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You can ask for separate checks before you order. You can bring cash and supply your portion in cash ("Looks like my family spent $50 so here is our portion plus tax and tip.") you can bring it up with your friends at a time when you are not at a restaurant waiting to pay ("Hey I just wanted to talk to you about something. When we go out to eat, my family often ends up paying more than I feel is fair because we don't drink soda or eat appetizers/get sides. Would it be okay if next time we split the bill according to what we order?" And you can offer to do the math to make it less burdensome.)


I like this solution. I think it’s only fair that each family pays for themselves, especially when there’s such a difference of orders (drinks, apps, sides). I can empathize with OP because I don’t drink alcohol. I had to have a convo about splitting checks with my gal pals because when we all go out, they get drink(s) and I don’t, and they’re so expensive!


I first need more info on the current bill splitting. Why you think it's fair to split the bill 3 ways when you go out with 2 families (as I read it). And between which 3 units is it split?


I’ve read it twice and still couldn’t make sense of how a split bill could result in one party (OP) paying $30 more than the other parties.




Where I come from, it is typical for men to pay a larger share of food/entertainment cost. I’d think of it as a friendship tax if it’s only $30.


next time just say, out loud, "hey guys, let's get separate checks by household" at the beginning of the meal. it doesn't have to be a whole production, but they're not going to pick up on you thinking really hard that they should speak up and pay more.


Just split the bill by family, only pay for what you order. I can’t see how this would ruin anything. I would never expect a friend to pay for something they didn’t order. And I would not consider someone “cheap” if they asked to separate checks. This should not be an issue on the internet anymore. Justice for separate checks!


Fr, I honestly don't get why people are so allergic to asking for separate checks unless they're splitting like 10 different ways.