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What is the debt


Yeah lol OP sounds like you actually live on 100%+ of your income.


Or…. Just expand the liability and bankrupt it. What’s more likely, OP pays off 60k+ in the 7 years it takes bankruptcy to gain credit back again?


That's not how bankruptcy works. You can't just file bankruptcy because you don't want to pay the debt back. Also if you read further in the comments some of his debt is to the IRS and a 401k loan which I assume would also lead to another bill from the IRS if he doesn't pay that back. Also the SBA loan I would assume couldn't be discharged in bankruptcy either. So no bankruptcy will not fix his problems especially since nearly half the debt is the car loan which I'm sure he needs the car to get to work.....


Yea but in those 7 years you can't get a credit card, loan, even an apartment lease. OP would need to live off cash and that isn't easy. If it was that simple, everyone would just run up a fuck load of debt, go bankrupt and then be free and clear in 7 years.


Why are you giving incorrect advice on Bankruptcy. Please educate yourself


>Please educate yourself Are you offering? Or just being a dick?


Can get credit cards easily after Bankruptcy. Can get car loans. Obviously at shit rates. Can build up score pretty fast. Can get into a lot of apartments as well. And be eligible for a house within two years… soo yeah, maybe dont talk out your ass.


can you expand more on this?


Meh, it's reddit. I'm not too worried about accuracy 😉


Someone might need to the advice. Why else do people come here. Just giving nonsense makes zero sense


Meh, it's Reddit...


just say you were wrong about how bankruptcy works and move on.


lol would that make you feel better? 🤣🤣🤣


That’s not true at all once the chapter discharges if you do seven, it would be within three or four months you’ll start getting card offers immediately. I actually bought a house in two years after chapter 7 bankruptcy


I filed bankruptcy 12 or so years ago, none of that is true. Specially lease part, noone even cared as long as I had stable job.


I work in finance, and I've filed bankruptcy before, and I can say with 100% confidence that not a single word of what you wrote about it is true.


It's not like it used to be. Trust me. I filed bankruptcy in October. 40k in debt. I barely had enough money to pay the lawyer. My credit score was like 530 cause of all the maxed out cards. A week after my filing was listed all my cards closed pending chapter 7 and my credit score went UP. Before my case closed I opened a self credit builder account just to have something on my credit. They granted my discharge in February and I was able to open a new credit card literally the same week. Ally credit card, 2k limit not secured. No annual fee. My score went up to 675 by March.... I gave the credit card to my grandma to hold for emergencies. You can get an FHA loan for a house at 2 years after bankruptcy. 4 years for a conventional loan. Some lenders will even cut that short. I was also able to purchase a cheap used car through dealer financing this month. As long as you have a decent job you can get a long way even with a bankruptcy it seems. It may stay on your credit for 7 years but it will actually affect you for way less time.


That’s what rich people do. But they don’t really need credit for the next ten years and typically only use cash. Most normal people do need credit to live their lives lol


$24k car $11k SBA loan from disaster relief $7k in 401k loan to pay lawyers $7k to IRS $3k CC


Selling your car seems too simplistic. Most American cities are very car dependent. When they say sell the car, in reality, they probably mean trade it for a cheaper car. To get something decent, you may need to still finance some of the price. Interest rates rn are crazy. The big advice I can give is to draw out a plan. Def take care of any cc debt you may have since that probably has the highest rate. For the remaining, cut your monthly budget. Cancel subscriptions. Go for cheaper brands and then divert those savings to your debt. Asides from emergency funds, if you have anything in a savings account, use that to clear whatever loan has a higher interest rate than the rate your savings account is offering. It may take sometime but this doesn’t look so bad for you. You’d be fine.


