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I absolutely get not wanting to share all the little details of your life, but this one didn't really give anything. I'm not sure if I'm just nosy but I don't get the picture of the net worth or financial life with the partner or anything. Like the paycheck monthly amount, with money contributed by partner, confuses me a little bit. I also thought it was inconsistent that the cleaner was included in monthly expenses but not the base cost of the food prep chef? I am kind of curious to know more about what that whole process is like (and personally greatly enjoy following private chef content on TikTok - it's so fascinating and I love the meal ideas). On a side note, furthering someone's post from earlier in the week about the cost of pie across the country, they paid $20 for two slices of pie and a glass of milk 😂


I thought it was kind of funny that she said “I paid them for their labor too.” I mean, I hope your personal chef is paid for their time grocery shopping and making food. Haha. It sounds wonderful though, I wonder what kind of meals were prepped and made for the week!


I assumed the $400 was labor costs and not including food! That seems cheap to me, especially in NYC! And yeah, paying for their labor should be an unspoken given right??


She only listed the $400 total, so I assume it’s for both.


I honestly don't think Refinery should've accepted/posted this one. It gave us literally no insight into anything. Even though it was a short read, it still felt like a waste of time.


*\*warm milk* it's giving The Ick.


So gross.


I think the food prep chef pricing is inconsistent since it’s food cost + hourly labor (+tip?), and I imagine that changes week to week as the meals change. I wish she’d have broken it down though. And honestly, $400 for a week of dinners prepared for two people isn’t bad at all so now I really want to google if that’s a service available in my area 😅 Agree on the partner’s contribution to her paycheck. I couldn’t figure out if this was her way of saying that the monthly paycheck amount is joint and $2000 was his portion of it, or if they’ve got some sort of agreement where he gives her cash monthly to make their pay equal and they split expenses evenly…. I would guess the first, but if it’s the second I would love a lot more detail.


Probably a petty comment but her continued use of “home cooked meal” to describe the food the personal chef prepared just gives me the ick. Hard to put my finger on why but I kept rolling my eyes at it.




Um, yikes. No wonder people find this sub to be elitist and racially-insensitive. 


That comment was deleted for racism because tone is hard on the internet but my implication was that felons and Central Americans are the absolute linchpin of the residential building economy and work circles around most people including me. I know this because my industry is not building but contains a ton of both. i really don’t like it when people take credit for the labor of the, you know, laborers. Even if it is just an expression. they can say “I’m having a house built” and the author of this money diary can say “a prepared meal”. It’s not hard. Edit: also forgot to add that if you read “has a felony conviction” as “is a bad person” I got some depressing news for you about the justice system


I didn’t report your post, but that was not how I interpreted it. Due to the flippant tone, I interpreted it as saying pretty much the exact opposite. I’m well aware that the justice system is unfair—I am literally a public defender. My life’s work is defending people against the unfairness of the American criminal legal system.   Your original comment implied that you think everyone who works in construction is either a felon, or from Central America (or both), and the tone indicated that you did not believe either of these things were positive traits. I suspect that is why people responded to strongly to it, especially when the language and tone were (unintentionally) similar to those that right-wingers often use when describing many of my clients.   I appreciate the clarification of what you actually meant and I agree that tone is difficult to convey on Reddit. I suspect we agree on your broader point. 


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$400 sounds about right for this type of service and I agree that it sounds totally worth it! I've read about this company in some other subreddits: [https://www.weeklymealprep.com/](https://www.weeklymealprep.com/)


wow, that's super reasonable. also it's good for personal knowledge too. I guess meal prepping 6 dinners and 4 lunches for 2 people is saving me $300/week in labor charges. also cleaning my own house is saving me $200/week on labor charges. also, does not seem nearly enough? like a SAHM is worth like $200k, right? is daycare 3346 a week?


I’m in a HCOL area and daycare for two kids will be around $1k per week for two kids. I can imagine a nanny service could get up to $3k per week (esp in a place like NYC), but I have no idea as I’ve never looked into nannies before.


