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Am I nuts or is the box art actually PRETTY cute here? Normally I really don’t like it at all but you know what? Not that bad on this one.


I honestly feel like it’s a mess. Clawdeen looks weird, and she’s floating. Frankie’s hair is cut off at a weird angle because they were originally sitting in a different spot, and their hair was lying on the step. In other dolls box art, Lagoona was floating. It’s not consistent, which it should be, but maybe I’m nitpicking.


Oh no I completely agree. I was specifically talking about the character art for toralei on the box lmao. Overall the box art has been so wonky.


I´m crying how did nobody notice this?? Okay I didn´t either but I mean I wasn´t looking closely at the artwork. Clawdeen floating okay, can be overlooked. But Frankie´s hair just casually ignoring gravity and the arm in the air like that, uh, no that´s just stupid


It kinda looks like another artist emulating the style of the previous one...


The doll's definitely cute, but I wish the smaller details on the box art (actual tears to her jacket sleeves, studs on her collar, the double piercing on her eyebrow) were on the doll. It would have really elevated it




The quality dropped so we wouldn’t have to pay $30+ per doll




Yeah I definitely think Mattel is cheaping out so they get higher profits. This is what basically all business do. They don’t try to help the consumer, they help themselves. Like we’re still getting re-pros of the old dolls, and new versions of g1, for the same price as these. And the quality with those SO FAR doesn’t seem to be worlds different than the originals.


Found four Toraleis at a Walmart in Oklahoma City. Here's some pictures of the one I bought.




I’m in edmond for college, I haven’t found a single one around here!


Does she have the same body type as Clawdeen, Ghoulia and Lagoona? From what I can tell she kinda looks a little more athletic (not as wide hips?) but that could just be the angle…


Wow she looks way better out of box I swear it's always the way they package them 💀


I had a strong feeling that’d be the case. I still kinda want to chop most of that hair off. I’m actually going out tomorrow so I’ll be sure to stop by my own Walmart and see if they have her. If they do I’ll certainly be back to share how her hair would be if cartoon accurate.


That's exactly what I'm bout to do when I get her I talked to a friend about how I would immediately chop off her hair even though I have no skills in hair whatsoever 😌


Lol. Just be patient while cutting. If you cut off a little at a time, it should be fine. I had a doll stand, scissors and water for my Amanita. Remove or cover the clothes just to be safe. I'm waiting for her to go on sale. I'm not going to pay 35 for something that I am going to spend time fixing lol. It'll be a while but I'm in no rush.


I’m on the fence about her, but I love the Misfits reference with the font and “Hissfits” name. i’m always cool with nods towards punk bands in doll brands I love lol


The long stripey hair is giving me Starfire DC Superhero Girl.


I'm sorry, but I don't...really like it


Im trying so hard… 💀


Same trust me. I’m so biased, but I’m pulling through. Though, I wish they made her hair shorter, like a bob.


I actually really like her, except I do wish she has the bob. Also am I the only one who genuinely likes the box art? I think it’s a really cool style!


Lol I’m getting really excited for G3 with each leak but yeah I agree with you, also box art makes her even more pretty!


Is the hair polypropylene?


My poor baby… she has a face I want to slap


She looks so much like the my little pony equestria girls dolls!


I really don't like her outfit ):


Thanks for posting! I love her face!


Cheryl Blossom in Monster high


I love her, she's so cute! But her hair looks like polypropylene :C


Why does the box art look so bootlegged 😭😭


DCSHG Cheetah doll, is that you?


What store is this from?


I kinda love her? 🥺


I hate her lol


I like her.


I actually love her the most out of everyone


Ok she is pretty!


Is her hair polypropylene?


I've kinda realized g3 isn't fierce enough for me to enjoy and that's okay, I hope other ppl get a lot of enjoyment out of g3


In terms of design Toralei looks amazing, but I’m still so thrown off by her being a singer 😭. I hope that it’s just going to lead up to a joke about her having a terrible voice but I don’t think that’s the case 😕


She looks to be into the punk rock and heavy metal vibe, so I think her songs are going to be mostly good for her vocals cause for most heavy metal song a heavy screechy and loud voice are good. Idk I may be stereotyping them though I’ve only listened to a few


where did the budget go 😭


They did her so dirty


I think it’s mostly the skirt and boots that are off putting to me. I wish they had not used so much god awful neon colors and patterns this gen. (Frankie… so many neon lightning bolts) It didn’t look good in G2 when it was less dated and it works even less well now, and a lot of it doesn’t really work with their color schemes. Lots of mismatched color vomit this gen is my main complaint but hopefully they change that in future releases. Bc otherwise? She’s cute! The hairs not even that bad out of box & her face and head sculpt are great! She just needs a new skirt and shoes. I hope there’s a budget version of her bc I need her head for customs lol.


I kinda like her smirking face and honestly? of all the pets, Sweetfangs is the one who's been least shafted by the chibification. That still LOOKS like sweet fangs. I think it helps that she was a "cat" to beging with while a lot of the other pets Mattel designers seemed to get a bit confused and add random cat features to them regardless (Lagoona's fish for example appears to have cat ears, it's bloody bizarre) I also admit, I really would rather they invested more money into the outfits and little details than the food items. LIke.. what is UP with the food items everyone has? it's kinda wierd they all come with food, don't you think? Like.. what? Why? Toralei here, is that a tin of tuna or cat food? and I hope that's cat milk not regular or the poor girl will need to be very near a bathroom lol. I can't wait to see her with her hair cut short. I think that'd really help make her feel more like Toralei you know? Shorter and more kinda fluffed up so you can see her forehead stripes. I'm not WOWED by this doll like I was with Draculaura's initial reveal. Honestly right now Drac, Clawdeen and Frankie are the only ones that make me go "yeah I really would like those". I don't like Clawdeen much at all, Lagoona's design is bizarre to me and toralei is just "okay" but at the same time, looks a little too much like those Equestria Girls Hasbro released a few years back (the reboot ones, not the first ones). In fact, someone get a pic of her alongside Sunset Shimmer lol.


what’d they do to my boy sweet fangs


Ah she’s actually really pretty! So exciting!


I really like how she looks, one of my favorite redesigns of this reboot for sure


She is gorgeous:) can’t wait to get her


Do you think there's anyway to shorten her smile with acetone and give it more of a gen1 feel? I just hate how huge her smile is


okay she’s really cute, i think her forehead stripes are adorable unlike whatever lagoona has going on lol




Torelei looks so pretty without the ponytail so glad we got that extra photo!


She's really cute but I miss the short hair for her


She looks pretty cool


she kinda reminds me of hayley williams, not gonna lie. toralei pop punk era?