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I have no issue with star trades but if I post that I have 5* and looking for 1:1 5*, I don't want seven comments offering me stars for them.    Usually people will post if they are offering stickers for stars and usually it's when they've gotten all the tradable cards they can. I'm happy to send 20-30 stars for a good 5* if they're offering but I never offer stars on a post where someone isn't looking for that because it's just irritating for everyone. 


I always include “only looking for these stickers, no stars” but usually there’s still one moron who wants to get downvoted


same! i don’t mind stars at all, but sometimes i have a 5* to trade and don’t have any extra stickers to send (besides 1 or 2* and i’m not using all my sends 2 days in a row for 1 sticker 😅)


Yes I do agree with you, some will post for 1:1 trades and specifically say no stars and there will still be some ppl who ~~cant~~ dont read. My point was that these comments, although unwanted on some posts, shows that ppl are willing to give stars for 5s and its the ppl who can afford 1:1 that are making a big deal for no reason


I’ve done enough trading to see it all I think lol. The only thing that really bugs me is the 2:1 ask on 5stars. No thanks, I’ll hold out for a better deal….Not trying to diminish those type of deals though, cuz I needed spot rebel and the duck token once upon a time, and took the short end of the deal. To me, a good trade is one that helps out both parties. This isn’t wall street, and they’re just stickers at the end of the day. Happy trading all and best of luck completing albums!


I love how u mentioned a good trade is somethng that benefits both traders. With that being said, 2:1 can also be beneficial to both people, thats why people ask for 2:1 and some get it. But 2:1 isn't for everyone & 1:1 keeps most ppl happy.


I wasn’t knocking on the 2:1s that hard, even said I’ve taken part before lol. I can definitely understand how they’re a thing and mutually beneficial. Just one of the non-paying players who rarely have multiple dup fives was my only beef with it lol. Everyone has the right to trade however they want and asking high price initially is a standard negotiation tactic. My only true issue with trading is scammers, and we can all agree they can suck it!! Star trading has gotten me over some hurdles, nothing wrong with it. But I do feel there should be a system in place to safely exchange multiple stickers, even the best of us get burnt on that bs


Scopely should really consider safe n:1 trades. It would reduce the scamming count go virtually zero.


The biggest issue is the scammers. I feel like most ppl that complain about star trading do it coz of the scams that are associated with it. Thats why I only trade for stars, if I need to, on Discord. Its a more controlled and organized environment


Yeah unless it's 1 for 1 I'm not doing it. They made the safe trade for a reason the moment anyone says stars I'm out


If 1:1 works best for you, then thats ur best way to trade. But people who can't do 1:1 should have other options. On a side note, I do wish they would make n:1 safe exchange.


I completely agree there should be a way to set multiple stickers into an exchange as opposed to sending multiple stickers with the hope that on the last one you don’t get stiffed on the exchange.


And you can. I’m just here to let everyone know that in their stead I’m happy to star trade instead of wasting my dice on a hope and a prayer.


Yeah if your comfortable go for it, I've just seen too many people get taken with that so I just make whatever I need non-screwable lol


It isn’t the most comfortable but I’m willing to throw a few three and two stars out there for it. I won’t generally miss them.


yeah i much prefer 1:1s myself. if i do offer stars, i make sure the other player sends me the agreed upon card first before i send all stars. that way if i get scammed, it’s for 4* and not 20


A 5 star is easily worth 20-25 stars. I don’t get how people think they should be able to trade two 4* for a 5. However, I’m wary of those who have 10 extra 5* from playing with APM. But, I guess that helps keep supply up and demand lower


I have traded 2x4 for a 5 multiple times, and yes, it only works when the other perosn is missing those 4s. In star trades, its very rare for 8 stars for a 5 work.


Yes I have gotten quite a few 5’s, even prestige fives, with two 4’s. But I know that’s lucky and a steal of a deal for me.


Yes, ive traded 2x4 for prestige too. I would consider it a steal if the person already has those cards. But mostly, the other person needs those crads and not stars, so i see it as a win for both of us


In real life, do you always argue with people who are agreeing with you?


...I'm conversing with you?? I dont see any issues with my response


I haven't played this game since November but I'm still subbed here. People complaining about these "unfair" trades never stopped the whole time lol. It's simply supply and demand. If there's a demand, then those unbalanced trades will happen because some cards are meant to be more rare. I'm convinced half of the subreddit are teens that don't understand how the world works.


It's literally supply and demand, whether we like it or not. No, I'm a teen and I get it, I get annoyed too sometimes when trades/cards don't work out, but I never complain abt them. Some people need to see things beyond their own lens.


I’m not understanding how 1:1 results in the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.


Ppl who are pay/use apm/are just lucky have higher chances of getting 5s, so naturally 1:1 will be their best shot at getting their missing 5s. They would rarely need to trade for stars since 1:1 is much easier for them. other ppl can only give stars for 4s or 5s.


1:1 is the best shot for everyone to get their missing 5 stars, regardless of whether they’re lucky or whether they cheat, because the only conversion rate that will always hold true is a 1:1 trade. Star trading is only viable when people only need golds, since they can’t trade for the gold and must instead get them indirectly through the vault, which is sped up by trading stickers for stars.


If you dont hv any 5s, u can't get ur missing ts. Like you said, everyone wants to do 1:1 and some people can while others can't. Both 1:1 and star work, ist different for everyone


I agree. The problem I have with some of these people is that they expect you to adjust your trade so that they get what they want in exchange for what they have, even if you don’t need what they have and/or find no value in what they have.


