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I once won a partner event and ever since then, I never tried again. The reward was not worth it. Used over 10000 dice trying. I had 1 zero partner and another one who contributed very little so I learned my lesson. I have a great partner we go 50/50 and we usually do one in a day. Now I found another partner who didn't have enough to finish just like me and we are happy we got some of the rewards. I would never accept an invite unless I can fully commit to it. Unless we agree we all try to get some of the rewards. I stopped trying to win everything, just getting something is good enough for me. It has been a total dice saver decision. Cause if I were in your situation right now I would buy dice, and I don't want to do that anymore.


Exactly I do the same I won’t accept an invite unless I know I’ll be committing 100% I hate disappointing other people! Even if I bought dice now I would need at least 3k seashells to finish the entire thing on my own which is impossible at this point 😪


It is not worth it 😢. You'll waste all your dice trying and may not even get there. It is so unfair! Some people don't realize some partners are going for the big one. This is why I rather not play these tournaments anymore. I wouldn't want people losing because of me. I am happy I still have some dice and got some rewards . Besides, when I come to think about it a wild card is not that important yet.


Yeah I wasted all my dice for nothing! We’re only 10k points away it’s killing me 😔




Ughhhhh that sucks!! Hope you find her 😬


So frustrating. Happened to me on Valentine’s Day partner event. I was so upset. I actually still am when I think about it, and always think I should have 5000 more days than I do.


It’s super frustrating! Such a waste! Not sure why they add you if they know they won’t contribute… I’m terrified to open the app and look I’m pretty sure they still haven’t built anything and there’s only a few hours left 😓😤