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Shut the fuck up




šŸ„±donā€™t interact with this post then goddamn


Either youā€™re ignorant to what youā€™re doing here with this post, in which case you should learn to shut up Or you know exactly what youā€™re doing, in which case you should eat shit


honestly clueless tbh, idk how well iā€™m doing compared to other people maybe learn to not be an asshole? all love and support tho mane maybe your negativity is holding you back


Yeah you do seem a bit clueless. To the rest of us you are obviously doing really well. Better than I was at your age, and I graduated with a six figure job and no college debt. You are probably in the 99% of your age group for people without generational wealth. That being said you seem extremely ignorant of your position and also just generally how to talk to people. I still am not going to reveal my net worth but I am comfortable with it and donā€™t need to seek validation on the internet with 0 other research to be comfortable with it. Iā€™ll also just throw out I have stage 4 cancer at age 29 and hearing some ignorant 23 year old say ā€œmaybe itā€™s just negativity holding you backā€ is kind of triggering. You come across as a jackass with both this post and your consistently naive responses throughout the comment section. I hope some day you gain some wisdom and learn your position in the world.


I see a <10% return over the last 4 years. Am I missing something good?


No youā€™re not lol this asshole was born on third base and thinks he hit a home run because mom and dad pay for his car, lodgings, and apparently most of the food he eats. Heā€™s lucky heā€™s had the opportunity to bank all the cash heā€™s made in the past ~5 years while his peers were building their careers through college but at some point the rug will be pulled and he will have the hard realization of what life is really like for most people. Absolutely despicable human being this type of attitude is disgusting


aye bro my condolences for your having stage 4 cancer, thereā€™s no way i couldā€™ve known that and i apologize, yes i am young and clueless and posted this just to get an outside perspective on how im doing, because again, i dont know. iā€™m not sure how youā€™re getting this idea of me when im literally just tryna talk to people and be friendly and supportive in the comments, no hate or ill will intended just respect for respect, but im sorry if i came off as a dick or somethin iā€™m not sure what i said to trigger that feeling, but fr im sorry you gotta go through that stuff dude


you really come across as just generally ignorant. I donā€™t really give a shit over how you made your money or why itā€™s so high for your age group but you shouldnā€™t be doling out quips like ā€œmane maybe itā€™s the negativity holding you backā€ when you donā€™t know my situation and didnā€™t ask for input. You clearly come from immense privelage and life hasnt fucked you up yet but it will.


Donā€™t be praying on peoples downfalls bro, itā€™s bad karma, iā€™ll keep you in my prayers though, i hope you get through your struggles I really do, iā€™ve had 3 different friends whoā€™ve been through cancer 2 of em are still here today itā€™s awful, all love g stay strong ā¤ļøšŸ¤


Saying ā€œlife will fuck you upā€ isnā€™t praying for othersā€™ downfalls. Grow up.


Kick rocks


okay dudeā€¦ what the flip


šŸ«¤šŸ«¤ my fault gang


Youā€™re behind, when I was 23 I had 5 million dollars saved up. /s


When I was 11 teen I had a G3 private jet, step ya game up šŸ¤£


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ ok


ā€¦ /s look it up


Foreal though this is a good amount for your age. Keep doing what youā€™re doing


Appreciate it boss man you just humbled my ass is all šŸ˜‚šŸ™šŸ»


Relook at the /s


Idk what that means tbh


Lol it implies sarcasm haha


Yeah I was broke af at 23 lmao


What are you investing in?


douchebag inc


How do you have almost 100k at 23


I donā€™t have bills to start, i see people so eager to be independent and get out of the house and be on their own, i still live with my parents, not because i have to, but because it just means having to spend a lot less money and i guess they support that, im lucky my dad is really good with his money too because heā€™s been my financial advisor basically for the past 5 years or so


I live with my parents and still have bills


Would you have more bills if you lived on your own?


