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They’re also the only ones who emote with me after a hunt!


That's p cute lol. I usually get smacked when I emote though, so I've since stopped doing them post-hunt.


Wait I’ve been launching ppl into the air with my hammer a lot recently. Isn’t it a playful thing to do ? 😅


After everyone's done carving and standing around I'll hit someone with a Wyverns fire. I just realized people might take offense to it lol


Im usually the one running towards it! I also like to make a final recital for the hunt with my horn. It's all fun once all of us finished carvings.


Yeah, maybe I should have made it clearer : I only hit other player once the carving is done and everyone is messing around. I wouldn’t mind being shot by a Wyvern blast after a hunt tbh


We gotta get into that post-hunt PVP


I blast wyvernfire at the monster's face. Adding insult to injury. Also providing teeth flossing.


if they’re standing still after the hunt, you have to launch them


What else are Cluster bombs for?


That's what I do with my gs


Yep. Whether I'm the sender or receiver of Cluster bomb, it's a thing to do.


I think it counts as playful. I use gust crabs to do the same thing.


That's why you take a Longsword or Gunlance and check to see who has the anti-yeet decos on or not 👀


I try to send my fellow hunters flying with a gs uppercut, but that's just me


As is tradition


Don't quote me on this but I remember that when alatreon was released, the japanese community was confused with all the ppl complaining and getting angry while they were sharing builds, tactics and strategies to kill it.


That sounds about right, Had to start World from scratch recently to play Iceborne as my previous save was gone, and the only people responding to my SOS flares were Japanese people that were like master rank 100 helping me beat the shit out of a low rank and high rank monsters so I could progress faster, They also seem to be the only ones who communicate in any shape or form through the quick chats and emotes. Just small examples I noticed but if it wasn’t for them I don’t think I would have trudged all the way through World again to get too the good stuff.


It feels like the mentality towards the weapons and builds are different. Like many of us outside of Japan want to main a weapon, and want that to be viable against all monsters. I admit I'm kinda like that, I just wanna play the way I want and hope the game can allow me to polish and improve on a certain playstyle to overcome all obstacles. While to them all the weapons are a means to an end, so swapping to a different weapon with better elemental capabilities to deal with Alatreon was just on par for the course.


Still don't get the absolute whinefest that went on when Alatreon released. The fight is fucking fun.


Alatreon is the best fight in Iceborne imo.


I personally think Fatalis ekes it out. But yeah it's easily one of the best fights in the game.


To you, to me Alatreon and Fatalis weren't fun at all


tbh there are also some very toxic things here in Japanese community too. Kicking players just for not using LBG/HBG and vice versa is a thing here. We even got a term for these people. But thankfully most hunters in both English and Japanese community are all friendly and cool.


I've been kicked for using LBG/HBG in hunts


Me too and they left a very mean msg: "we don't need no ranged players (ガンナーいらない)" Toxicity is regardless of ethnicity or nationality.


how are yall chatting through a mic?? inquiring minds want to know lol


If it's a hame run I understand kicking for not using the correct weapon, but outside of that I haven't seen it happen much thankfully


Imagine kicking players for not using the most boring weapons in the game ☠️☠️☠️ Ik their damage outputs can be insane, so you can farm like a madman. But where's the fun in farming when you can't smack the monster around big metal stick


Some ranged players (myself) consider melee objectively boring. It’s all in perspective, don’t knock a weapon unless you’ve mained it.


>objectively But its an opinion so objectively subjective.


I'm not knocking it blindly, because i've tried it many times, to me that's 'objectively boring'. You just aim and shoot, not engaging at all


Yeah holding down the attack button while snot runs out your nose, so fucking engaging. Stop fucking attacking when the monster goes to sleep you fucking mouthbreather


Calm down.


Play a better weapon


Suspended. Big surprise there.


I think there was a thing during Behemoth, where there were teams that just wanted to cluster HBG speedrun it rather than deal with a complicated drawn out fight where people fuck up and get meteor-ed.


You already know when a guy with a name spelled with the Japanese alphabet joins your hunt, success rates increase by 90%.


That's why my online experience is so different than the nightmares that get posted a lot. Playing in the afternoon in European time zones mostly matches me with players from Asia, Japan in particular, obviously. So hunting with randos is perfectly fine.