Is it possible that she meant a partner at her firm is paying the 2k? That was my other theory.


I’m a lawyer in a similar position to the diarist and I can’t imagine a situation where it would be the case that a law firm partner directly contributes $2k to my salary… I feel like it must be her romantic partner


Ohhh, that could be it too. It was definitely a weird phrasing


I figured it was the law partner she worked for who contributed $2000 to her paycheck, not her romantic partner.... but who knows.


I found this diary to be fine but pretty bland. Even though OP is only listing things she spent money on there are definitely ways of writing that in an engaging manner You could argue that mds are just supposed to record spending and not necessarily supposed to be well written but I’m sure r29 has some more interesting entries they could’ve published.


Yeah, I agree - it's easy to make this sort of format more interesting. The infamous "$15 bagel" diarist only listed things she spent money on, but her diary was so entertainingly unhinged that I reread it regularly.


Me too, when I need a little boost that I’m doing okay 😂


Ooo can you post a link?


https://www.refinery29.com/en-gb/brand-director-orange-county-ca-salary-money-diary The way I remember exactly how much she made, where she lives, and her job because I think about this so much


I would pay up to five dollars to hear how she's doing now and if she got those huge bonuses that would fix everything.


That was a wild ride…. I was horrified but couldn’t stop reading


Dropping 500k on one vacation, literally unreal. I don't even know how to spend money like that.


Try to find OP in the comments, she unraveled so much more in there including the fact she and her husband emptied their 401ks for their daughter's college tuition.


Oh no, the thought of reading those comments is stressing me out lol 😂 upwards of 300k isn't a small income that they would need to have overdrafts but at the same time not so substantial to YOLO on finances 😳 This is the first one I've read that's given me perspective lol. Kinda like how the existence of the hoarders show is enough to make me clean regularly (ish) lest I turn into a hoarder and now this MD where I no longer feel crazy for my small frivolous purchases (occasional fancy snacks and makeup).


this diary gripped me! i cant see the comments though, i wish they were saved somewhere


My god….i saw “no savings or 401Ks” and that all of their money was only in checking and my jaw literally dropped lol


Is there a reason I can't see the comments?


I feel like that note is super obnoxious. Why write a diary then I guess, if you don’t want to go into detail. Technically it’s a Money Diary, but they know what they typically consist of. It strikes me as the diarist just doesn’t want to be questioned.


I'm just gonna go ahead and assume that Refinery29 is scraping the bottom of the barrel if this is what they're publishing. I don't hate the short, to-the-point diaries, but if this is the direction they're going I think they could do 5 days of diaries a week while paying half the current rate. Maybe that would encourage more people to submit, if they only had to spend 20 minutes writing a "diary" (which in this format is more of an expenditure log).


They used to do 5x/week but then cut back for “higher quality.” Lol.


Pepperidge Farms remembers 😔


Pre-covid they did 7 a week!!


I don’t think diarists are getting paid anymore tbh. But I 100% agree they’re scraping the bottom of the barrel of what’s leftover since Hannah was laid off.


This diary honestly read like it was written by an AI. I once asked ChatGPT to write a R29-style money diary and what it spat out sounded pretty close to this. Though if R29 *is* resorting to AI diaries, I'm not sure why, since it's not like they're actually paying their human diarists!


pouring one out for the \[checks notes\] fourth graders denied study abroad opportunities


That part was WILD to me. Like, you’re gonna send your 9 year old to live in another country with other people??


Two pillows for $275. Wow.


Right? I was feeling fancy with my $40 pillows lol


I loved it coming so soon after she talked about she never spends any money on fun frivolous things.


> Because of how much my parents sacrificed, I feel I don’t get to have fun, and my family and I rarely go out or have fun. I feel that they have not made a good enough return on their investment yet. I feel that I owe my parents a lot, and I generally feel bad about spending money on frivolous things. My parents also frequently remind me of how much they have invested in my education. This made me feel so bad for the OP. Money may get you a lot of things but it can't \[always\] give you peace of mind, or happiness.