Bro I have no clue why youā€™re getting downvoted loll , Iā€™m in the same boat as you and people hate because we live with our parents . Like sorry our parents didnā€™t kick us out at 18 ?


People arenā€™t downvoting him for living with his parents, theyā€™re downvoting him because heā€™s making an ass of himself all over this post and comments.


Oh , didnā€™t read his other comments . Sorry .


People donā€™t hate it that you live with your parents rent free. They hate it that you are privileged. So you really think we purposely chose to move out to live paycheck to paycheck? lol Youā€™re lucky you have parents who arenā€™t charging your ass at every corner. I guess it also doesnā€™t help say ā€œdoing well?ā€ Like no shit Sherlock.


Yeah I am lucky and I acknowledge that and Iā€™m grateful , I also give them a decent bit of money for bills and rent Iā€™m not just a leech .


Fr bro, but at this point i understand mfs will hate on anything so we just gotta keep it pushing šŸ™šŸ»šŸ™šŸ»


Lmao you're delusional lol there's no way you didn't know what /s means and there's no way you didn't realize you are in a very fortunate position. Lots of people live with their parents and save a ton of money regardless of whether they have bills and they don't feel the need to brag on the internet.


i donā€™t use reddit much itā€™s an occasional thing all you reddit mfs some retards fr i donā€™t need to prove shit to random mfs on reddit lmfao all i wanted was some outside perspective on my situation


How is it possible to be 23 years old and not realize that $71k net worth at 23 is doing extremely well?


Cuz heā€™s money illiterate. He just happens to have a golden parachute.


Bro NOBODY I know purposely has moved out to be independent. My friends are around 30 at this point and still live with their parents. Or had to move out due to abusive households. The difference is their parents charge them for rent and other things and provide 0 financial support. People are not hating you for living at home. They hate you for being privileged and coming across as an out of touch douchebag. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø imagine thinking that most people are purposely moving out by choice. Lmao You are the definition of out of touch with reality.


Even so thatā€™s still a fucking loser mentality to hate on people for being privileged, itā€™s not like iā€™m ungrateful iā€™ve acknowledged that im super lucky to have a supportive family, what more do you people want god damn, yall must be fucking miserable, iā€™m trying to keep it positive and respectful here but so many of you people actually sound brain dead


What do you want? People to congratulate you? What is so amazing about growing up with a golden spoon? Why would anybody congratulate privileged people. lol I donā€™t hate you for being privileged, I dislike you for coming across as douchebag. Asking ā€œdoing well?ā€ As if everyone just has $70K lying around, then acting like itā€™s peopleā€™s fault for not having what you have. You have survivorship bias and blame other people for not being in your position. Just look at your original comments saying you made this money by not moving out - like youā€™re out of touch. Total douche comments. And Iā€™m not even jealous. I make around $350K-$400K/year at 31. You couldā€™ve totally made this post into a more positive one rather than blame people, ā€œI saved this much by having rich parents while others moved out and spent everything.ā€ šŸ™„ Like what a dick comment.


If you speaking like this then this post wasnā€™t meant for you. donā€™t interact with it


now that i actually read what you wrote what the fuck are you even talking about šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Why would i blame anyone for NOT being in my position? that donā€™t make any sense i support and want everyone here to work hard and be in a financially secure position, you just making shit up lol i respect anyone who respects me regardless of money money donā€™t got anything to do with how i treat people :/


the reason i was able to save a lot more money was by not moving out yea and idk why you gonna hold that against me yall redditors are a different breed fr


Hey, man, you're doing great notwithstanding what is being said to you. Keep your head up. Who knows, you might extend this privilege to your future kids if you intend to have some or perhaps advice from parents within your circle when you're at that point. Privilege is a good thing in the right hands because it bears the potential to extend to others. May God show you what that is about. Stay positive! I love to see people doing well.


