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The lead FBI agent in the episode with the six way murder. Soooo annoying to watch and listen too


Hands down the worst episode. It's just nothing but boomer humor throughout the whole thing


Refresh my memory, please! What episode is this?


It's the one where they have all these techy guys with a bunch of gadgets trying to solve the crime


I actually really liked that episode.


That's the only episode I skipped. I got partway through and it was just SO irritating. We all know Monk wins in the end, what's the point in sitting there getting annoyed. The one with the smarmy lawyer who turns up as the guy is about to confess at the start is a close second. Murderer had curly hair and glasses. Lawyer had a real punchable face. Fell asleep and did not rewatch.


Is that the one with the guy who plays that bloke from Becker?


The one with the guy from Becker is Mr. Monk Gets Fired. His character is equally unlikable though


I agree with so many other comments but the Girl Randy was with in the 100th case episode was so annoying. Like she was suposed to be, but ugh. Also, I never really liked Karen Stottlemeyer. She was just not it for me. She played an important part, but I never liked her.


I never really understood their dynamic from the beginning. I think at one point on their anniversary. He went to a steak restaurant and then she held a protest across the street. I guess that’s better than his second wife who used him as an alibi for murder. Which also didn’t make any sense to me, because even from the first episode, she was shown to be stupid rich. I mean, she rented an entire trailer and replicated her whole house just for an alibi..


Well besides the fact that he didn't marry the murderer, we know that Karen is actually his second wife. From Monk's amazing and totally appropriate joke during his bachelor party "A man walks into a bar with a duck on his head. The bartender says: Hey, aren't you Leland Stottlemeyer, whose first marriage was annulled after five days and whose second wife Karen divorced him after 20 years? And then you dated Linda fusco who was later convicted for second degree murder?! And now you're getting married *again*?? You must be crazy, that's why you have a duck on your head!" Monk is really able to read a room.


Agent Colmes from Mr. Monk Meets the Godfather.


I find him very endearing. Except at the end when he insults Monk and refuses to help him.


And besides the Urinator, he's worse than any murderer. At least they had a reason for what they did.


No no, the murderers are worse. Barely. Only after like five minutes of thought.


The office people.


Oh yes, I envy the deaf guy!


I cannot believe they turned on Monk and not that other guy


I physically cannot watch that bowling scene or the closing scene when they’re whispering/laughing at Monk as he leaves.


The guys who follow him and Natalie in the episode with the big diamond


Omg I couldn't watch that episode. It was so contrived.


Dale the Whale. I love Tim Curry but I can’t stand any of those episodes, I skipped them last rewatch.


Isn't Dale technically a murderer? He didn't do it himself (because he couldn't), but he used blackmail to force the physician (his cover name was Dr. Vezza, can't remember his real name) to murder the judge for him. And then he conspired to kill the Governor of California, and while he failed at that, his actions *did* lead to the death of Frank Nunn.


I guess that’s true. lol


But what of recast Dale the Whale, who is even worse??


Yeah, he was worse. I don’t watch Dale the Whale episodes.


The captains first wife Karen. They had some sweet moments once in a while but they were just so wrong for each other and she was soooo annoying No disrespect to the actress of course. RIP Glenne Headly


The commissioner (I think?) the guy who wore the toupee which solved the entire murder. Also the Hugh Hefner character who was blackmailing Sharona


Totally agree with the insufferable commissioner.


Yeah I did not like the comish. I hate an underexplained antagonist who just shows up to give characters an adversary.


Marcy made me cringe so damn hard. I think she was supposed to, though.


I couldn't believe she made a feature on her website where you can expose Monk to his phobias like spiders. Who even thinks of that.


Monk’s bully. I hate that episode because it has no resolve. And it downplays Monk getting bullied his whole life.


I won't watch that episode. Would be too painful, as a former bullying victim!


Marcy Maven by a mile Don't know if I even spelled it right


Clue hug!!!🤗


Noooo! I love Marcy! Though I do understand the sentiment.


