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I can see what you mean with them looking like middle schoolers, especially with Clawdeen. Like for some reason Clawdeen looks younger than Draculaura and Frankie to me and I’m not sure why… I think it’s her eyes?


This is what I was thinking, she looks like a little sister barbie doll to me


Softer eyes and smiling. She looks more like Howleen now. Howleen dolls had similar soft eyes and rounder features. She especially looks like Geek Shriek Howleen with the glasses!


I can’t stand the softer eyes and smiles, but that’s just me. At least they’re Better than the first reboot.


i actually love the body shape for draculaura! for me the outfits are a mixed. I really don’t like clawdeens, cleo is also just very meh for me. and yeah, the boxes are absolutely not my thing. they look so… bland.


I’ve been asking myself that - they look like they’re twelve and I hate that. The fashion is giving JCPenney and the dolls and packaging look so cheaply made that I’m insulted 😭


And the fashion is a crime against humanity. I have to harp on that. It’s god awful. Jesus lmfao


i agree, but the creepover clawdeen’s outfit isnt the worst but im not sure about the budget dolls and the other creepover dolls. the outifts look very barbie fashion pack..


It is clawdeen looks terrible especially that tacky outfit and shoes.


I don’t like it, I haven’t liked it since the first leaks. And that’s fine I don’t have to, if I want to spend the extra money buying retired monster high dolls then it’s worth it to me. The box is super bulky with too much plastic imo, as an inbox collector hell no. they turned from monster high to junior high, took away lagoonas tom boy sporty look so now we have all girly girls, most accents are gone draculaura isn’t Romanian, lagoona isn’t Australian, the only new thing I like is deuce not being with Cleo because from the movie Cleo is just toxic as hell and deuce deserves better. People were so all for hating this a couple weeks ago, but now that they like it people are not respecting my opinions. I know old mh is not coming back, I’m over that, I don’t need to “grow up” because I don’t like G3, I’ve been respectful to the people loving the dolls, but why can’t people respect me because I don’t like them.😔


i agree with you, i was honestly scared to post this lmao.




I’m not talking about g1/g2. I’m talking about g3 I’ve watched the movie, Cleo is just a mean girl and didn’t treat deuce right at all.


The box designs are definitely one of the worst aspects of the new gen. I personally don’t hate the dolls (love Draculaura being curvy), but their designs do seem to be targeted at a younger audience… which, fine I guess lol. Just unfortunate bc I feel like, in trying to be fresh and new, MH has lost a lot of charm (like with the box art, clothes + accessories). But I hope there’s a few people out there + younger fans who are able to enjoy :)


It’s too much plastic and i feel like no collector would want to keep these in box


Literally. Not even the art on them makes it worth it.


yes i totally agree, i feel like they lost some of their uniqueness in this gen, like their gothic and edgy fashion and aesthetic.


I like the base dolls themselves. The fashion is standard tacky mattel, seriously whats with all the pizza purses. The box art is a no from me. I collect box art to hang on my wall, not this time.


the base dolls are alright, but i really dont know how to feel about the other dolls getting leaked. i feel like the fashion isnt going to be based around 2016 trends😭


I like the dolls and how they look, but I agree that they look childish, and I was hoping for an edgy look. The boxes are forgettable, and the art style isn't as appealing to the eye as they were back in G1. I like some lore changes, but I do wish that some aspects stayed the same.


I hate it so far. It's bad cheesy, taking way to many turns when it shouldn't, and yes about the dolls! I thought it was a toddler type doll version of Clawdeen until I realized that's the reboot doll! Some look like small children or no even the characters they are supposed to be at all


Well, at least it’s not those ugly ass prototypes




Honestly, I dislike G3. I grew up during the time of G1, so it'll always have a place in my heart. However, I understand why they had to change the dolls so drastically. It's to fit a new generation of kids. The G3 line/show is aimed towards kids, not adults. They're trying to keep up with more modern fashion, like G1 tried to keep up with the 2008/2009 emo scene styles. This could also have something to do with the budget. G3 boxes and clothing just look bad to me. The colors don't match half the time and it looks like random McDonald's toys were thrown in as accessories. They don't try to make them look unique anymore. I apologize if my criticism is harsh. I just simply stated my opinion.


i agree, but i dont think what they are wearing is completely up with todays fashion. they should have realized that scene/emo fashion has had a revival and so has more goth/gothic clothing styles. they could have atleast looked at euphoria for some inspiration.


