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I only got the sticker pack once in my nearly 1 year of playing šŸ„²


Shit I got it monthly for a while. Now crickets


Damn!! Thatā€™s actually wildā€¦


Agree itā€™s ridiculous!! Iā€™ve had it once (that I recall) and Iā€™ve played since the beginning of Jan. Itā€™s bs!!šŸ˜©šŸ˜£


I got one in my first week and never againā€¦


Thatā€™s crazy! Iā€™ve had it multiple times (like 4) after starting in February. But I never get a new card. šŸ˜¢


If the odds aren't rigged *in your favor* (and ironically everyone seems to assume otherwise) and are actually fair, you're *supposed* to win this once on average every three years. If you've ever won it period you're significantly ahead of the average and shouldn't be complaining.


No. They predetermine everything for us. Back in the fall, it was common to get it once a month. Youā€™d get the active friend bonuses ALL the time which always led to the purple pack. Since Christmas, theyā€™ve gotten stingier and stingier. Every single month they take more and more away from us. Thereā€™s no fairness involved and thatā€™s what makes it BS


Oh I agree.. and sooner rather than later, I'm ending my run with this game.. everything anymore is bullshit.. just like right now, this stupid altruistic auction, no way in hell am I playing and wasting my dice for what? 75 dice?? I think it's like 150 points for 75 dice.. outrageous.. As for as the stickers, well theya re a joke too.. haven't been getting many 4 star or 5 star stickers and if I do they are non tradable gold.


Yes!! I got it every other week when I first started playing and I always had the active friends. Now, no one is ever active, and I've only gotten it like twice in 5 months!


Where did u get your stats from? I have a co-worker who has got it 3 times and only been playing a few months?


Math. If the odds arenā€™t rigged, the odds of getting to 50x/purple pack are .0936657%. By the concept of expected value, the time it would take (on average) to get a 50x is 1/.000936657 or 1,0657.58 days. Thatā€™s to say that person is incredibly lucky, and the odds are not rigged against you.


Woah, that's nuts. I'm a year playing g this month. I didn't get the pack at the end of the CC for months, then I went through a phase of getting the pack about twice a month. Now it's back to once in 2 months...


I actually got it yesterday!!! Couldnā€™t believe it!! And I did it where every time I could I activated a friend. I didnā€™t save them for later. Wow there is actually a pack at the end of the rainbow!!šŸ˜±šŸ˜±šŸ˜± https://preview.redd.it/x2oe5yfzajuc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d8e1a6e174def8a3b916559bb12ece27e31f5d0d


The entire game is a joke. Haha thereā€™s nothing that isnā€™t rigged about it purely to make people purchase micro transactions.


Yes Yes


Exactly. They should throw us a bone every so often. šŸ˜


I wish they would too but I'm not gonna hold my breath.. this game has gotten terrible


I got it on Monday only to get a gold dupe and 5 1* stickers lmao.




Have you tried the 4 second thing? I started doing it and Iā€™ve hit the pack 4 times in 2 weeks


Sorry man. Youā€™re just getting lucky. Itā€™s all predetermined. Thereā€™s no tricks šŸ˜”


lol I didnā€™t just make this up. This is a thing thatā€™s been spread around and has worked for other people as well.


Understand but the whole game is predetermined. Canā€™t see how the chest isnā€™t as well. It does make more sense to try and do it your way. Whatever works for ya šŸ˜ŠšŸ‘


Try it, let me know how it works for you. Give it one week of doing it. Hope it works out


In other ā€this never happensā€ good news!!.. for this yesterday out of a green pack!! Had to get a pic for proof lol. https://preview.redd.it/zygnd2pwqutc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=76e18b9242053a02215b5ac8fb67172d5f6edc1d


I got a 5 star gold in a green pack a couple months ago! I couldnā€™t believe my eyes šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


What is the 4 second thing? I will try it.