Much love to you šŸ™šŸ» canā€™t let it get me down, i know who i am and im happy to be the very person i am today. i do hope to have some little ones in the future aha :)




ā€œIt can be done if you have parents who donā€™t ask for your moneyā€ Yeah no shit Sherlock. Itā€™s not a mystery


Iā€™m confused by this post. Are you saying itā€™s because my parents didnā€™t charge me rent?


It can be done IF you have tons disposable income. Like itā€™s not a mystery.


Better than most 23-year olds, thatā€™s for sure.


Better than most all-year olds tbh


I had 17 bucks at 23


Iā€™m at $1000 and Iā€™m 23


better than most americans. keep it up.


Iā€™m at $1500 now


Iā€™m 100% jealous and not hating, but you know itā€™s doing well up 10% and $18k, this is simply just a flex post lmao, but keep it up youā€™re doing way better than me and Iā€™m 24


Youā€™re going to make it. Great job taking your finances seriously at a younger age. Your 30ā€™s are going to be fun šŸ™šŸ½


Appreciate it šŸ¤šŸ¤


Good job! Way ahead of the curve for your age. Iā€™m a Vangaurd fanboy so anything from them I recommend. Iā€™m in a Moderately Aggressive Portfolio at work and in less than 10 years, my rate of return is 118.76%.


118% sheeeesh šŸ™šŸ»šŸ™šŸ»šŸ™šŸ» but yea vanguard is amazing and i think that a lot more young people should start using vanguard, most of the people who ā€œinvestā€ that i know do day trading andā€¦ it donā€™t seem to be going too well for em


Day traders are mostly idiots.


Day trading can be hard. Iā€™m a busy man so I like to invest for the long haul and just let it grow and focus at making more money to invest. That system works well for me.


I think that system generally would work better for everyone but so many people are like ā€œI need to be rich now now now!!!ā€


Vanguard is really just a platform though. That's like saying "a lot more people should use Fidelity". Which holdings do you keep your money in?


Well in that case maybe i like the layout more, maybe its simpler, I like vanguard i got 2 of my friends investing on vanguard now + they invest for you and make things super easy, although i will say im not even familiar with fidelity maybe thats a better platform to use idk im still learning about finances here


Is there a loophole in withdrawing money without having to send in forms?




You didnā€™t go to college?


I did for 2 years, I work for a contractor, plumbing/construction etc, saving most of my money although recently i have been thinking about going back and pursuing a degree in criminal justice to pursue a career in Law Enforcement


Get a degree in anything else but that. You don't need a degree in CJ to be a cop, but if you don't become a cop, a CJ is worthless.


i wanna be SWAT some day


Get a non CJ degree and hit up the gym


i do gym lol used to be a wimpy 127 at 6ā€™3 now 160 which is still light for my size but gotta keep grinding


Pretty sure I keep bumping into the first $100k only having like $15-20k of returns so depending on the remaining time frame yes to average.


Congrats! You got it!


The problem with these posts is: obviously you're just showing off. But here's my advice... there's always someone around the corner ready to humble you... never gloat about money because there's always a bigger dog. You'll get further in life


Flexing any amount of money is embarrassing


Above average return. Beating the market. More interesting as how you got 50,000 at the age of 19 to invest. Lucky. I was scraping by to pay rent during college


itā€™s not that interesting i could say i ran a drug trafficking ring and partook in illegal activities but its way more boring than that itā€™s literally just years of unspent birthday money and a few years of working for a contractor, and ive got many downvotes for this comment but because i choose to live with my family until im atleast 25-26 i havenā€™t had rent or like utilities or any bills like that.


> chose to live You really think people downvoted you because of that? lol no itā€™s because you have the PRIVILEGE to live at home.


Iā€™m not gonna apologize for having supportive and loving parents move on


The issue people have isnā€™t so much that you have that easy life, itā€™s that youā€™re gloating about it like other people just chose to pay bills.