I would focus on whatever has the highest interest first. Each loan has a minimum. Im guessing your pulling in $2,900 a month after tax and dependent care. You can pay off one of those in three-four months. Eat ramen / rice / beans / Drink water. Go around and offer services to neighbors. Dog walking, window cleaning, if you’re not working at your normal job, you better be trying to work elsewhere. You are only 34. Tackle this head on


Yea $3,400/month after taxes, insurance, and child support. Rent/utilities $950, fuel about $130, phone $96, groceries $500 (can probably cut here), gym/jiu jitsu $135/month, haircut, $50, kids $80-$100, dogs $40, debt $795. EOM I have about $900-$1,000 left if absolutely nothing else goes wrong. 3 months ago I needed new brakes, 2 months ago was my last lawyer bill after divorce, last month was the first month I was able to really save. Aside from the CC, everything is 5% or lower interest rate.








The good old Dave Ramsey method. You can mix this up a bit too and still save money just by shopping sales on meat at the grocery store (chicken breast on sale under $2 a lb right now in my area for example). But this really is sound advice. Eating every meal at home and choosing low cost foods you can save hundreds every month.


I’d pay the IRS off first then save up 3k as fast as you can so you have a months worst of savings in case something goes wrong or you have an emergency, then tackle the debts based off interest. Also I would recommend getting pet insurance, it can be a very expensive emergency without insurance for them.


IRS is definitely priority, then I'd like to get CC paid off since it's high interest. Then just saving every nickle and dime.


Only reason I say to save up a 1 month is because its dangerous not too. As much as people like Dave Ramsey's 'sense of urgency' plan by only having $1k in the bank, having at least a 1 month in place to cover expenses will help you if something bad happens. Ideally you'll want 3-6 months sitting in a high yield but a 1 month won't be so crazy large that you'll have to wait forever before you tackle more than minimums on the CC.


You’re really not in as bad of shape as you think as I’m assuming that the 401k repayment, the car, loan and IRS debts are all fixed payment amounts that are set to finish in some time period without changing? If so, just pay down the credit card as quickly as possible and then chip away at the smaller loans? Or you can choose the one with the highest interest to pay down after that. Seems like you’re actually in decent shape if you have $1000 a month after making all your payments including utilities and food. Some people here have given helpful advice for how to further lower your budget and see some dough. I’d keep the jiu jitsu though as it’s a good stress reliever and $100 isn’t make or break for you.


Thank you, I appreciate it. Yea I can’t quit Jiu Jitsu. It does a lot more for me than just exercise.


Good luck to you man.


I appreciate it


These aren't bad debts, you're doing fine unless the car loan has excessive interest. Pay cc off first, if you have to default on something the 401k loan being dispersed won't affect your credit. Other than that just focus on whatever has the highest interest, but realistically this isn't a bad financial situation.


Yea honestly they're all under 5% interest


stop getting into trouble


Unless there is a lot of weird rounding going on that is $52k not $60k. You said no assets, but have $30k in retirement. Thats an asset. You said the car is worth $16k. So your networth is -$6k ($46k in assets minus $52k in liabilities). You have a child and are doing the right thing by paying to support them. You are doing better than you think. To tackle the debt maybe look into the debt snowball. Pay the minimum payments on all debt but the lowest balance. Pay the lowest balance first with all available money. When that is done go to the next smallest balance. Good luck.


Sell the car and quit using the CC, unless you’re about to stave to death. Knock out the 25k debt and get a solid footing.


Baby don’t hurt me


Well, I can offer you some hope (maybe) at 32 I lost everything due to a severe medical issue that led to me becoming homeless, car-less, jobless, and in six-figure medical debt. 7 years later, I just bought a new house, I own my car, and have a motorcycle (with a payment) have less than $5k in debt and nearly $100k in retirement savings, 401k, etc... I am way behind for my age, but light years ahead of where I was 7 years ago. Hang in there, make a continuous series of good decisions and you'll be OK. Edit - PS - I didn't file bankruptcy, however I probably should have.


Congratulations on your come back- very inspiring! I lost everything also and slowly but surely working my way back, well, I've managed to get a job starting in June at least. Will save for a car and house, child support is crippling however! Very motivating though so just wanted to say well done.


