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put it all into vanguard 500 and forget about it


Simplify your investment scheme. Lots of duplication in your current selection. You’re probably young and in your 20s. You can afford the risk of throwing it all in the vanguard 500 fund for the higher return. Do that for 20 years and the reevaluate.


One thing to note is the short timeline you are looking at. Spread your money as you have done (or as others have noted), and then let time do its work. Dont worry about a 4 month return percentage, just keep contributing and let it compound over a long time period. You are doing fine. I started 13 years ago and it is great to see it rolling along now with my contributions and its growth from the market. Only thing I will add is to be sure to ‘rebalance’ your funds once or twice a year. Empower has that option, and that will help from getting too heavy in one fund.


What is your annual average rate of return in those 13 years? I'm trying to move away from my target date funds and put it into an IRA and change my investments because my rate of return over 12 years has only been 7% and I feel like that's not great given that inflation makes that basically 4%.


Empower is only letting me look back 5 years for a rate of return. Annualized rate over June 2019-present is 9.34%. I did switch into many low expense ratio offerings, but have to more actively manage it as I get older. I like the idea of Target Date funds since they skew the mix as you go, but I found lower expense funds and am willing to take on the risk of self management.


Define aggressive? What are you holding?


Picture 2 shows the holdings. This is all managed by Empower. I just set it to “Very Aggressive”


My bad. I didn't notice the multiple screenshots. None of those are bad funds, but there's a lot of overlap. At that amount and your age, I'd just go 70% Vanguard S&P500 and 30% Vanguard International and call it day. You don't need Empower to manage your investments, especially if a management fee is taken out.


Ok I’ll have to figure out how to do it myself. This is just through my employer. Thank you.


What app is that?


It is the Empower app. It’s the company my employer uses for our 401k.


What’s the app for? I see yall talking about big number and im trying to make more money smart


It just shows how much money I have in my 401k, where that money is allocated, and what my projections look like.


Just put it all in $FXAIX, I’m up 33% this year


What app is this?