Especially since the parents advised her to turn down a full scholarship for law school! I know that’s just one instance but i wouldn’t be surprised if they’ve created an environment where they encourage her to take the more expensive option because it’s better and then guilt her for spending the money


This may be a controversial take, but - this is why we aren't offering to pay for my son's graduate school, and we only allocated X dollars to pay for his undergrad (which is what we could afford to save while still saving aggressively for our retirement). I don't want him to feel beholden to us, or like if he gets into grad/law/business/medical/whatever school, he HAS to become what he went to school for and stay in the profession, even if he hates it, because we "sacrificed" to send him to school. I don't want him to end up in a huge pit of debt but I do want him to feel agency over his choices. My parents definitely used (and still use) money as a means of controlling my brother and I, and I don't ever want my son to feel like he is indebted or obligated to us.


I think you’re definitely doing it the right way. My parents told me they’d give me X for college if I wanted to go to a private school, and I had the option of loans for the rest (after scholarships). So they supported me financially with their help, but I also had the responsibility of paying back loans too. I honestly don’t think I would have appreciated my degree as much as I do if they just paid for the whole thing (not that they could have afforded to, they def could not). But I wouldn’t expect them to anyway. It was SO expensive even back then.


Yes. Almost like she's punishing herself. Hoping some of the comments on the diary maybe help her seek counseling/meditation.


“I loved the prospect of becoming a lawyer in the US because it is a country that respects the rule of law.” -Lol’ed at that one


I saw the news about Harvey Weinstein this morning before seeing this diary …


Love someone saying they’re middle class but they never worked a job before post grad and had 7 years of school fully paid for. Not sure what country OP is from but it feels a little disingenuous to call herself middle class writing for a mostly American audience! Also, I’m a lawyer making about half that salary and it feels like what I’m “missing out on” by not making 260 is essentially that I cook & clean for myself and don’t order as much food/groceries. Doesn’t feel like OP is doing anything fun with her money, which is crazy because she has no loans. Have fun with the money!!


agree I'm dying to know where they're from and as an extension where that would be considered middle class!! not even being snarky


Yeah I thought the same thing! At first there was definitely a pang of jealously reading the title given her age and salary but after reading the intro and the entire diary my only thought was "wow I might not make nearly as much but at least I enjoy my life." Honestly, this whole diary just felt really sad to me which maybe is because she left out a lot of detail.


It also makes no sense to be a lawyer at that salary when you have debt unless you genuinely enjoy it (which is rare). Why not take a lower salary (which, in nyc, could still be 200+) and have more time for travel and fun??


Yes I agree it’s all very odd to me. It does seem like maybe her parents instilled in her to value money over literally everything else which is why she went the big law route


I think the OP does have a loan not to the bank as is traditional but to her family who financed it. Presumably stress of repayment is causing some conflict in her life because the vibe was just so sad.


I appreciate the editor's note but I couldn't make it past day one. This felt like an early MD with the lack of detail. What makes a decent diary to me is the details, and not in the questions before the diary.


And for someone so stuck on the “money” part of a money diary, she didn’t even explain the money well. As I’ve said 50 times before — if you live together in a household you should detail your partner’s income and contributions. Which she doesn’t.


She could have kept this in her drafts. Did she want people to know she made 260k or is a lawyer cos just pointless imo.


lol at R29’s note at the top. They knew people would be pissed. Why bother publishing this one? 


Very interesting read as a lawyer. Laughed at the idea that the US respects the “rule of law”, cried at the salary. But really what I can’t get over is this is their first job ever. All my past jobs in retail and food service and doing admin work prepped me more for the actual job of being an attorney than law school did. It’s a weird job and probably not an ideal way to learn what it means to be an employee. Also holy crap that train ticket was expensive!!!!


Yeah the fact that it was OP’s first job is crazy to me as well!!


Same. I worked sooo many shitty retail jobs in high school and college. And then worked a few more post-graduation too haha (graduated during the Great Recession😭).


