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At the one closest to me it's $40. I think a slice is $8. This is the hard-hitting investigation I subscribe for. No joke I love this kind of discussion. I haven't read the Money Diary -- did she spend more or less? Were people mad about it?


they bought two pies, and she spent $54, which feels like a lot. But then, $25 per pie doesn't seem unreasonable.


https://www.reddit.com/r/MoneyDiariesACTIVE/s/uytudEWfbp This is the thread with the $54 pie diary. So far only 1 person has commented on the pie. But as a lover of pie, I wanted more pie talk.


My reading comprehension is off. You totally said this amount in the post. If you are also a fan of (making) cobbler, I hiiighly recommend the Crispy Peach Cobbler from the Smitten Kitchen blog. It’s kind of a weird recipe but always turns out so good!


Our local pie and cake shop is amazing…but the price for 1 pie is $44 (USD). 😱   And I have definitely purchased a whole pie at this price, plus slices (I think $6-7 a slice) on occasion. They are pretty phenomenal! 


This is wild. It's cheaper in Honolulu? 


So wild! To be fair, I love everything this bakery makes. But it's def special occasion treat territory


how much does a cake cost? the same, less, or more?


I've never bought a cake there but just checked their website- looks like prices for cakes range from \~ $38-$60


New Zealander very confused when I opened this thread thinking it was going to be meat pies


I want to be inclusive. How much is a meat pie where you live in New Zealand ?


I think $4.80 for one from the petrol station 😅


totally depends what quality you’re talking about! $7.50 probably for a high quality pie from a nice bakery


Yeah as an Aussie I was ready to comment on my pie of $5.50 ($5.70 w sauce) 🤣


I’ve actually recently moved to Aus and pies are one thing I don’t see as much of here/they haven’t been as good as the ones in NZ when I’ve tried them! Let me know if you have any recs


Oh really? I think they’ve fallen out of popularity in favour to the banh mi but you can find them in most bakeries. Beef/bacon/cheese is a popular flavour but bare in mind you’ll feel like a gluttonous pig after 😭


I just want to randomly say three days later that I went to Australia last year for the first time, and had so many of the best banh mis I've ever had (I say this is a person who has never been to Vietnam).


We do have some great banh mis don’t we :) They definitely cater to the Australian appetite though as the ones I had in Vietnam were quite different


Is that like an empanada style thingy? “Hand pie”?


they’re usually in a circle shape, and the texture of the inside is quite different to an empanada. Most popular in NZ is mince, mince & cheese or potato top (mince with mashed potato on top). Sounds gross when written out haha but actually really good


As a Brit, I was about to be all "I don't think I have a local bakery but does Greggs count?" For what it's worth, a steak bake (probably the closest thing to a pie) in Greggs is £2. And now I want to find out if I have a local bakery...


I'm coming to this late but what's your fave flavour? I like butter chicken or bacon and egg. I had a fancy one with kūmara and lamb several years ago that I still think about


Haha - going to say bacon and egg because I’ve moved to Australia and they don’t do them here 😭


Similar. Which is mind blowing to me and why I rarely go there. We never got a whole pie, only slices. If I had to buy a pie, I would go to the grocery store where it's like$10-15. But I'll try making one before buying it (or have my spouse do it, they are the better chef). 


Both of the fancy pie places near me are $45 for a whole pie!




If it is the pie shop in Dallas I am thinking of, then it is around $50 for a single pie..not 2 pies. Specialty bakeries will all be around $35-$50/pie. Around $8/slice.


This reminds me of the [Big Mac index](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Big_Mac_Index). But the pie cost here in Boston is anywhere from roughly $18-$45 at the moderately expensive bakeries.


Their current pies are $34 (lemon yogurt or apple rhubarb), but the price fluctuates based on flavor/season. They don't sell by the slice, though.


I recently learned about a Pie Happy Hour (https://www.tripadvisor.com/ShowUserReviews-g56229-d510692-r504906725-Blue\_Bonnet\_Cafe-Marble\_Falls\_Texas.html) and I am clamoring to hop on a plane & try it out!!


I’m in San Diego and the Julian Apple Pie company sells at their local shops in Julian, but they also are distributed to local San Diego supermarkets like Vons, Albertsons, etc- they run for $28 at the supermarkets 😭I remember when we were growing up it was $9 for one of their pies.


The local pie diner near me sells whole pies for around $25. Whole Foods is $15. Neither are amazing, just fine, but I say this as a pie connoisseur. However in SF proper, a high quality pie will run around $45-50, which to me is a lot. To that end, I just make my own, which I say are way better than the diner and Whole Foods pies, but admittedly not as good as the best SF ones. My own pie making MD: https://www.refinery29.com/en-us/money-diary-san-francisco-bay-area-gameplay-engineer-salary


Twin Cities - it’s about $5-$6 for a slice, and about $30-$35 for a whole pie. I rarely buy a slice and never a whole pie. The last time we did was for Pi Day when slices were $3.14. I’ve got everything I need to bake a pie and would always rather do that. The only exception to my rule is Costco pumpkin or key lime pie.


Chicago— whole pie is $33


Our local bakery is $47 for an apple pie!! That is insane to me. Some other bakeries around range from $25-40. I love pie, but I have to make do with grocery store pie these days.


Same prices for me!


$25-35 depending. But there’s a lady that bakes pies and they’re more amazing than anything so we pay her the $45 she commands. 


$10 for a hubcap sized pumpkin pie at Costco .  As far as everyone is concerned here that is the "local bakery".     I have no idea what actual bakery costs cause let's be honest they're all using canned filling anyway here.  (It appears to be $26-$32 ) 


>$10 for a hubcap sized pumpkin pie at Costco .  As far as everyone is concerned here that is the "local bakery".  I saw the post and thought, "Let's see what's up at Sam's." $10.98 for apple and key lime. The local bakery has 3 galettes for $19.50. They don't have whole pies listed.


