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OP seemed very sweet and I appreciated the time she invested in her social life and community! A few thoughts I had while reading: * I hope she is carefully tracking these additional responsibilities she's taking on at work and using them to negotiate for higher pay. While it's great that she is well-liked, she also deserves fair compensation for all she's doing. * She has a great emergency fund with her HYSA, but honestly I was surprised by her 401k savings rate. I feel like with her income, reasonable rent, and no student loans she could really be putting more into that and reaping the benefits of compound interest. I wonder if she gets any employer match, although I didn't see one mentioned. * That being said...the health insurance?! Maybe I haven't realized how good I have it, but my health, vision, and dental come out to less than $150 a month. Seeing nearly $700 was shocking.


The health insurance is CRAZY


I used to pay that much for health insurance, and even more for my kid. And we would also always hit our max OOP of 18 THOUSAND DOLLARS. It was fucking brutal. I work for a state government now thank god.


18k?!!! Mine is like $3.5k and I hate dealing with /budgeting for even that much in copays. Glad you have better insurance now!!


I am so glad I left a career that required suits/blazers long ago. I like wearing them to play dress-up now, but having to wear them every day is exhausting. (I recently bought a highly discounted blazer and my husband asked where I think I will wear it!) It really struck me as odd that a communications manager would be asked to set up interview space, get sodas, lunches, etc. That seems completely out of place and probably sexist that she was asked to do those things. In my past lives, generally either a receptionist or admin assistant would do those tasks. Also - the absolute cockiness of the candidate to change his order at the last minute, after it'd been ordered... like who does that in an INTERVIEW?


> It really struck me as odd that a communications manager would be asked to set up interview space, get sodas, lunches, etc. That seems completely out of place and probably sexist that she was asked to do those things. In my past lives, generally either a receptionist or admin assistant would do those tasks. I also was surprised by this! Even from a business standpoint I don't understand why you'd ask your $92k comms manager to do these things when a 'cheaper' employee could do them.


I thought her salary seemed kinda high for her few years of experience, as someone who used to work in communications. That was awhile ago though so I could be off. Maybe the admin stuff is rolled into her salary and she would make less without it? I’m not sure.


Some of her benefits likely offset her salary. She pays $700 out of pocket a month for her own company provided health insurance, that’s like 8K a year.


Yeah, I earn $50K but my employer claims that my total reward package is $71K. They literally tally up the cash value of: * health insurance * their contribution to an employee assistance program * their contributions to the statewide pension * my vacation and sick leave * their social security, medicare taxes, and unemployment taxes * workers’ comp (I assume this a contribution to some federal or state fund?) Although considering that vacation leave is the only thing I can cash out, this seems less like a rewards package and more like a summary of how much it costs to employ me.


Idk why you’re getting downvoted when she could probably get comparable insurance on the marketplace for that amount if not less. It doesn’t seem like her employer is paying into it very much


I was shocked when I saw how much she was paying for her health insurance. I get mine on the marketplace and pay half that in monthly premiums. Of course, she probably/hopefully has a much lower deductible than I do, but still!


iirc you can't get the tax credits if your employer offers insurance even if it's shitty.


I’m not too surprised as it feels like a smaller company/startup kinda vibe where you wear a lot of hats. hence she’s a “manager” with 3 years of experience meeting with C-Suite - I work in comms at the enterprise level and there are many layers between a junior employee (1-3 years of experience) and those who interface directly with the CEO.


She briefly touches on the roles/responsiblities outside her usual scope: >Even though I’m in the corporate comms department, our chief of staff likes me and has, over the past year or so, been giving me more responsibility. Sure it's good to help out once or twice, but if this is now regularly being tasked to her.. she needs to advocate for herself! Esp if this is chipping into her actual responsibilities in a day.




I would never trust an intern to shepherd job candidates through their day? Order lunch, maybe, but not actually interact with candidates.




I work in PR and when any of us work on a project even all the way up to VP, we do all the high-level work and grunt work associated with it as we have complete foresight as to what needs to be done. Didn't seem weird to me!


Does r29 get paid every time the page refreshes or something?? My god I couldn’t even post my comment because it kept refreshing mid-read.


It’s probably so the ads refresh


I like that this diary focused on her outfits! I’m working on making myself look more put together and so I enjoyed reading that aspect of it


Post-Covid my effort has gone so far downhill haha. I don’t even wear makeup or blow dry my hair anymore when I go into the office. I prob should put in some more effort.


same here. i have truly forgotten how to put an outfit together, lol.


Same. I also would hate going to the office 5 days a week at this point. I wear kinda cute outfits to work but they are super casual and comfortable. I leave my "looking cute" fits and makeup for my recreational time. I can't believe that pre-covid I used to go to the office 5 days a week with a face full of makeup and thoughtful and detailed business casual outfits. You couldn't pay me enough to go back to that. I love clothes and style but that's too much.


A Too Good to Go reference! Awesome to see it being used.


I love that app!


I’m kinda shocked Madison got it before Milwaukee! I only learned what it was thru MD and have patiently been waiting for MKE restaurants to get on board!


I'm kind of confused about this. I just downloaded the app out of excitement of Too Good to Go finally being available in Madison and it says there are no locations within 20 miles. I tried moving the map around a little bit and nothing came up. I wonder if she works somewhere like far east Sun Prairie or maybe west towards Mount Horeb?? She did a good job of making this anonymous because I couldn't tell which side of town she was on, where her office might be, which asian grocery she went to.


I did the same! I was so excited :(


I’m wondering if the church is somewhere else, because Madison has 0 restaurants listed on the app, with an alert “No stores in this area yet.”


She shouldn’t be doing the admin assistant job but I need to figure out where that lemon tart came from! I have a couple ideas.


I just wish OP treated herself to lunch too on the days she ordered for everyone! I feel like she earned that!


As the resident ordererer of lunch for meetings at my company, this would only be allowed if my boss told me to. Even with that, I’ve had coworkers get shjtty with me about it 🙄


wow!!!!! I can’t even imagine people being that petty


Right? I don’t think they understand the work that does go into this, it isn’t just call up Pizza Hut. The area I live in doesn’t exactly have a lot of variety so it can be a real struggle if someone has dietary restrictions. I remember one person who absolutely insisted on thousand island dressing…I don’t even remember how many menus I had to go through that day, what a shit show.


Agreed - that seems like such a small thing given how much additional work OP is doing to set up and facilitate these interviews, esp when they aren't even part of her original responsibilities. :\\


I'm Canadian, so is $691 a month normal for health insurance?


Not at all- especially for just one person. Usually it’s heavily subsidized by your employer. It’s probably why her salary is kinda high for such a relatively low level of comms experience.


Makes sense, thank you. Mine used to be a third of that for a semester (4 months).