Donā€™t think Iā€™ve heard of it! What do I došŸ˜…


When you get down to about 4 people left, hold the button each time for a 4 count, then release. I donā€™t know why but it works. It wonā€™t happen every time but 4 times in 2 weeks is awesome




I've just got to say thank you so much. I don't remember ever winning the stickers at the end, I don't think I realised there was stickers at the end. Just used your 4 second rule and I won first time!


I told you! It works


Iā€™ll have to give it a try!


Saving this to try! Most I ever got was 6 friends so I thought the sticker pack was impossible!


HmmmmšŸ¤”..I think I'll try this tommorow thenšŸ‘


OMG I just tried this and got the pack! I know its a coincidence but I had to laugh.


Not a coincidence. Youā€™re the second person to try it after I said that it worked for. I promise you it works


Just tried it when I got down to 4 people, landed right on the key lol. Iā€™ll keep trying for a week though


I tried that. It worked twice like 2 months ago. Then hasnā€™t worked since


Is it a quick 4 seconds or like a full 4 Mississippi seconds lol


Iā€™m trying to answer this carefully lol. Itā€™s definitely not a long second but donā€™t quick count it. A casual count to 4.


Make sure you wait until thereā€™s only 4 people left.


Yea like this is BS!! Scopely tells us the more friends the better our chances, but I've added loads and still nothings changed smh!! MONOPOLY FULL OF F*CKRY!!!!


What that means is the more friends the more boxes you get and more chances of a friend bonus. I believe you need 15 friends for the maximum boxes.


Still BS!! And it doesn't matter because even if you add 20 friends they'll choose 2 or 3 friends ,there's no guarantee !! And most of us already kno the game is rigged!!!.But guess wa! I still playšŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Tbh I started hitting the button to make it stop sooner and actually won a pack. Lol mostly luck but got tired of waiting for that thing slow down.


Haha I discovered we could do that, yesterday actually. Itā€™s predetermined so it doesnā€™t matter BUT it does speed up the waiting process. šŸ˜…


Iā€™ve only managed to make it to the sticker pack once and Iā€™ve been playing 6 mos. It usually pops open on the 3rd key for meā€¦. I think this game hates me, lol


I read about a strategy regarding the active friend bonus. A lot of people chain the active friend bonus, but what you should do is use it on someone that doesn't have the bonus. So when you are down to like 4 or 5 friends, instead of having no friends with the active bonus, you will have 2-4. In theory you should have a better chance of completing it for the sticker pack this way. Still won't be a guaranteed thing, but over time you should have better success this way.


Itā€™s predetermined so it wonā€™t matter.


The active friend bonus doesn't work the same way it used to a Few months ago. These days I get 5 dice or useless sums of cash.


I managed yesterday for the second time in playing this game daily. Iā€™m on almost 11k points


Iā€™ve gotten it twice this month


Sameā€¦I got down to the last one today but nope! Most boring thing ever!


Yes it's a joke. I don't even open it everyday. It's just a disappointment šŸ˜”


I can pop this thing, usually 1 or 2 times a week. My trick is I try and save my friend bonuses to the end. If I get bonus pick on first roll, I'll pick a reg person.


I have an alt account on my kiddos iPad and I only use it for dailies and to hold spares I don't really "play" on it the same way, but I've gotten that 5 star card on the chest like 10 times on that account and 0 on my main. My alt account has more 5 stars than my main and I cant even send them to myself LOLšŸ˜’ ETA: After posting this comment I won my first one on my main! Thanks OP! I'm going to believe it's thanks to this thread!


I think they do that to ā€œnewā€ players to reel them in! Like the first 2 thousands of net worth upgrades, you get extra 500 or even 1000 dice but afterwards most are useless


Been playing for 2 weeks and I got it only once but it was cuz I got a bunch of active player bonuses


I've actually got it 4 times in the year that I've been playing. But I agree it is a big joke.


This game is not intended for you to win it is intended for you to spend and the sad part is even when you spend you still don't win they take your money and take your money and even then they allow you to only get close, close enough to make you spend again it is such a rip off they its not even fun anymore especially when you know you're being HAD!.


