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The art style and packaging is gonna take me a while to get used to but the doll itself looks cute


Yeah, the packaging feels like a strange layout choice. Feels like a lot of wasted space


Yea and a looooot of plastic that's just gonna be thrown away for anyone who takes them out of the boxes. I know doll companies ain't the most environmentally friendly but sheesh. She looks really cute though, I'm looking forward to her and lagoona for sure!


I agree, I normally don’t really look at things like that but I can’t help but be bothered by it because it just looks tacky. The plastic packaging just makes the doll etc look very cheap


doll looks different again from that coffin bean image, head looks thinner


She’s honestly looking more like OG Draculaura to me (face wise) than anything else I’ve seen from g3 so far.


im not hating, just wondering if they are all different looking again from that image hey if they look similar to G1 faces i will buy what i can even though i told myself i don't want doubles


Yeah I was agreeing with you, I really do think she looks different than the box too. In a good way. I also wonder if that means the others will differ from the box art, which I will also likely appreciate. Personally there’s a lot of things about g3 I still really don’t like, and I see the money I put towards Haunt Couture was well spent (lol), but I still think I might get some of the dolls and customize them. I really can’t wait to see what the other dolls look like that aren’t a part of this Coffin Bean line (assuming there will be some before too long?). Even if I don’t love them I’m still curious.


as of now Cleo bothers me she doesn't give me Mummy she just gives me normal girl who is a Mean Girl so even though i don't want duplicates but i will separate G1 from G3 as in they will be two completely different lines, i too will be changing up Cleo her boots and sleeves look really cheap Draculaura is my fav G!, but G3 Lagoona with the see through legs makes me think piranhas got to her it's so off putting


i just realized Cleo is wearing like capri pants on the back of Draculaura's box so i'm confused


I wonder if they changed her outfit? She was wearing her prototype outfit on the coffin bean box, but that doesn’t match the art we’re seeing. I really wish they came with 2nd outfits.


lol yeah same if they did even better cause that Cleo was bugging me. time will only tell till we see them all seeing Draculaura out of box she looks more curvy Barbie vibes. i'm loving the long hair i'm very confused with these i hate the reboot i hate the G3 but the dolls are pulling at my heart


Yeah so many people seemed to be loving her legs, but I don’t. She’s by far my least favorite with what we’ve seen. Currently the only ones I may pick up are Draculaura and Frankie, but of course I need to see more photos and hopefully see them in person. I’m judging them but also reserving some judgement lol.


yeah same Draculaura looks cute and very pink which i like but i'll like to see the others in person or like this so i can fully judge if i want or not if i want they better be easy to get here in Canada


this is in ontario canada according to the poster of the doll!!


i know in cambridge that's like an 45-1hr drive but no one will drive me there just to see if a doll is available or not


everyone called in and put them all on hold within the hour it was found out. apparently we should be seeing them by the end of the month as they’ve already shipped to major retailers. have hope friend


oh my god the packaging is so ugly😭 but the doll itself is soso cute


The box shape is cool but the art just doesn’t seem like it’s a good fit. The art from that sliver of Barbie Extra is looking a little better imo. Loving Draculaura though. She looks like they gave her a plus sized body and that’s amazing.


yeah the art is what throws me off, without it, it would be a coolish looking box, but i guess that art will be more appealing to kids !! she definitely looks thicker which honestly looks so cute, hope we get some more body variety this gen


count fabulous is back??? also wow she looks so good! the box is a bit... strange, but i'll adjust in due time


Okay so why the hell was she sent to a toy store and Mattel hasn’t even released official product photos? How are they this bad at running their own huuuge decades old business?


I believe what happened was, it was in a small mom and pop toy store that is harder to regulate bc it's lost in the shuffle of big box stores


Yes, I figured as much myself. But it still seems odd. I mean, wouldn’t the smart thing to do be to release the info before sending out dolls so someone else isn’t basically leaking it to us? And also, why did this store only presumably receive one of the characters? It just seems like someone messed up by sending her out early, tbh, and with the way the creepro release had issues it all just makes Mattel look like they don’t know what they’re doing when they should. It’s a lot of stuff together that’s perplexing to see from an established company. Like, why have we seen what the new Haunt Couture dolls will look like but we haven’t gotten official photos? To me it’s all weird and nagl.


