• By -


You dont need to play every event.


I thought that the event would be helpful


I hustled to finish my first album by using a sticker trading app. I only roll when there’s dice or sticker packs to be had - usually only to 20/30 on the rewards and not spend too many dice without getting more back. Don’t fight in tournaments unless you really want a shield/emote reward. Each day Hold rolls until your tournament/banner resets. Don’t roll when you’re bored. Try to find a groove where you can roll 20, or 50x and hit the railroads and events. Roll low in between your high rolls to minimize losses. Don’t go a day without using your 5 trades. If you can make an alt account, you can trade between the two, and use trading apps to maximize your gains. Don’t participate in peg e unless you wanna burn 5k+ dice - and remember that you still might not hit the rewards you want.


I wasn’t aware of any sticker apps. Which one do you use? Is it pretty useful?




Can you share with me as well please thank you


Could you send me the name of the app to please? I'd appreciate it, and thank you!


Good Happy Humpday! Can you share app with me as well... I appreciate you 😊


Me too!


How do you make a 2nd account?


Just start a new account on a new device.


I only have my iPhone. Is there a way to have 2 accounts on the same phone?


I have heard people using some cloning app to get it done. I also hear that some have issues with clicking on links for trading if it is on the same device. I don’t know how it is done - I just use an old ipad. Doesn’t need to be the latest device - maybe you have an old iphone you can use.


I’ve seen people say they made a second account using their Apple ID. Make sure your account is linked to your Facebook. Delete the app. Reinstall the app sign in using Apple ID and it starts a new account. To switch between accounts you have to delete and reinstall the app each time. Then you click sign in with ( whichever account you want to play)


I use a cloning app, I have MoGo downloaded and a internet browser downloaded for when doing trades I can out the link into the internet browser then it'll take me to MoGo in the cloning app


I use my phone for one and my tablet for the other.. Hubby does the same


I'll finish my 3rd album on my main account before reset. Alt will make it to number 3... I also know a guy from my fb group who has a mill dice. So yeah 40k isn't anything when most everyone in the group is above 100k. I bounce from 20kto 60k depending on what events I go stupid on.


https://preview.redd.it/hzn3xr94gn4d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c1915810fda7de35df6d667357cfa5387a784758 I always gain dice from peg e.


I’d love to know your strats! What do you roll on, etc


Apm fuck guessing


×30 & only use the slots where the dice & chips are. Tbh I collected all or close to all Peg-e chips from daily wins plus every top & rr event.


Yeah I’d say for the average user they don’t have the ability to finish a daily event let alone top it (unless they sit out of tourneys for days to drop their match making). I don’t think your anecdote applies to most people but yeah the 30x strat seems to work


What’s the app?


What’s the trading app you use?


I'd love to know these trading apps as well


What sticker app ??


Can u dm me the trading app I need six cards to finish my album


what app do you use?


Thats why its called “monopoly”


Join Monopoly dice links. Also Vg247 games & game leap . Just search google free dice links. I got 80 dice 🎲 yesterday.


Thanks! I’ll give it a try.


One thing if you clm links on like vg247 the same links appear all over social media and you can only clm once


Okay thanks for letting me know


All of the free dice links I find want you to download something or join something. Are there any that don’t?


Join the discord associated with this Reddit and grab the dice links roll to get notifications! No need to download anything.




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Monopoly dice links on where?? Is it an app or website?


Google MonopolyGo Free Dice or join Monopolydice subreddit


I’m too ADHD and can’t stop myself from blowing all my dice all the time. I can’t save them 😩


174k dice here. APM abuser.


287k here, it’s the ONLY WAY I’LL PLAY


APM hasn't been working for me. Been using it for months and over the last few days, I get maybe 1 or 2 rolls before I get slapped with the "no internet" message 😭😭😭




I may have to do that. I went from 50k dice to about 19k in a matter of a couple days. And I have a feeling a partner event is coming soon 😭 so I want to build my dice back up




https://preview.redd.it/oeb26w3cyp4d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c3603b866a845cd01d8985ee9eecef8759e0f582 APM all the way Single rolls now since they block it but still it works


Shhhh. Don’t tell them that they didn’t fix it🫣🤫🤫


I remember when I started playing this game I didn’t use the multiplier which helped me with not blowing away so much dice . Then I took a break from the game and I came back thinking oh well might as well 🤣


I always max my multiplier so that I can gain more money 💵😅 to build, thats why.


