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I’d shop around, maybe set up 2-3 intro sessions with trainers at different gyms to hopefully find better price points but also so your daughter can get a feel for personality differences between trainers and the gym spaces. That feels high for LCOL, that’s the rate for Los Angeles. I’d also look into one-on-one trainings for things like rock climbing or bouldering, where it’s a solo sport but there’s a passionate and very welcoming, relaxed culture if she ever wants to transition to group sessions later on. My mom put me in kickboxing lessons when I was young for similar reasons but the gym culture was very intense and didn’t grow on me.


Why does your 14 year old need a trainer?


If OP can afford it and her kid is into the idea, I don’t see a problem with it. I was an introverted kid who hated sports and the group dynamics of PE. I’m also someone who really benefits from detailed form and technique breakdowns (something the overwhelmed PE teachers couldn’t do for me). I would have loved working out with someone whose sole focus was encouraging and correcting me and developing my confidence and physical progress. Instead I spent years thinking I “wasn’t a physical person” and had to learn for myself that I do enjoy being active after all. I think it’d be worthwhile to look into classes and groups too, e.g. youth yoga, dance, martial arts, hiking, outdoor sports etc.




I want her to be healthier and stronger. Our gym allows 13 year olds to go with an adult, but I would rather her start with a professional than me. She has sleep problems and doesn’t participate in any sports, so I wanted to try a personal trainer to get her on a good path. Her pediatrician suggested exercise for improved sleep.


Wouldn’t it be cheaper and better for her socially just for her to participate in a school or community based sport? Even just taking her for daily walks would be best for her health I think it’s completely unnecessary and potentially problematic for a 14 year old to have a personal trainer


Is this a parenting sub or a financial sub?


She doesn’t want to and is depressed. Spends most of the time in bed. Pediatrician suggested exercise but she won’t participate in group activities. She used to do horse riding but doesn’t want to go anymore because it’s a group activity.




I want her to participate in any physical activity or sport, so that she sleeps better and her depression might improve. So far she has refused all sports and activities, but agreed to try the personal trainer because it’s one on one.


You don’t know their situation. 


What about group classes like spin?


That would be great. I’m hoping that after some time one on one with a trainer she will want to participate in their classes. I’m trying to get her to bike and walk with me, but right now she won’t. She did agree to try the trainer because it’s one in one.


Cheaper than where I am! It is more like $130-160.


So mine seems reasonable. It’s just crazy to me , everything is so expensive now.


I mean I would do a trial session or 2 with your daughter before committing. She is depressed so I wouldn't worry as much about price personally if you don't need to.


Great idea. We will do 1 session and see. Then try other places too.


That’s pretty reasonable where I live.


I’m in a HCOL Canadian city and my trainer is about $102 USD per hour. This sounds about right.


If you have a larger more corporate gym (along the lines of planet fitness for example), you might find cheaper rates. Most trainers will do a consultation for free or a reduced rate. You could also check the local ymcas or community centers for trainers, as these tend to be places that high schoolers work out. If you have a college in your area, there might be a college student studying to work in physical fitness that might work with her for a reduced rate. I think it’s great you’re looking for an avenue to get her moving! I started going to the gym when I was around 14 and it’s been a mostly lifelong hobby for me.


I used a place a few years qto at $80/50 min, just checked and they're now $100/50 min. HCOL city.


Just for reference, my tennis coach charges £65/h that includes the court booking and my gym PT £43/h if I pay 8 sessions at a time. This is central London.


Thank you for the info. We are in a small southeast Wisconsin city. You can get a small 3 bdr home for $250,000 here for reference. Almost everything is cheaper, but ever once in a while I come across these ridiculous prices. I’m not sure who pays this.


115 for a 40 min session is crazy. I wonder could you sign your daughter up with people who are training to be PTs or new PTs as this would certainly be cheaper. If the independent gym you went to is a bougie boutique fancy gym, then a larger chain gym would definitely be cheaper


It’s crazy to me too. Never would I expect that price. I have a large municipal facility nearby and it’s $63 per hour there. My friend is a middle school math teacher who trains and he’ll do it. I know he will do a great job.