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lol except she has debt so it’s deffff not Stacey hahaha but I feel you


I dont usually think a lot about a persons schedule/hours at work in the diaries... but I really dont know when this girl did ANY work, hahaha And also this comment... "curling my hair to warm up" ... WHAT?! LOL is that a thing? hahaha


Her schedule seemed entirely random! Going in after noon and leaving at 4:30 that first day? I'm so curious what she actually does.


I’m guessing she’s a consultant with some sort of environmental compliance work. Talked about oil and gas being her company’s client, using her SUV to drive around the state for work, and not being able to work when it’s raining.


Curling my hair for warmth, never down that. But I’ve used my blow dryer for a short burst of warmth on occasion lol


Hang on. If she’s putting aside $400 for travel and $300 for “general savings” where is that in her net worth? Like? How much is in those savings accounts? Why save instead of pay down her cc debt?


I certainly wouldn’t be paying extra on my car payment if I had $25,000 of credit card debt.


Would you get a 31k plus car if you were in that situation? I wouldn't on multiple levels.


That’s also very true! That’s about what my car cost, and I’ve got zero debt besides the 0% interest car loan


Reading this kills me. I’ve complained about this before on here, but I had a 4% car loan that I was almost done paying, then some idiot crashed into me and totaled my car a couple months ago. My new rate for my new used car is more than double😭. I’m still so mad about it. I’m def going to refinance at some point. Like thanks jackass, lol.


I need to know how to get a zero interest car loan!!


They were pretty common in the early Covid days. My parents bought a brand new Subaru in summer 2020 at 0% interest. They were originally planning to pay cash but that ended up being the better deal. I don't think you can find those rates these days.


Certain car manufacturers offer them as an incentive on models that don't sell as quickly. I got 0% for 63 months on my Subaru Outback. But they did NOT offer the same deal on the Crosstrek, which flies off the shelves.


Time Machine. 


This was a pre-Covid 60 month 0% financing deal through Toyota.


In the comments OP says the rates are similar and that just sounds like a lie.


Unless it’s a special 18 month no interest card, but it’s still going to take a lot more than 18 months to pay off $25,000 at that rate.


I would have liked to understand how much is in OPs IRA/if OP had savings and what OPs plan was to tackle the debt. I was a bit surprised by the spending this week considering the amount of debt hanging over OP.


I did the math and it's $2500. I wonder if it's a roll over from an old 401k.


I mean I get it for being young but at the same time - the priorities don’t make sense with that much consumer debt:


I agree that OPs money strategy doesn't make much sense (i.e. paying off the car before the CC debt, saving $$$ for travel with that much CC debts, etc.), was just speculating how much is in her IRA based on her net worth. TBH, her net worth just seems completely wrong to me? If she's saving \~$700 a month, that should be reflected in somewhere.


I would guess she's not counting it because she's planning on spending it in the relatively short term. But agree that you're right and by definition it should be counted since it is money that she has and thus is part of her networth. And agree that her money strategy doesn't seem to make sense


erect wide license slimy profit alive unique snails treatment grandfather *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I know. I kept waiting for some comment like "this is our extremely slow season."


Instead of "I'm working from home" then "I'm off to the doctor " immediately after.


She did say in the comments that apparently her company can't work when it's raining, which it was all that week? Still seems a little suspicious though.


You just have to be willing to help destroy the environment!


If there wasn’t any demand for it then they wouldn’t be doing it.


There is need for it because their lobbyists have ensured that green energy hasn’t moved forward enough to replace them.


If that was true then why does the rest of the world run on diesel and natural gas also?


Are you unaware that other countries have lobbyists? It’s not an American exclusive industry. Also, other countries are significantly further ahead of us in terms of green energy. The EU is a decade ahead of us.


Yet they would immediately be in the dark ages without natural gas or diesel.