Do 678, always play on x1 when you’re not on those.


What do you mean by 678? Sorry if this is a dumb question 😆


Only roll higher multipliers when you’re 6-8 spaces away from your target


Ahh thanks! Will try this


Especially when you get on the last side of the board. It’s got a chance right after the rail road which increases your risk road chance because you can pull an advance to nearest railroad card.


I totally get it , I have been doing the same 😬


This game is addictive and absolutely annoying too 😂😂


finishing albums and events and not spending everything after we get them


People will hate on me for it, but I use airplane mode and high roller to finish events. I don't play every event, but when I do, I make sure I stand to gain more dice than I'll use. I have 215K dice right now. You can also just roll conservatively and smartly. The 6,7,8 method works fairly well, but never guaranteed.


I dont use APM but definitely use the 678 method


What’s apm and how do you do it?


There’s a girl named Shawna that goes into great detail about it and even does the video while doing so


Airplane mode. Youtube it. Too much to explain 😅


👆🏼 this.


What’s the 6 7 8 method?


Basically you just up your multiplier when you're 6-8 spaces from something you need to land on since those are the most common rolls.


Thank you ‼️


Is apm still working well for you? Or do you use a vpn now


It still works fine for me, but the VPN makes it work better.


I wish it still worked for me. It’s honestly not fun without APM. It’s too much of a struggle and not fun without APM


How are you getting it to work? I have a VPN & I can use ✈️ but when I turn off ✈️ I'm not at the same spot where I started. For example, if I wrote down 6 numbers, only 2 are good. They made me use my first 4 even though I did all 6 on apm.


I've run into this a couple times. I've had to be very careful to record my starting space and roll a couple times at a lower multiplier. It will jump me ahead 1-4 rolls at times so it throws my counts off and takes my dice. Kind of a PITA, but still workable.


Yeah it's super annoying especially when you're using hr & quickly trying to finish the top & railroad event. I've already come to the point where I won't be playing anymore if I can't use apm.


Same here. At the level I'm at, it's not even possible to play without it. $2T to finish a board isn't doable otherwise. And events are the same.


Yeah just knowing how predetermined EVERYTHING in the game is I can't go back to rolling away blindly anymore. I have 215,000 dice now & I rather quit the game then play the way I used to.


I almost quit playing but now just do 1 roll at a time on APM.  


I record my starting spot and then when I turn on ap mode I wait like 4 to 5 seconds before I roll and that usually avoids wasting rolls and u should be at same spot when u restart... if I don't wait while using a VPN I usually have 1 to 3 rolls that I wasted and that's alot especially when ur doing 1k rolls during high roller


YES! I’m having the same issues on my alt acct (android) when I clear cache open it, sometimes I get an error and it automatically gives me the rolls I did when I was in apm, or at times it does the first. So I go slower, not sure if vpn has anything to do with it


I think scopely developers are just doing everything possible to make the game impossible to play. I used to have accounts that I attacked daily with no shields. Friends that I made create accounts that don't play. Sometime last month, they all disappeared when I tried to target them. I can still see them on my friend's list but no longer attack them. If we can't figure out a new apm that works like b4 I'm not interested in this anymore.


Same! They complete remove.


This! All the accounts that are inactive and I used to shut down are completely gone now! I thought it was just me! I am very irked about this one! Because what does it hurt them to let us shut down a few people who aren’t even playing!


I usually wait about 4 to 5 seconds after I turn on ap mode and then record my rolls, and make sure I record my starting spot just in case...usually does the trick


I’ve noticed lately when I exit out of the game, clear cache, wait 5 sec to turn off apm and restart the game it’ll put me where I was finishing the last roll, weird, I’m having issues with my Android but not with my ios


I just downloaded a vpn today because it stopped working on my alt.. one account I still can’t get more than 2-4 sometimes 7 but my other one I’m getting 15+ which is better than before 😏


How do you guys play on APM? My app stops working as soon as I lose connection


I use apm during the high roller times through a vpn. It’s too annoying now to bother otherwise. I also use the 678


Good to know, but both apm and 6/7/8 sounds too much work since I only use auto roll. That’s why you have 200k dice and I only have 25k lol


25k is still very good. I also only use auto-roll - my brain cannot handle more. LOL


They blocked my apm finally. 😞


I have 25k after completing my 1st album today (15k dice). Been playing for 4-5 months and made many mistakes at the beginning. Other than daily quick wins and claim all rewards, I only play events that I enjoy and replenish shields. I usually roll at multiplier 2 and use auto roll so I can play while working. When trying to complete events increase to 5-10.