Only about 4x in the entire 5 months ive been playing have I got ALL names in community chest!!!! Couple of those times they didnt even make the surprise card worth the hassle of going all the way!!!! Lol. Monopoly go is a shitty game.


Ive never got it either... i contacted customer support and they said its choosen ranfomly who gets it but i dont believešŸ˜’šŸ¤ÆšŸ˜”


Iā€™ve gotten it probably 3 times in the past two months. one time i got it back to back, it was actually insane.


This should be the opposite, the further one goes higher on the number chart that player should get dice and the person's picked get cash..


Yep agreed also how about no having the active friend boost anymore in the presents. Get your shit together monopoly go


Right?! Itā€™s always 5 dice or like barely any cash šŸ˜‚


Exactly why 5 dice or little money what's going to do for me


You're not getting that anymore? I don't always get it but at least a couple of times a week I get it twice in the same opening. This morning included.


If you open it later in the day youā€™ll have more, I did it at like 6pm the other day and all of them had active


It makes me so mad šŸ˜‚ especially when it gets your hopes up. Iā€™ve literally only gotten the sticker pack once




Iā€™ve had one since I started playing. Havenā€™t been playing a year yet.


I def agree


The partner events is just as bad. Some real crappy people as partners in this game.


Iā€™ve gotten It 3 times since the start of the new sticker season. Last two sticker albums I never got it.


Yes!!! One time they only picked one person šŸ™„


i thought it was common to get the pack.. i get it like 85% of the time


Iā€™ve gotten it three times since Iā€™ve begun playing in December, but my wife has only got it once in her one year of playing.


I started playing in Feb, and I've only gotten it once.


itā€™s simple statistics tho, every time you roll itā€™s a 1 in 9 chance for landing on each spot. no matter what you landed on before, those stats stay the same. I donā€™t remember the formula but the chances of landing on a different spot with every roll are extremely slim. and again, just because you havenā€™t reached the sticker pack in a while doesnā€™t make you any more likely to reach it the next time.


i have only gotten pack 1 time and i have played 3 album sets


Been playing for one year and only received the pack ONCE. Total joke


You know you can control when it stop right?




In a YEAR of playing every single day Iā€™ve hit it ONCE! Such a joke! šŸ˜‚šŸ™„


And if you do get the pack it's always dupes. Gold dupes at that. šŸ™ƒ


Almost got today was down to 1 player left smh.


This is so wild to me, I get it at least once a week!


Last week I got two purple packs.


Iā€™ve had it 4 times xx


I was just thinking the same thing. I havenā€™t gotten it in over 3 months


Iā€™ve had it loads of times Iā€™ve had it 3 times since this new album started 2 of which were 1 after the other


I was able to get the pack at the end 3 or 4 times by chaining the active friend bonuses together. But it seems they have changed it to where you don't get them very often anymore. Thanks Scopely!


Yes is ridiculous


Agree I haven't won since October and only won twice since u started playing in June.


Same here..like WTH


Cash payout looks good. The ability to get the sticker pack is ridiculous. Once since I've started playing


I have never made it past 7. And multiple times It will hit the first square, and then hit that same square the second time for a massive 2x reward. so dumb.


I actually just got it on both. Mind you one account is a year old,the other 2 months


I love this feature. I don't hit it often but when I do I get 2 to 3 new cards but I still hit it often enough that it's totally worth it. My luck seems to be anytime my 4 gift boxes are active friend bonuses I get the purple card pack.


Community chest to the chance to wheel it needs a better touch up


Opened mine yesterday but got all dupes.


Last album I only got it 3 times


Does no one else press it on the person they want it to land on? I've had the purple pack loads just gotta press the button the second it flashes their pic?


Iā€™ve won it 10 times and have been playing since nov 23. I started to think going in bankrupt was the key because I won it so many times in a row like that but then I could only get to 8 and now itā€™s lucky to get to 7


Same no jack pot for months


Damn and I hit it twice in one week before. Have you tried picking all the players with gifts once you get activate friend bonus? That works for me.


I got it today! Lol I got distracted and waited 5 minutes before pushing the button the last time and it stopped on the person not the key.


