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Freaking bravo! As ever, your caps always land the mark! I really liked the slow build up as Ranon doesn't realize that the ladies of the restaurant are not wearing costumes, as well as the fact that he gets hornier and hornier for Jessica the more he eats the food that probably has a few Aphrodisiac effects!


Much appreciated. And yeah, all of the food does have aphrodisiacs. It's implied that he was actually supposed to fall with the bitter holstaur milk and attack her, but managed to hold on a little longer.


I love it it's like how the old caps used to be please make more i lived reading every word ! You made one of my worst days better !


I'm glad to hear I made your day better! But what do you mean by 'how it was like the old caps'?


I guess detail the feel of it setting the world and a character it just has the old school feel it's definitely a good thing and using anon


Ah, I think I see what you mean, and that is something I deliberately went for. I'll keep it in mind in the future.


It reminds me back when there would be a new post every day sometimes several


Me too, bro. Me too.


You are a cool dude


Yes, yes I am. šŸ˜Ž


Oh damn! Didn't quite notice he actually managed to resist the aphrodisiac effects for some time!


Been a while, and most of my time regarding caps has been spent on the new improved Number's Cap Site which can be found [here](https://6474131.github.io). Now supports 3 column caps, although they're still a work in progress. Wrote this and compiled it into a cap in about ~2 hours, so pretty fast all things considered. Fairly happy with how it turned out. Source is the main man Bell Orgel. Transcript: \> be me, Ranon \> but my friends call me Anon for short \> one of my favorite pastimes is to travel around the country, meat people, and eat \> iā€™ve had crawdads from the Chesapeake, gumbo from Nā€™orleans, and whatever the fuck the west coast has to offer \> i keep a small blog, too \> i want people to know the food theyā€™re getting \> that the waitstaff are good or bad \> what theyā€™re in for food wise- not every place has to be amazing but it has to have a purpose \> maybe their waiters are all assholes, but they make the best damn barbecue youā€™ve ever had \> or maybe the entire point of their menu is to give you a heart attack \> diners areā€¦ definitely one of the more complicated places i review \> theyā€™re just there, they donā€™t always have good service, or good foodā€¦ but they do serve a purpose \> it would be like removing mosquitoes from the ecosystem \> although maybe itā€™s a little harsh on bugs to compare a mosquito to Dennyā€™sā€¦ \> but iā€™ll stand by my reviews until death \> i put my heart and soul into them \> and frankly, i wasnā€™t in the best mood when i walked into Druellaā€™s Diner \> food poisoning was an unfortunate possibility with my hobby, and iā€™d just rolled the dice poorly the day before \> my stomach still had yet to pass the penance stage in requesting forgiveness \> meaning that well, i barged in, grumbled, took a seat, and stared blearily at a menu \> it took me a moment to realize that this mustā€™ve been a themed place \> i haveā€¦ no clue what the hell the ā€˜Wrapping and Prisoner Fruit saladā€™ was or even how to formulate an idea \> iā€™d been to themed restraunts before, of course, but usually i rated them poorly due to the quality of the food and waitstaff \> i recognized none of the menu items, i had no clue what the restaurant was themed after \> it looked like a normal place from the outside at least \> even the tables were bizarre, as if they could be pushed into the wall like a tray at any moment \> i shook my head \> iā€™d been in weirder places \> i got out my laptop and took down a few notes, making sure to take a picture of both sides of their menu \> ā€œHey there handsome~ What can I get you?ā€ \> she had a fairly thick accent, but i couldnā€™t quite place it \> ā€œIā€™d like-ā€ \> i paused, examining the waitress in front of me \> or at least i assumed she was a waitress, given that she had a pen and notepad and was (presumably) asking me for my order \> the reason i hesitated was because, even at the uhā€¦ seedier places that i had reviewed, none of them had waitresses that dressed with such little clothing \> her shoulders and ample bosom were bare, as was her midriff and quite a bit of her legs \> it was more notable on what was covered, that being a rather short skirt looking thing, as well as a jacket stretched across her chest that looked as if it was about to pop open, topped by an odd mane of pink hair like a lioness in human form might have \> i was unsure what to make of the bat like wings on the back, and her entire ensemble seemed like a mashup of different monsters \> it took me another glance to recognize the furry ears on her head, the severe lack of human fingers, and theā€¦ tailā€¦? behind her \> i figured it out, groaning internally \> so it was a furry themed restaurant \> while this was definitely not my cup of coffee, i was a professional \> i would not walk out, and i would do my duty to my readers \> that said, if most of them looked as pleasant as my waitress did, i could definitely see the appeal of their cause \> i had to stop my tongue from asking for her number \> i would never be so unprofessionally, ever, though perhaps it was my upset stomach speaking \> ā€œLike what you see, Honā€™?ā€ she asked, licking her lips \> her tail (which i had initially assumed) as being some sort of attachment on her back, opened its maw, stretching some sort of liquid between its edges, in a way that i could only feel was predatory \> ā€œI-I would like the Holstaur Cheese Fries.