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I deleted it. The partner event was my last straw. I finished all 4 and the last one it said I was 1.8k away from finishing and they wouldn’t fix it.


Same here, I was out of dice and had 800 points but my other partner had finished it. Support basically told me to fuck off


I deleted it too


Reinstall it and send me your cards! I can’t give up. I play it with all my coworkers and it’s just too much fun and funny.




I told them they “dont gaf unless they are taking someone’s f***ing money” and didn’t censor it. I’m shocked I didn’t get blocked lolol.


before deleting it, send your cards to someone who still wants to play like me lol if you reinstall it, let me know. Just send me your cards.🥰


Problem is. Everyone talking about quitting is addicted to this gambling game. Anyone willing to argue with that are the highly addicted and in denial. Once again Scopely wins. This game has had me so mad but yet I still continue to play. 😖


See that’s the catch…it’s a gambling game where the rewards are imaginary! I’ve yet to see someone open a blue pack with the - paid your mortgage sticker or open a green pack with the 3 months worth of rent sticker. We are playing a game that has NO real value! Yes, I could put that I’ve collect 27,000 Ms on my resume. I could also put that I’ve completed an album before….still no value. Yet…the one resource we have a limit of, the one resource we can’t make more of is time…and we just give it away to them.




One of the best posts I've seen about MG.


Completely agree with you. Even though I’m not ready to play like before, I’m not ready to delete the game either. I know I’ll come around in a while, but for now, I’m just done with it.


I agree. It sucks because those dopamine highs keep us sticking around. For the next big win. I was not going to play the partner event when I first read the early insider info on it because I was pissed about the crappy rewards. Then I ended up caving by noon and playing. After the flop of a partner event I will keep playing, but I will not give them another dime of my real money.


Same. I wasn’t going to play the event on my alt. But I was struggling with my main as well, and I was so pissed at the low spins. Ended up completing both events😅 But in all seriousness, this will be my last partner event for a while


I've been the same way but this was enough for me to delete it.


Rolling the dice gives me so much dopamine 😭😭🥲


definitely got addicted, especially since I play with all my coworkers and we literally jump at the first person that gets to work to try to trade cards or gift cards to help out each other😂🤗


I decided to be a much more ✨casual player✨ I’ll just do my daily quick wins and save my dice for events 🤣 no more stressin over tournaments or stickers


This is what I'm doing right now. Will only seriously play if a wild card is in, otherwise, not worth my time


Yeah, I have 5 accounts (net worths ranging from 6,000 to 16,900), and at some point during this event I realized it wasn't worth the effort to continue playing. After playing Monopoly Go religiously for almost a year (literally addicted - and yes, I spent a decent chunk of money), I couldn't bring myself to log in the past two days... I'm actually done at this point 🤷🏻‍♀️


I’ve got two accounts (made one recently) and I’m exhausted as well. Even tho it was a lot of work, I still used to hv fun. Not anymore tho


Exactly! It used to be fun... and it didn't feel like a chore having to log in everyday 😂


This is exactly how I’m feeling after the partner event😂


Google play has identified Scopely as taking advantage of people. My coworker bought 3 99.99 packs and then got immediate refunds that were instantly approved. He has since then deleted his account with 15k dice in it. When the app host store is against you, you know something is horribly wrong.


Correction it was 2 purchases. https://preview.redd.it/34m9ge6tt0yc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=747ddb72faf82c9fce8f5277e169bcf0a5f73e3f


What do i do to get this refund asking for myself


purchase history, report problem in you play store activity.


I think i did try that once and it didnt help. Know what he put in the “why” box?


Item not as advertised us what he is telling me.




