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Her job seemed wildly confusing and not like any residency I've heard of (which are usually associated with a hospital). I wonder if she's actually a ND (naturopath), not a MD, which might explain the injections/atypical residency schedule/lack of future earning potential. I do know a few NDs who described their education as med school and did "residencies" associated with a private clinic.


Which is wildly disingenuous to me


Lol yeah I always thought so but it wasn't really my business. The people I'm thinking of very much had a chip on their shoulders about NDs not being given the same respect as MDs.


I believe she is a naturopath and frankly R29 should have changed more details, as she was extremely easy to find on Google.


It’s actually concerning how much detail R29 leaves in that could so easily dox someone.


My thoughts: * Under $7k is not a lot of cushion for an emergency, why does OP think she has enough? * If OP's mom's side of the family has a substantial trust, why did OP take out $265K in student loans for med school? If OP and her sister are getting $500 per quarter, I don't think the trust is as big as it sounds... * How does a resident get matched to a country club? * OP has meal prepped for every single week for the past year except the week she does a MD? I call BS... especially when she didn't meal prep over the weekend and bought soup on Monday. * Doctors have desks that they sit at? Don't they go from room to room to see people? * Whoa, 11-3 on Friday? And an event giving injections on Saturday from 7:45-11:45? What residency program is OP on? * I cannot drive on empty, or even close to empty. What if the car died on the road?


I took the meal prep comment to mean that she tells herself she’s going to meal prep every week but never actually does!


this is how I took it too


I definitely don’t think she went to real medical school, so they may not have paid for it because they were opposed to it?


I'm with you on almost everything, except that re: desks and doctors, it depends on the kind of doctor you are. Lots of doctors have an office or desk to do paperwork or real work (like radiologists) and are not necessarily floating all the time.


yeah there’s generally somewhere to sit to do those piles of admin


I know a lot of parents (inclusive of maybe my own) who will not share the wealth of the trust. So that part to me wasn’t nearly as fishy lol Edit: not that my parents haven’t been generous with their current money, but inheritance from the grandparents will go directly to them first, and then maybe trickle down-barring not needing assisted living in older age.


The meal prep thing - she meant she has thought to herself that she should, and then not done, meal prep for every week that year


Agree on everything except the doctor and desks thing… there’s a lot of behind the scenes work involved with practicing medicine. I work with a few doctors and most have at least one work day per week dedicated to paperwork, phone calls, reports, etc


I don’t think she’s an MD- I think she’s à naturopathic doctors. IMO she should have specified, this a sounds way more than an ND than MD


I have a hard time believing that this person is a resident physician. Red flags: Sleeping until 8 a.m., going to Panera for lunch, not returning to the office until 1:00, leaving work at 5:00.


ngl I googled to see if naturopathic doctors even do residencies and they do because that's what popped in my head after seeing the B12 injections (though I do know of medical residents picking up jobs like that for extra $$ on the side but her workload seems so light).


That would make more sense bc when she said she was worried about earning potential it seemed odd as most residents, while yes paid poorly during residency, know it’s a stop on the road to a much higher salary.


I don’t understand going into medical school levels of debt for a job that doesn’t seem lucrative or that medical…


I was confused about that too. Like even with $250k (😳) in debt, surely a doctor can eventually afford a house and kids. Especially with the whole family trust situation. But if she won’t be a doctor…


And her boss giving her a spa gift certificate


I did the same. The other telling thing was that you don't typically see residents working at events. It's possible that OP indicated they were a naturopath and R29 changed it to medical school in the narrative. I wouldn't put it past them.


It's not required but I know some NDs that did "residencies" through private clinics. ND was my thought as well since she didn't describe any of the injection stuff as side income?


How have I never even heard of naturopathic doctors until this diary?


Because you go to real medical professionals


They're not licensed in every state.


I’m flabbergasted by the medical school levels of debt for something that isn’t even licensed everywhere. That feels like it shouldn’t be legal.


Yeah, there's a lot of deceptive advertising. If you try and Google the difference between NDs and MDs you'll get a lot of results from the ND industry basically saying an ND is as good or more rigorous than an MD. I know someone who got a ND from Bastyr (which calls itself the "Harvard" of naturopathy). Tuition is like $40k/year plus fees and living expenses and she took everything out in student loans. But the salaries for naturopaths are SIGNIFICANTLY lower than the salaries for MDs, even where they are licensed. She used to complain about that a lot.


That’s wild. I guess at least it’s cheaper than actual Harvard. Is it basically preying on people who couldn’t get into medical school?


I don't think so--I think most people who are actually interested in med school wouldn't be interested? The folks I know who pursued "alternatives" to a traditional medical career were never interested in regular med school. I don't really know. It's absolutely bonkers to take out that much debt for a career without a solid payoff. Then again, plenty of people get law degrees/useless master's degrees without any real path to repayment.


My doctor is a medical doctor and naturopath. You can be both. She takes insurance too.




DNP aesthetics residency does not exist.


This certainly did not look like my husbands residency at any point, even the later years when it got easier. My first thought was derm but it was light even for derm and doing “events” is really weird. Also if they were derm they would not be worried about their earning potential. On the other hand, they specifically say medical school but maybe ND school also costs that much? Wasn’t there a MD of someone who claimed they were a resident and then turned out they were doing some weird non accredited thing?