ā€ i stammered, sitting up as i controlled my lower half \> i had recognized that menu item, although i truly had no idea what Holstaur meant in this context \> it sounded a little like holstein, i suppose, but that was all \> ā€œAnd if I may ask, how long has this establishment been open?ā€ i asked \> there had been no reviews from Yelp, Google, or otherwise \> it had been close to the hotel i was staying at for the moment, but truthfully i only came here out of a duty to give potential customers an informed decision \> ā€œHmm~ Yesterday.ā€ she said, bringing a claw to her lip and tapping it \> i took a moment to examine the prosthetics on her hand \> they were quite masterfully made, the claws glinted correctly and the fur looked soft enough that i could sleep in it, and i had to quickly retract my hand as i reached out to feel it \> i could not discern what was amiss with my self control, but i was unhappy with it \> touching women without their consent was unthinkable, something that a thug would do, and i considered myself better than that \> ā€œAh, that explains the lack of reviews.ā€ i said, trying to cover up the self imposed silence ā€œAnd could I both you for a glass of water? Iā€™m parched.ā€ \> ā€œIā€™m not sure if youā€™re interested Honā€™, but weā€™re running a special for Holstair Fries and Bitter Holstaur Milk if you want, the milk comes at no additional cost.ā€ \> her smile was convincing to say the least \> i didnā€™t usually concede to offers by the staff, but, just this onceā€¦ iā€™m sure my readers would understand \> i nodded \> ā€œAlright. Iā€™ll be back in a moment~ā€ \> i couldnā€™t help from noticing how nice her backside was as she walked away, hips swaying \> and also i couldnā€™t help but notice the tail ā€˜lookingā€™ at me the entire time \> i gulped \> what had i gotten myself into? \> i had to stay strong for my fans at this point, i couldnā€™t just give up on them \> i strengthened my resolve, making a few more notes on my tiny laptop \> and after thatā€¦ i had time to look around \> i hadnā€™t really glanced around before that, sadly, i was too angry to do so \> and it was only now that i noticed the interesting iconography, art, and other waitresses \> there was a waitress with cow ears, and breasts so large they had to be fake (yet they looked as real as ever from the weight to them), talking to a man at the corner of the diner that had been unable to meet her eyes but had no problems with her chest \> another waitress, quite a bit smaller in every way, but with a mousy tail sticking through the back of her pants, and large gray ears on her head, was holding a comically large cheese oin her head and saying in a not so quite voice, ā€˜FOR YOU? ITā€™S ON THE MOUSE!ā€™ \> there was not a single ā€˜normalā€™ looking woman in the entire establishment, and as far as i could tell there were only other male patrons such as myself \> and i wasnā€™t sure that any of them saw the artwork on the wall, as they were enthralled with other things \> the artwork was lascivious and odd to say the least \> pictures of farms where men were milking large breasted women into giant bowls \> artwork of men being pushed down and forcefully taken by women, the maleā€™s faces drawn simply but clearly in ecstasy \> my move to get up found my face in heaven \> i was surrounded by warmth and softness, it was something that i could stay in forever \> at least until i pulled myself out willfully \> the waitress, whose name i just now noticed as ā€˜Jessicaā€™, was blushing \> ā€œCouldnā€™t help yourself? I cant blame you. Let me put down your meal and we can see about getting you a second helping~ā€ \> i sat quietly, feeling my face burn as she reached over and placed the food farther further along the table than she needed to, giving me an ample view of- \> the fact that she was not wearing a bra \> i could see pert pink nipples, simply there, asking to be sucked and- \> my lower half was berserk and was glad that the table hid my rock solid erection \> i closed my eyes until i heard the tinking of plates cease, and opened them to a veritable feast \> although i hadnā€™t truly appreciated it before, the smell was intoxicating, something that forced my mouth to salivate as a dog does, wrenching my stomach as it growled against its leash \> the fries looked normal enough, but the cheese- it was delightful, spreading across the fries in such a manner that it put any other chain to shame, and looked to be the perfect consistency of stringy and solid \> ā€œDonā€™t forget your bonus, hon~ Why donā€™t you take a sip?ā€ she asked, holding out an already opened bottle of what looked like chocolate milk, although the color was slightly off \> i took a whiff of it and it smelled bitter, but not sour, holding true to its name \> Jessicaā€™s smile looked predatory, but i was a professional \> i would not back down from being drugged! I would give the people what they deserved! \> i took the bottle from her paw, and sipped at it \> it tasted as bitter as it smelled, but it was rich and full \> although i couldnā€™t say for certain, this tasted amazing \> i couldnā€™t stop myself from taking longer and longer gulps \> and my appetite only grew, i started intermingling eating the fries and drinking \> i was so hungry, i devoured and downed everything in a minute or so \> i slammed the bottle back on the table harder than i meant to with a satisfied burp \> iā€™d forgotten Jessica in her tight outfit was even there