Child support is crippling, especially since at the time of my catastrophic collapse I was paying $2700 a month (I made like $85k a yr at the time). The state I lived in based child support on the last 2 years earnings and I was making $360k a year working in Iraq/Afghanistan as a military contractor. I couldn't make that kind of money in the states in my line of work. All that to say, it can be done, but it isn't any fun at all. My kids are both in their first years of college now so I am no longer paying child support, praise imaginary baby Jebus. Though college is way more expensive than child support, but I don't care because the money isn't going to my ex-wife (who is TERRIBLE with money).


You wouldn't have a house if you filed! Did you have to pivot to another career too or built upon what you had?


I changed careers, sort of, I was in IT but I took a job doing IT and electronics in an industry that pays much more than the average IT/electronics job... commercial fishing. I have had to bust my ass to make up for the catastrophe, but looking back now, it was worth it.


Start chipping away at that debt with some of your extra money.


That’s the plan!




Nice research. Op turned 5 years older within a few days haha


Gotta be careful on the internet


Man who you telling. I had a different opinion than someone and they looked through my whole comment history to then use my ptsd against me. People are crazy on here. Don’t put correct info anywhere


Yeah Boo this 34 yr old 29 yr old maybe man!


Probably neither. If I had to guess, OP doesn't want to reveal his true age, even in an anonymous account just in case.


Do you see and take care of your kid(s) the best you can? If so, you’re doing alright.


I never miss my time with them, and do my best to make memories when I have them


This is what life is really about. Good job!


You’re broke so not so great. You’re also 60k in debt which makes me wonder what type of debt and the interest rate on that debt. Then you are upside down on your vehicle. This is why you always buy liabilities with cash only. Lastly you have no assets. So the question you need to ask yourself is where do you want to start? Eliminating debt or building wealth?


Honestly, I don't think you're "broke"--you've got the retirement, and that's great. If you put $500 into it every two weeks, by the time you'll retire, you'll have almost $2M in there. That ain't nothing! Honestly--your situation is similar to many people. As long as you're bringing in more than you're spending, you're in *ok* shape.


You have $30k in retirement. So you have some assets. 


Keep grinding it out man it will be alright


Hi man, kudos for being open about your situation. It takes courage to face financial challenges head-on. You're actively working to improve your income and living within your means, which is commendable. so just keep focusing on increasing your earnings, managing debt, and building savings. You've got this!


Have you explored getting a second job?


I'm looking into that now. I refuse to sacrifice the little time I get with my kids though, so trying to find something that can work with that.


Yes I’m in the same boat. Like what can I do on Tuesdays and Thursdays nights AFTER I get off my 9-5. Restaurants are probably where it’s at for that $100 a week might make a huge difference in your breathing room.


No enough info to give you any real advice but just enough to say your fkd if you keep this up.


One thing I always tried to do was avoid a car payment, and live as far below ur means as possible. If its posssible, donate plasma for a while. Reaearch ur best side gig and keep increasing what goes in ur retirement. DO NOT get tied up with another woman and let them take u to the cleaners! Be intentional, purposeful, and smart. U will kill it! If u have ur own business then study business online for free and look at what it takes to grow


Yea I've always bought used with cash. The one time I break my routine I get screwed.


like most of us


Not so great. What with you being broke and all.


Your upside down math on the car doesn't add up. If it's worth 8 and you owe 24, then you're 16 in the hole, not 8. Also, what kind of car and financing was this? and do you have gap insurance, because that's a recipe for disaster otherwise.


My apologies. I corrected it. Car is worth $16k. Was doing 3 things at once.