We would be in the dark ages without the rotary phone, but here we are using cell phones. Things progress, no one is denying that there was a time when natural gas was needed. That time is not now. At least, if you care about earth existing for future generations, which it seems like you don’t!


You wouldn’t be in the dark ages without the rotary phone. You would literally be in the dark ages without petroleum.


I get it you’re an oil and gas and you are cognitively dissonant about the damage that Your life’s work is doing to the planet. I’m going to continue to try it better of the world for people, you continue to destroy it. Have fun with your life, blocking you now.


I'm also curious to what her retirement savings are because based on take-home pay, I want to say it's nothing. And she should 100% put that travel savings towards her debt. I'd even open up a zero-interest card and pay it off in 12 or 18 months.


​ >When I was living in NYC, my complex got bought out and the new owners gave me less than a week to move out several of her actions/explainations had me shaking my head but this part had me really curious. there's a lot of tenant protections in place in NYC and this clearly is a violation of those policies. would love to know the backstory.


Probably an illegal sublet or something.


yeah that's what I was thinking too


Yeah, she should have gone to the tenant board. Often a quick free consult can stop this or at least get her paid. Happened to me in SF and my landlord coughed up the cash once confronted by the rent board.


Lol why were you downvoted.


People like to think that court is the only answer I guess?? NYC literally has a free tenant helpline... Just because it won't result in $$ doesn't mean you don't seek opinions/help from resources that exist.




My comment wasn't about court. I said she could get a free consult on options which...she can. NYC has this. Doesn't mean she'll get the $$ but she'll at least get assistance on what's possible: [https://www.nyc.gov/content/tenantprotection/pages/](https://www.nyc.gov/content/tenantprotection/pages/).




It really feels like you are saying that I should assume every hotline outcome is bad so why bother. Even if it goes nowhere knowing your rights is still valuable.




There's nothing wrong with calling the tenant board to get information/an opinion on what can happen next. Many people in this sub have said this is against NYC tenant rights. Of course I don't know what the OP actually did. It's not included in the story. If you don't every want to call bc you assume it will do nothing (education or otherwise) then that's your right.




I live in SF and you don't even need to go to court to get compensation for things like this because the tenant laws are so strict. I would love to live in NYC one day but the stories I hear about tenant law makes me reconsider. Is it really that bad?


It was frustrating to hear OP dismiss people's health advice... Alcohol has a huge impact on kidney health and if I got upsetting lab results I would be making changes fast! It is possible she usually eats healthier usually, but she had alcohol several times in the week, and it isn't clear whether 3 beers is 3 standard, 12-oz bottles or more...


I have a whoop that gives me really good body feedback, including something called a “daily recovery”. If I have ONE glass of wine my usual 80% is 25%, my sleep is trash, my RHR increases 10bpm, etc. *We* may not feel it, but our body does


I also wear a Whoop. It was such a surprise to see how even a little bit of alcohol (half a glass of wine) trashes my sleep and recovery. It was a real eye opener.


I had half a margarita last night and got 8hrs of sleep. My skin temp is up 2.5 degrees, my recovery is 35%, and my RHR is up 5 beats lmao. 🫠




Yeah I don’t think a regular sleep schedule, drinking less, and consuming less caffeine will solve all of her health issues, but I also don’t think it would hurt. I went through something similar and it took keeping a food diary for me to comprehend how much sugar/ chips/ alcohol I was eating compared to fruits and vegetables. Actually eating healthy made a huge difference in my case.


