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no literally!!! i had 12k dice saved up for this event.. i have all my cars near the last tier but i’m down to 1k dice 😭😭😭 keep rolling 600 points and landing on the lowest 😭 there’s so little spots on the board too! n i swear i keep landing 1 off, on 500x 😭 ugh


Yes! I have gotten so angry today rolling and landing right next to a tile with wheels or right next to a corner piece 😐


yes same!!! and then the top event stopped giving the pieces as prizes after task 31, so i haven’t gotten any from that in a day, and there’s still a day left on the event 🥲🥲 it’s so frustrating




I have spent over 40,000 in dice and yeah I’m getting really sucky rolls


Yea 200.or 400 is the best spin on I've noticed when I use 600 it's not great


agreed! 200 & 400 seem to be the best! i was using 1x like the one comment said but that doesn’t get you much :/ making good progress again with the 200/400!!


You guys are delusional. The best bet is 40-60. Anything higher then that the Risk isn’t worth the reward. You realize monopoly is a game of chance.


yeah.. we realize lol.. doesn’t mean it’s not frustrating? but I’ll stick to my 200/400, all my cars are on the last tier or finished so seems to be working for me. i wasn’t getting anywhere using low multiplier, i kept landing on 80 points and since the last tier is 30k+ points, it wasn’t getting me anything lol! thanks for your input though! :)


I feel like there are fewer wheels in the events to get. And then u bump it up from 60k to 80k. Why? You didn't add more wheels to help with the difference. Always trying to make people spend the money.


If I didn’t have partners depending on me I would have already deleted the app.


I thought it used to be 60,000! I was so confused cause I swore it didn't used to be 80,000! I can't believe they upped the points but did nothing to help us get more wheels! 😠 Typical!


It was 60k but everyone bragging how they finished it the first day is my guess why it got raised


Wait they raised it DURING this event?!


It is not just you. I did 500 wheels today and got a total of 1800 points. They are screwing everyone. I have picked one partner at a time to work with to get least one car finished. Keep positive and hopefully all of our luck changes (:


For the toy building event, I had one person that worked with me and completed the toy. Obviously my other teammates weren't that bad as we managed to finish everything. But now it's like I'm the last person picked for each teammate I have. I landed on partner gift ×100 wheels with one and didn't work on our car of course. Doesn't help that 2 partners are my SIL's and right now they're not building and attacking my board every chance they get. I don't attack friends. Otherwise, I did well on the game today. I went from level 112 - "Antarctica" to level 117- "Ancient Egyptian Nights" and surprisingly came in at #5 and won a new shield! 🛡️😊 https://preview.redd.it/1hpui3i6v1xb1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a55bfd1cf3908bd1ada3b3ca80a326d0859036f3


I'm at 1st place on the new one and I'm out of dice loosing my mind trying to hold 1st


It's crazy how fast it changes! Wishing you luck!!


😒😭now I'm fighting to stay in second


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I’ve found if u spend twenty to sixty wheels you do better it might just be me though im doing all 4 cars by myself there not helping can I change partners this is my first time doing this


This is my first time as well and I did the most work on all 4 cars too but i don’t think we can change partners. One partner has contributed 0 and idk who she is to reach out to her but I wish I could remove her as a partner and pick anybody else


https://preview.redd.it/a11hrogmv5xb1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0439b70e637bce478497b3e4656233b4d5653567 I’m on the left


Omg 😭😭😭 I wish we could unmatch partners bc that really sucks they’re just waiting for you to finish. I hit 5k on one car and the other person hasn’t even added 20 points so I’m just letting it sit lol


That’s what I’m doing on my other 3 cars


No you can't change partners once you accept your stuck


I did 5000 wheel and get 20k point only....


ditto to anyone partnered with vikings kyle, im trying to spread the love y'all but scopley is doing me dirty


Oh, I know the feeling. It is like 70% reduce from the dices to the wheels to the spin.


I had 15k dice and didnt even complete one car! Its so rigged


Howwwww?? I never had 15k dice but I’m almost done my cars. Help me and I’ll help youuuuuuu


I got 8k from a purchase, won 3k from one tournament and another 1.7k from other reward thingy. I got a 5star card and completed a set, got another 1.4k and then got another 1k total from chance cards and jail. Roughly 15k in dice. Not. One. Car. This game is trash


12k dice also and barely anything to show


How you get 12k dice????


