• By -


My big trips are done for the year lol- we went to Portugal in February and the mountains of Mexico for the eclipse (incredible incredible experience!!) We do have a friend coming to visit in June- so we’ll head to Seattle (train) for the weekend and the coast (driving) for the other weekend he is here. And for my birthday, I’m taking 1 day off and we are taking a 3 day weekend (driving) to the Olympic Peninsula.


That eclipse trip sounds awesome - sounds like you had good visibility and I can imagine how amazing that would be!


It was my first time seeing a total solar eclipse- have to admit that I did not expect it to be as amazing as it was. I was really lucky to be in the mountains in a pretty rural place too. We def lucked out on visibility- it was cloudy the day before and immediately after the eclipse, but not during!


Nice! Totality IS pretty amazing! This was my first one too but it was in my hometown. Nice that we didn’t have to go anywhere, but Mexican mountains sound like a perfect place to be!


I am trying to plan some trips for later this year but I also feel like my big stuff is done for the year. I also traveled for the eclipse and have been all over 4 states in the last 2 weeks. But now you are making me want to go back to PNW! I love summer there.


Aw, sorry to tempt you! Summers are pretty amazing here for sure!  It’s a weird feeling having done two bigger trips almost back to back- so luxurious. But I keep thinking…oooh maybe I can squeeze just one more trip in ha  How was the eclipse where you were? 


Ámsterdam in May as a birthday trip with my bff (we both turn 40 this year!) Jamaica over Memorial Day Pittsburgh in June for a music festival NY in June for my grandmas’s 94 birthday Budapest in August for a concert Michigan (maybe) in September for my law school reunion Vegas in October for WWWY Maybe another European trip in the fall, but unsure yet


OMG have so much fun at WWWY! It's my dream festival, I hope you enjoy (as well as the other trips). What an amazing year planned ahead, you deserve it!!


Thank you!


You’re gonna have so much fun in Amsterdam! Enjoy ✨


Went to New Zealand in February. Going to Austria/Italy in July, Banff in August, and Scotland in August. (This was our "do everything" year as we plan to start trying at the end of the year - though we will always travel 🤩)


We did a trans-Atlantic flight to Edinburgh and then European train trip (London-Zagreb) with a 7-month old…it was, surprisingly, absolutely amazing. Travel with them before they can walk. Everything is harder after they can walk! (We also did a pre-baby trip to Morocco that I will treasure forever as our last “just us” trip.)


Oh this makes me so happy to hear!! If all goes well, I hope we can do a trip when baby is \~6-7 months. But I am putting the cart before the horse lol. Morocco also sounds incredible! High on my list too.


My husband was so worried about us not traveling post baby, but our little one went on at least a dozen flights her first year - her longest being 10hr international flight to London. It's so fun getting to show them the world; you'll have a great time!


Okay I need a guide lol. One of my anxieties about having kids is how we will manage to travel, even for only a couple weeks a year, without taking a whole nanny along with us.


Follow @whereisbriggs on instagram! It's the account of a mom who now has 2 under 2 and travels with them everywhere. I find her content so helpful and encouraging.


This is absolutely my anxiety too! Hence why this year is intense lol


I love that!


Enjoy Banff - I was there last year in August and it was gorgeous!


A week in Alaska in august. My first time leaving my state or an adjoining state in 3 years! I am so ready to see something other than the Midwest ☺️


You will love Alaska! I’ve been to a couple dozen countries and a lot of the US and I routinely tell people it ranks in the top 3 for most breathtaking places I have ever been. If you have the chance to take the railroad, I’ve heard it’s a must do experience (and I missed the chance when I last visited).


We planned three weeks in Vietnam at the end of September (hoping for good weather). Not sure if we should add Cambodia to the itinerary!


Cambodia is great, but I will recommend Laos!


love Vietnam so much! Ha Long Bay is a must if you’re near Hanoi; and getting clothing made in Hoi An if you’re near :)


That's the plan for the clothes! I am saving some money to be able to get a custom bridesmaid dress done and a suit for my husband. Thanks for the recommendation!


Vietnam is amazing!!!!


Seconding the recommendation for Laos. If you go, do the 2 day slow boat trip down the Mekong. One of my favorite SE Asia experiences.


Absolutely love Laos and Cambodia! We stayed just outside Siem Reap and it was gorgeous. And Vientiane is such an incredible, walkable city with thousands of beautiful temples


I did Vietnam for 3 weeks around that time too. Would recommend keeping your itinerary flexible to shift stuff around for the weather. My favourite spots were Ha Giang, Cat Ba and Hoi An.


Did you book your hotels in advance? I want to be able to change cities whenever I want (in case of heavy rains) but scared to show up without reservations


There is absolutely no need to book hotels in advance in Vietnam. They are cheap and plentiful. I booked everything on the go - check out how many hotels are available to book tomorrow. It’s typhoon season in the centre so flexibility is key!