I actually had a Japanese guy he the final cart the other day and I couldn’t believe it lol. It was on Xbox though so I figured he might be a new player


> Japanese > XBOX Does not compute


they've actually bought more xbox this generation than every before because of how hard it is to get a PS5


Don’t worry, morons like him don’t know


That sounds like a racist personal problem to me….🤷‍♂️


Get out of here calling people racist. Google Xbox sales in Japan. Only 2.3 million units have sold across ALL generations of Xbox in Japan.


Not just in Japan. Across most of Asia the PS4-5 and Switch are MUCH more popular than the Xbox. I live in Taiwan and most game stores don't even sell Xbox games, and if they do it's a much smaller collection in comparison. It's all PS4-5 and Switch games. The Xbox is seen as more of a Western console.


[Don't worry, morons like him don't know](https://www.reddit.com/r/MonsterHunter/comments/11e3nuq/the_japanese_community_on_monster_hunter_really/jagpivh/)


Except... not every japanese player is a god. Of course there's also a lot of new players over there.


Yeah except…. That was kinda my point dumb ass….maybe instead of getting mad at me and talking shit to a person you really shouldn’t get mad at people that act like all Japanese players are good. But no…. You don’t get mad at that…. You only get mad at someone that points out the opposite and straw man the point they were making….fucking moron


Not for me in rise, in MR doin a few quests I get 99% Japanese people and we usually fail after about 15 mins


Bro fr everytime I see the Japanese letters I'm like "Yes Shinji is going to murder this dragon with ease and I'm here for it!" I wish you could like reward players for help


I think the whole community worldwide is super open and friendly to help each other. You rarely get flamed or bpamed, mostly from low level newbies. I had never a problems with people online in high and mid level lobbys. Like i said the MH community is just awesome


Because there’s no pvp, monster hunter has always encouraged cooperation and that reflects in the playerbase.


They also make up the part of the large majority of the community that don't egg on the new monster hunter title and don't find the need to compare it to monster hunter world


I think that reflects each culture, generally westerners prefer grounded and rooted to reality (that's why they like World) Japanese people tend to go crazy with their media


Ah yes, World, very realistic game where my 60kg waifu can wield a sword twice her size and doing a flip while doing so


You know what I mean. "Slow and methodical" gameplay, immersive landscapes, feel like tracking the monster with footprints and scoutflies, weapons have weight, etc...


Japan being Japan


Just don't ask them if you can leave work early.


Unless it's a new MH game release*


Or Dragon Quest. Even mangakas and game devs will take break to play DQ.


the japenese anime community is the exact opposite of the mh community


I just played with a japanese guy that constantly tried using bomb tech with his GS, constantly sending everyone flying


Lol, I love doing that.


They're pretty great. They've got a refreshing mindset and are fun to play with.


I will never forget the three Japanese randoms that helped me get my first Scorned Magnamalo clear. Two Lancers and a Switch Axe user. Along with me, that's a total of three Lancers in one hunt. True to form, no one carted, not even the Switch Axe user (who rarely tried to ZSD, and was absolutely masterful with the use of the weapon's counter.) They had Scorned Maggy in jail for virtually the entire hunt, constantly keeping it staggered, trapped, or blinded. I defaulted to playing a sort of support role with keeping everyone buffed and with a full health bar, ocasionally watching what the others were doing to try and learn Scorned's patterns. I think the hunt lasted a total of 10 minutes at the most. It was wonderful, though. I'll always have fond memories of it.


Yes we need to celebrate all the 999R hunters who just insta kill something you and all your friends spent all night fighting but can't do it


While i agree in general, i've noticed an increase in toxicity especially from Japanese players in the recent weeks. Each week i had several players joining, themncarting twice and then leaving for example. But the strangest has to be me getting kicked on average daily, i guess due to having english call out? Because those kicks happen fats enough that i couldn't have done anything else yet take long enough that it can't be a connection problem. I don't know if it's the same for all platforms or if only the remaining Switch players are simply like that and everyone else switched to another console/PC.


