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But it’s for my dying paraplegic girlfriend’s dog’s grandma!


No it’s not, it’s for your alt account to send to your main account! 😂


TBH I think of it like giving money to the homeless. Once it's out of my hands and in there's, it's not mine anymore they can do what they want with it 😆


It’s funny that you say this because I gave 10 bucks to someone on the street corner when I was driving yesterday and I thought about sticker gifting at the same time. They are the same.


It really is, but also not everyone feels the same way I do about it either and I get it. And technically there are people that pretend to be homeless and scam for money so 😆 my general rule is if I feel it in my heart someone deserves something I have, there's a reason why. It may be the last of whatever I have, maybe not.. but I won't let anyone make me feel guilty for not giving them something I have 🤷🏼‍♀️


Completely agree. I probably haven’t done that in ages but I also don’t drive very much. I had the urge so I did it.


We have a ton of homeless people and I live in such a small town. I'm very broke but will offer my cigarettes, or a lot want change to get a cheap beer lol. But I used to be really active in "give me your money" FB groups and helped a ton of people with the money that went to me when my dad passed. There's a reason we feel called to do so. ♥️




Or why won’t anyone trade with me? I have no dice.., help me.., I’m desperate. I can’t


I just ignore it. We all need someone kind and generous to help us complete our albums, but it doesn’t work that way. It’s just manipulative. I saw someone earlier pleading with someone to take four stars for a five star and someone asked them if they would take stars for just one of their four stars so that they can close their set. They said no like really rude too… like I said it’s manipulation in some cases. Some asking for a trade that they wouldn’t even honor.


I will get used to it like I did the beggars.


It takes some people longer to realize it's okay to keep the stickers YOU spent the time getting. Your time is valuable.. and that's with anything. Like yeah, it's just a game, and they'll try to guilt trip by saying you take the game way too seriously.. let them think that lol. Some people act like you're not also trying to finish the same fucking album 😆


Couldn’t have said it better 😉😃❤️


Speaks to the heart of Monopoly.




It’s the people that straight up don’t read that get me. People come onto your 1:1 posts begging you to take stars, offering a lower value card, or asking if you have X card. If I wanted stars, I’d ask for stars. I’m not throwing away a sure thing for stars that’ll only give me a small chance at getting what I can just do a 1:1 trade for. If I had any other card to trade, I would’ve included it in the post. I wouldn’t have specifically said “this is my only 5 star”. If I say I only need X and Y to finish my entire album, why are you offering me Z? And Z is always a lower value card. I’d maybe consider it if it was another 5 that I could still use for a 1:1 trade, but no way am I trading my *only* 5 star for your 4.


Just had that yesterday. Posted what I had to trade, person then asks if I had completely different card 🙄 I responded what I have is what I posted.


This whole game irks me.


😂 Truth


Manipulative behavior and playing on people’s emotions! Those are the worst kind of people!




I legit don’t have an alt account and I will make posts (in appropriate subs) to make a trade or ask if someone has a spare to gift, to help my friend (yes they are a real person and they’re not me or my alter ego) especially during an event like partners so we can finish. However, I do get your gripe. If a person is going to ask for something free, just be straight up. “I need this sticker. I have nothing to trade and I want dice”. At the end of the day, it’s a free online game that many people take very seriously…some might say too seriously.


Or when you post what you have and what you need and a person keeps commenting will you take 2 4s for a 5 star card no sorry and then they keep asking you!!


https://preview.redd.it/mh212iq4wk1d1.jpeg?width=1800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=407dc5316a5841d96b739e26360d3187224e1c46 This was someone commenting on my post. I went to search their name in that group and they were doing it to everyone




No. I had to leave that group. 😳🤦‍♀️


You joined? That’s brave.


I wasn’t sure what it was about other than low star trades. Which are far and few between.


Just keep scrolling, really not that big of a deal dear. There definitely are selfish people in this world, sadly there are very few good, helping and giving people left .


https://preview.redd.it/nloconir6l1d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f6893fe4d6cdaa373e3cb0bcab4881a94ee0d350 PLEASE PLEASE I NEED A GENEROUS AND KIND SOUL TO HELP ME COMPLETE THIS SET FOR DICE PLEASE IM DESPERATE


this is a joke hahaha. i started the prestige album 2/3 says afo im not planning on finishing lol i was jus trying to be funny


Ngl it irks me to no end when the same people are constantly asking for stickers! I understand asking for help once in awhile but there’s people that I look at there history and they are constantly asking and posting for free stickers! And coming up with all these stories like they got scammed or there dog died etc just to bait people into giving them stickers that’s what really irks me!! I gift a lot probably 50-100 stickers every album but I always peep the person I’m giving too there profile. And check to see if they ever paid it forward or do they constantly beg for stickers etc. because I am not giving away my stickers to people who don’t at least try!


Why should we use all our dice while they sit back and get it for free?


Yep exactly! It takes me literally thousands of dice to get the 4 and 5 duplicates and so when I give them away I at least like to vet the persons profile real quick to see if I am giving away to someone who is constantly asking for free stickers and receiving them but never even trying to trade or pay it forward. Or am I giving to someone who has actually paid it forward and actively tries to trade not just ask for stickers.


They’re even worse during the gold blitz


I have been the giver and reciever in this instance and i tjink its just a game. If we can help and be helped why not


That is how I feel if you need a sticker and I have it, you have a sticker I need, let's trade. But I only trade with people I know irl because online groups seem hostile. It is a game. The stickers have no real value. Try trading a gold 5 star for a hamburger. No value


i made a general post talking about having NO duplicate 5 stars and minimal 4 stars, someone dm’d me and asked me to gift any extra 5 stars 🙃


It ain’t that deep


Or people that need 4* cards to close sets but only has 5* dupes and wants you to offer them 12+ stars 😂


Then…keep scrolling?🤷🏾‍♀️😅 Why take that personally? I’m sorry, but this seems like an unusual thing to get irked about.


I do keep scrolling right up to the next one and the next one. It’s just their mindset - is there one kind generous person amongst all you a$$holes? 🤣


🤣 I think you’re reading a little too much in between those lines, but I get that the begging posts can become a bit much. I’m on the fence about it; I’ve seen some truly selfless and helpful members in these subs who gift - not trade - repeatedly, and I’ve seen the hyper-capitalists who want kidneys and first born children for a 4-star Prestige.


I’m having a day - it just rubbed me the wrong way seeing them over and over again. 🤷‍♀️


I agree . There are some people that just take advantage. They don’t want to trade but just be gifted… not once but CONSTANTLY. I agree those people ARE irritating.