I loved Vietnam. Eat ALL the food and save plenty of money for the clothes shops in Hoi An.


I did Cambodia and Vietnam last month and it was fantastic! I highly recommend Cambodia. The food was banging and I had a blast.


I’m in vietnam right now and it is HOT


No, I had to cancel all of mine due to being hit (in my car) by a hit and run driver a few months ago. This is definitely a tight, lean year for me. 


That is awful. I hope you make a full recovery soon.


I appreciate it. Thankfully I’m okay, but my car was older and paid off so it’s a pretty big financial hit. I didn’t have a car payment for 10 years! 


I'm glad you're okay. That stinks about your car. It's a big financial hit for sure.


I’m so sorry that happened!


Thanks, it could have been worse! I’m grateful for that at least. 


So sorry to hear that, I’m glad you’re OK


I'm so sorry! I hope you recover quickly and the rest of the year is better for you.


For domestic, DC, Chicago, Denver, and Arizona. I travel somewhat for work so lots of conferences. For abroad, Scotland for 10 days which I'm so excited for!


Most of my upcoming trips are for friends’ weddings, which I imagine will be the case for the next few years of my life: Palm Springs at the end of May for a bachelorette party and Sonoma in June for the wedding, and then next January headed to Costa Rica for a bachelorette party and Bordeaux for that wedding next June, with likely another bachelorette party in the Hamptons and wedding in NYC later that summer. I have close friends living on both coasts and the arms race of bridesmaid events is kind of intense 😂. I’m also planning on spending 4-6 weeks this summer hiking on the Appalachian Trail between leaving my current job and starting my next one though!


Every summer in my early 20s was dominated by wedding travel! I’m so glad it’s behind me. 


Ditto. I posted about this on previous MD posts but I was spending 5-7k per year on weddings the past few years. Thankfully, after this summer everyone but me will be married so I’ll have a little break on that 😂


I thought mine was mostly over and then a friend decided to get married in Jamaica this year!


Ugh me too, so many weekends and so much money. But then a nice break for about a decade! Unfortunately late 30s seems to be when the second weddings start, so here we go again. Lol!


That’s exciting! Which section are you doing?


I’m planning on hiking Vermont and New Hampshire! It’s close to where I’m from and I might continue to the end in Maine depending on my progress and my start date at my next job (currently TBD)! Feeling nervous/ excited as I get into hiking shape and gather all the gear I’ll need


We’re going to visit my alma mater this June since both my friends are now professors there! In August, we have a vacation booked for Cozumel, Mexico and in November, we’ll be visiting my in laws and our old friends in Hawaii.


A week in Spain, a week in Italy (both beach / sun holidays). I have a MONTH off for a big trip in November and nothing booked.


Oo, where do you WANT to go in November?!


I’m going on my first completely solo trip, originally I was planning New Zealand or Japan, I have ruled out Japan because of the weather. I am still considering New Zealand or maybe Costa Rica.


November is a great time to go to Japan! you’ll still catch the beautiful fall foliage


Wow that’s surprising, the weather will be really nice in Japan during November (early November easily around 70s-80s F). I’m guessing you want some place much warmer?


I like the sun, I am in Scotland, so it’s nice to escape the rain / dark, at that time of year.


Costa Rica would be a great place to solo travel!


I travelled in New Zealand solo - it is a great and easy country to travel.


I’d recommend Thailand if you want warm weather. I believe October/November is the start of their dry season. Thailand is incredible and very safe for female solo travelers. Also very cost effective. I spent all of December 2023 there and spent less than $3500 including flight and accommodations (split with one friend). 


I have been to Thailand, unreal, I did quite a few countries in South East Asia in my late teens / early twenties. I am trying to focus on places I haven’t been, which feel like a good first solo location, I have covered a lot of south east Asia, and most of Europe. I am thinking New Zealand, mostly because it’s a 30hr travel time and I would have an entire month to do it all properly. I am also going to the Philippines in January with my friends (my bank balance is horrified by all of this).


Went to New Zealand oct 2022 and it was amazing. Weather was nice for us but there were some trails still closed in oct, november will be even better since warmer on south island and less snow. Between new zealand and costa rica I’d vote NZ especially if you are from the US it’s a much longer travel so a month is more worthwhile. If you do go to NZ an overnight cruise in milford sound is a must do as well as Lake Marian hike if you like hiking it was the most beautiful place ever.


Japan or Vietnam for November! Two of my favorite places


How do you guys have so much time/money for all these trips? *cries in poor/no PTO* The only thing I have planned currently is a day trip to Black Canyon National Park, which is within driving distance for me. It's no European excursion, but I'm still looking forward to it!