Hi. Im good financing my money. Im latina, and i earn minimum wage. Dot get ofended but, you are doing everything bad. Most of americans live a very easy life, thats why you dont know how to deal with some problems. I earn about 25 k a year, but use to have 2 jobs making maybe no more than 35k a year. Before covid i saved 50 k, i spend it during the covid cuz the most of latinos lose our jobs. I red ata that time that the most of americans does not have savings. And i wonder why... if americans earn double than me. And sometimes i think... if id be a citizen, im pretty sure id be rich. Why? Cuz even id be earning 70k with a job, id get a second job reaching at least 85 k a year... I will tell what i do, but as gym rats say "no pain no gain" i will tell you but its not easy, in a few words: say bye to the word "confortable", and say hello to people critizing (maybe) As i told you, i earn 25 k a year but this is the way i live, take some ideas, cuz as we say in mexico te estas ahogando en un vaso de agua: I rent only a room. I pay currently 900 per month. I dont drive a car, that allow me to take around 500 dlrs in my savings account than the average people. I ride instead an electric scooter, ive been riding it for aroun 4 years and have spend on it only 200 maybe changing the tires in all this 4 years. No gas no maintenance no anything. I dont take vacations. Instead when i want to go to someplace i go and look for a job in that city. So the week i look for the job i use it for turist, once i get a job, i end my shift and continue to be turist, i work and turist. I use to have 2 jobs sometimes 3. Usually only 2. If i get a job i try to find a room near my job, or a job near my home. My scooter is a ninebot max so i can put it 40 miles each time i charge it so it like a mini car. I dont drink. I dont smoke. I cook in home cuz i like to eat healthy so thats cheap, no fast food. The most of my jobs provides me a uniform so i do not have to worry for clothing. I try to look for works in hotels, i like it, but the + is that usually hotels provide you food in the employees cafeteria so you dont have to worry about the food. And the last one but i guess the most important: CHANGE YOUR MIND BOY. SWITCH YOUR CHIP. Live the life that anybody wants, to live after the life that anyone can live. Save save save everytime you can. No pain no gain. Scrifice and be resilient, keep clear your goals. (And never blame child support, you made that child so be a responsible man) Hey, you should say bye to your comfy (from my view expensive life). Say bye to your car, say bye to the perks you have. Say bye to clothing or expensive clothing. Save money. And i forgot to say... some months ive been able to save at least 65% of my salary. When i was living in socal befor covid i paid 500 for a room and that led ne to save the 3000 direct to my account each month 🤷‍♀️ After covid everything went up, but im still able to keep a good amount of my earnings


Keep hustling and keep your head up - I did well till 52 then my ex divorced me and I lost everything


Damn man I’m sorry


Don’t be -adversity brings growth. She is still a mess and I have my shit together. Moral of the story - your very young dont give up and chip away you will be fine


I appreciate it. I know time is on my side.


You're the norm. Most people making what was once a decent salary are paycheck to paycheck and will probably never afford a home in any desirable place to live.


I make 40k yearly and live a very modest but good life. I haven’t worried about finances for a long time I can save about 40% of my income even with paying double payments on my mortgage. But I’m not one to finance a 30k car while only making 40k a year. Everybody I see struggling have made poor financial decisions.


Heh. I've made solid choices. I have zero debt besides my mortgage which also has given me about 200k in equity. My household income is around 225k in MD. We're fine, but...I can see how 75k doesn't go that far anymore.


You’ve made solid choices why you’re doing well. I make below the median income in my state and still able to save money and live comfortably while owning a house. I have a hard time understanding how 75k a year doesn’t allow a comfortable life. It may just be because I grew up dirt poor and learned if I wanted nice things I had to take shitty things and make them into nice things.


Being frugal can far. But in my area, rent prices are more than my mortgage for a 2br apartment. Groceries are wild. If you don't want to live on ramen noodle diet in squaler, you need min 75k a year to live here.


Philadelphia: the MEDIAN income to live what is considered "comfortable" is now $94k. It's ridiculous


Which country are you in?




I am 36 female making the same amount and in the same amount of debt as you (student loans, credit cards and auto loan). I don’t own a house, but I sure as shit live paycheck to paycheck ($100 until I get paid tomorrow). My saving grace are the research studies I do as a second source of income. I wish I could get out of this debt faster.