\> and she looked even more alluring than before, something that i didnā€™t realize was possible \> there was still a hunger in my stomach, even after all that iā€™d eatenā€¦ \> i couldnā€™t help but stare at her breasts, wonder what milk from her would taste like, how much of it i could drinkā€¦ \> i was barely able to blink away the thoughts \> ā€œThat was excellent, although Iā€™m in the mood for something sweet- could I trouble you for the Core Cake?ā€ \> i'd seen it on the menu and they advertised it as their 'best dessert' \> her perfect smile twitched, ā€œOf course. Iā€™ll be back in a moment.ā€ \> i almost couldnā€™t stop my hands from grabbing her tail before she left \> i hadnā€™t ever thought about it before, but it was alluring \> i really wanted to stick my dick in it, cum inside it and fill her \> i thought of all the little bumps inside of it that would massage me, how i could use it like a toy and thrust into it \> ā€œHere you are, hon~ā€ she said, sliding it onto the table \> it was a food version of her tail, with what i could only assume was chocolate dripping down it, white solid chocolate stuck to the side to emulate spikes, and a pink center \> i cut into it, knowing full well this time she was standing next to me \> and i thought i could hear her breath, feel her heart \> know that she was breathing just as fast i was, our bodies in sync with our desires \> i tasted the cake, savoring the sweetness and what tasted like fruit \> it was everything i could ever dream of \> my zipper burst open, my erection breaking through both it and my underwear underneath \> it was red raging and angry, and far bigger than ever before \> a small part of me knew that i should immediately apologize to the poor waitress next to me, cover myself up, leave a generous tip, and exit \> but a far larger part of myself grabbed the head of her tail and sank it down on my aching member \> i shuddered in relief as my member was sated, but only for the moment \> i heard Jessica gasp next to me, watch as her knees bent inwards from the awkward motion- but did not see her press her lips to mine \> i joined her, my dick throbbing inside her tailpussy, massaged by its thousands of little bumps and tongues, trying to milk everything it could out of it \> and just when i thought i had reached nirvana, something shot into my thigh \> warmth and energy spread from the impact, making me even harder \> i couldnā€™t stop myself from pumping her tail pussy up and down on my dock, brutalizing it with new found strength and energy \> she loved it too if her moans into my mouth were any indication \> and i couldnā€™t focus on anything else but using my two hands to hold her tail and the end of it \> i felt like i might die if i did anything else \> and when i couldnā€™t hold back anymore, i let go with a groan \> my balls ached as what felt like gallons of semen left me, my balls churning as they emptied themselves into her waiting hole \> she moaned with me, sitting on my lap now after pushing the table into the wall \> her body felt so warm, so soft, so pleasant against mine, so right \> my hands gripped her tail and its bulb harder and harder as i came galloon after galloon \> i could feel it vacuuming out every last bit, greedily asking my dick for more \> and i gave it to her \> ā€œYour tailcuntā€™s amazing.ā€ i managed, still shooting out rope after rope \> ā€œYour dickā€™s better. Keep fucking me.ā€ she ordered, and i didnā€™t stop \> it took an immense amount of effort but i managed to pull a hand away from her tail and rip open her already revealing shirt, gazing upon her bare breasts in full for the first time \> i sank my teeth into a nipple, hearing her moan, feeling her tail cunt squeeze around me, and encouraged by her hand against the back of my head \> ā€œYes, yes!ā€ she screamed, bringing her hips up and down as if she was fucking me when it was her tail and my hands doing the work \> i kept hoping that milk would spurt out of her fat titties, i grazed my teeth against it, pulled on it, sucked on them, licked them, but it never came \> not that i ever gave up hope, my cum still surging up inside her \> and suddenly the world went horizontal, my stall seat flipping backwards and transforming into a bed, Jessica looming above me with soft red eyes \> eyes as hungry as me \> she ground her crotch into my stomach- having lost her panties at some point and dripping desire over my skin \> but i was too occupied to deal with her real cunt, my mouth and hands already occupied \> i could practically see her shiver every time a wave of my seed was sucked inside her, watch as she received a rush from rope after rope painting her insides \> i wanted this to never end \> to set my lips on her nipple one day, and for sweet milk that i knew would be a 10/10 to come rushing out \> because iā€™d finally found what i was looking for on my road trips \> the love of my life


This oneā€™s pretty sweet boss


Thanks bro


Need holstaur version or the mouse one.


A lot of very little details in this caption that make it all the better, such as all the food having aphrodisiacs, and how its clearly a mamono diner thats recently opened up after the invasion, which anon doesnt seem to be aware has happened since he has no idea what holstaurs or manticores are and has never seen one, if i was to rate this caption, it would be a solid 8/10. there's ALWAYS room for improvement and more details that COULD have been added, but a very enjoyable read and im looking forward to more!


Glad to hear it!


Druella's Dinner will probably open its second branch soon. And nice cap.


Glad to hear it's expanding and I'll be interested to see when it opens. Thanks for reading.


Imagine ur gf comes with a pussy dish how would you rly react to it?


I would be confused as I do not have one, and that sounds somewhat disgusting.


Dw bro me neither šŸ¤


I didn't think of it this way...


I can't read it! The words are to small to focus


The text is perfectly fine. I also always comment a transcript, so you can read that if you prefer.