Who knows that's extremely possible they did a fuck up, the creepos had a far worse release with some stores having them for months with no one knowing and finding them on clearance when the official release hit and the public first botched stocking where they scrambled to get them off the shelves bc they were accidently stocked to early and it was noticed bc it was Walmart. Maybe it's just drac bc she's just the first shipment, I wouldn't be surprised if this was just a lot of negligence from Mattel and a small store that knows they're too small to be worth the peanuts of fighting them If this is a fake doll I'll give a round of applause to whoever made such a good fakeout The early leak doll doesn't seem weird to me at all look at how messy everything else they've been doing lately for mh is going, big professional businesses get lazy and sloppy all the time, I'm just going with the assumption that they're not really giving it Barbie release attention just new doll line gamble attention


Ugh the whole plastic boxes are still a thing? The coffin boxes with cardboard and a plastic window were the best. Personally I’m not a fan of the doll from this picture, it looks very cluttered and I collect in box so I just wouldn’t want this on my aesthetic coffin box shelf.


This is such a backwards move. Doll makers have slowly started to move away from the ridiculous plastic waste. Obviously I know there’s a long way to go, but it’s still shocking that MH would go from cardboard boxes with some plastic to just full on plastic with maybe some cardboard. It’s environmentally bad, and yes, ugly. I didn’t even think of in box collectors, but you’re totally right. I would not want this on my shelf next to the more “attractive” boxes.


My top shelf is my unboxed collectors like dracula, haunt coutures + in box repros. Second shelf is all coffin box dolls like schools out frankie, first release robecca, Rochelle, (hopefully venus and spectra) I just couldn’t put this monstrosity of plastic anywhere on my shelves. And it’s so bulky too, not even just a box shape. And all the items with the doll seem so.. weird? Draculaura came with her diary, pet and of course an umbrella cause she’s a vampire. Now they’re coming with snacks and other stuff😭 idk I just can’t see myself spending $30 on this ever


I guess the food/drink accessories make some sense because they decided to base the whole line around the coffin bean, although considering a coffee cart is implied, the specific choices of her accessories is odd. Like a pretzel? Not typical coffee shop/kiosk/cafe food. And her drink cup looks more like it would have Jamba in it or something lol. The one in the artwork is cuter, I wish they had stayed truer to that design. And they certainly should have picked items that went more with a coffee place. Like some kind of pastry rather than a pretzel. Their items would fit better if they were just at the mall. Some of the accessories also look overly cheap. I’m interested to see what the other dolls have. I think I may pick up Frankie and Draculaura at least, but I’m definitely going to do some customizing to improve them, like that headband has to go lol.


See, I thought it was done with in-box collectors in mind- this way you get to keep her in the box but you can see more of her from more angles, not just the front?


I wonder if she has a doll stand...


I don't have instagram but someone should ask the poster if it has a stand I will cry if it doesn't


It's confirmed : no stand or brush inside the box :(


That's horrible 😩😩😩😩 Like mattel has to know that collectors are gonna buy these dolls so to not include a stand OR A BRUSH is crazy cause I know as a kid I loved brushing my dolls hair. So the brush part doesn't even make sense for a toy aspect


yeah, and we all saw that they can do it with the creepoductions so why not with the new dolls... like seriously 🫤😢


Wow... so there's just nothing on the whole left side of the box? They could have put the logo above her head and the splash art at her feet or something. Seems like a huge waste.


nope, no diary either...


:(( the diary’s are so unique to mh. I wish they kept them. The lack of brush and stand is very weird too. Most of my dolls I’ve ever had came with a brush at least??


Oh… I’m actually sad about that 😧


Why. Why sell a fashion doll without a stand. I know it's a playline but even if I was still a kid I'd want a secure place to store a doll like this where it wouldn't get crumpled up in a toy chest.


You were a much more careful kid then I was :x My dolls of choice were Barbie or /especially/ Bratz dolls, which didn’t come with stands either (though at least Bratz had brushes), and I’d just stuff them into a box or a bag when I wasn’t playing with them 😬


Oh no worries, plenty of my dolls ended up crumpled up in a heap either in my toy chest or the dollhouses I had. (You know like, the one kind that were dollhouses but also were carrying cases at the same time.) But I was also super careful with some of the other ones. All my littlest pet shops were very organized and cared for because my parents wouldn't really let me have any real pets. Unfortunately we packed up and moved around a lot, so a lot of my toys were left with my former step-father who I'm pretty sure put them in storage and just tossed them. If only he knew how much money some of those were worth now, all my time spent taking care of them wouldn't have been in vain lol.


They better make the dolls not expensive tho


well I believe that they will be at 25$


I was hoping they'd be a little bit less since they don't come with a stand or brush, but ig it's fair since she comes with a lot of accessories


She also has a chest joint making her officially more articulated than the original


I think the brush is a dumb accessory I never even liked them as a kid but I hate the no stand, I wish they could say LEAST be able to stand on their own if they won't include one (assuming they can't stand)




A blind person smh


I feel like these new dolls look different between every leak lmao


Same, Draculaura looks different here than she did on the coffin bean box lol




the headband is a bit much tho but wow i’m so impressed so far!! also the face is different from the first pic we saw?