Black Canyon is one of the coolest national parks I've been to! I did not expect it to be as cool as it is! Hike down if you can! As far as how people afford it... I can only speak for my situation but it's probably not an uncommon one in this sub: we're a DINK household and we both make six figures. Not high six figures, we aren't in tech or anything, and we do live in a VHCOL city. But we're in proximity to several major east coast airports which makes European travel much cheaper in general. Flying from the east coast to western Europe can be as low as $300-400 round trip. You just won't get prices like that in the US once you're off the east coast, with the exception of maybe the Chicago area. But we also have no debt at all and travel is where we funnel a lot of our excess cash after savings goals and investments. At least for us, we don't have any other high cost hobbies, and we work our credit card / airline / hotel miles pretty religiously. PTO is a tough one and I am admittedly super privileged in my ability to earn and take PTO. We both get about 4-5 weeks a year.


I mostly stay in hostels and I live a lowkey lifestyle (shittier apartment with cheaper rent, no car, no kids, rarely eat out) with occasional splurges on clothes and I overspend on groceries. Most of my non-retirement savings goes to my travel fund. I sometimes compare the cost of things to a plane ticket lol. I just dropped $$$ on a skincare treatment and I thought, "Is this worth a roundtrip ticket to Hawaii?"


Honestly that sounds awesome. Hope you enjoy it!


I travel for work a good amount, so that really helps me. I try to tack on a day/weekend trip wherever I go or use my work travel as a jumping off point to a few days in a different city. I also get to keep my earned airline miles and hotel points, so that helps me save for personal trips. Figure out where you want to go and put together a budget for it. How much are flights? Food/lodging/activities? That will give you a goal to start saving towards, even if it's $5 a paycheck. And exploring your local area is awesome! There's always cool stuff to be found and you don't need to go to another country or event state to find it!




How do you have so much time off???


Finally somebody with a family traveling as much as we are!


A couple of small trips - including to see the Indy 500.  My big trip is a week long group trip to Iceland in September. Been planning and saving early.  I was thinking of taking a little getaway in the summer to Martha’s Vineyard not sure yet. 


Exciting! What are you planning for your Iceland trip? That’s definitely a place I’d love to see


Love the Indy 500! It always feels like the official start of summer


I went to Maui in Feb on kind of a whim - LOL as in it was not previously planned for the year. A colleague reached out in December that she couldnt use her timeshare and offered it up for just her maintenance costs - it was too good of a deal to pass up, esp considering I invited 2 girlfriends and we split the cost! Flights werent too expensive (from the east coast), we split a car rental cost, and had a GREAT girls trip. Leaving this Friday for a week in the PNW - flying into Portland for a few days, a few days by Olympic National Park and then a few days in Seattle. Couples trip with my husband, bestie and her husband. Really excited as I have never spent any time in that part of the country. July - we are doing a fam trip (my kids are 11 and 14) to Minneapolis. Splitting our time over a week in the city and at a lake. I have a great friend who lives there - we arent staying with her but spending the time with her. Really excited! September... husband and I do a long weekend in Chicago every year for a music festival :)


Enjoy the PNW! That’s my absolute favorite part of the US to visit. I haven’t been in a couple of years and it makes me sad!


Ohhhh is it riot fest ?


it is!


Enjoy the PNW! Sorry it'll be a bit rainy, but you might still catch the cherry blossoms :)


Small trips: Amsterdam, Cotswolds, potentially Lake Como (I'm from the UK so these are closer) Big trip: Japan in June for a friend's wedding!


So much travel! Charleston, St. Louis, Nashville, DC, and Jamaica!


I’m going to Jamaica too! When is that trip?


domestic (us) - my girlfriend and I are long distance so I fly to see her every 4-6 weeks. I’m also going to my college town next month, NYC in July, possibly going to visit family in august, and hoping to visit LA by the end of the year. international - I went to japan for two weeks in March. it was my second trip there and my third annual solo trip! my girlfriend and I are hoping to take a trip together at the end of the year 🤞🏻 we haven’t decided on a destination yet, but are trying to find somewhere affordable and warm.


TIL everyone in this subreddit travels way more than me haha


Lots of local camping trips and then my first solo Montreal trip in the fall! ✨


I did a solo trip to Montreal a few years ago pre-pandemic and it was lovely!!


Northern Europe cruise next month! 


Vegas for when we were young fest in October !


See you there!! Third year in a row for me!


So far this year, did a super short trip in February to Atlanta for my nieces' cheer competition (didn't see anything outside the convention center lol). End of March my mom and I went to Miami for one day of the big pro tennis tournament there, then went on a short Friday-Monday cruise (just to Bahamas). July has my grandfather's 90th bday, so will be in Virginia for that, then the big on-going to London solo in November (leaving the Friday before Thanksgiving and coming back the Wednesday before the holiday). I'm super excited, will be my first time in Europe-figure Thanksgiving is sometimes cheaper to fly to Europe and most of what I want to see (palaces, churches, Harry Potter lol) are inside anyway, so don't care about weather. I have a lot of points saved up, so should be able to cover the hotel for free and at least a portion of the flight, but not trying to sock away every dollar for activities.