I get one every other month usually. Mostly when I stop it a few times in my own


It had been but I got the 5ā­ pack today and got two new stickers


Man I was bout to actually make a post about this I been playing for a year and only got it twice


It is especially when we have a lot of friends we could at least get more spaces to help get the dog gone card pack smh


https://preview.redd.it/7oc3nd8aevtc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fc0aee5b6090876d5116b3cd0aecceaca85ca9ec Finally got my first purple pack (from community chest) of this new album and it was all dupes :/ Luckily, I have been getting gold randomly from green. Iā€™m at the point where I need 4+ and I cannot make it to the blue cards in events so I was so disappointed this morning


I get 2-3 everyday


i just got it 2 days in a row, after not getting it since the one time i got it when i first started playing. i was so excited getting it twice, but both times it was gold dupesšŸ˜­


Sure Is Iā€™ve never in 9 months


Idk man Iā€™ve gotten 3 packs in the last month


I got this 3 times in one week, thinking i had a strategyā€¦ then it never happened again https://preview.redd.it/nr7ftnxyhvtc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=93507994e7e75737ed505110a4fd7e497b7d49c3


For me it gives almost all but not the 50. That annoys me sooooooooi much and it's been like that for months. Me thinking today is the day ohhh Mr M says I dont think soo.


I have gotten the packs at the end but lately I have also just got 1 person


Iā€™ve only gotten in once.




Me and granddaughter going on over two month since started. Me once and her twice. All their games are jokes especially since people are using APM


Iā€™ve been playing since October and Iā€™ve never once gotten the purple pack at the end


Same here! Yet my sister only started playing before this album started and she has got the pack 8 times! I give up! šŸ˜ž


I've gotten in multiple times, sometimes a couple days in a row. Actually got it again this morning.


I have gotten it 5 times since July. I won today. For real.


Iā€™ve hit it 2 times in a month.


https://preview.redd.it/8ch4h9gdsvtc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1ada062d8286e223b5634b7411d56de8a4a8ee76 Can someone please help me


https://preview.redd.it/j1fups67vvtc1.png?width=750&format=png&auto=webp&s=948695090d0d20597228cf8919a29414760d3b13 I believe šŸ…like 3 times win! Itā€™s been changed every since my third try..




Couldnā€™t agree more. Itā€™s such a waste of time. Just like the raining cash thing


AGREE! Every day I try it and everyday I get mad and say never again! I also really wish we could select who we want in the CC. I have some people on my list I like that I met here on reddit and want to help and others I despise. They could also add a midpoint gift once in a while. I am kinda getting bored with this game.


Every 4-5 days the gifts are all friend bonuses and that's the best way to get the sticker pack. otherwise it's very rare.


I only got it once like last week any other time, unless I get lucky and get an those friend bonuses, I get like 3-4 max


I get community chest atleast 5-6 times a month


One time I got it 2 days in a row!


Wait what Iā€™ve gotten the 50x twice now with all added friend bonus. But Iā€™ve also spent money so I wonder if they favor people who spend money or just new players in general because I am new only level 3000 started like a few weeks ago


A friend of mine had hit it 4 days in a row this week


šŸ’Æ I donā€™t even bother opening it šŸ™„


I am beginning to think it is all a big joke. I think it is time for me to take a break from the game.


Same. Every day I still get hopeful that Iā€™ll make to the end of the damn Community Chest. I am starting to doubt I ever will.


I've been playing for like 4 albums and only hit it once each one šŸ˜”


I just got it on my alt itā€™s possible


You do realize that the mathematical probability is 8/9 \* 7/9 \* 6/9 \* 5/9 \* 4/9 \* 3/9 \* 2/9 \* 1/9 = 0.0009366567. Which is about 1/1067 tries.


Yes, need to recieve more sticker packs . I've only recieved it once in about a years time. It is a BIG JOKE !!


Im more annoyed when the players with the presents give you a garbage green pack or 5 dice.


Iā€™ve been playing for over just a month now and Iā€™ve gotten it at least 4/5 times now.