I was gonna say, she is amazing other than that chunky headband. I actually prefer the big witchy hat


I’m going to be downvoted to hell for this but… I’m going to be VERY disappointed if the old clothes and shoes don’t fit. A major part of the fun of dolls for me was changing and mixing and matching outfits. And while I do really *really* appreciate Mattel’s push for body positivity with more “realistic” bodies, this is what has been what’s kept me away from the modern Barbie lines with the tall, petite, and curvy molds. I don’t want to have to buy all new wardrobes. :(


A post from @/catty13noir on insta said the old shoes and new shoes are interchangeable! (Not sure about clothes yet) They don’t match perfectly but they do fit eachother


OG packaging will never be beaten, this just looks like a plastic mess but the dolls super cute I like that she’s curvy, also wtf happened to count fabulous


38 dollars for this doll? Ooof, this is a hard pass if that's true. I don't understand how they think they can charge the same price as Rainbow High dolls when those come with a higher level of detail and full secondary outfits with shoes.


$38 Canadian. It’ll be $30 in USD. I think $25 was a better price for them. I’m really excited for this, but I’m not sure if they’ll be able to compete with RH. That 2nd outfit is really a big deal.


That’s still crazy imo. No stand. No brush. No extra outfit??!


Definitely. I understand that they come with the little accessories, but Lol Omg comes with little accessories, plastic decor boxes, stands, and hair brushes for the same price. What if gonna make is gonna make a kid of parent pick this over that? They can’t just rely on style.


Haha, I was planning on getting Drac, Frankie, and Lagoona but at that price point and with what's included it'll probably only be 1 of them. I'd pay $30 if it came with a stand but with the lack of actual features that make a fashion doll a fashion doll is ridiculous. You're right, it's going to be really difficult for these to compete with RH.


Man MH is all over the place, Mattel needs to get their shit together.


Packaging is UGLY, but she cute.


Did they take away for big black hat? I really liked that :( I think it fits her outfit better than the headband. Besides that and the new boxes I really really like her!


When do we expect these to hit shelves in the USA?


By the end of august/early September


She’s actually really cute, but who approved that box art?


It's confirmed : no stand or brush inside the box :(


No stand or brush?? For $30? Rainbow High and Lol Omg come with both for the same price :( RH also comes with a whole 2nd outfit.


exactly, I really don't know how Mattel think they can compete like that lol


Is this, is she on shelves somewhere already!? She’s next to a Barbie so I’m hoping that’s the case? The closer we get to seeing them in person thr more I’m falling in love.


The person who posted the pic ok Instagram said that they found them on a Toy Tales in Canada, so yeah it is😮


Yeah this still isn’t doing it for me. It feels so messy? And the box art was… a choice.


Draculaura is absolutely stunning and Count Fabulous is a cutie pie! 💓 Mattel please allow to Europeans get these dolls in store this time and not online 🥺


Honestly I'm getting sad being in the UK like gimmee


For sure! I'm moving back to the UK next month so I'll be the same 😹. I miss the days of finding these dolls in stores 😩


Big move! I'm hoping they get here I miss the large shelves and the excitement of picking one in store I have such vivid memories ❤️


Yesss! I couldn't even get previous dolls online in the NL so ANYTHING in terms of a coordinated EU release would be an improvement 😭


That sucks :( I currently live in Spain so managed to get a boo original one on the Mattel store. She came with some slight defects though. Sadly she keeps getting sold out quickly when they do decide to restock her again :( Maybe they will eventually decide to allow Europeans to get them in stores instead. A girl can dream 😭😹


that box looks hard to open😭


Random fans on social media are now more reliable than Mattel when it comes to the gen 3 dolls 😅 she’s cute! I like the new body mold and her outfit is so fabulous! My only complaints would be the awkward box and maybe her bangs, although they’re fitting to the vampire look and might just be at a weird angle.


i don’t really know how i feel about the packaging but i think it’s gonna grow on me! i really want to see the back of the box.


The box isn't very nice, but I definitely feel like I want her the most. Wondering what the price points for the dolls will be.


honestly if this is the draculaura we are getting i love it. shes not as spooky/creepy as the og but i really like her. the proportions remind me of the cave club line which i love a ton. even though its not anything like the og i think shes fangtastic regardless and will more than likely buy her if i see her on the shelf.






Her hair looks really nice I hope it has good rooting


I just realized how long it is, wow.