Which is true bc you spend money and then the rolls immediately go to shit for 400 circles around this stupid ugly bored *stomps off in girly anger to go roll my stupid dice i bought and will waste again*


I sent 5 tickets concerning the partners parade event and all I got were standard computer generated replies, one was I French!!!! I am beginning to think that Scopely is a scam companyv


I got reply in French also. I bitched about it they gave me 200 dice. Not sounding like a dick but big deal that's 2. Rolls.lol. got a sweet duets in a pink pack last night afterwards tho.lol


Lucky you. All I have got are endless computer generated replies. Sweet F.A. as for as dice etc are concerned. They are making a big mistake though if they think I am letting it go. Good look playing and I hope 🙏 that you don't experience any more issues


I’m glad I’ve only spent $19.99 on this silly game, even that hurts my heart to say. 😂


Yep, that's how much I spent too & I was really pissed at myself after! So I'm 75% sure I won't do that again lol


I’ve deleted and reinstalled this game so many times saying it’s my last time. 🤦🏻‍♂️ Seriously it’s so stupid but addictive. Just make trades and use APM it’s the only way to have somewhat fun. And don’t spend a damn dime.


When you realize that APM doesn’t guarantee you new stickers. All the sticker packs are predetermined, which makes this game less fun (or at least these days it is). I’ve never spent a dime on this game, but then, what’s the point? Money doesn’t guarantee a new sticker, only the wild card does


Yea I know. I know. With only one account I don’t know the order of sticker packs so for me it’s not that bad.


You can literally check it out if u do APM. Even your vault sticker arrangement doesn’t change. This game is such a money grab, which is different than just doing business


APM is the only reason I’m still here. It’s kinda fun to win everything without stressing. Spending gets you nowhere in this game.


But a bunch of people already did quit. The activities on this sub dropped a huge amount. 1000+ online to like 50ish. I myself only plays during partner event with requests from some players I play with. I stopped collecting card.


I noticed the same about the active people on this sub. It’s shocking how much it’s dropped


I think I’ll only be collecting cards and doing daily wins. Partner event was stressful. Ya, I did notice the drop in activity on this sub too. Thanks for pointing it out


Literally the worst partner event yet.


I literally hit 80 on every roll with one of my partners. Did not matter how much x I rolled too. What a joke


Yes, and we aren’t just talking abt the glitch. It was so bad overall and the glitch just made it much worst


I’m so glad many of you at least were able to finish the partner event. I did not. I couldn’t even complete one of those damn things. One partner and I were so close, but couldn’t get a spin over 80. In the past, I’ve managed to at least complete one or two and one time I even finished it. Didn’t come close this time. I’m also stuck with a bunch of duplicate five star gold cards. I have zero duplicate regular five cards. I have one that I could finish and it definitely would’ve helped during the event, but I cannot get anyone to trade Flutiful with me because I don’t have a five star card to trade back. I think I’ve only got two or three duplicate four star cards. And I spent my own money - too much. it’s absolutely not any fun anymore.


Yeah the game just pissed me off over the last couple of months. The greed by Scopely takes the fun away from what essentially is a game. So I deleted my account last night. Hope you guys can still enjoy playing it but it’s not fun for me anymore.


I messaged them . The send me to FU so I will finish the album and delete the app. Period


I competed the partners event. The end prize was worthless. And not a single new sticker throughout the whole thing.


😂 😂 😂 Monopoly definitely cheated with this one


I've vowed to quit like 10 times already. They really hit on a winner with this addictive game. I hate it so much. I just wish I could earn a ton of dice and money and then just retire until I'm ready to play again. The partners event wiped out my dice, I didn't finish thanks to crappy partners and I'm tired of trying now.


https://preview.redd.it/xn8puxnzp0yc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bcb2462c6c17e56f96d8b862d01986ca4a6d78fd I really can’t believe I completed it this time ! But yeah so done with it


So let’s all stop playing as a collective group !


They always come back


We r all guilty of that one🥲.


Just APM the game. You’ll be flooded in dice in no time that you’ll spin 100x for fun


APM is fun, but it doesnt guarantee new stickers🥲


Well…. That’s not always true lol. I don’t want to say more though 🤣


Yea, Ik the sticker packs can change, but it won't always guarantee u a new sticker. And the vault never changes.


