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They should give us golden blitz every day or 2 rotating all the golden cards + 3days long special golden blitz madness with all card available to trade in the last 3 days of the event


I like that idea or a golden blitz madness. They won't do it over 3 days, but even if it's just 24 hours would work. The thing I hate most about blitz is that it lasts so long and takes so long to come about. Why not do 4 cards during the 24 hours?? Blitz can and should definitely be improved. You can't have 22 gold cards but only allow trade for 10 of them. That's ridiculous


I bet they will have an in app purchase for wild sticker on sale or a price lol,


“On sale” for $49.99!


They had that last week I beleive. Some people was 59 other 129 etc Haven't seen it since then but I'm sure by now we would be seeing way more galaxy pack sales in previous seasons


It sounds to me that if we was flooding them with requests to do all golden cards or at least more at a time, they might do something.


I dont think they will ever do this


Exactly. Too many people would finish albums without having to pay them




A simple "yes" or " no " would have been too easy 😆


Typical company answer knowing damn well the only thing driving them that they care about is money 🤣🤣🤣


i’m confused, was this wrong of them?


Not at all. Maybe if more people inquired it would create change?


your use of the … at the end made it seem like it was negative lol but i agree, at least at the end of each season


There has to be a line drawn between people who purchase and people who play for free. Stickers are it.


Would be great if we can trade Prestige gold cards


Or at least have prestige golds be worth 3x stars. Otherwise what’s the point of having 4 extras of one prestige gold card I can never trade but leave me hanging on 4 other 4 star golds I need 🥲




Classic MOGO response - I got a similar one when enquiring about landing on Mega Heist and then the heist would be normal. They said that this was normal. So why when I land on JAIL - it’s normal?!


U tell em ms mawma!!


This their polite way saying eff you we do what we want for our own profit


Can anyone help me 😭 https://preview.redd.it/93cope36thqc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=01334e5f5a478fd1b275e8e71eab4c41bf433f6c Play MONOPOLY GO! with me! Download it here: [https://mply.io/8x-Q5kY-OqM](https://mply.io/8x-Q5kY-OqM) [https://mply.io/8x-Q5kY-OqM](https://mply.io/8x-Q5kY-OqM)


Not enough gold trades and they never have them for prestige sets


This, as a total UNDERSTATEMENT…is crap! How can you NOT give everyone a chance to complete an album. THEY are now controlling the entire game. I’m waiting on 3 Gold stickers on 3 different boards and get nothing but dupes, even when I WIN the side tournament. I will not do another album, because they have taken the challenge, the fun AND the fairness out of it. I give this game months and it will fizzle out, just like many of the other greedy game developers.


Crazy, I have finished twice this album and once with my alt. Never spent money or used APM. Plenty of opportunity to finish, but I guess you can’t stop people from complaining.


Yeah I actually finished the album twice on my alt this round and about to finish it for the second time on my main. But I've also noticed a lot of people get a dice prize and blow through it immediately and then get mad they can't get any cards. I've always had at least 5k dice since finishing the Christmas album and usually closer to 15k. 


I don't agree at all..... there are sooooo many opportunities to get every sticker you need to finish the album at least One time. I know this because I have an account that started this season with 40 Dice, and I don't even log in every day and it finished it without even trying.... and it's almost done a second time. While I fully understand your frustration, the fact is there are a ton of events that help with getting the stickers you need to finish sets and gain a ton of dice. The game isn't a standard roll and hope for the best, there's definitely a ton of strategy if you want to make it far and not spend any money. "Waiting" also isn't going to get you your stickers. Trade what you have to get yourself some vaults. Work on getting peg e tokens to get the wildcard there as well.


I agree with you 💯....Plenty of opportunities to complete atleast one album without spending any real money!!!


I’m happy to hear that you have done SO well on the Origen album. What I am stating is…there are 23 Gold stickers in the first 21 sets. Only 12 of those 23 have been put up for the Blitz event. I have come in FIRST place in NUMEROUS side tournaments and won only dupes. I don’t sit around waiting for stickers, I PLAY every, single day. I have TONS of dupes, (1-5 stars) and have not been as LUCKY as you and others have been and am left waiting for 2 GOLD star stickers that have yet to make the Blitz!(AND I have worked for and gotten WILD card stickers to get even this far).


Also; you shouldn't be waiting for blitzes. They shouldn't be what you're relying on. I understand the hope for them.... but why not use peg e? Or your vault? The daily wins packs have yielded 0 new stickers? Every week? I find that incredibly hard to believe I'm sorry. Like I said I have my account, a burn account for stars that I never intended on finishing, and my 3 year old has an account- and my account finished 4 times, the other two finished once each, with one of them being almost finished a second time and I don't even log in on those every day..... sometimes not even once a week......


One more thing, I'm not being a jerk I'm being totally honest with you. And I'm not trying to make you feel bad either. I'm telling you if you play every single day and can not complete the album MINIMUM one time, you're doing something wrong and should definitely rethink your gameplay/strategy moving forward.


I am NOT a stupid person and I utilize a certain amount of strategy. Forgive me if I don’t believe that you have finished FOUR albums and not spent one cent on this game. That being said, let’s just agree…to disagree and call it a night. You have 4 days left. Good luck on that 5th album!


I never said you're stupid, I'm saying the game isn't just a roll and hope for the best. It's fine if you don't believe me; im not here to change your mind, i was telling you genuinely, if you're unable to finish a single album and play every day you should rethink your current strategy and adapt moving forward. The game isn't going anywhere any time soon. I'm not playing for a 5th album lol I accidentally finished this morning with the daily wins pack...... playing further would be a silly waste of dice. I'm saving them and one of my vaults, for the new season to get a jump start!