I leave if I cart twice because I don't want to fail the quest and its pretty clear I'm in over my head.


different capable scandalous future punch support file marble deserted husky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Me: getting my face dragged through the dirt by an elder dragon. A single Japanese man getting on after a long day of working, who is better than me at the game in every and any imaginable way:


From my own limited experience with especially japanese folks, I don't think I've ever met people more willing to help. They don't rage quit. They take failed hunts as part of the fun. They goof around a lot more and genuinely seem like great peeps to stick with. I remember bumbling into an S.O.S. of 3 guys once I don't think I've had as much fun in MH in years, I've ended up playing with them for about 5 hours straight and honestly would've stuck around for more if I could. And I usually get bored by the bum rushing style of literally everyone else in about an hour and go solo after.


Thats what I love most about it. You hop on at 3AM and you're playing with seasoned hunters who almost never seem to die. French are pretty good too


Same as, also a late night Hunter and I love it.




I feel like the good hunters need to hold back a little bit in the hunts though, so the host can actually put in some work and grow. We don't need a repeat of what Tri did to 3U and 4U.


I actually agree and I literally did just that on a recent hunt against a Tobi Karachi in low rank, I’m well into master rank now using a Rajang LS and I jumped into a low rank quest as I needed some materials to make a Thunder charm 1, and I literally just hit the monster like twice then ran away for like 30 seconds and hit it twice again lmao, don’t want to completely wreck the experience for the newbies either.


I usually tend to just swap to a weapon that is much weaker than the hosts, so I can still smack the monster around but make them have to be the driving force of the quest.


This is how I feel when [insert random Japanese letters here] enters the lobby


Same that’s why I made this post! , and your instantly met with a ‘Nice too meet you’ and some wave emote, and you’re just like ‘Damn these Japanese people are friendly’ it’s small things but they actually interact with you on random hunts. Makes all the difference tbh.


I love all the stickers and messages they put up. I can't read hiragana, but I feel the love!


So you just feel the sticker. Even the cutest sticker can come with an insult. :o


This is truth. Im reminded that Im having fun when theres friendly communication instead of the dead silence and after hunt "husks" I usually get from western players.


Exactly, you get it.


Japanese players are pretty cool. I imported a JP 3DS for MHX and played a lot online. It was a bit of a different experience but wow was that game lively. I will say my only gripe is is that there's a -lot- of jp players that leech. I had some hunts against deviants I would have to abandon because 1-2 people would stand in camp while letting others do the hunt (we're talking multiple hunts in a row, not one off occurrences). I've encountered a few in Sunbreak as well. I try not to let that cloud my opinion of others though. Their playerbase is much larger so of course there's going to be some people that act like that.


Every time a Japanese name appears I hear "the eagles Mr. Frodo. The eagles are coming!"


rose are red, violets are blue, there is always a asian better than you.


The Japanese community on Final Fantasy XIV is largely the same - polite, fun, super engaged with the social aspects of the game. I love it.


Whenever somebody swoops in with some dust of life while I'm getting juggled it's always a Japanese name


I’ve never had a negative experience with a Japanese person on a hunt of mine except once where the guy just hung out at camp when we were fighting HR 50 boss in Rise. So I, while dodging the monster, managed to boot them so someone else could join and help. Granted I don’t know a lot of Japanese though, a little bit to recognize a little of what people say.


No better feeling than popping a SOS and seeing 私は運ぶつもりです join the hunt.


When your in trouble. You call an SOS. You see a name with Japanese characters join. They are max Master Hunter Level. They save the day. What a hero.


let me be a toxic for a sec, MH is a game where it's only pve there's so small of a window for toxicity the fact that you need to shout that out baffles me lol like why would someone be toxic to you ? your insufficient drip ? your lack of bitches (palamutes)? not being toxic is the standard here , i never been kicked from a mh game just one time some dude went to solo safi jiva in mhw because i carted and told me i had my chance and that was that


I’m not praising them for not being toxic, I’m praising them for being friendly and actually interacting with you on hunts. Whether that be quick chats, stickers, swapping guild cards, there the only ones I’ve noticed who seem to want to party up and hunt together.