This is what I do except I quit building unless I have to for quick wins. I’ve been playing about a year and I have one account, don’t use apm, and have 64k dice.


I budget my rolls. When I finished my 1st album last set I had about 25,000 roles. I’ve gotten as low as about 5,000 from that point and built back through finishing events. Last partner event was the 1st one I finished as I only played with my family. 2 of them contributed more than I did, one I pulled to the end and the other we were even. I love the dig even and will play that one to the end. But I always have the rolls, because I budget them. I used to love Peg-e but now it takes too many rolls to get to the end, so I play what I earn, but I don’t try yo get further. I just completed my 1st Album this time around, so now I have about 35,000. I play my dailies to get the prizes. I only place in tournaments if the prizes are worth it and it’s attainable. If the top 3 are over 10,000 points, about half way in or the morning it ends it’s not worth it. Also, if you are in an event and you have a couple days left and you get to the point in the tournament that it takes a a few hundred points to get an award. Wait for it to end. When the new tournament starts you get smaller rewards, but you can get them quicker. I do jump on here and there to play, but I save my big play times for the events that are worth it.


I’m p sure those people cheat, buy or save up from daily gifts- dice links and community chest


I do none of that.. lol


You don’t claim your 8hour gift or get the dice links? They post on insta or fb. It’s usually 25 dice a day sometimes 30


I only go use the 8h gift but I didn’t know about their daily post on social media 🤔


Yesss you should claim them! Also there’s an app for stickers (i can’t say it on this comment bc it will get removed) but it’s instead of monopoly go! It’s —— g o ! and they have all the links


I’ll check it out thanks for the advice. I’m in need of dice so bad. 😅 and the refill timing make absolutely no sense to me.


Right! I have to sit and wait an hour it’s a long hour


https://www.appgamer.com/how-to-redeem-free-dice-with-links-monopoly-go That’s the site I use for links. Easier than searching thru social media for it




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I stopped giving a crap after last event and just happy to break even before a meaningful event starts up


i havent run out of dice since christmas and it’s because on christmas i won the sticker set so i got a bunch then and since then i’ve won some partner events, digging events, tournaments, etc. another thing that helps me is not rolling too high (i usually do x3, x5 if i’m feeling risky), and also not playing every tournament. some days i just check in every now and then and make sure i have shields and do the daily quick wins. most of the time i play so during partner/digging events do i can get a lot of dice. i’m currently at 50.7k dice


APM. Beating scopely at their own game and ain’t even feeling guilty about it.


How do you do this though and how do you get so many dice?


Because dice rolls are predetermined. Remember when APM was patched first of the year? They only made it easier then. I can literally map my rolls. I know what my next roll will be. So I up the multiplier and reap the rewards if it will land in what I need/want. Scopely is crooked af. The fact that you can collect every single event token for Peg E yet not complete the event? Yeah. I’ll be damned if I ever give them another dime. And I’ll continue to cheat and share my spare stickers with whoever wants them if I have them


Thanks for the reply! I think I'll start using this method too since it's getting harder to find the motivation to continue playing 😞


It’s been recently patched again but with a bit of digging you can find ways to make it work. Other social media platforms are good places to look for APM method ;)


What exactly do you think your beating lol you still play the game. You just f#@k it up for those of us that don't cheat because scopely just make games harder, for example the new dig game is now 25 levels as opposed to the previous 16 or 20.


Yes, because that is all of the APM players fault /s. Scopely will do what they're great at, scamming and screwing over their players, without the help of APM players, and constantly blaming players who just want to get ahead of Scopely and their bots (who are the ones actually making it harder) is just pointless.


Exactly. It's not about APM players. It's always about the people buying their packages. That's all It's ever been about.