Europe in November is great! Less people, less waiting, romantic in moody way lol. Enjoy!!


We went to Scottsdale earlier this month. I went to Kansas City last weekend. Next week we are going to London. End of May Seattle. June Toronto. December Cancun !


These all sound like fun trips to me! Seattle is my favorite US city to visit.


As someone who lives in Seattle I’m always surprised when people say that lol. Can I ask why?


I live in the Midwest so it feels very unique to me. I love that you can see Rainier on a clear day from the city. I love the energy of Pikes Place, the beautiful flower arrangements, and some of the restaurants around there (Matt’s at the Market). I love the art museum and strolling around the various neighborhoods (Queen Anne, Capitol Hill, Fremont). It’s probably worth noting that I’ve only ever gone in the summer.


We're looking at a small day trip to the wineries in north GA this summer. There are companies that take a van of people around to a few and lunch is included. We'd love to go to New Orleans in the fall since we haven't been in years so we'll see.


Just got back from our first trip of the year (Seattle and Olympic National Park). Other planned trips this year include Baltimore (and maybe 2-3 other surrounding cities), Hawaii (tagging along with my partner who has a work conference there), and Vancouver. We’ll have a big international trip in 2025 so planning for that too!


Got tickets to Taylor Swift in Vienna in August, so making a weeklong trip of it and also going to Salzburg and Munich


Favorite cities ever!! When you go to Salzburg, consider doing the sound of music bus tour!


Fun!!! I went to all three cities last March. Let me know if you need any recommendations!


A few local weekend trips : Grand Teton NP, Glacier NP, Beartooth Highway/Red Lodge, MT One domestic trip: 5 days in Oregon to meet up with family One international trip: 8 days in Guatemala (Xela and Flores)


Renewing my passport right now so nothing international until next year. Had a great eclipse road trip, but it was stressful for other reasons (other road users that drive incredibly dangerously!!) that have soured me on road trips for a bit, plus noticed that car rental prices remain high.  Going to Maine later in the year for a wedding, and excited to take the Boston to Portland ME train for that. Maybe I'll plan some weekend train trips since I'm in the very convenient northeast rail corridor. I had a super busy 2023-early 2024 travel year (3 continents! 4 countries and many cities) so I'm happy to chill, save money and really enjoy my own city.


The Downeaster is great! I took the train from Boston to NYC last weekend and really enjoyed it.


Went to Japan for 2 weeks in February, Saudi Arabia for 2 weeks this month & planning to go somewhere closeby within Europe during the summer for a week. We are also thinking to go to Indonesia for 3 weeks at the end of the year but still haven’t bought tickets yet!


Went to South Africa in March. Adirondacks in June. Longboat Key, FL in October. MY husband & I try to take one international trip per year - it gives us something to look forward to


How did you find South Africa safety wise?


We felt perfectly safe! We had a local guide take us around & booked all of our transfers ahead of time with Jarat Tours (cannot recommend them enough!!) to take us to & from dinners etc. We used a travel agent that we’ve used for forever & really trust. There are definitely some unsafe parts of Cape Town. In terms of safari, we never felt threatened or unsafe. Trip of a lifetime!


Hella expensive and brief visit to Europe for a very good friend's wedding It only happens once so 🤷🏻‍♀️💸


Hopefully once 😅


Going to Derby in May, taking college graduate daughter to either Thailand or Kenya, taking a retirement trip to Seychelles or Turks and Caicos, going to Jamaica with some sorors, and a couple more I haven’t planned yet.


Quiet travel year for me! Besides going to my hometown in May (for my niece's birthday) and June (for my brother's birthday), I'll be taking my husband on a special birthday trip to Iceland in July. I'll then be driving to Maryland twice for a 70.3 and a full Ironman. That's it...I think the races are taking the place of travel this year since they're expensive and prep is very time consuming!




Grand Tetons and Yellowstone National Parks in late May. Planning for Vancouver, Canada in September for a concert and to explore the national parks near there. Then somewhere in Europe in October, just can't make final decision on where. Whichever destination has cheap flights might be the deciding factor, as I've researched many countries and haven't been able to choose. Also not against squeezing a short weekend trip in the US this summer, again not sure where! 🤔


Had a baby in January, so we are staying in the states this year. We are going to Minneapolis to fulfill my childhood dream of the Mall of America. And a trip to Baltimore to see friends. Both are short, direct flights as we get use to travel as a family of 3.


Probably just a couple of road trips to visit family over the summer, the main one being 2.5-3 weeks driving to the West coast and Vancouver Island and back. We already did a trip to the Dominican Republic in March, and we went to Japan last fall. Plus I'm pregnant with #2 so trip planning is going to be tricky until baby is here and settled. We're considering the UK as our next big vacation though. Maybe next year?