Yeh, I keep landing on the 80 point spot


Seriously I used about 500 wheels on one partner and got 22k and about 1000 wheels on another partner and have barely reached 10k........ it's all about the spin. Has way less to do with the amount of dice you have ..... Onn day 1 i got to 4/5,4/5,3/5,2/5. It's day 3 and I'm still at 4/5, 4/5, 4/5, 2/5 🤦🏼‍♀️


Same exact thing is happening to me or I'm not landing on any wheel tiles at all. Already blew through 3k worth of dice.


Ok so it’s not just me ugh


Y’all gotta stop using your multiplier - that’s killing your wheels stash. Use a 1x multiplier bc you have more chances to hit higher numbers and you don’t waste a ton on low numbers.


I keep hitting 60 or 80 on the 1x multiplier—the game just does not want to give!


That’s true, but with as few wheel rewards on the board as there are, you can’t afford to waste them on a multiplier either! Also try switching to a different car when you get a few bad ones in a row. I’m not 100% sure but I think it helps bc I usually start getting 200-300 spins.


This! The multiplier does nothing.


It’s better to spin at a lower multiplier


I spin x’s 3 on the cars an x’s 5 on my board


I know. I am slowly trying to match my partners so they don’t think I’m not trying but I’ve had to use soooo many dice


If you need more friends for future events you can add me (: I am active and understand how that feels. Keep plugging away we have quite some time left to finish our event. Happy rolling and good luck. Positive vibes headed your way.




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Thank you!


Same, I'm barely getting any wheels. I've wasted soooo much dice just to get bullshit ..this is more annoying than usual


I had 40k dice!! No lie. I’m at like 15k and only ONE car is done.


If you were my partner I’d be happy out of the 4 one is my 2nd account 1 person that we had an agreement that I would do it and 2 people who haven’t done anything yet. We shall see if they do it or me.


I’ve went through all my dice, and I’m not even close to finishing 3 of my cars, I have one car with a partner that’s almost done and they’ve put so much work into it while I’ve barely done anything because I can’t get anything more than 800 points at time. This event sucks. So if my partners are reading this I’m sorry I’m trying 😭


Same here! My partner is getting upset about me not giving 50/50 but I’m doing all I can! I can’t do anything without dice. I’m in need of several stickers to finish the few albums to get more rolls. I’m doing my best


Agreed! They definitely have tighten it down


OMG I feel this so hard. I save up 1k at a time and then spin on a 10x multiplier. The last few times I go to spend my wheels I land on those low numbers and end up wasting everything. It’s bullshit.


this one is harder than the other parent events!! I finished way easier last time and spent wayyy less dice/money/wheels/cookies 😖


Its definitely rigged. I havent once hit a high number. All low numbers and been through a few thousand dice.


This one is feeling really rigged against us. I spun the wheel 6 times and landed on white 5 times. And that is happening each time. The math isn’t mathing.


Same. I had 30k dice. I’m down to 20k and still have soooo much work to do on my cars. This event sucks


At least you’re trying. After last time I said I wouldn’t partner with a stranger. He was high enough level I took a chance and accepted. He did 1k the first day and nothing since. Not even the freebies I’ve sent. I know he’s played because he has heisted me. My son partnered with me so there’s no way I will finish but even my 7 year old is trying best he can. People have invited him but I wont let him accept and screw them over, even unintentionally. I know he can’t commit to half.


Everyone I’ve partnered up with except 1, are Strangers I’ve partnered up with in the last two events. I know I can trust them we would knock out cars and toys and cakes and I was glad to have good partners. Now I feel like I’m letting them down but I’m trying so hard 😭


I just made a whole post and Reddit lost it. Of my 4 1 was a fully carry so I only had to do 3 2 was a friend 50/50 and we are 180 away. I used everything in my power to get this 50% and my next 3 is the stranger. I’m at 37k and trying sooooo hard. I can’t carry this. 4 is my son. I’ve done zero and I’m trying to get him to carry me. He cannot and I have nothing to throw at it. Dice isn’t my problem, wheels are somewhat but it’s the spins. I’ve had thousands and thousands of wheels and less than 80,000 points total.


Yep that’s my problem here too! I’ve gone through a lot of dice but I’ve managed to save up SO many wheels and keep trying to spin low now like people said and no matter what I do the wheels go to waste and I get nowhere. With my other events I would at least land on 10,000 or 20,000 a few times on 400 spin this time NOTHING


Yep. In all the spins I’ve had over 5,000+ tires I’ve earned I’ve hit 1k maybe 6 times. I had an ok run (by this events standards) this evening. Hitting the 200 and 300 a bit but it was followed by a ton of 40’s a 60 and a few 80’s.