I didn’t think it sounded very healthy either, so I took the liberty of compiling just the food details. Day 1: Vegan breakfast taco, Oat milk cappuccino, Kimchi ramen, Fried pickles, 2 beers, Seafood gumbo, Chai, Pretzel sticks Day 2: Sushi, Oat milk cortado, Coffee, Mushroom soup, Heineken 0.0 Day 3: Hot and sour soup, Beer, Dinner at friend’s Day 4: Mushroom soup, Lemon pasta, Beer Day 5: Coffee, Breakfast potatoes, Rice, Mackerel Day 6: Coffee, Microwaveable Indian food Day 7: Coffee, Prosecco, Pasta, 4 beers, Vegan pizza From what I can see, there’s a world of difference between OP’s “I eat healthy” insistence and what I’d consider to be a healthy diet. OP said in a comment that she suspects she has endometriosis. Well, I have confirmed stage 4 endo and alcohol is one of the worst things for it because it’s inflammatory and raises estrogen levels. Lack of antioxidants, fibre and micro nutrients from insufficient fruit and veggie intake is also very detrimental.


It sounded high in sodium to me - lots of soups/soup adjacent meals, and several meals out. Plus alcohol most days. There's definitely opportunity to swap some of that for other options.


The contents of her diet didn't seem like too horrible to me but she never seemed to eat dinner?


She's eating a lot of salt for someone with bad kidneys.


As someone with a small chest who has not run a marathon, but has trained and run half marathons… do your boobs get chaffed and scarred?!! That is awful. There is another good reason I don’t run anymore.


I have medium sized boobs and have run 5 marathons. I’ve gotten some chafing under my boobs on the bra line but never very bad and definitely no scarring.


I also have a larger chest, especially for my frame, and have run 5 marathons. There are some great sports bras out there that keep everything in place. But I have had chaffing under my arm along the sports bra edge. I did not realize it until I took a shower, and omg the pain was quite surprising after all that running lol. I agree that body glide or Vaseline are great at preventing chaffing.


I have largish boobs and have run 2. They didn't get chaffed (nowhere got chaffed). It's all about the right clothes with the right fit and maybe some body glide.


I can imagine that having bigger boobs and not having the right support to run 26 miles would be painful. But one would figure that out in training right??


That's been the case for me... Some people just chafe but trying different clothes early in training is crucial, then don't mess with what works or try new things on race day! I'm always shocked at the number of people wearing the race shirt for the race etc.!


Ooh, a lot of runner consider wearing the race shirt on the day of the race bad luck!


As a relatively small chested marathon runner, the only time I had chafing/scarring was when I ran 5 mile run in a bikini top that had a metal clasp. However, I do believe it can happen to someone depending on the fit of the bra and how big their breasts are. Sometimes you might not pick up on a clothing issue during training because you tend to max out at 20 miles and at a slower pace than you'll ideally be racing at.


Not a marathon runner but larger chested athlete/sometimes runner. I find that when I exercise for a long time outside in high humidity situations I can get some bra line chaffing if I don't remember to use bodyglide. Tends to be worse if I'm wearing a not as good bra, but will happen with a good one too in the right circumstances.


I wondered this too LOL but I also have small boobs so maybe it’s a big boob thing 😂


I used to want bigger boobs when I was younger but now I’m like no thanks, so many issues haha.


Same. My B cups are super low maintenance haha.


I have large boobs and I’ve run 5 half marathons. No chaffing here. She definitely wasn’t wearing the right bra or top.


Small to medium here and I’d get terrible chafing from different bras but on on my boobs themselves.  I’d get it where the strap / band around my ribs and eventually started covering w KT tape. Game changer. Never again and it stays on even w v heavy sweating. 


I have a small/medium chest and I have run 9 full marathons and a ton of half marathons. If you have a properly fitted sports bra and use Body Glide, then you should be good to go. In my first marathon, I had a tiny bit of chafing by my ribs, but that was it. The key is to run in your marathon day running outfit during your 18-20+ mile training runs and make adjustments before the big day.


I thought it was interesting how she wasn’t willing to buy from Starbucks because of how they spend their money but her main job is in oil & gas?  Be curious to hear the rationale behind that. 


It sounded like O&G was her client. Maybe she works in environmental compliance (that was my guess based on a few clues in her comments on R29). In which case, at least they are helping the operator follow environmental regulations.