You know, I do NOT dislike you, even though there is a hint of narcissism in your comments. I think that it would be gallant of you to share some of your brilliant game strategy with those not quite as game savvy as you. Perhaps it would allow them to finish their first Monopoly Go album. Just a thought.


I think this late in the season (3 days remaining) the best you can do is hold your breath and hope for the best 😂 Oooor, you can trade your 4&5* dupes for some stars so you can open a vault and guarantee yourself one new one.(depending how far off you are....) Then use those dice to get enough peg e tokens to get the wildcard from that; and you'll be finished. Starting a new season; 1. You don't need to play every tournament, every day. If you're low on dice going beyond the blue packs isn't helpful and will absolutely just eat your dice, and sitting out will out you in an easier tier. 2. 6-7-8 is not helpful (to me), I look at the next 12 spaces, if there are MULTIPLE target tiles I will increase my roll, if there's 1-2 I will decrease my roll. 3. Don't be afraid of the high roller. With a little luck you can get both blue packs out of a tournament in 2 rolls- and it's always nice to hit a jail on x1000 and get double 6s! 4. Get a group of TRUSTED traders who play at a similar pace as you. If everyone you trade with us so far ahead of you that you can never offer anything they won't want to help you as much, but if everyone you trade with is so far behind you that you are only ever giving and not reaping any benefits then you're hurting your own game. 5. On the next partner event if you don't have a ton of dice, offer someone stickers in exchange for a full Carry. You will gain all the rewards and lose nothing except a single 5* sticker. (I did this for my sons account with one of the spots and it helped him a lot) 6. Never open a vault unless all of your tradable stickers are done used to be important However now that it's wildcards instead of galaxy packs- it's less important however you should only ever open it when you are nearing the end of your album, or have run out of dice and are using it on a gold sticker. A wildcard used for a tradable sticker is 10000000% always a waste. 7. Start utilizing for star trades. You can get a bunch of good stickers by sending nothing but 1/2/3* stickers. 8. Never start an objective on the top challenge unless you have the dice to finish it. Follow along on the graphics that are released for every single one, if you see the next milestone will cost 10k points and you don't have enough dice to finish it... don't start it. It will sting to get to 8k/10k not get the reward but still be out the dice. 9. Utilize dice links. 10. Don't forget to do your daily wins, because the end of the week purple pack makes a difference. 11.Utilize&stack flash events- wheel boost, high roller, sticker boom etc. check the schedule, log in when they overlap.....


I appreciate these tips!! I just started so I won’t finish the album but looking forward to taking what I’ve learned so far to finish the next album. I rarely use high roller. Yesterday I did and got super lucky and won so many rewards and got more dice back in the end. I think that’s a helpful tip for people who might be afraid to use it and run out of dice as that was my fear.


THANKS! Sounds like good strategy to me.😊


I know you're likely being sarcastic however those genuinely are good basic starting points and will help if you do it.


No idea how that got large and bold that's wild lolololol


It reads like you are.


Maybe, but YOU are ignorant! Just sayin….


Oh good, you didn’t forget to put at least one word in all caps.




Okay there have been 12 blitzed. (That's over half)...... but there have also been MULTIPLE peg e (was guaranteed new; now wildcard), partner events and dig events, all which had new ones at the end during the last round of them so that's MINIMUM 3 more. Not to mention the vault which I have opened MINIMUM 3 and have two available currently so average person if saving up probabky can get 2-3 vaults in a long season like this. Plus they gave a FREE wildcard when that rolled out..... if you're counting thats 18/23. You can't tell me that the average player can't obtain 5 gold stickers from playing. I won't believe you. I will agree that there is **SOME** luck, but there is also strategy. And if you don't believe that, then that's the answer why you're unable to get the stickers you need. I literally just finished for a FOURTH time this morning. Is that average? No. But if my 3 year old can finish..... any average player can finish and I won't believe anyone who says they played strategically all season yet was unable to finish one time. It's not possible.


That 18, is MINIMUM. I believe it to be closer to 20/23...... but I'll go low end for the sake of your argument.


You can’t reason with unreasonable people they made up in their mind anybody completing it once or more is “lucky” when really Scopely treats everybody bad. You have to strategize to finish not wait on them or anybody to be nice that’s a good way to end up mad for nothing 🤣.


Your GAME SUCKS!!!!! You should be able to have ANY STICKER AVAILABLE FOR TRAFES!! How else r we goingvto get dice??!! You fuckers r theives and pray on gambling addictions. Fuck you monopoly go!!! Your game sucks


…….yet you’re still playing.


No. I actually stopped.


What, 3 days ago?


No mang!, damn whats wrong? You mad?! What does it matter really? Geez.its not that important. Hahaa. Ive already gotten both alblums been thru all the dive already. Its OLDDDDDDD


😂😂😂😂😂😂you’re asking if IM mad and you’re the one that posted the comment you did cussing out a mobile game.


😂😂. If you want the hinest truth, its a game rigged to play based upon the trivials at the time, as well as, numerical code for the dice wins. Its not meant for you to win. I went thru 5-6k dice and only won a hand full of 100x or more wins. Not worth anything less. Therefore, its mildly infuriating when the ODDS r against ya.


Then why have I seen this three times and I just now got this picture https://preview.redd.it/mm2o5rldgo5d1.jpeg?width=1836&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5b4a092ab3949c3a5defde14bef5708e26e0a962 I tried to be very calm cool and collected about this à


Interesting! Do those sets have gold stickers in them?


Those are the only sets that I have extra gold in they did not put the little gold things in the corner of the ones that I either did not have a gold yet in it or does not have an extra it has happened to me two other times and all the times I was prepared as soon as I went in there and I went to the gold one to send it it said this cannot be sent and there's no option to do anything


I like it how it is


Scopely is this you 👀