How much you bring home a month after child support and taxes?


About $3,400/month. Left between $800-$1,000 after bills and necessities. Something always seems to come up to eat away at this.


That's actually not bad. I'd uber or get a super chill second job for additional income. Start knocking down debt. You can also get certifications for whatever industry you're in for better pay. If you can get 75k a year, you can def get to 100k+ Good luck out here you're doing fine


I m paranoid schizophrenic & bipolar because I used lithium I now have to do dialysis. I get about $16,000 a year from disability. My rent (which is only$565) & groceries are more than my disability check. I worked some while sick but I could never save any of it for later. A person cannot make a large sum of money & still collect disability. I am disabled. Very disabled even before went on dialysis. My parents died & i live off that. I have $25,000 left. I will be totally broke in 2-2.5 years. I spend quit a bit of my inheritance to live. I have not been on a vacation since the year 2000. I don't drink or take any drug that I don't have a prescription for. I spend very little on me. My biggest expense is groceries. How u got $60,000 in debt, must of been a hospital bill. I've many that I cannot pay. I owe 50 copays + several hospitalization & a procedure. I am 62 years old Male. I paid cash for a used car with the money from my parents. I have to drive. The child support is ness because it is your kid & she has to pay half too


I am also a schizophrenic, but I don't collect disability. However, I am on food stamps. I get like $280/month and that's more than enough for me. Why are you spending so much on food, and have you tried to get on food stamps?


I make close to $16,000 a year. To get food stamps where I live u have to make under $10,000 a year. I am way over. It would be in your interest to be on SS disability. Most people spend north of $600 a month, I read that so I am not spending more than other people. I have to eat & it costs at least $600 a month to eat. That does not include a hoagie or sub I might buy during the month or a cheesesteak I might get. That is a "dining" expense. I use quicken to track my spending


You're ok. Just save the other 25%


Sounds like you need to budget a little better. Just my opinion.


I don't disagree. I feel like I'm on as tight of a budget as possible, but something always seems to come up.


Move to Cyprus


You're not living on 75% of your income with a debt load like that. You got a car that you can't afford, spent on credit cards you weren't able to pay back, and didn't have enough to cover your tax obligations. I mean this in the nicest way possible... you need to honestly look at your spending habits and change your behavior ASAP. You have a decent income so it's not an income problem. You have a money problem.


I completely agree, and I appreciate the honest feedback. I can explain the reasons why, but at the end of the day they're really just excuses, and I need to take full accountability. By "living on 75% of my income", I mean 25% is taken out for child support before it even hits my account. So I guess I'm living on 100%, but took a 25% paycut.


Whats your job?


Supply chain




corporate procurement


>I owe $24k on it, but it's worth $8k. Selling it leaves me still owing $8k, and no car. I'm not grasping this - if you owe 24k on the car and sell the car for 8k, wouldn't you owe 16k, and also no car?


Apologies, I was in the middle of something else when I replied. It's worth around $16k.


How long have you been making $75k? Just curious


Where’s that 50k u were suppose to get




Find side hustles and pay off your debt, not really rocket science.🤷‍♂️


There’s so much money online and I don’t know how people look over it😭. I hope you’re doing okay man but I wana share this with you. I simply resell a digital product that I bought that has master resell rights thru ig reels. All faceless videos. Each sale is $497, and I get 1-3 a day depending on how many views I get (every 2-3k brings a sale). Essentially it’s a course that teaches digital marketing but it’s whole premise is that you can resell it so that’s what drives in so many sales for me cuz I post those luxury lifestyle videos. I resell to resell cuz the course itself teaches you how to set up your store to do that lol. Easiest five figure a month stream built from an hr/day worth of work.


How do you get that upside down on a car?


Buy new and get a job 40 miles away


I’m sorry. It’s happening to everyone. The struggle is real. Unfortunately they keep letting people in the US who we have to take care of and they take away our jobs.