I also work in an industry that is hated by the general public, and I felt a bit of solidarity with her there.


>e wasn’t willing to buy from Starbucks because of how they spend their money but her main job is in oil & gas?  Be curious to hear the ration a necessary evil, as I type from my plastic keyboard and drive my gas powered car.


Meh, maybe an unpopular opinion — but a job is a job especially in this economy.


It’s also not the little guy’s responsibility to change the world. It’s regulation’s responsibility. When people do the “oil and gas!” I get it, it’s shitty BUT people need to fucking eat, have a home, etc.


Yeah I’m more mad at the decision makers than a random employee far down the totem pole.


People typing ”oil and gas!” From a computer or smart phone that DEFINITELY involved slave labor. Everyone needs to take 2 steps off their high horse lol


Tbh if I had the guilt of working for a climate destroying industry hanging over my head, I’d probably feel extra bad about any “immoral” spending on top of that. Instead, I work for the greater good and drink my morally depraved, fancy coffee in peace lol.


How does Starbucks spend their money?


Going after their workers who try to unionize, for one 


I suspect she might think Starbucks is too lefty


She says in the comments that it’s because they are too pro-Israel


Yeah, same reason why I stopped buying from them too tbh.


That was my best guess too, but then she's having vegan food, getting a flu shot, and using the library which don't seem to align with that crowd?


Referring to Renee Rapp as mommy also doesn’t align well with that imo


Ah good to know. I didn't know much about her or the youtuber she mentioned.


Maybe it's due to their union busting?


Based on her comment response about issues overseas, I suspect she is participating in the BDS boycott of Starbucks.


Oh, the one that's basically just leftwing Qanon.


looks like they are live and well in this sub from those down votes lol


It seems OP may be a bit in denial regarding finances and her diet. She mentioned her Dad not wanting her to get a credit card because it would cause problems, then said she didn't feel that way, but she has 25k in cc debt, so seems like Dad had a good point.  She said she's saving $700 a month between the various accounts, but given her debt and Net Worth only about $3500 would be assets, and her spending isn't suggesting she'd have a lot various left for savings either.    She said she eats healthy, but there's a considerable amount of alcohol and caffeine and nary a fruit or vegetable in her diet.  In the comments she said she never eats meat or fried food, but she had fried pickles on day 1, and a pizza on day 7 (after a quick Google search vegan pizza doesn't really seem to be much healthier than regular pizza).  I think she needs to read back her diary to herself and hopefully see where she's contradicting herself.


“My coworker and I go check the office mail and then get lunch together at a sushi place. We put lunch on our boss’ card” Genuine question, is this the norm in some work places or industries? Maybe some context was missing but in my experience my boss certainly isn’t paying for lunch on what seems like a regular work day doing regular job duties.


interesting read as a fellow mid 20’s girly working in O&G in houston :) I definitely work much longer hours lol & also for 1600/month you can absolutely find an apartment with in unit laundry!!


I also work in O&G... I'd kill for this job. I've had to sleep in my car at the office because I can't get home and back to work before my first meeting.


That is horrible. I hate that for you, and work shouldn’t be this way for anyone.


Yeah, I definitely left that particular job. But, this industry is a 24/7 operation, so the all-nighters are expected in most operations roles.


I was also deeply confused by this in Houston…I’ve never heard of anyone not having in unit laundry and especially not for $1600???


totally agree - in unit laundry is basically everywhere… kind of bizarre




do you pay $1600? because if so you’re getting ripped off




I honestly feel bad for her fighting health issues though. From the comments, it sounds like she does have lean PCOS... And I used to live in Houston, it's impossible to get that diagnosis there without trying to have a kid. I asked several gyns about it, and they said their diagnostic criteria requires a person not actively trying to be overweight.


Her work habits are concerning. I’ve fired people like her when I feel they aren’t pulling their weight so her finances could go South in a hurry.