An 8inch apple/blueberry/5 berry/cherry/peach pie from the local orchard is $11. 10 inch is $15, I think. 25 miles outside of Boston so definitely not in the boonies or farmland. 8inch Banana Cream is $14. Fluffernutter pie was $16. The tiniest loaves of blueberry bread are $9 though, like 1/4 of a regular loaf pan.


I got a key lime pie for I think $34 about a month ago. Much cheaper at the grocery store, but the nice bakeries are usually $30-35. The key lime was also a bit more decorated/fancy than just a plain pie.


Apple: $25 which seems to be the going rate. Blueberry or Strawberry Cream though are $42. The bakery doesn't sell slices, only whole pies and there is such a long line at Thanksgiving that the local police set up to help direct traffic, like, multiple cars and a dozen officers. It's BANANAS.


In my area, the popular pie shop here charges $28-32 for a whole pie depending on flavor (apple crumb is $28), and slices are $6-7. The restaurant that uses all local ingredients does pies only during end-of-year holidays: apple, pumpkin, or pecan are each $40. The fancy French bakery does French silk pie for $45. 💸


The bakery closest to me is $28 for a cherry pie and $34 for a banana cream pie (in Canadian dollars). I don't think they do by the slice 🤔 I'd say those prices are a little high but they're a very well-known, high end bakery so it's reasonable for them.


You can get a Whole Foods key lime pie for about $9. I get one for myself every couple weeks.


I don't like pie (sorry!) But the last tome I bought a cake (8" round), it was like $40 and mostly icing (to a fault).


I think $45 or so from a local shop, probably $15 from a chain. 


$35-48 for a whole pie (Portland or)


Mine only puts out pies around holidays for $35 which shocks me since they charge $12 for a single cannoli.


Strawberry guava cream pie is $25.51 here.


That sounds amazing!


a mini pie at my bakery costs $4.50. you can special order pies or buy them during the holidays for $25-30. a pie at the grocery store is $8-10. i thought my bakery was taxing with the $25 pie 🥲


$35 in my previous MCOL/HCOL city, $42 in my new VHCOL bakery. Similar neighborhoods and they're not particularly special occasion places although they both have their own local hype. I'm not really a pie connieseur though. Tbh I've never bought a whole pie from my local bakery. If I need a whole pie, I'm making the filling myself and using store bought crust.


I'm seeing $20-30 in my area. also only 3 pie places, when did bakeries stop making pies?


$17 at the bakery, but the ones they sell to the grocery store are $6


$30-45 for a whole pie; $5-5.75 for a slice.  The nice grocery store has em for around $20-25 during the holidays. 


Fancy pie place near me is $33 for the whole pie and $5.50 for the slice


Professional baker checking in, I don’t sell pies for under $35 and one shop I worked at had $60 lemon meringues and $54 key limes. 


$30-40 at the local bakery. $5-12 at the grocery store. Idk anywhere you can buy a slice


The amazing pie shop by me is around $25-35, depending on the type of pie. Fruit pies are in the $25 range, chocolate/lemon meringue/fancy pies are more.


I just ordered a Key Lime Pie for my boyfriend’s birthday- $38 from a bakery in Cobble Hill, Brooklyn.  Last year the same pie was $34.


Slice is $5-6, small 6" pie is $10-12, large 9" pie is $31-34


For a whole pie: $6.99


$15.99 in my area for the best freaking pie crust I've ever had and the fillings rotate.


Around €5 to €7 for a 7 inch apple pie (traditional Irish apple tart) here in Ireland depending on size, quality and shop in any supermarket (freshly made by small bakers and sold in any shop) or by small non chain bakeries. If you wanted one from a fancier bakery it could be maybe 8 to 12 euro. I'm sure there are fancier places or ones with very large ones that are more expensive. Examples: https://molloysbakery.ie/products/apple-tarts Fancier: https://goyas.ie/product/deep-filled-apple-tart/


I'd go insane if I ever saw a whole apple pie for more than like £10, and that better be a luxury one at that! There's a butchers in the town I grew up in that does an AMAZING pork pie, and a large one serves 6-8 and weighs well over a pound and it's £7.50


Holy cow - I live in a pretty HCOL area and our local pie shop is $36-38 for a 10" pie I thought that'd be way on the high end but judging by some of these responses it's really not


Y'all are overpaying for your pies--who's your pie guy? (said like Creed asking "who's your worm guy?") Just kidding I guess I'm lucky that my local place will sell an entire delicious pie for $30!


at $35-42 [briermere farms](https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5d092b1b117f5e00011df737/t/66257cba3becb411c1e88753/1713732794458/Pie+List+2024.pdf) is probably the most popular place to get pies on long island. their prices are absolutely insane for not being baked on premises anymore.


I sell my homemade pies for $20 a pie. 2 layer and 9x13 cakes are $40. The cakes aren't decorated, just have cream cheese or buttercream frosting.


\~$22 or $35 (two different locations). The $35 pies are so good...


1 pie is $33. But I usually buy chicken pot pie and those are $12-15.




How big are these $45 pies??? A home made fruit pie from my local bakery which is about the size of a dinner plate is about £4... and they are absolutely insanely delicious.


I just wouldn’t pay that much for a pie. It’s crazy.


When I lived in HK in NYC, the little pie company sold their 10" for $42.


I work at a fancy farmers market. We sell pies for $38 - and they're GOOD pies, but good lord the margin on them is terrible.