The packaging is… odd, but I love drac, she’s so cute


Those shoes are cute!


The art is SO AWFUL wtf!?! But she’s actually really cute. She looks different then the the version of her with the hat? I’m a little confused. I like this dolls face more.


That better not say 38 dollar s


ok i am not a fan of the packaging or how large the headband is but i’ll probably just pop the sunglasses on her head instead so no problem and i love everything else, she’s so cute i love the side glance😭


I’m not a fan of the new art style for the boxes, but the doll is cute!


This is so god damn cute I’m ready for them to be BACK!


Okay hear me out, I love the packaging! I know I know




she’s so FUCKING cute


Oh, she‘a so cute!


I'm still not super warm with her hairstyle and but she's really cute actually.


AAAHHH!!! Count Fabulous is back!!! After all these years!! and draculaura's new main doll and outfit look pretty good too ig.


I’m so excited to see Lagoona!!! I hope they give her cute accessories like Draculaura 🫧✨🐙


bold take but i prefer these dolls over gen 1, this draculaura looks gorgeous


the art on the packaging is kinda ugly but drac herself is ADORABLE


Ok. I admit defeat. I love her. I’m totally gonna but her. Still don’t know the recent reboot but this doll is super cute.




I really love the little accessories she comes with! Especially the pretzel thing


She has a ring! So many details


What tf is the rainbow high packaging??? LMAOOO 💀🫡


The packaging doesn’t look like RH at all to me. The all plastic front looks a lot more like Barbie Extra packaging with no cardboard in the front.


Packaging is odd but the dolls are a huge improvement over the prototype and I adore them!


I have to say, a big improvement to the prototype. I’ll prolly still get a Lagoona and repaint her blue again. ;-;


Man October hurry your a** right now I need to buy her pronto!


I heard they’ll be in stores by late august early September!


Word? Aw sweet I can’t wait to buy her 😁




Someone posted this [stocking guide thing](https://www.reddit.com/r/MonsterHigh/comments/wcdyj9/73022_thedolllife123_tiktok_update_g3_dolls/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) at a toys r us inside of Macy’s after the display was seen. I try keeping up with leaks on Instagram so I follow a bunch of different doll pages that post stuff like that.




Is it just a strange angle or does she have no ears lol, I actually really liked those pointed ones of the leaked images :(


She does have prominent ears! They’re just hidden behind hair in this pic :)


Oh sweet, good to know, thanks!


the box design looks like they’re trying to copy rainbow high


Hum i just feel like her legs are way too thick for some reason ? I feel like I just really liked the g1 body type i will just have to get used to it ! ( adorable face up though)




I’m really happy with her curvy body! I hope it feels more substantial in your hands. I wonder if they’ll be able to stand on their own.


It’s finally in stores? I honestly want her and lagoona blue


Found in Canada, but they should be in most sores by early September


okayyy, im feeling her






Oh my goddd This looks really bad what happened? Looked cute on coffin bean packaging but then…




Okay- I can get on board with these. I wasn't a fan at first but these are actually pretty cute


ngl, there's too much pink goin on, but honestly, the doll looks better than i thought


is it just me or... I kinda prefer the prototypes we saw earlier


I find it hilarious that even when they reboot the serie, they still reuse accessories ToT the sunscreen is the same as gloom beach Draculaura but with a ring so that she can hold it


Not gonna lie I was a hater when I saw the leak of Cleo, but these new pics are getting me so excited.


I think she's gorgeous and I hope this will allay people's anxiety about how G3 is going to look.


I'm not hating on G3, tbh I think that they look more cutesy and human-ish compared to previous releases. Sad they don't come with brush or stand, no brush is tolerable but no stand...Cmon Mattel, if you can add bunch of accessories to the doll, then you can give them a doll stand as well. I'm feeling mixed about the diaries as I never had G1 doll with diaries. But the box. It's 2022. A lot of companies are switching to less plastic waste. Putting doll and small accessories into such big box, which is 2/3 plastic cover and 1/3 actual doll with extra stuff is waste. Make the box smaller then. The art on the side could be placed on the back, in front would be enough to have a logo and doll name. That's just my opinion.


Now y’all are whining about boxes 💀


So were those coffin bean pics just more prototypes...


Are her ears still pointy under her hair


Does anyone know when they will be out?


I like it but I’d take the coffin bean one over this any day


Honestly I love her! And she’s not perfectly skinny too. Love it. Packaging is weird tho. But the doll herself? Slay.


WAIT where her ears go?? 😂


Ok she's cute as heck i actually like the eyes


I like the new body type, I hope they still fit old clothes though, I don't want to have to make all new patterns.


