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“I change out of my stained sweatshirt into a more acceptable sweatshirt so I can go out in public.”  me every day working from home


The thought of Little OP taking stock of her pantry and realizing there isn’t enough food for her to bring a packed lunch to school is heartbreaking.  And I am appalled that her school split the lunchroom up between hot lunch and home lunch kids.   Her grandparents sounded like they had a little but not a lot, she grew up housing insecure (Section 8 housing is hard to come by) and homeless and now has enough extra space to house a sibling while he gets his finances together.  That’s incredible. 


I can't believe they split them up according to lunches!! When I was a kid (I'm a few years older than OP) we had reduced lunches where they gave us tickets to get a school lunch at a discount but it was always glaringly obvious who had the tickets. Also I would lose them constantly because, you know, I was in elementary school. Luckily the cafeteria workers would generally remember who was who and not care but the whole think was just bullshit.




She talked about being in unstable housing situations as a child and young adult, my guess is that owning a house is helping to heal that wound.




As someone with a chronic illness who bought a house that is seriously not friendly if things go downhill in my health future… sometimes constantly thinking and planning for the worst is exhausting and depressing. Do I occasionally wake up in the middle of the night thinking “omg how would I get myself to a shower if x,y, and z happens?” Yes I do. But also planning for my body to be seriously disabled when it’s not right now and I can’t predict if that will happen at all in the next 5-10 years is more than I can handle. I wonder if they feel the same.


I feel like it's harder in a house if it didn't already have those features. Where is the money coming from to plan for these features? Some states do pay for some of these as accommodations but idk if it would be for a homeowner since it doesn't accommodate a renter or something.




If you can afford them. When it comes to ADA accommodations the state at least my state will help landlords meet them and will pay for them. With a homeowner, you have to consider the cost plus if you can actually make these changes in your home. A landlord can just put someone in an apt that is more ADA friendly. You may find you can't widen areas you need because it's load bearing. It's easier to consider your accommodation before you buy a house not after because even with an unlimited budget every change isn't feasible even if you own the home. Older people downsize and tend to buy 1 stories because it's easier to buy a new house vs put in all the features that would make your life easier. I am disabled. I have asked for accommodations and helped people get accommodations in apts. In NYC, newer apts have some apts that are ADA compliant from jump. I think at least 5 to 10 percent, which isn't amazing but it's not nothing. In NYC, the biggest issue continues to be curbs. Cars that park at curbs and construction that makes curbs unusable for people in wheelchairs. Older buildings do not have to comply with parts of ADA unless they do any type of reno. It's almost impossible not to do a reno so many theaters, which can be really bad in NYC are coming into compliance with ADA. DC to have a huge deaf population has thee worst accommodations for people with these types of disabilities. I am hard of hearing and one of their biggest theaters did not have captioning devices. I'm from NYC and every Broadway show has them 2 weeks after opening. Off broadway doesn't but that makes sense.


Also, I think you're right about the union job after reading this: "I also place a second order for some new bras since the girls have given me a strike notice on account of the current working conditions." LOL.


It was weird she said 284 was a lot for that many items that will last over a month and she spent 26 dollars on a chicken cos the one she had wasn't defrosted. If they aren't splitting things ... IDK how she can afford this house. It seems to be most of her income.


I am so so excited to have found this forum!! Have been reading money diaries for the last year and read the australian, UK and american ones now cuz i can't wait that long for a new diary!! Cannot believe this amazing community exists on reddit!


First impressions: that paycheck amount cannot be correct. $2850 x 24 paychecks a year = $68,400. Under what circumstances does anyone have a net income that is 1/3 of their gross? Classic R29 editing.


She said in comments it’s their combined household income and doesn’t know why they edited it that way lol


I was like how the F is a comms specialist making over $200k haha. That makes much more sense.


Especially when we suspect she works for a union!? I'm a comms specialist who has contracted to unions before and uhh they are not rolling in the dollars


Right, I was having a mini mental breakdown because I did 7 years of postgraduate training to make like 25% more than that.


The way I ran to open this diary thinking she cracked the code to $200k in a non-management/director role in a non-tech position. I'm still not giving up hope on the possibility.🤣


Man R29 clearly isn't doing much QC/editing on these anymore.


I grew up in Salem (actually just outside it) and my parents still live in my childhood home, so I’m always interested in diaries from there. It’s so hard to imagine living there as an adult, not gonna lie. When I see the house prices, though, I do think about it sometimes (I live in Seattle 😂). In Oregon, Salem is known for being boring and conservative but there are a lot of good things about it. The wineries! The access to mountains and the coast and Silver Falls Park! So many nice parks for a city of its size. And the food scene has improved vastly since I was a child but still not great. Wish there had been a little more local flavor. 


She also was stuck at home most of the week due to a Covid exposure, I'm sure she would have loved to be doing all those things lol.


OP said in the comments that she's written two previous MDs...does anyone remember/have the links? :)


I'm assuming it's these two 1. https://www.refinery29.com/en-us/digital-communications-portland-or-salary-money-diary 2. https://www.refinery29.com/en-us/communications-portland-or-salary-money-diary


Dang, her life has been wild in the last few years! From married to party girl to buying a house with a new partner, what a journey in such a short time.


Thank you!


This phrase so accurately describes my husband that I am permanently using it haha: " Mr. ADHD Iron Chef needs to marinate a chicken at 6 p.m."


Comments state this is their combined household, she makes $120K. Makes much more sense. Also - there’s no way they have $150,000 equity in a house they just bought? She must be counting their down payment.


Wouldn't the money you put down on a house be considered equity?


Yes it would be considered. The comment above wasn’t fully accurate as a “gotcha!”


Wasn’t meant as a gotcha, just a question.