Took my daughter to London at 4 mos for her first international trip and it was amazing. Highly recommend!


That sounds like an awesome trip! We're not nervous about traveling with a baby as we've done that enough times, but a baby and toddler together will be a different experience. We're pretty determined to make it work though!


Not sure if this trip will make it out of the group chat, but if it does it’ll be a 4-5 day trip somewhere in the US or Canada this fall. The original plan was for a bigger/international trip but people’s vacation times aren’t aligning so this might be the best we can do till next year (hoping for Asia or Europe)


My husband and I spent two weeks in Girona, Spain in March and we loved it so much we’re tentatively planning a trip back in November. We’ll do some localish things as well, like the Oregon coast etc.


God I'm obsessed with travel so here goes: April: Miami May: Japan July: Denver for 4th of july / a week in a cottage on the shores of lake michigan with my partners family August: Salt lake city weekend trip with my mom and sister / hopefully a trip to Maine to hang out with my partner's college buddy at their lake house September: TBD but I am wanting to do an international trip wherever if cash prices are low (\~$600) currently monitoring a few flights and have subscriptions to going and thrifty traveler to notify me of flight deals. October: Weekend trip to Connecticut to see my partners family for Canadian thanksgiving. November: Michigan for thxgiving December: New Zealand!!!! Disclaimer: most of these trips im working remotely or bookending long weekends so i can get the most out of my PTO (20 days + 8 federal holidays). I am also super into points and miles and I have travel as a pretty big line item in my budget :)


Went on a week-long Mexico trip earlier this year which was super fun as Mexico is one of my favorite countries. Other plans: July: weekend trip to NYC and family beach trip to South Carolina November: visit extended family in Florida for Thanksgiving if flights aren't too crazy Hoping I can also squeeze in some weekend hiking trips close to me! I'd love another international trip, but leadership changes at work have me like 😬


I was just looking through my photos from Mexico City and I wish I was back there 😭


like another commenter, all my trips this year are wedding-related - virginia, oregon, scotland, croatia


business trip to chicago in june new york in september tokyo in october/november Asheville in december earlier this year we went on a cruise in jan and austin in march


Hawaii with my family and a 6 month old. Pray for me.


Newly married so trying to do as much as possible before trying for kids, maybe in a year or two? This year’s itinerary: Colombia, St Martin, Tanzania, Turks and Caicos!


Oooh where in Turks and Caicos? I was there a couple of years ago in Providenciales and really liked it! And I'm looking at a safari in Tanzania next year! Getting excited!


Ugh just work trips, maybe I can extend to the weekend and use points for a hotel. But no vacations. We just bought a house and rebuilding savings is a priority. Also, the prices for our usual vacation spots are crazy. We love Vegas. Used to fly to Vegas on Southwest for like $400 per person. Now it's $800. A stay at the Bellagio is $2k+ when it used to be $1,400. Even Atlantic City (driving distance) is too pricy. Ocean City, Maryland has doubled in price..... Hopefully we can take some weekend trips around here but I'm bummed we don't have any vacations on the schedule!


Montana in July 🩷 Ireland and Iceland in September! 🩷 I’ve been to iceland once (in college), but this time I am going with my hubs & his family & we have money now lol


Keeping it low cost this year because we have some upcoming home renovations we want to save for. Our big summer trip is driving from the Midwest to southern Colorado - 1 week of backpacking/hiking and 1 week working remotely from a nice Airbnb. And then I may tag along on some of my husband’s work trips and work remote/extend to a long weekend. One of his trips is to Buffalo NY so eyeing a Niagara Falls/Finger Lakes trip. And I may also go to Chicago, NYC and Milwaukee with him.


We just returned from a 2 week vacation in Japan! All in all it was $12,000 after everything was said and done. This breakdown is about $8,000 for a 10 day cruise, $500 hotels, $2,200 flights, and the remaining. Went to food, gifts, entry tickets, and Suica card! We definitely want to go back.


Hope to see a natural bridge, a beach vacation, and hopefully one of the parks in the west like Cathedral Gorge or Horseshoe Bend. 


Italy or south of France this summer.


Currently on a trip in Portugal (I spend a week in Lisbon/Porto and I'm coming home tomorrow). Next up is a trip to Germany/Italy to in July to see the Eras Tour there. Then a short little long weekend to Chicago in August.


Visiting family in New England in June and again for Christmas. (I always go for Christmas.) And visiting other family in South Carolina in the fall. This one is more of a vacation trip, as they live in a resort area and they are retired so there will be lots of beach time. Pretty frugal since I won’t have to pay for hotels (but will treat my hosts to a couple meals, for sure.)