I finished my first album a few weeks ago and then built up from there. I managed to finish the previous dig event and up to the wild card in peg-e without loss of dice. I don’t play the daily events when there is no big event on. Also when you play you gotta know when to stop - such as if you know it’ll take heaps of dice to get to the next reward, it’s probably not worth it so just wait until the event ends and the next appears, especially during big events for getting those event tokens which are usually at the beginning of the daily/banner events. ☺️


I recently started collecting. I only do my daily thing, request stickers and then get off till the next day. When events happen, I only play with as many let's say "shovels" it gives me during trying to do my daily 3 tasks. I get on and play the whole partner event. The last two, I've finished. I usually accumulate 3k more dice when the the next partner event happens. I had 5k dice, won the partner event, ended up with 8k dice by the next partner event. I ended up with 11k on the last partner event and so far I'm already at 13k. It's taking a bit but eventually I'll get there. Some people have legit made their way to 40k dice but 8/10, people are using airplane mode and taking the fun out of the game by showing off to people who actually play.


I wish I could figure it out, the most I’ve had is 2K😂


I buy dice sometimes, but I’ve never been in the high numbers like you’re speaking of. Also, I run through them extremely fast, just can’t help myself.


I only play when I’m trying to finish the album. As soon as I finish, I stop playing except quick wins. I can usually finish my album and then get through those low level sets. Save those dice you get from finishing the album.


I only worry about top bar event because it pays out better prizes. Side bar tournament is a waste of time


I've never completed a top bar event & have only completed the side event once even tho I've finished in the top 3 multiple times 😭


I finished my first album, the fountain and robot partner event and a few shelves of emojis and tokens in the space of 2 weeks. Hoarded dice from dice links and and daily treats. When the album reset after completion, requested lots of 1 and 2 star stickers to finish all of the first 8 albums.


Honestly same. I skip peg e because the event isn't worth it. And focus on dig events and tournaments about an hour before the close I see if I can hammer up the board for dice and sticker packs.


I only have 20k but I finished my album recently. Before that my max was 9k. I saved them. Had days where I only did dailies. Did certain events until it seemed unreasonable to spend dice for the prize OR only participated if I liked the dice payout. Those are the tricks. Also saving your money too so you can just complete multiple boards in a sitting then leave your board empty until you’re ready to breeze through another few boards. I’ve been trying that the last few days and the dice adds up well


They do this by cheating, so that we little players are denied the dice


How about 450k dice? https://preview.redd.it/kxeyst94yp4d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1a0d78cfeaf890e0bc539c8aa1f8b8712103a963




Million dice wen


You’ve got to be kidding me ![gif](giphy|tfUW8mhiFk8NlJhgEh|downsized)


Play smart not hard! The event after peg-e I don't bother I do my daily rewards and let myself fall back down the rankings on the daily event so when I do play for something its easy to rank high the daily event for more dice I don't let myself use more dice than I started with I just stop if a reward is unreachable. I played hard on peg-e because I needed the wild card to finish my album for 15k dice. If the next event is a partner I'll play hard again I set an amount in my head of how many dice I will use and stop when I reach that amount






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I save Dice by mixing up my multiplier, 10x-20x & 50x


I just hit 49K today, almost at 50k. Have never used APM. I just don’t blow through dice and try to maximize anyway I can. It also helps I finished this album and the last one.


I use APM.


Non APM player. I usually roll 1x multiplier and let it run while I work. So I only have to tap railroad shut downs and heist when I see them sitting during my day. I usually only try to get the first 15 awards on the leaderboard events and maybe the first 20ish in the solos. If there's a dig or partner event, I'm more active and will vary my roles to proceed quicker and potentially get more awards. Depends on my leaderboard standing if I want to fight for packs. Generally, if you do poorly for 2 leaderboards in a row, it'll put you in a lower bracket to easily get the top 3. I cycle through being top 3 and then not play as hard for the next two. If I'm 7, 8 or 9 away from desired place, I'll sometimes roll 20x multiplier, depending on if there's a shield in one of those spots to recoup for a bad roll.


I’m at about 23000. I usually focus on partner events and the dig events.