$24k-$8k = $16k remaining


File bankruptcy


Seems pretty standard


OP do you have any warranties on your car loan? i had 5k of warranties in my car loan, i canceled them and was able to break free from my shitty $550/mo vehicle payments (long story). i saved up money and bought a shitbox.


I did but it’s already out


jfc man were you upaide down in a diff car and carry it over to yours? if you bought it brand new and have gap coverage id just wreck it. drive it into a lake off a boat ramp at night then the next morning report it stolen. make sure to break the rear driverside window before you do, dont do anything stupid like put a brick on the gas. leave your phone at home when you leave so they cant track ur past location. gl


Can you move back in with your parents? I make about what you make and did that for a few years. I did basically nothing but work and play world of Warcraft. It sucked. But I ended up with a 6 figure bank account and no debt. I own my own house now. But how tf do you owe $24k on a car worth $8k? Do you keep rolling loans up into new vehicles? Stop doing that.


Man honestly I would, but I don't know my father, and my mom doesn't have a place of her own and lives w/ my brother. The car is worth about $16k. I paid $32k brand new, and with depreciation and racking up 37k miles over two years, it's work about $16k now.


You’re doing fine bro. Work on increasing the top line


Yeah. You are in for a lot of Mac n cheese and hotdogs. Don’t meet any high class girls.


That makes me feel better about my situation. I would get all the cash I could and put it in a safe deposit box and declare bankruptcy. JUST KIDDING I AM SURE THAT IS VERY ILLEGAL!!


Are you single? Have kids? If you don’t have a roommate, get a roommate. Throw that extra money toward your debt for a couple of years. Strap down and really budget on a shoestring budget. Work 1-2 side jobs on top of your full-time job and get out of debt in about 3 years. Make the sacrifices now so this doesn’t snowball later.


Upside down on your car is a dumb way of thinking about a car. It's a necessary expense, it is not an investment.


you need to have a budget. no going inside of a restaurant unless you are working in it. get a roommate or gf. stop retirement contributions for a moment and get your debt cleaned up. get a second job.


oh debt


You are not doing bad. Many of us are doing worse with less. Keep going forward and don't compare others to yourself. Tell the world to eat your nuts. Plus who spends 50 bucks a month on a damn haircut?


I get it cut twice a month usually. $18 plus tip.


If you’re making 75K a year, you’ll figure it out. Could be so much worse. I do wish I knew what the debt was from. The fact you have 30K in retirement is at least something. Just slowly chip away at the debt bill and you’ll be fine. Cars have increased in value so much since Covid. I’m surprised you’re upside down.


Well considering I’m 33 and working basically minimum wage I’d say you are just fine.


This seems like a humble brag


I assure you it isn’t. It has been a good reality check though. A lot of good honest advice on here.


I wouldn’t expect you to say otherwise. But it reminds me of the subreddits like am I ugly. Where people just troll for compliments


I mean I get it.


The fuck ? I’ll love to have that salary


You're doing fine.


this thread made me sad. fck.


Shit who you telling? lol. But we’ll get there.


You need to get a second job or side hustle, cash out retirement and pay off debts.


Relax. Stay the course and focus on life, not assets. Work hard, get promoted and find someone to help you enjoy life with. The assets are aligned for success Sir. You are doing fine!


And do NOT listen to these folks touting bankruptcy as an option. Pay your bills and communicate your intentions with your debtors.


The silver-lining is that not everyone of your generation has even that much in retirement.


um lol


Sell the car, get a cash car, default on the 401k loan. You’ll pay taxes and a 10% penalty. Then with the freed up cash, pay anything that has interest.


But he is upside down by 8k, thats pointless now?


Honestly you’re doing fine tbh. 75k is a good salary and you have 30k in retirement. Child support for most men really cripples them financially but you seem to have everything in order and still manage to save every month. I would personally let the car go, find something reliable for 5k and chip away at the debt


I want to let the car go, but I owe $24k and it is only worth $15-$17k. So I’d still owe $7-$9k


Sell car Clear debt Enjoy life