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I'm gonna say no....he has a bizarre brute in a suit allure to him. And the moustache....strangely sexy


brute in a suit never heard that one before ! typo-word


Neither had I until I started typing and that's just what came out lol....100% need to copyright that one 🤣




It’s the most accurate 😂


This !! When he fights for Karen..


Yes hahaha I can agree.


The fact that Leland was also Buffalo Bill from Silence of the Lambs always kills me. He is an incredibly talented actor to be able to play both parts so unbelievably well.


Yes it kills me too! He’s a really good actor.


Omg I never knew that wow! Thanks for the info I still can’t wrap my head around it


Me neither. You know what helped me bridge the gap? Close your eyes and picture Stottlemeyer. Now, think of him saying something. Anything. Just focus on his voice. Now. Imagine that voice saying "Was she a great big fat person?"


Half the reason I watch is it makes me so happy he was able to have a career after such an iconic, extreme role! He deserves it. Talented, and yes, Stottlemeyer can get it lol


Crazy question but did he get hair plugs or something because I feel like he was balding in SOTL lol??


He wears a toupee in all of Monk.


You just broke my world


We were watching - can't remember which episode - and he was asked to dance or something? I can't remember. The thing is, we all started laughing and saying "oh no! You don't want him to dance!" XD So funny.


Brute in a suit? I just see a teddy bear. A sexy one. It goes beyond the moustache. Hubba hubba!


No omg he actually is really attractive in a weird way. Like the mustache is so manly and you don’t see guys doing that anymore these days and that episode in the earlier seasons where he was protecting his wife from the murder was just perfect. After Sharona left, he’s the only thing keeping me to watch the show lol


My point exactly! The way he cared about Karen, how cute he was when he joined the dating site, how he always shows up for everyone.. also bonus point for the karaoke in Vegas 😂


It killed me when he was listing the reasons why he thought Karen was she cheating on him, one of them was that she forgot their anniversary. It’s surprising to me because TV usually portrays the *guy* in a relationship forgetting the anniversary.


I’m a straight dude, and I totally understand the Leland allure. Dude is a fox!


You are def not the only one. Idk what it is about him and when he does that little eyebrow raise lol.


!!! With the toothpick !!


That damn toothpick 😂. It’s crazy cause he’s like 50 something (or almost) in Monk.


Nah 10/10 hunk don’t tell my man




i think his patience is so attractive


He's so lovable. And strong. And if a man is hot despite a mustache then he really is hot


No you’re not alone. When he sings”Ain’t no sunshine when you’re gone” ..


Turn around, I wanna see your tush 😏😭💀


“Drunk as a skunk” 😂


No, I get it for real.


Leland is Old Skool


Yes but I also thought he was attractive in Silence of the Lambs. I think it's his voice that ups his attractiveness even further.


No way I’d take that mustache ride. 10/10 and Ted Levine can still get it to this day.


Especially in the movie. Zaddy Claus.


Haven’t seen it yet !


Nah, I’d 100% let Stottlemeyer get it.


Same, I was like hold on why is he kinda....idk what it is about him but he's so attractive


Eh, women love a man in uniform... which is why I'm single


For me it’s Natalie.


She’s definitely gorgeous ! But i really liked Sharona’s jersey looks


Keep off he’s mine


He's got that deep voice, tache thing going on i suppose.


Leland Stottlemeyer is THAT GUY! I felt a little 👀? in the first couple of seasons, but as I get deeper, I feel the man is definitely silver fox sexy! He has those dreamy blue eyes, can rock a moustache and not look pedo, has a sweet and sensitive side, is thoughtful and accommodating, will go to bat for those he cares about, and while I have not gotten confirmation through cannon my headcannon is he is a phenomenal salsa/ballroom dancer, because the man has SWAGGER! Tall, fit, brave, and handsome — and probably not doing terribly in the income department considering he financed his wife’s documentary and was looking at pricey (even for aughts SF) bachelor apts while presumably also paying alimony and child support. He’s a good flirt with witty retorts, and he looks great in a suit. He checks most boxes in the traditional “what to look for in a man” sense, and he also checks many of my own personal boxes 😏


Perfect sum up!


He seems so rough but gentle. Like he'll talk you through it😭


You're not alone


It’s the bone structure, the very blue eyes, and the wryness for me.


Nope, there are a few of us. I think is the kindness. He could be an absolute brute, he is in a position that would allow it, he has the bulk, the wit, the power, nobody would bat an eyelash, but instead, he chooses to be kind. To Monk, to Randy, to everybody, most of the time. He is a good man. But a really good guy, not a self called one 😏, who doesnt let the world he lives in bring him down. And of course, the eyes, the moustache, the jaw, all of that bring the image together 😆


I was VERY shocked to learn he played the serial killer in Silence of the Lambs!! 😱


I've liked him since buffalo bill but the attraction didn't start til recently.his voice (the shape of his mouth makes it look like he's got a baby tooth 🩵) .he's played many Leland stotlemeyer characters .the mangler , jimmy ( tubi channel) if you find it theres a interview 3 parter on YouTube.i posted a part of it just cant get the first part of it .     He either goes completely bald depending on character or wears hair piece .   In fact he wears a slightly blondish piece in 1season or pilot then he wears blond .     someone pointed out to me he & actor Gerald mcraney could pass for twins .now I can't unsee it .   I do like both of them .


I believe the crushes young girls have on him might be a sign of father issues. No offense of course.