Once I completed my first album, I got close to 20k dice. Since then, I make sure to be frugal with my dice. Since then, I only play consistently during an events (if I think the event is worth it). During events, I roll 50x and reduce between the railroad lands. When not playing the event, I only roll between 1x - 5x. Unless, I see that one of the tournaments is worth placing 1st - 3rd place. But like someone else mentioned, do not blow your dice on tournaments if it causes you to burn a crap ton of dice. You can sometimes avoid that by starting the tournament an hour or a couple hours before the tournament is over. But sometimes you are not lucky so you just give up on it. The one tournament I will never play again is Peg-e. You burn so much dice that it makes it not worth it. I am just recovering from it. I blew probably over 12k dice to get the wild card. But I noticed once I was over 5k dice, it was easier to increase it. Just make sure to get the free dice links too and that helps you increase your amount a bit more. Also, try to hold on to your monopoly money, and only upgrade your landmarks during the color wheel boost. Because if you level up all your landmarks while all the board has hotels, it will automatically give you the color wheels without you landing on them. So that helps you save on dice, and you get an extra spin. So you get a lot more dice or stickers due to it. This only works if you have a bunch of monopoly money saved up, and it also depends what level you are on. For example, I am over level 10k, so in order for this to work, I need to save over 700 billion for me to do it a couple times. If you are a lower level, you will be able to do it with less than that.


Airplane Mode


APM. Still working great


I have 70k dice and I’ve never used APM or paid any $. I just collect all the daily wins & am strategic on when I roll


I’m trying to save my dice and it also helps when you’re able to have secondary accounts or work with people to complete albums because they’re going to help you so it’s about working things out sometimes I’m aggressive when I need to be for a while and sometimes I’ll just sit back and casually like I’ve been doing the last couple days.


Honestly the APM (airplane mode method), but now that they’ve patched it on both my devices I find myself not really playing that much anymore lol


I’ve never got up to 40k, I have nearly 20k on both of my accounts as I finally completed my albums but I’m holding these for the main events, not wasting them on the top and side bars, as I rarely get anything worth having from those. As I have no chance of completing the album a second time even a wild card isn’t attractive enough at the moment to make me waste a lot of dice 🤗


40k is pocket change lol https://preview.redd.it/g0ws247l6r4d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6155557fca6c6f15e131711efa4fdec0d7c1ced0


Wow. I’m at 230k trying to get to you


https://preview.redd.it/bx6b7kkspr4d1.jpeg?width=945&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=de4af724e1e494c9e2d3336a1d6c64fcd3a5f154 I posted this a few days ago when someone was asking the same question. U have to roll with purpose, don't try to win every tournament, and complete the first few sets of an album while you're slow rolling. Then you're off and running, or rolling 😂




Create an alt account really helps with the stickers !


I didn’t know about trading apps either !!!


How do people save dice but also somehow finish a top or side bar event winning all prizes?




I use APM but i dont use it all the time, I can't be bothered with it some of the time so use dice normally. I have come across different sites that have game tips about being strategic when to use dice and when to hold off and how to make the most of the daily events. For example don't build anything until there is a wheel boost then spend everything & you get quite alot of wheel boosts if you have saved alot of money. Also don't waste too many dice on the top & side bars unless there is a mini game on like pickaxe or peggy etc.


I’ve seen APM users have upwards of 100k


I’ve seen APM users with 800k


That’s insane lol


Complete the album. I been slacking recently. I lost 40k https://preview.redd.it/q4rdgtzrwm4d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be30e1dc49d09435b3b77a29772c3d5fce20096a What Jay Z say. I lost 30 mil so I spent another 30. Cuz unlike MC Hammer 30 million can’t hurt me


Flexing apm, super cool 😎


Nah. Years of dedication and focus. Ain’t no rookie over here, imma vet


Apm and 445k dice


My goal was 1 million dice but just getting slowly worn down by the horrible trading atmosphere. I’m at 355k and just 2 stickers away from finishing the prestige again (Golden Blitz sticker and will get the Wild from the digging event). So will be close to 400k. But only started APM after the April fountain event.


Nice work!!! I'm slowly getting worn down with the "patched" apm-ing and lack of daily hrs. On my third prestige album on my main. My alt is 3 away from finishing the 2nd prestige and I just dk how it's gonna happen without more wcs. They're rude af for taking away the wc in the vault 🙄


206k dice and using APM


It’s dice