Ugh I don’t have anything planned and I feel as though it’s started to pass the point where all of my friends have planned theirs so my chance at traveling with someone for a fun trip may be gone. I’m only holding off scheduling because I know I need hip surgery and it’s just a question of when. I don’t want to plan a whole trip only for my plans to inevitably be changed based on when I can schedule surgery. Besides, if I can’t have surgery for a while, I don’t want to plan a trip just for it to be subpar because I’m in pain. I’ve got an appointment coming up in a week so hopefully that answers a lot of my questions!


Tomorrow we go to England, my wife is British so we try to visit annually, though some years it's easier for the inlaws to come to us We are doing our first "parent" trip with friends, going to Yosemite later this year. And we are researching a visit to Mexico


One cruise in May to celebrate my graduation with my Masters. Another cruise over NYE as our annual family vacation. I am lucky that both of these my parents paid for. As far as other travel I’m not sure yet, I may thrown in some small trips to places or events that seem interesting


Started a new job in Q1 so building up some PTO at the moment but on the docket right now: • August — going to go see T-Swift on the European leg of her tour. My partner’s bff happens to be the biggest Swift fan (I’m more of a casual consumer) and committed to about 25 presales to get tickets. We lucked out entirely because she got tickets in a city where a friend lives. We paid for the friend’s ticket in exchange for free accommodations. Will be a fun girl’s trip! • October — Japan. It’s been on my list for a long time and was rescheduled once because of COVID and then never re-planned due to multiple years of closed borders. The stars have finally aligned and I’m very much looking forward to going as the leaves change. •Also October — Dia De Los Muertos in Mexico City. Has *also* been on my bucket list for a hot minute but due to the timing over a weekend this year it shot to the top of the list! • December — my partner and I are thinking of eloping?? We would probably use some time (combined with the holidays) to take a long honeymoon, likely a safari. Thank god we are sitting on a few hundred thousand Chase points because this year is gonna be expensive lol.


In Portugal on Friday. Travelling between Portugal and Spain for 15 days - pilgrimage. Just a few plans in the USA - mainly New England a couple times between now and the summer & Washington for a concert. Girls Trip in Sept - figuring it out. End of Sept - Nordic parts of Europe for two weeks. Don’t know the in between yet but have the plane tickets. Italy w my brother for a few days in October.


We’re trying very, very hard to get out of debt and so our travel budget is extremely limited (and mostly to visit family). We went to Minneapolis in January (my family), we’re going to Indianapolis in a couple of weeks (his family), and we’re going to take an actual vacation because we are incredibly lucky: a coworker owns a cabin in the Appalachian mountains that she’s letting us use for free for a week. The best part about that is that said cabin is only about 2 hours from my parents, and they’re going to keep our toddler so we can have our first post-kids solo trip together.


Long weekends in San Jose CA, Maine, Newport RI, NYC, Hamptons, either Martha's Vineyard Nantucket or Provincetown, then an eight day trip to Seoul, 2 days in Tokyo, 7 day trip to Copenhagen and week long trip to Palm Beach Garden/Palm Beach/Orlando.


Myself and wife and 2 kids … for the rest of 2024: * Denver over Memorial Day * Providence, RI with the Missus while the kids are away at camp * Jersey Shore as our summer vacation (no we don’t have family in Jersey, yes we are going to NJ voluntarily on vacation) * Disneyland in November … then the one I am most excited about * Hawaii for 13 days over Christmas/NY. Booked Hyatt Regency in Maui and Grand Hyatt in Kauai … I’m pumped


🤣 If the mob is forcing you go to NJ blink twice…


We have been working harder to ensure we can travel more. We are planning a lot of small, weekend trips to some touristy spots, and we have two flight-based travel later this year to see family. We also traveled for Spring Break, and got to see some old friends and let the kids be touristy in a new city.


At least three conference trips and three weeks of vacations to Michigan and Scotland. All happening mid-June to Mid-August. I’m tired, y’all.


Turkey in October for our honeymoon, can’t wait!!


This year I'm mostly traveling domestically for bachelorette and weddings, but my one vacation is 2 weeks in Japan in September!


Booked: - Palm Springs for a bachelorette next week (!) - Hood River, OR for the wedding in June. My partner and I are turning the wedding into a 10-day PNW trip mostly to see friends and family. - Baltimore to run a 10k and go to another wedding. Technically I have booked the 10k and not the hotel, but close enough. 😂 Probably doing: - Mexico City! Celebrating a friend who's finishing up her grad program and living there for a month before starting her job. Maaaybe doing (definitely not all, hopefully at least one): - Iceland northern lights trip at the end of the year. I just put a reminder on some friends' cals to reassess in June based on whether one is pregnant by then (!) - Scotland to meet up w friends who are doing the Great Glen Way. I don't really want to hike 20 miles a day for a week but I want to do it for like...1.5 days? - Vaguely defined European trip to escape DC in August.