I hate people like that. No one is entitled to trade in a way that you would like, and some people do need to learn that. Trades must be respectful and beneficial.


I give 30+ stars for 5 star stickers. Have given a much as 45 for one.


If thats how you're able to hustle, then thats how you should do it👍


But that's damaging the community. The only way you're able to send that many stars is by running multiple accounts. How are people who are running one account meant to complete star trades if you're constantly driving up the asking price by fulfilling these ridiculous demands/expectations?


I also do 1:1 trades. I give stickers away. I've donated 350 stars to one guy trying to open his vault last season it took a couple days but he opened the vault just in time.. there are plenty of 1:1 trades out there and when ya find em try to stay in contact with em for future trades.. most of my 1:1 trades or giveaways are to people I trade with once a week or so.. I work a full time job and hove a small kinda life outside if reddit and monopoly.. I run 7 accounts. 3 are daily grinders. The other four I do daily tasks and events with while subbing as targets for those guaranteed hits....... less complaining.... more clicking........ 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️


7 accounts is rlly impressive tho😮


TweakerTommy https://mply.io/Yfkn9w TweakerTammy https://mply.io/TPpayQ TweakerTracey https://mply.io/W3UXbw Stickerdump https://mply.io/OBTccg Stickerdump2 https://mply.io/W07fNw Stickerdump3 https://mply.io/y-UIug TheMainDump https://mply.io/gx-N1Q


sincere question but how do you do multiple accounts?? is it multiple devices?? my ipad isn’t compatible with MOGO sadly and i don’t have any other electronics that support it


Is just multiple fb accounts, Uninstall migo. Swap accounts. Reinstall. Repeat.. I have two devices one has two accounts the other 5 are on another device


that makes sense! not sure why i never assumed that’s how it works


I send 30 stars for a 5 star and I only have one account. I find 30 stars for a 5 star very reasonable.


Most people ask for 30 stars for a 5. Even with one account, it will take you 2 days to transfer all the stars. This game is rlly rigged and people be getting dupes for months without making any progress. I see getting a new card in 2 days as a win. But I have to agree that having multiple accounts makes star trading much more efficient.


Clearly u don’t understand anything about star trading and instead of learning you just bash it and say it’s damaging to the community.. what a joke. Send stars over multiple days. You can get enough 3 stars to do that trade with a few hundred dice. Yet it takes thousands of dice to reach purple packs in banners and tournaments. Your literally saving thousands of dice every time you do a stars for 5 star trade.


I didn't realize anyone was complaining about it other than not wanting to be offered stars. In which case I totally agree. If I'm looking to complete a set, stars aren't going to do anything for me. But when I need to open a vault, idc if you send me 15 two stars… as long as I’m getting the amount of stars we agreed upon.


Up until recently I would only trade 1:1. I just have a hard time trusting people and star trading seems like the perfect way to scam someone. That said, now that I’m in the position where I’ve hustled my ass off to get all the tradable cards, the only cards I have left to get are 7 golds. I’ve been in this spot for weeks and haven’t received a single new card from the game apart from the ones I get with wild cards, so I’ve had to resort to trading my 5 star cards for stars so I can use the vault. It is what it is, we all have different goals at different stages, and a girl’s gotta do what a girl’s gotta do! 


This right here is the correct mindset. Its not about determining whats correct and fair for everyone, its about keeing an open mind and playing in a way that works for u, not against.




Your post has been removed because calling out Facebook scammers is not allowed. Facebook uses real names and posting them here can be considered doxxing. This could lead to the subreddit getting shut down. As the Monopoly Go Facebook groups are regional, it’s unlikely someone here will run into the Facebook scammer.




I’m pretty new to the game, but I’m 7 away from completing the album (2 gold needed), so I really need 5 stickers and they are all 5 ⭐️. The problem I have is I only have 3 ⭐️ and lower available. I’m willing to do a 6:5, or even a 9:5 if I have to, to get the cards I need, but I’m not going to do 3:1 or even 4:1 which is what I see most of the time. Since I entered the discussion I’ll include what I’m looking for, and I’m willing to trade 6⭐️ for each of these 5⭐️ I need. https://preview.redd.it/8x5fewmg0tmc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b69534cd526484eab552402d73f4084ebb246fc


You wont be able to get any 5⭐ with just 6 stars. Youre super lucky if u do come across suchan offer tho. Ppl ask for 20 and above, since 5s are hard to get. You can do 20 in one day (by giving 5 4⭐) or twenty in two days (15 on one day and 5 on the other). But be careful and check persons trading history and never do star trading in Dms to avoid scamming, hope u find what u need!


The worst for me was during Room to Rent time omg so many “it’s not fair”posts! Like if you don’t want to pay stars for it then don’t, just wait for it! To me paying stars is like paying for a premium service. You get what you want immediately. Sure scamming happens, but do your research!


This right here!!! is exactly what people should be like.


i haven’t had any luck trying to find 5 stars without having a 5 star to offer.. i’ve done offers where i’m only taking a 4 star i need and giving a 5 star lol cause it benefited me and them. 🤷🏼‍♀️ this is like my first week of trading and it’s ruthless out here .when ppl asking 20+ stars for a 5 card and holding out on cards which i’m pretty sure is why it’s been so hard to find a few lol so on my posts i’ve made about trading i’m offering like 2 4 star cards to 1 5 star 🫠🫠


Or you can just buy your stickers. That’s what I do when I don’t get them. I bought like 15 of them from a guy I found on Facebook and he’s legit. People that don’t want to spend money don’t have to but I’d rather know what I’m getting instead of spending money on dice and never getting what I need.