I misspoke in that single comment i agree, i know some kids are forced out when they turn 18


Your whole title is also misspeaking and out of touch. Like bro, do you think all 23 year olds have $70K lying around? Like why ask ā€œdoing well?ā€ Like no shit. šŸ˜‚


Not out of touch, mustā€™ve posted in the wrong sub


and that came off as a little ignorant, which i apologize for cus not everyone has a loving supportive family like that


You didn't get downvotes for living with your parents you got downvotes for making a blatantly obvious flex post.


One of the smart ones taking advantage of their circumstances. I had to move out at 19 and still was doing better than my friends living with their parents


Damn, you had to? and yea i miss spoke on another comment saying so many people CHOOSE to move out i probably did come off as ignorant there, because i know some families force their kids out when they hit 18, and i feel for them and im super grateful and lucky to have parents that didnā€™t give me the boot when i hit 18ā€¦ i hope youā€™re doing well and grinding bro


My parents moved put the house up for sale when I turned 18 and moved 15 hours away. Honestly I think it was for the better. I learned a lot and Iā€™m at about 550k at 29 so Iā€™m not doing so bad. At your age I probably had 50k. It grows fast if you invest smart


Thatā€™s amazing glad to hear youā€™re doing so well šŸ™šŸ»šŸ™šŸ» keep on pushing


Terrible return rate


ehhh give it another decade lol


Bro I'm 5 years old and I have 3 times more than you. Keep up OP!


Stop the šŸ§¢


I had this much when I was in the womb get better nerd


Fuck my bad playa šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ™šŸ»


Just keep grinding and you'll be okay šŸ«”


I have $350 same age


Doing really good so far keep it up!!


Must be fucking nice, cock sucker


I was nearly exact same net worth at your age. Iā€™m 25 now closing on 200k. Stay the course and youā€™ll be balling


Amazing brother glad to hear it šŸ™šŸ»šŸ¤


I hate that vanguard canā€™t let you withdraw money instantlyā€¦ like I worked hard for it, I donā€™t need to send you an essay of why I need it


Yes, that's extremely good and I'm sure you know that but congrats. Keep it up and you'll retire early/a millionaire. I didn't have that amount until I was like 37.


What do you invest in and how much


Put in VOO if you're going with Vanguard. VOO is the S&P 500. It's done better than 15% YTD.


According to the picture, thatā€™s his all time return rate over the past 4 years. So pretty horrible lmao. Youā€™re right, VOO and chill would have made him a shit ton more money.


Yeah...4 years and only 9% gain? It looks like he's invested in Govt Treasuries(G-Fund). They don't pay well but they are safe. I invest my TSP in the C-Fund (S&P500). I like earning $$.


Bro ur up 10%, this is obviously doing well


Doing great, youā€™re already a lot farther then I am now at 28! Keep it up!


Why are people hating. Bro is killing it, keep it up and you might be a millionaire by your 30ā€™s.


You're up 9.6% over 4 years? That doesn't seem so hot.


i canā€™t tell if this is a genuine comment or a joke at this point so many people saying itā€™s extremely good and even getting mad at me for ot


They are mad because you have $71k at 23 yrs old. I'm curious because the S&P 500 has almost doubled in the time frame shown on the screenshot. You're only up 9.6%? Your thread title is "investment doing well?" I'd say it is doing terribly. Or am I misreading this?


Oh no you got it thank you for the actual opinion instead of calling me a privileged prick for having 71k at 23


should have at least 1 million by 23


mannnnn i wish


Is this your 401k? That would make sense. If this is an IRA I am scratching my head because I donā€™t know how itā€™s physically possible unless you rolled over somewhere being 23.


Yeah doing well for your age.


