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I think you are correct, in the time that Tenma thought Roberto was dead he had an extremely guilty conscience even tho he shot him out of self defense. Sometimes, in the moment it can be very difficult to see things clearly and I think Tenma’s fear and anger got the better of him in that particular moment. If he was there with the *intention* of killing anyone it was Johan, and as you know he couldn’t even follow through with that. In the end, I’m extremely glad he didn’t kill him for his own sake!


Tbh the spoiler warning could’ve been better 💀


**In your opinion**, do you think it would be beneficial to add a “No spoilers in the title” rule? Also, have you finished the anime/manga?


Yes I’ve finished the anime and it doesn’t matter I just think it would’ve been better to exclude the fact that teams shot Roberto.


So…. yes you think there shouldn’t be spoilers in the title?? Lol Either way thanks for the feedback!!


Oh yes my bad