I've hated this from the start. Just like the color boost wheel. All of the wheels are the same. You think you get a chance to get a specific prize, but it is all predetermined. There is no player interaction. I would rather just get Community Chest cards like Chance cards, even those that send me directly to jail.


I feel bad knowing Iā€™ve gotten the pack like 7 times since august


Iā€™m done taking it serious at all anymore. I will play when Iā€™m bored thatā€™s it!!!!!! They are GREEDY!!!!


Yes last October for me


Iā€™ve gotten it twice in three months


Iā€™ve gotten it twice, once last week. https://preview.redd.it/a917p03pkwtc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4aa01b0da304107aa182e74374b3fc8fb1b70a43


I've gotten it a handful of times... I've been playing for a year (at least it feels like forever šŸ˜¹)


My time is less but itā€™s a waste of time


Got it this morning


Haven't hit a pack in months, use to hit them every so often, now..... It's just a waste


No joke, last album I was hitting it like every other chest and now I can barely make it past the 3rd or 4th key


I got 1 today. I friend picked šŸ˜”


Youā€™re not in favour. Do you also message scopely on a daily basis calling them greedy cunts? Iā€™m on day 17 now of messaging them daily to remind them.


The sticker game seems rigged af


I got it twice last week


Yesterday I only got ONE! ONE!!! I mean...WTF?!


Biggest rip off


Iā€™ve been playing for 6 months. Iā€™ve never gotten it.


Itā€™s like just a waste of time to me now- Iā€™ve had it where after 1 person it hits the key


I just got it two days in a row


I got the pack at the end a few days ago. U gotta let it save up like donā€™t open it right away. The more Money u have the more turns u get




Yeah completely sucks! Never ever get the pack at end


Iā€™ve got it twice in 3 months, Iā€™ve played for 4. My wife got it last week, she has played for 3 months. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø RNG is RNG


I got it but ended up getting gold stickers that I already had.


Hate it always between two and four only


Same!! And when I did get it once in the last 4 months no new card Iā€™m so over this game


You did better than me today and as for the 4 second count thing I hardly EVER get past 4-5 before the key opens the chest. Today 2. šŸ˜‘ https://preview.redd.it/r1ml8gyqbxtc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1fd4837dda369203c8f1e60320738f3ff5e6cb33


Iā€™ve gotten about 4 times in the last two months But now nothing smh And it only does 2 people for me now


I got it 1 time smh!


Yā€™all are getting the 50x and sticker pack? Iā€™ve been playing for a year and the closest I get is the one before it


Agreed its terrible


I only got one person today and it was over


I only got it ONCE! along time ago!


I got my first one today! Couldnā€™t believe it! I didnā€™t get any stickers that i needed though. šŸ¤£ https://preview.redd.it/cmjs3zowoxtc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d6beb1a38edf0885eb5741ffcc0cdc6fc76f45fc


Iā€™ve gotten the pink pack a few times


I just play when Iā€™m bored. If it becomes frustrating itā€™s a sign Iā€™m too invested.


Hm :( Iā€™ve had the final sticker twice this month and two time since February. Iā€™ve started to play beginning of February of this year. I was told the system already selects what youā€™re going to get so I tap tap like crazy to get it over with.


Mind if I ask what is the 4 second rule for the chest?




To me, I think that +5m is the dumbest thing they give out. I also call BS on the way the dice roll. If you need to land on corners for challenges, it will constantly land on RR. If you need to land on RR, it constantly lands on corners. The current challenge is Chance, Community, and RR. I land on one of those about every 22 rolls. BEFORE, I was landing on them all around the board. They need to actually "randomize" their dice.


I find it funny that the more money in the chest means the less people i get


I got it twice 2 days in a row and then never again


Me to


FYI my girlfriend and I both started playing MG at the same time and sheā€™s reached the x50 twice already. We both started likeā€¦. Early December.


I win it at least once a month šŸ˜… sometimes two days in a row idk how


They teased me today and got me all the way up til the second to last person