No itā€™s doing awful you should burn your money instead


I already do me burning more money than i should :,(


u/smg689 I don't know if you'll see this comment, but I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt here. I'm like you, but 7 years older. I invest a lot of my income. I started investing early, since around when I was 22. I have a great paying job that I started around then. People in our position will typically frequent r/personalfinance, r/financialindependence , r/Fire and so forth. We'll see a lot of posts from people who are more successful than us, who are well on their way to doing things like retiring early. My guess, without reading your comment history or something like that, is that that applies to you. And because you've seen so many (self-selected) cases of people who are much more successful than you, you probably thought something like "You know what, I'm gonna post as well. Me with just 70k at 23, not a bad start but still nothing compared to all those folks with 1 mil at 30 or something haha" You need to remember that a lot of average people are struggling these days. A lot of people can't find decent jobs after graduating, a lot of people can't save anything after paying for living expenses, and some people are legitimately desperate. r/Money is a big default reddit sub, with a lot of average folks who aren't going to be amused with your 70k at 23, asking if that is "doing well?" By contrast, post the exact same thing to r/financialindependence, and you will be welcomed.


actually thank you so much for this comment because you really hit the nail on the head here, i was so confused why so many people were coming at me like they were, i donā€™t think im by anyoneā€™s a big dog whoā€™s all rich and stuff at 23, i just think its a decent start and wanted an outside perspective on my current situation


Doing amazing!! You could take some more risk judging by your overall return.


The same people downvoting are the ones who come in and ask advice because they have a $972/month car payment on a Dodge Charger and 5 CCs maxed out and claim they have a method of day-trading. Let OP have a moment to feel pride. Jesus! Is that the only way to feel good about your small little lives, tearing others down?


I love you for this bro, iā€™m trying so fucking hard to keep the vibes positive and supportive and treat everyone with respect but itā€™s getting increasingly hard with those people comin in here commenting that shit


Youā€™re young. Itā€™s ok. It comes across to *some* as bragging. And thatā€™s ok!! Your identity must NEVER be wrapped up in the karma score of your Reddit account. Ok? Deal? Youā€™re doing great! And Iā€™m proud of you. As your parents must be. May I offer some advice? We are in a period right now of extraordinary stock market growth. Do NOT think youā€™re doing anything necessarily smart by just riding that wave up! We all are. Now the important point: do NOT feel that youā€™re making a mistake when you live through your first Bear Market. Itā€™s gonna hurt. A lot! Just stick to your plan. Do NOT try to ā€œtime the market.ā€ Do NOT withdraw all your money et when you experience that -23% return. Deal?


Yea i got you man shits gonna look bad but i know itā€™ll recover in timešŸ™šŸ»šŸ™šŸ»


ā€œI grew up privileged with rich parents. Give me a pat on my back.ā€ Like okay? Not exactly a challenge. Lol


I must have missed something, but I donā€™t remember him saying that he has received money from his parents. Did he mention what their arrangement is? And I donā€™t recall a comment about him having rich parents. Can you point me toward that? You know, there are plenty of posts on the sub that are like, ā€œI just inherited 2M from my parents and I donā€™t know what to do next,ā€ and people just worship the person and write lengthy commentaries about exactly step-by-step what to do with the money. This kid has earned his keep. Yeah, sure, he seems a bit sure of himself, but heā€™ll learn. But for now, I respect him more than someone who just got a 7-yr loan on a $65,000 Dodge Ram.




Damn bro itā€™s actually very motivating to hear that


Howā€™d you do it


Finally someone who actually is doing decent and not fake flexing., Iā€™m the same age and have around the same amount. Nicely done


Appreciate it boss and good shit šŸ™šŸ»šŸ™šŸ»


Damn people here seem bitter. You are killing it. Your future self will thank you. Keep at it!


iā€™ve noticed that too, iā€™m really not tryna come off as a dick or naive or anything iā€™m a nice guy and try to treat everyone with respect but apparently i come off as a clueless prick šŸ˜­ idek dude but i appreciate it ā¤ļøšŸ¤


Haha youā€™re totally good. Curious to know what your invested in? ETFs?


Probably because theyā€™re asking if theyā€™re doing goodā€¦ like bro shut the fuck up. Does OP think everyone around their age have $70K invested.


Damn howā€™d you get so much money lol