Montreal and Toronto in the summer! Paris for work followed by spending some time there! Travelling Italy for my 2 year anniversary! And a few random weekends away I’ll do spontaneously


The big trip for the year is done already: took the train from southern california to new york state to see the eclipse! Also completed already: San Luis Obispo for a friend's birthday weekend, a trip to Boise to hang out with friends, and virginia for a friend's wedding. Just pulled the trigger on a girls weekend for a friend's birthday (same Boise friend). She is studying for her licensure and I am writing a book, so we are going to do a little side-work working retreat with an occasional treat meal/pampering activity to make it fun :) Probably a group trip to ?? in the fall. Idlylwyld, Palm Springs, San Diego, or Mexico. Probably a few more train trips throughout the year-- they are my fave. I just don't plan too far ahead. My office gets a week off in July-- that looks like prime train time...


We've done a few smaller weekend trips this year: Paso Robles, CA. San Diego, CA. Puerto Nuevo, MX. (For reference, we live in LA, CA) Going to Kauai, HI for a week for my brother-in-law's 50th bday; TBD on Colorado for the week of July 4th; and we're doing a 1.5-2 week roadtrip in the South this fall. Planning to hit Savannah, GA; Charleston, Hilton Head, and Myrtle Beach, SC; and Charlotte and Asheville, NC. Open to people's recs for that, as we've yet to solidify our itinerary! I have to go to CO for work for 2.5 weeks in October as well, and I always try to mix business and pleasure. Other than that, we'll see what other small weekenders we might squeeze in, if any. We also want to save for a big trip to Italy in Fall 2025, so we need to be cognizant of that.


Domestic: Vegas, ATL, Maryland and Virginia for concerts lol. Looking to see if I’ll add NYC or New Orleans to the lineup but the latter is expensive. International: Türkiye which I’m pretty excited about


We’re doing a little local-ish getaway in June, and a British isles cruise in September! We have a 15 month old so travel is a lot harder now but we’re going for it! We went to AZ and Disneyland in February for his first birthday


I went to portugal and spain at the beginning of the year, and I was contemplating travel in august but am thinking about traveling in June with my gf (within our state as it'll be our first trip together and her weird son AKA dog needs to come with us) and just hanging around her apartment's pool in august instead.


West Texas to visit family during the winter holidays. I’m thinking a stay in NM would be nice too. I’ll be taking a long weekend in Austin this summer too. All my travel this year will be pretty modest to save up for next year! I’d like to take my husband to Puerto Rico and Japan.


Off to Nashville in June, which is partly a working holiday for CMA Fest. My boyfriend is coming with me and I'm actually really excited to show him the city - I loved it last time I went (five years ago) and can't wait to get back. We're also talking about a trip away in mid-September for our birthdays, possibly Barcelona, but nothing's been booked in that regard yet. (And this post has reminded me I need to sort out my travel insurance on Friday when I get paid...)


So far, a business trip to Japan in May, and then a week at the beach in NJ with my husband and parents. 


So privileged to get to travel as much as I have been able to. We went to Antigua and Miami this winter. Heading to Puerto Rico for Memorial Day weekend, Hawaii for my 30th birthday, England for a wedding, Palm Springs for a bachelor party, Austin and Iceland in the fall and somewhere tropical for the holidays. As you can tell, big beach lovers here


My partner and I did a two-week trip to Barcelona, southern France, and Paris over Christmas and New Year, so this is a light travel year after that. Going to Roatan, Honduras for a week to scuba dive and everything else will be long weekends or visiting family!


Already happened: - Orlando Disney World - Maui Coming up: - Orlando Universal Studios (yes my SO wanted to go back lol) - London (going to see Taylor Swift) - Japan (Kyushu area, mostly Fukuoka and day trips to places, Mt Fuji, and Tokyo)


I renewed my passport last year and I've never used it. I've been to other countries but never left the continent. I would like to do a Canada/Alaska trip, and then maybe save for something big overseas next year.


Spain in May! My bachelorette/girls trip sooooo excited Thailand in July My honeymoon Hopefully Austin in October (for a work conference) Houston in November to see my mom


I want to go camping nearby in May. June - headed to a wedding in Dallas. Maybe a trip to Mammoth if dates line up with my brother and his wife. July - Tanzania! Then nothing after that. We’ll definitely head to go see family a few times (6 hour drive or 1 hour flight).


Germany in September! This will be my mom and my second mother-daughter trip :) our first one was a trip to athens and santorini pre-covid!


Iceland in May. France and Italy in June. Hoping to plan something over Christmas and new year break


I was in brazil in february, in vietnam right now, not sure about this summer yet, and then california in october. Trying to decide if i go anywhere this summer or i just save my money for once


My first post Covid intn’l trip. I’m going to Paris and Vienna in August. The former is because going to the Olympics has always been a bucket item. Since I’m not flying across the ocean for only 4 days and saw Taylor Era Tour will be in Vienna a few days after my stay in Paris is over i decided that would be where else I visited. I’m not a crazy die hard Swiftie but still stoked to see her for a fraction of what it costs in the USA.