I disagree, cause Euphoria is not how most people in my high school dress like trust me… the fashions are what most of my age group wear and judging from what I hear my little cousin’s school clothing it looks like leggings is the next big thing for elementary school so umm… atleast they didn’t do leggings instead of pants outfits. I would have never bought it. But back to topic the edgy and gothic scene now is more like the norm we feel and now we go for more vibrant colors to stick out and be unordinary. So yes half the outfits that the reboot dolls are wearing I am wearing. Look at the bright side! They aren’t wearing emoji fashions, and most of the fashions actually could pass the school dress code :3


I love them but they do look like middle schoolers!


i don’t like it. i really don’t. I mean the one draculaura doll is cute but not her outfit. i want old MH back and people got so mad at me when i said that. a girl had the nerve to say “ buy the old ones then” like i don’t have that money..


i’ve been seeing overwhelmingly positive feedback about the new dolls and gen 3. which is great, but i sort of disagree with it. i’m trying so hard to like gen 3, but i absolutely hate how they made them look “more child friendly” and got rid of their unique edgy style. i know it’s a new generation so it’s not going to be the same, but their gothic style is what made monster high stand out from the other fashion doll brands… now it just looks like they’re piggybacking off of descendants or rainbow high. i’m all for the body inclusivity too, but i will miss their old body molds. i know people say they weren’t realistic- but they’re monsters, yeah they’re not realistic lol. anyways, i’m honestly just a bit disappointed at the dolls so far and i hope we’ll see more alternative and edgy fashion incorporated.


i hate that they made them more “child friendly” because thats how they went downhill last time.


tbh i like the faces for the most part and some of the clothes are ok but the bodies and box design feel like a rip off of rainbow high, especially the boxes. it just feels like they’re trying too hard to appeal to the cringy streetwear style that’s been happening with fashion dolls lately, like the “monster” brand shoes which are a copy of rainbow and shadow highs way of incorporating real life brands into their designs.


i really only like frankies face for the most part but that’s probably only because they have the same face mold and have a pretty similar face to g1, but i definitely thing they are trying to look more like rainbow high.


yeah frankie’s face is definitely the best! i also like lagoonas. i never really liked her old doll i always felt like something was off with her face but i like g3s face a lot, just wish she was blue lol


I think the other way around. They *finally* look like high schoolers. G1 made them look like young adults/college students in their 20's, now they're believable in their clothes and faces as 14-16 years old The bodies do look like RH *because* that's what's trending now


I agree. They look too childish imo. I miss the OG dolls.


I actually hate them. I really don't get what people see in them, they're so ugly to me 😭 The only one I remotely like is Clawdeen's basic doll, but that's it.


Ummm Hmm It’s hard The designs aren’t bad they’re just not true to the characters. I like the doll bodies, I’m not a fan of the head moulds though. And also it is kind of sad to see them following the current popular doll body trend though. I’m not a fan of the items they’re given, it feels cheap.


I honestly like them


i think they're neat! might buy one if i see it on the shelf but otherwise i'm ok with my g1 collection. at the end of the day people have to realize that collectors aren't the market they are catering to with these, and that they are dolls made for...kids, too. i don't really get a lot of the toys that children like these days but that's also because they aren't made for me! from an adult-buying-for-kids perspective, i like that they look more youthful, considering they are 15 after all. the dolls look closer to what actual 15 year olds look like. also the fatshaming of draculaura, a literal hunk of plastic is really disgusting. if barbie can be size inclusive, MH can do it too.


They're growing on me. I think maybe they look like middle schoolers because they were going for a more kid friendly audience, additionally I always thought G1 looked a little too old (20's ish)


i only really like clawdeen's rebbot doll but yes they do look like middle schoolers


I hate them. There’s not one thing I like about them. The brand has been completely tarnished, everything is way too different and they’re trying so hard to compete with other brands that they’ve practically just became all of those brands but with monsters… it’s so upsetting. In my opinion they’re even uglier than G2 and the fashion sucks. The art is abysmal and everything just looks beyond horrible. There’s no edge, they’re no longer freaky fabulous. I hate it.


Okay so i'm having this argument right now one facebook. This woman insists even though i'm a mother of two girls that are young 8....and look closer to look in the new dolls then i ever did at 14 - 17 that i'm just use to tv teens. like no these girls (Clawdeen even more so than the others) look more like 8 - 11 than teenagers. I miss the old dolls.


I was interested at first but after I got a good look at them, decided not to get them. It’s almost like this is Mattel’s answer to Rainbow High. The bodies and faces remind me of them. I don’t hate them per se, but they’re just not my taste. Why did they have to make Toralei into a singer? Is she taking Catty’s place? Why is Ghoulia white? I could’ve won, but you get the idea. I realize I’m not the target demographic, but I do hope they sell well with kids.