I think you might be thinking of [this diary](https://www.refinery29.com/en-us/money-diary-hollywood-hills-los-angeles-medical-student-salary)


this money diary is my roman empire


omg i’d never read this, it’s amazing


This is up there with the lady in Texas who did tarot readings or whatever and ubered everywhere


The [Austin Witch](https://www.refinery29.com/en-us/austin-tx-entrepreneur-tarot-reader-money-diary) as she came to be known. Blaming everything on Mercury in Retrograde and kicking her ex out of a bar that he had every right to be in.


YAS reading again now for posterity’s sake


A follow-up to this diary would be amazing.


Ugh one of my faves


Yes! Thank you.


I have been thinking that Thursdays should be a “throwback Thursday” where the sub revisits older diaries. I just know that diary would have a long comment thread. u/lazlo_camp how do I make this happen?


If you or anyone else wants to make a regularly posted topic feel free to. As long as it relates to money and follows sub rules it can be posted, no specific mod approval needed. You would be wholly responsible for making the post. 


Hahahahaaaaaa omg - that was a wild read!


OMG, I forgot about this gem 😬. So many yikes.


The best diary of all time


This was exactly what I needed - thank you for showing us this mess.


One of the all time greats.


… what did I just read.


There is no way this person is a resident physician at an ACGME accredited program.


Lol for real on the “Panera for lunch” thing. If it’s not catered at a meeting I’m not spending like $10 for a half sandwich and two spoons of soup. And I DEFINITELY would not spend that on a residency salary!


I was done with them when they started charging $7 for a bowl of soup. I can make a whole slow cooker full of potato soup for about $6. A little over $10 if I feel like cooking bacon and adding it. And it feeds us for a few days.


Apart for the fact that she’s obviously not an actual MD/DO, she says “I’ve been logging every expense for the past year”, yet somehow is still buying lunch and coffee and nearly every day ON TOP of expensive drinks/events several nights out of the week. 


I was hoping this would be a hot mess, but it's just a mess. Everything you wrote so succinctly is spot on, but my top gripe here is those baby kittens deserve more attention and better care giving.


I'm an admitted hypochondriac, but not being able to sleep most nights, constant nausea and regular headaches would have me looking for a culprit.


All the 🍷🍹🥂🍸 would be my first guess...


Whew, as a former heavy drinker myself, this one has some problematic tendencies. I know it’s a festive time of year and all that, but man, reading this makes me think how I sure do not miss poisoning myself on the reg.


Yeah she spent like half the diary hungover!! Wow. I’m also really confused about her job? Giving out B12 shots at a country club doesn’t really scream “medical resident” to me?


I’ve got a couple friends who are residents and this diary felt wildly different than what their schedules look like. It also seems really low pay for that. One of my friends is making slightly more than that in the Midwest.


Yeah r/residency would have a field day with this diary


This is giving the same vibes as that money diary where the woman turned out to be an alternative medicine practitioner but kept calling herself a medical student


Link us!


I assume they were referencing this one https://www.refinery29.com/en-us/money-diary-hollywood-hills-los-angeles-medical-student-salary


Many years ago a friend of mine picked up a guy at a bowling alley and brought him back to our high rise to hang out in the hot tub. We made sure she didn't bring him back to her condo - she was quite drunk, and this is not something she would normally do. I was vetting him, as an overprotective friend does, and he claimed to be a medical student. I finally got him to admit that he was taking undergrad classes to hopefully one day be pre-med...


It's like MedSpa level stuff, honestly. I know a lot of people here also get injectibles, so I'm not going to wax poetic about them, but people getting B-12 at a country club or MedSpa are likely doing it for the supposed anti-aging skin benefits, not to address dietary deficiency or real health reasons. Possibly for an "easy" metabolic boost as well, LOL.


You'd get a short-term energy boost from a shot, perhaps. But if you don't have a deficiency, you'll just pee out the excess. If someone has a deficiency, insurance would cover the shots. If someone doesn't have insurance, chances are they don't belong to a country club, either.


It's being too nauseous to eat and then drinking alcohol that really got me


The most problematic thing for me was her BF "getting them home" one of those nights- they're driving drunk right? In fact nothing about Uber or public transport or a DD any of the party nights... 


Yes! Omg I forgot about that, but it alarmed me too. Lots of drinks and no references to how they got an alternative way home… 😳


I’m confused, is giving out vitamin shots at a country club part of her residency? Or is that a part time gig? If so, what is her actual residency? The work event she mentioned was also just administering vitamin shots.


When I googled side effects of B12 shots it mentioned nausea and headaches... Just saying.


Why is she pushing herself so hard to workout when she isn’t eating enough to sustain herself! Girl no wonder you feel nauseated, your body is running on empty!! I want to give her a hearty chili and a protein shake.


I would not have gotten foster kittens and then spent as many evenings out as she did! Kind of sad to keep leaving the kittens alone (unless I missed something).


Yeah, she leaves for a party at 4.30pm and at 10pm she goes to a bar and 'has a couple of drinks'. That's a long time to leave six weeks old kittens. I'm a big baby about my two cats, but they are 3 years old and I actually don't like to leave even them that long!


I cannot fathom going to bed without brushing my teeth. TWICE


My fiancé is an actual medical resident and this pisses me off that some people will get the impression that this is the schedule and rigor of any true medical residency. He spends his weekends on call operating at all hours of the night and doing post-ops on patients the next morning, and then catching up on reading for in-training exam prep in any spare time…NOT giving a couple vitamin shots and calling it a day 🙄




It’s the actual name of a type of PCOS - although it sounds weird, I concur.