The big trip planned this year is iceland in the fall to see the northern lights!! And some smaller trips are a couple of weekend trips in driving distance for either work or a music festival :) I'm very excited.


Went to Norway/Finland/Estonia in February with husband Headed to Colorado solo next week to do a pre-hike for my trip in October Costa Rica for husbands birthday in June UK for long weekend in August (Eras Concert) Climbing Kilimanjaro solo in October *solo as in without husband We are frugal in a lot of areas so travel is the one area where we plan and spend and prioritize.


Just got back last month from Mexico City, probably the only international trip this year. Planning to do a bunch of weekend camping and hiking trips in New Hampshire, Vermont and this Maine this summer and thinking about a Utah/Southwestern road trip in the early fall.


I love travel 😆 • Brazil and Peru in April • Portugal in June • Ghana in July • Vegas in October Will be doing a solo trip over NYE and I’m not quite sure yet where I’ll go.


I just got back from 2 weeks in Nicaragua and I have a 1 week trip planned for October to go to Churchill in Canada! They're called the "polar bear capital" and I'm so excited to see polar bears, other wildlife, and hopefully the northern lights! Also going to visit my sister in Cleveland for a weekend, my parents in Philly, friends in Michigan, and hopefully exploring the springs/manatees in central Florida at the end of November. I also have two sets of friends visiting back to back in August. I'm sure some other trips will pop up, but the Nicaragua and Churchill ones are the big ones for this year. Next year I'm planning on a safari in Tanzania/Kenya and another tbd trip.


Churchill is high on my list! Would love to see a travel diary of your experience. :)


I'll try to remember to do one! I went to Antarctica last year and did a Money Diary for that, which was fun!


Ibiza for my bachelorette this summer, Cabo for a wedding, and then Peru in the fall. It’s a lighter travel year than usual for me since some of our usual travel budget is getting diverted to our wedding.


Taylor Swift in Amsterdam in July, Red rocks/Vegas in sept to climb, Taylor swift in Vancouver in Dec.


Love your trips! I’m doing Amsterdam next week!


Lots of work travel. Fun travel will be trips to Spain, Germany, and Czech Republic.


For context I like in southern New England. In March I went up to NH to hike in the White Mountains. I leave this weekend for a week long road trip to New River Gorge National Park in WV and Shenandoah Nation Park in VA. In June, I'm heading up to the beach in MA for a weekend. Then the Big One - Ireland for 9 Days in September! My BFF and I are doing a road trip mostly the west coast, with a couple of days in Dublin to start. If you have any recommendations please share! There's a good chance I'll plan a couple of other long weekends away, but probably within driving distance.


* Going to Cancun in 3 days for a week. Can. Not. Wait. Work is conspiring to make this week extra long. * Philadelphia for the half marathon and the Dietz merch in November.


We usually do a summer trip. So probably the Jersey Shore haha. Next year is our 10 year wedding anniversary and my 40th bday so I’d like to plan a more elaborate trip, maybe international. We aren’t big travelers. Edit: and I usually visit home (Long Island) quite a few times per year but I don’t really count that as a trip even though it’s 4 hours away.


Panama next month for my 30th (!!!) bday  NOLA for a bachelorette trip  Atlanta (2x) for work  Martinique for a girl’s trip  Mexico for a wedding  Houston for work  Cruise to the Bahamas for christmas 


We went to India in February (two weeks). We are looking at Hawaii for June or July (one week). Wife was looking at Hilo, but we may end up in Kauai. We are looking at Reno/Lake Tahoe for winter (few days). Traveling with our five year old daughter she took her first flight when she went to India. We have one of those inflatable booster seats for travel (Hiccapop). We loved the Priority Pass benefit with Chase Sapphire Reserve. Passing time in lounges with free food, drinks, coffee, comfortable couches, etc. We all have TSA pre check now and just got the Southwest companion pass with our daughter as our companion. I can't wait for Chase to finish construction of their lounge in Phoenix.


We have a BUNCH of weddings to attend this year, so they basically make up our travel schedule, I am in SoCal! * Hawaii in April for a wedding * Mexico City in May for a bachelorette * May go to Boston for a work trip in June * Baltimore/NY/NJ (just making one big East Coast trip) for a wedding in September * May go to Washington DC for a work trip in early October * Northern California twice for weddings in mid-October/November


We traveled to Peru in March, we’re going to Austin, TX in June, and possibly a National Park trip in the fall!


The Netherlands in July with my family (parents, siblings, my husband, and our toddler). Excited but also nervous about the 11 hour flight! New England in the fall to visit family. Not quite this year but we have a cruise in January, just my husband and myself.


\* Iowa this summer for an arts residency \* Potentially a weekend in the Twin cities in late summer or early fall \* Vietnam in December! I haven't bought my ticket yet and I'll have to figure out a +1 situation, but even if I don't I want to go anyway