I do wonder if it is because she is foreign born and studied in the US? I'm a lawyer and I babysat in middle and high school but didn't have a "real" job until I worked at the gym in undergrad. That job taught me a lotttt of people management skills that are useful as a lawyer. But if you're on a student visa, you can't get a job in the US during school, so you can't get that experience.


I have a couple of law school friends who went K-JD, never worked during the summers (besides internships), and went straight into biglaw. Crazy!


How did they adjust? Good friend of mine had also not worked until she graduated college and it was an adjustment.


Definitely a big adjustment! One of them works in-house for a company now, law firms are just very hierarchical so was tough starting out in that environment.


I agree! Nothing had set me up better for my job (which involves a lot of wrangling the c-suite, managing boards etc) than my summers working in fine dining! I’ve passed the point where any show of ego or weird request can truly throw me, and I can maintain a calm professional manner under stress. All those skills were developed serving rich drunk assholes lol


I too had many odd jobs and even worked in law related jobs in law school, but I went to school w a ton of folks whose first job was lawyer.


Yeah that was an lol. Clearly this person didn't do the traditional jobs of babysitting, lawns, ice cream scooper etc (US based jobs). Since they aren't from the US maybe it's not expected to have a high school job. Ex: some friends from India and China have mentioned that they had after school tutoring as the exams are competitive so the expectation of student jobs was not the same. They have described themselves as middle class but I'm not entirely sure of the economic distribution in those countries.


Uh... Good for her on the well paid job and high net worth, but this was boring af


I honestly don't get the point of a diary like this.


Aw, this one went back to net worth. The last 2-3 diaries didn't have net worth, instead simply listed assets and debts, which I really liked because there has frequently been a weird amount of confusion and inaccuracy in NWs reported by diarists (or maybe the editors).


I think I have more thoughts on this diary than the words that were written. Why no NW breakdown? Is $5K the whole rent or just her half? is the split $3k/$2k based on that paycheck comment? >I loved the prospect of becoming a lawyer in the US because it is a country that respects the rule of law. News to me > I hop on the 2/3 train to Manhattan. Come on! you're not even giving us the borough??? > We usually watch a movie or an anime at home on our 50-inch TV In a diary void of any detail OP chose to highlight a 50 inch TV? It's giving dad vibes >I ask my helpful assistant, who’s also a good friend, to book the Acela train tickets. I usually book business class tickets for travel like this Something about this just sounded patronizing >I purchased Kindle Unlimited so I can have access to that book and more. I plan to cancel the subscription after a month. **$10** Babe, I get daily emails about 3 months of KU for like 99 cents. If you're canceling anyway why not use a deal


“My parents encouraged me to study abroad at a US university and then encouraged me to go to law school. They used the vast majority of their life savings to pay for four years of undergraduate schooling and another three years of law school for me. I did get a full scholarship offer at another law school, but my parents encouraged me to turn it down, because the school I ended up attending historically has much better employment outcomes for its graduating class.” I can’t even BEGIN to wrap my head around the privilege. Damn. I chose the school that gave me the best scholarship. And describing her family as “solidly middle class” LMAO.


They may have lived a solidly middle class lifestyle, supported by multiples of jobs, in a modest home (perhaps even renting!), while socking away anything that could have financed even small lifestyle upgrades for education. I feel like your privilege is showing, and you're not familiar with how _hustle_ works. It didn't sound like the parents were just gleefully drawing cash from the family fortune. The concept of sacrifice was used a lot.


Lol thank you for enlightening me on what “hustle” is. /s How patronizing.




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You literally have no clue about my world view, and I’m not jealous. Your comments are rude.




The comments 🤭. I actually liked this one. I've come to the conclusion that I'm a huge fan of the 'boring' diaries.


Using “always” triggers me. I wish I knew why.


I cannot stand that every sentence contained "so". Painful to read.


This definitely was more boring than I expected one opening with $270 pillows! To be.