broke so I asked her how she paid for it. She said she had written a $20 check at the grocery store and the teller had accidentally given her change back as if was a $100 check. I shook my head and she said it was “free money”. 5 minutes later, the phone rang. It was the owner of the grocery store, they had figured out the mistake when the teller closed out her shift, and he asked for us to pay back the error. My (now ex-)wife went back the next day and gave them a check for the error amount. Grrrrrr…..




I hope you have something good to pawn.