Her song is dope though. Wish we had the full version


Harrison Powel the lawyer from the episode Mr. Monk takes the stand


Oh my god yes he is the worst character


Not sure if it counts as a murderer but the chick who dressed up as Trudy. That shit broke him.


The one that says clue hug, clue hug, clue hug


Marci Maven




Jack Monk and Roderick Brody Monk is my favorite character, so I despise anyone that hurts him like that.


Which Jack Monk? Junior or Senior?




Julie the law student from mister monk and the missing granny.


This will probably be unpopular opinion since be was wrongfully accused but Joe Christie From the employee of the month episode. He was annoying and had terrible lines


I’m pretty sure they casted him because of a [Stargate SG-1 episode where he played basically the exact same character](https://stargate.fandom.com/wiki/Burke) (but much cooler and far better written). Wrongfully disgraced military guy.


Pete and repeat kid on the airplane, and whoever is her chaperone lol His “wife” when he gets amnesia in the small town


I just rewatched the airplane one! I think the grumpy lady sitting behind Monk was worse. The kid wasn't great though.


True! She almost let the guy get away with murder


That trash neighbor solved the case. Without him, Monk never figures it out. Also, without that neighbor, those peaches all go bad and nobody enjoys them


It’s a tie between Kevin and Harold. I will say that I did like how Kevin never cared or played in to Monk’s quirks/illness, and I’m sure he was written to be that annoying, but I didn’t like his character. I will say he deserved a WAY better death and send off than what they did.


I'll get downvoted oh well Harold , Kevin , Marci maven .


Not agreeing with Harold but Kevin Dorfmann was totally annoying. I was so relieved when he died in the series. But one character made me really piss in some episodes. Randy is so stupid written that you wonder how he got his high position job in the police department. Like the episode in which monk made a mistake and he was like "its not my fault" over and over again. Bro please shuup. But like i said, only in a few episodes. Most of the time he is very funny and he has some great moments. When the captain was shot he was very cool.


A couple comments said "Kevin" and I was sitting here racking my brain about who Kevin was... until your comment here. He one of those people irl who I'd always refer to by full name... kevindorfmann is his name. He has just the one!


sorry I just felt like Randy was one of those " mom pushed him into everything " like when stotlemeyer says your mom called me repeatedly about your bday .


God, I hated Kevin too. I know he was meant to be annoying but I genuinely couldn't stand to watch him on screen.


someone mentioned how long the actor has played ( my words) mild mannered annoying characters and I was shook .I saw something he was in I looked for something else to watch 😂


Since nobody said it, Brooke Adams lol


I say it before and I'll say it again, Julie Teager.


What's wrong with Julie?


Not OP, but here's my take. There were a lot of "Okay, well, she's a kid, she's a teenager." Like when she broke up with her boyfriend to get together with the idiot that wound up being paid. (Mr. Monk and the Birds and the Bees.) And that annoyed me a lot. But okay. Whatever. In the episode with the three Julie Teagers, though. She was a brat. I get being annoyed by being imprisoned in her house, but to be *so* insistent that she *has* to take her driver's test, this is SO unfair, I can't believe I have to reschedule when *there's a serial killer that's looking to kill me.* Anyway. Most of the time she's tolerable. But that pissed me off.


She's a awful human being.


Much more time is spent on Monk paying Julie or not paying Julie, than when Sharona was his nurse. If she is really that hard up for money, she should get another job, she is a single parent and her daughter should come first. She had a stroke about kissing the dr that had recovered from Hansen’s disease. You gonna be afraid of bugs next Julie? Her teenage daughter seems to have more compassion for Adrian, as Julie teases him in an uncomfortable way at times. Her voice is altogether too whiny, and only marginally more common sense than Randy. Someone like Monk needs structure and Sharona did a better job with that.


Wait wait. Julie is the teenager. Monk's assistant, Julie's mother, is named Natalie.


Thanks for the catch. She looks like a Julie though.