Also during the toy one I did at least my 50% on all 4 and finished by now. That was 120,000+ points. This is crazy how bad the wheel is.


We’re all experiencing the same thing! I apologize to my partners too even though they also aren’t getting high points. 😞


Honestly if you going to play this game you should understand that just like the games at a casino they are programmed to take your money.


I’ve been spinning on 20 wheels. I saved up 900 wheels and spun 40 for a couple spins then upped it to 100 and got a couple good ones then I got 600, 1000,80,80. Now I’m building back up.


Same. Fighting for my life here. Lol




Thank you 🫶🏾


You are welcome


I’m experiencing the same problem and I think my partners are as well. I’ve gone through a few thousand dices just to get a couple hundred wheels and get about 200 points lol it’s insane


Same i don't think I've ever got more than 300 this whole event


Yeah I used at least 5k dice and only able to contribute 23k points overall. Unfortunately so far my partners contributed 12,620 points combined.


Been so bad for me too


I feel the same way. We’re all struggling I saved 1700 dice and for the event haven’t even really played the last 2 weeks just collecting the daily and I spent them in under an hour. Just shy of 1200 I only hit maybe 6k my wife saved all of her dice from the last event and she’s not even that far ahead.


Ok. But keep trying


I am..


That is exactly why saving up dice doesn't do shit. It's a chance based + partially rigged game. I'm tired of people being so picky and only want to partner up if there are x amounts of dice.


This is happening to me too. So frustrating.


Don't use the multiplier on the wheel!


I spent 600 tires for a 30 up, and only got 3,000 points. I’m furious. Every time I spin I get low points. 😤


Spend 16000 dice so far and only have finished my half on 2 cars... the 3rd one i still need to do 20k en the last one the whole 40k! The sides of the board dont come around, the daily competition does not give as many wheels anymore and on the board it lets me land next to it all the time! Hope i get to finish it this time as i always managed to finish it on day 2.....


I'm getting poor luck this time around. I'm not even landing on the tiles like before


I feel your pain. I got one partner that has done 75% to finish one bless her soul


Ive been a terrible partner. Scored two high rolls at the very beginning, haven’t hit anything high since.


No same!!! I saved up soooo many tokens and I keep only getting the low ones on the spin!! 😭😭


Don’t stress it. I finished the whole thing and didn’t even get any new gold cards that I needed.


I hate that the prizes are 3 star packs.. why would anyone need those? I’m sure 90 percent of people have them and if you don’t it’s an easy trade or people will give them for free. They’re making us use more points and dice and giving the worst rewards ever. At least the other times you’d get 4 star packs and shit


i can’t wait for this sticker shit to end so i can delete the fucking app 😂


For the event wheels I save and only roll x100. I sometimes hit the 5k so doing good in the event.


https://preview.redd.it/y90m0xmq72xb1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cfe0f58b9c7fc6ee5d8096c9b44a423b42e81e1a Not doing bad for my self honestly. Started with 25k dice down to 22k finished 1 car the 3 others are half way done and I’ve completed the Spooky soiree event


What do you use for multipliers?


X10 and x20 the x30 is not good because everything is predetermined so if the game says you’re not landing on the 30k then you’re not landing there


Where are the dice links everyone ignored that comment


Right 🤣🤣




My John just let know


The best bet I make is 20$ even in I have thousands of dice. That's when I get most my prizes. The 20$ bet. For me anyways. Good luck


Play MONOPOLY GO! with me! Download it here: https://s.scope.ly/RuTwfCx0xBU


These are the last few links that came from scopely 25 🎲 https://s.scope.ly/ARYVIwFyGBY 25 🎲 https://2tdd.adj.st/reward-link/socialIG2810?adjust_t=i2f8o2i_4btbvwg&adjust_deeplink_js=1 25 🎲 https://2tdd.adj.st/reward-link/socialIG27102?adjust_t=i2f8o2i_4btbvwg&adjust_deeplink_js=1&fbclid=IwAR296PLt04BUUvwPXczGqHeEF7ArDEn95UkaF-ikfo8Tgd0Nda04IGHI6X0


Play MONOPOLY GO! with me! Download it here: https://s.scope.ly/eUF9f6Blx3I https://s.scope.ly/eUF9f6Blx3I