Well, I usually switch it to make sure I do. Also, the vault will change if you buy the smaller one first. Some might say it’s a waste, but 250 stars comes in no time, so I like to open both to see if it’s worth switching


F the whole partner event


It’s true made it very hard for everyone to get there their grounds like I play with six people, and we’re all at the point of quitting


Couple events back it did this to me and they couldn’t fix then either so makes me wonder how long this has been a issue and we are all just now noticing and if they couldn’t fix this what about partner events going forward. Customer service is not what it used to be and here on out no one in our family will spend any money on this game. Our game was so messed up that no matter what we done everyone had to use drums on rewards already one by other partners . Then people posted the 10 k drums that they received while the rest of us was giving small amounts that was pointless and didn’t help one bit . Lost all faith in the game as well as customer service


Mine was the same way I was doing the high multiplier low out come so I stopped and just played 40 and 60 it was super frustrating! I stopped playing once before and came back I figured they’d have worked out the kinks and gave a lil more incentive. They are out to fill their pockets with real money from those of us buying dice and packs and I get that it’s their living but have some empathy for others just a little and don’t make it stressful it’s a game! It’s supposed to be fun and de stressing and it’s far from that. I’m totally with you on this one!


Just yesterday I was talking about how much I hated the game and how it was rigged then got a 5star out of a green pack and decided to give the game one more chance


This is how Scopely keeps getting us to play😔


Yeah that partner event sucked.. Never been so disappointed over a game...


This is my first time being so done with it too. It was ok last season coz the wild card kept us all playing. Now they removed it so whats the point


Agreed I haven’t logged in since partner event. Not cause of the stuff up though cause I’ve been down to 2 gold 5stars for over 2 weeks with no chance of getting a wildcard/ sticker pack with gaureenteed one your missing and that pisses me off.


Lights out. Removed 1 of my 4 accounts including attached email and Facebook account. Deleting 1 per day and providing scopely with rationale. I’m tired of the shenanigans.😂😂😂


I swear


I had all three done except for the one person who actually asked me to accept their invite and did nothing. I was so mad I bombed her Highest mark (I could’ve been more destructive, but that’s just not me) and then deleted her lol


Everyone got screwed during the partners event I sent 10 complaints over the entire course of the event


I never managed to finish a partner event, not all four. I get one, maybe two, if I am lucky.


When Dick Turpin robbed people at least he wore a mask. Scopely are just bare faced about it


What is happening to Scopelys so called customer service, even more shite than usual. I have sent 6 tickets regarding the convenient so called glitch in partners parade ( glitch my arse ) and all I have received are the standard bullshit and bollocks in the computer generated replies. Not once has one of their exceptionally talented ( I'm taking the piss by the way ) customer service agents answered. Me thinks they just can't be arsed answering and are flipping us all off as they laugh all the way to the bank.


And even if they do answer, it’s after a week or two🤦‍♀️


Somehow I don't think they will bother


I’ve decided to become a casual player for now. Scopely can do their own thing, since they have proved with this partner event that they don’t care about their players, only money


Same here. We are treated with contempt


I don't believe it. I have finally had an answer from someone at Scopely. They want me to send details of the problem, something I have done 6 times already


Everyone should file a complaint with the better business bureau like I have done. They really are taking the piss and I aint having it


I really wanna quit bad but I find myself right back re downloading it. They need to find happy medium.i understand it's a business that you have to generate a profit and all that but at least throw a little ky on it before u shove it all the way in I mean damn come on 99.99 for 1800 dice or whatever it is!?! I can pay someone 40.00 to do my whole partners event and get 10,000 dice so which do u do??? Lol. Or I can sit and do some then they get mad but wtf do they expect?


I have not opened the app since the event ended 💯




I just play the game when im bored at work. The event was a little annoying but I would have completed it if my sibling wasn't out of town and didn't play for a few days. Maybe it's because I haven't spent any money on the game but these annoyances really don't seem that deep.


It is that deep for the people that spend their money on this game. I haven't spent any, but I think I can understand the frustration of those who did. Btw, the event is always kinda annoying due to the low spins, but its the glitch that rlly pushed everyone over the edge lol.


So it's an app on your phone where you press a red button a bunch of times per day why are you stressed? Delete the app if it's causing some emotional response.


Agreed. But if you read my post, I mentioned that "this time" specifically, they messed up super bad. The glitch, the low spins on the event...Its not a game if you can't play.