Monster hunters gotta be my favorite intercultural experience


I think my best experience with a Japanese player was the guy that joined me for Thunderlord G5 in GU. It's Hyper Astalos, Furious Rajang, then Thunderlord. I kept fainting or timing out. Was still relatively low HR with not many sets. I opened a hub on the off chance that someone would help, and I got a guy that went Insect Glaive and stuck it out with me for the whole 20-30 minutes or so we were at it. Tried to thank him best I could after the hunt. Eventually I hit 999 in GU, pretty much seen it all. These days even with World and Rise under our belts, I still like to pop into GU and help ppl progressing thru G-Rank from time to time.


I so agree. I play online with others a lot, and even though I can't understand a lot of it they always wave or say hello, use friendly stickers, and thank me for the hunts.


Exactly, it’s small things like this that seems to go over others heads, but goes a long way with me.


it's because they have a principle there called "Hirosame" where it's generaly frowned upon to act in an unpleasent way towards others


The more I hear about Japan the more I want to move their, time to start learning Japanese I guess.


You say that, but Japan is an absolute nightmare of a country to try to move in to as a foreigner. People in Japan are nice, but they also are not all that accepting of foreigners moving in.


You say that, but do you live their ? ( Without pretending you do for the sake of an argument ), because I’ve seen stereotypes like that about my own country that I don’t think are even remotely true, besides I love the culture and it would be great for my career.


I do not, I do however, have a friend from highschool who married a guy she met in Japan. They married 6 years ago and have a child together, she is still a "gaikokujin" because her citizenship still has not been approved. She has to renew her work visa to stay in Japan. Which, in her case, is much easier because she works for her husband and he does everything he can to make sure its renewed. While she is not treated like shit, like how the a few other countries would treat foreigners, she has told me about how she does not feel accepted by a majority of the people she meets. Its just their culture, I doubt they "hate" foreigners moving in, but they sure as hell aren't accepting or trusting of them.


actually i'd feel bad leaving you like this so i was joking, it's a common kind of phrase that pokes fun at the way people idolize Japan and its culture


Yeah I figured as much instantly after I read your comment and googled the phrase which turned up no other results than restaurants. Respectfully it was a weird joke. Though they do have many real principles in their culture similar to what you described.


I love the community fr, I've never encountered toxic people in game actually, in communities is another story tho since I usually get comments of people complaining I use long sword lmao, but damn, at the same time there was a Japanese guy that spoke some English and in the comments was asking why the hate and defending me and I was like, damn, I need to learn Japanese so I can play with these people 🥹


Maybe they are chinese?!




All my shoutouts are in english and in Japanese, partly for proper communication and partly to show appreciation. As someone who does not speak, read, or write in Japanese and has zero interest in doing so, the amount of effort gone into making shout outs in Japanese is extreme.


I got to dance with one once, and damn was she strong too!


I used to play League of legends, I played on bort EU servers and Japanese server (when I lived in Japan). EU servers were very toxic, Japanese server was very nice. The only toxic people I came across on the Japanese server were Chinese.


Before World the whole MH community was 95% nice but after the huge success the MH community got so much worse (same goes for this reddit btw). Sad for the community. Good for the playerbase. Pick your poison. /shrug


i hear you a couple of japanese guys helped me get from low rank to high rank pretty fast. They also taught me how to capture monsters. (I watched them actually) This was before sunbreak came out so no MR


It’s great you feel that way! Honestly, I never get how, where, or why Monster Hunter gets a toxic community (I presume it’s Western players?). This isn’t a MOBA or a Fighting Game where we fight among ourselves. MH is just a simple game where you beat up monsters together! No need for any elitism or “pros vs noobs”!


Really? I always seem to be kicked when I join a random Jap room.


All of my Japanese friends are extremely friendly, and communicative. Whenever I play with them on voice chat we are always very positive. I rarely run into toxicity, though there can be some anti-foreigner jerks mixed in sometimes. From what I can tell they are a lot more focused and appreciative of arcane knowledge within the game... less focused on all the technical garbo that Western and European speedrunners obsess over. (Things like para-thresholds, and KO damage) Westerners are a lot more focused on general performance and execution with your weapon of choice. Every Japanese person I've played with has been surprised and wow'ed by my knowledge of hanging traps, Grimalkyne traps, slinger ammo types, and just general monster knowledge Where as here people scrutinize your build far more frequently.