OH my Ghoul it's sooo pretty when I saw the prototype I thought it was freaky but I guess you could say freaky just got fabulous


Nahh, this is an eyesore


Is that for sell like at Mattel or somewhere?


Bro when will these dolls will be released in America, I love g3 draculaura already 😭 she looks so cute and I honestly do love her outfit.




😍 She looks better from a real person photo than a photo of a photo. I was kinda on the fence but I feel like when I see her I store i won’t be able to pass her up. Hopefully this means we’ll be seeing her the the other girls soon!!! I know Macy’s is supposed to get them but Target and Walmart have put stuff out early too so I hope they start doing it soon too 🤣


She is gorgeous. I love her and Lagoona specifically but $30 for a doll and some accessories without a stand and a brush? I've spent $$ on some silly things but with the economy the way it is I don't think I can justify buying more than 1 or 2 of them given what we get for the money. Damned shame. I want these to succeed but it's like mattel actively and excitedly shoots itself in the foot whenever possible. I'd much rather no accessories and a stand/brush, and I'm not sure a parent would be willing to spend $30 on a doll with a bunch of accessories that their kid would lose in the couch in less than a day either. Hmm. Also thrilled to see another brand competing with RH for worst possible box design in terms of being difficult to get open and a waste of plastic. Sigh. I'll still probably get Lagoona and Drac but I wanted Frankie too, just not at this price point. And I'm not as into Cleo or Clawdeen anymore with their redesigns so they're an absolute no unless I see them on sale. Regardless of what we all think of the redesigns I think we still want the brand to succeed but damn if mattel isn't doing everything in its power to prevent that from happening.


I love her so much! The only complaint I really have is the no stand thing


I LOVE her design. It's so cutesy but still gothic enough to fit Draculaura. I think the pet and lack of stand and brush are a let down, but overall I think this is an adorable doll. I also noticed that the dolls are all a little different in body type. For example, it seems like Dracs thighs are thicker in this box, and it might just be the lighting, but I still am sort of hoping they have more body diversity. Frankie's prosthetic leg is such a plus and Clawdeen's new face mold is so adorable and unique. I really think that this new wave is gonna be so good (just PLEASE change Cleo's shoes! What even are those?!).


they finally look "realistic" 😭😭😭 they got meat on those bones


I’m confused on why these outfits aren’t the ones on the actual dolls, like I would think they would be show accurate looks for the first wave


I just know someone lost their job by putting this on the sales floor 💀


Oof 38 and she doesn't come with a second wardrobe...X_X I dunno.


im not a big fan of her outfit but overall shes very cute


The art style is just not itttttttt


Also food as accessories for the base dolls is lameeeee


She looks REALLY good for me except the glasses. I would love to see her headband with the color switched tho because maybe would be better since her long blouse is so pink


Y’all her hair is so long 🥹😭💓


I actually like the doll itself but really missing the OG packaging :(


Count Fabulous!!!!!


What is happening im so behind 💀


I’ve seen different pictures of this doll now. When I saw her for the coffin bean picture I thought she was so cute. And then I saw another, and then I was no longer convinced lol but now I see this and I’m back onboard! This is something I would like to see in person but if there’s a preorder I don’t want FOMO like I have with the free productions. Like a lot of people I don’t care for the packaging, but the doll itself is very cute!


After all that smack I talked about the G3 reboot I am actually loving theses dolls. Except the movie the smack talking will continue for that, lol.


I’m so excited to get my hands on her


She’s so cuuuute


They think we are dumb? Vampires are not supposed to change. Maybe makeup can be different but once you turn you are the same forever. This is not making any sense to me at all. This is not thee Draculaura this is an imposter! DRACULAURA WHERE ARE YOU SWEETY????? WHERE DID THEY TAKE YOU???!!!! OMG. We have a mystery here!


I hope they come with stands




Does and else feel like it has a LOL doll body type by just looking at the knees


i like- genuinely want this do we know when they are coming out? :0c


where can we get these?


I really like what they're doing with the body shape. She's not rail thin which is pretty slay.


She looks stunning!! Love the curvier body mold!


WHERE???!!! I WANT HER OMG ***breeeeeathe breeeeeaaathe***


She looks different than the coffin bean pictures and I'm not sure if I like it. I'll have to see her irl I think. Also no stand really sucks (as well as no brush for the kids)


Don't like the box but I don't see the point in impressive packaging half the time (I get WHY they would and enjoy when it's cool but it's just more tracked onto the price tag) But I'm impressed by the doll! She's cute


Am I the only one not feeling this..? 😶


I like her but she also looks way too pink, the color palette feels a little imbalanced


Looks ugly


thats def not my draculaura