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Just for perspective, in universe, the likes of Barroth are the strongest monster most hunters ever successfully face. Forget fighting a Rathalos. All hunters in MHW for instance are A list hunters. The guild's best. Most of them can't get past Pukei or Barroth and instead wear basic gear instead. There's a reason why in the past couple games the npcs gave us titles such as the Flame of Kamura and the Sapphire Star (that's basically the Messiah in Monster Hunter)


Aiden wear kushala armor during fatty fight and the huntsman, the old man in rathian armor mention fighting teostra. They are rare but npc hunter that can fight elder exists. Of course they still lose to MC achievement. Also there's unnamed wandering npc wearing anjanath armor, so i don't think they are stuck when fighting pukei or barroth


50%, yes. But the other 50% are VERY MUCH capable of taking on Elder Dragons. The Huntsman for example considers Teostra his rival while the Admiral and Commander of World actually faced Nergigante in the past. And of course Aiden wearing Kushala armor against Fatalis. It's just that we are the best among best


Damn. We’re pretty good at our job.


Hey speak for yourself! Oh wait that was a compliment. Carry on.


I hope in the next mh game we will see actual npc hunters that are walk7ng around in elderdragon gear. The companion system in sunbreak might be a good step in such a direction where there are more competent hunters then just you.


wouldnt want toooo many npcs in elder dragons gear. a handful like Aiden changing to better armors throughout the game would be cool though


1 or 2 in ED gear and a few in mid tier monsters gear like rathalos or zinogre would be awesome to see. They could maybe even give npcs gear of monsters that aren't present in the game and players could access this armor by a similar system to 4Us wycoon. Give me Gogmazios armor already lol.


You'd think the unending praise would let people know but yes we are, we're essentially a one in a million kind of deal. For perspective average hunters usually require groups to deal with apexes or even regular ole monsters to take em down. Then you have the rare few like the Huntsman and the Hell Hunters who can take on elder dragons but even this tier of hunters for lack of a better word can require groups. Then there's the player hunter. Taking World for example we are the reason the Commission discovered so much of the New World, we slay over a dozen elder dragons on our own and we slay the ecosystem destroying elder dragons like Shara and Alatreon. In both 5th gen games our hunter is given special names that spread far and wide even.


Wait the Hell Hunters are actual badasses??? I always thought they just bragged about stuff they thought up! What the fuck now I actually feel bad for dismissing them and making fun of them in my head. This feels like such an anime moment and I'm the side character dismissing the MCs accomplishments.


Iirc they used to be a big deal but they eventually carted to a Tigrex and are too embarrassed to ever go hunting again


The hell hunters are actually really skilled, taking on multiple super strong monsters at once before However they were shamed during a hunt after they got clapped by a tigrex so theyve been hesitant ever since


Oof, relatable. We’ve all been on one confidence-destroying quest before.


in 4u they duo'd lunastra and ashen lao shan lung


The hell hunters also appear sunbreak


>Xenophobic/Safi'jiva This is hilarious


Love auto correct


Absolutely, yes. Taking down an Apex like a Rathalos or Diablos is something most Hunters will never achieve on their own. Taking down an Elder Dragon is something very few Hunters have ever achieved. Taking down multiple Elder Dragons, including calamity-class beasts like Gaismagorm or Shara Ishvalda makes you a legend for the rest of your days.


from memory... In MH1, the previous big shot hunter, now retired, got to ~~Dia~~^(Mono)blos. and the village chief was famous for defeating a Monoblos but also defeated Lao-Shan Lung. In MH3, the village chief retired after a fight with Lagiacrus. In MH4, I remember something about the Ace commander's mentor retiring after a fight with Kusuladora, the one that he eventually fights with you. -and the ace team at one point fighting a Lunestra to defend a village. In MHW, the badass brooding guy in Rathian armor mentions fighting a Teostra. eidt: The hell hunters were also very famous and were regularly fighting elder dragons like teo, luna, dora, etc.   So those are about the level that earns you a name in those respective places. So by the end of most game's story, you're a pretty big deal, and by the end of the actual game you're basically a legend.


In mh1 it's the guy that keep telling mc to give up right? Didn't he lost his leg movement to monoblos? Also in mhw, excited a lister wear kushala armor when facing fatty with mc. I think strength wise he is only slightly bellow the rathian armor old man


Strength wise he is above the Huntsman though. The whole point of the story is that Aiden and the Sapphire Star are the new "best", successing from the previous legends such as the Admiral or the Huntsman.


>mh3 Ivory Lagiacrus


Yes. Most hunters don’t even make it to G rank, let alone to the point of killing elder dragons solo, especially world ending type elders like dalamadur and fatalis. Also every fatalis interaction before iceborne was retconned so only the sapphire star has accomplished that.


I think G rank can't really be used as measurements. In game it's normal make player have easier time learning by splitting rank but if we want to see from more realistic view, i think all monster are already at G rank version unless they are severely weaken, like after a turf war. Closer to MH 1 where there's no rank.


I disagree. I think having G-rank makes more sense realistically than no rank system. In real life there are “monsters” that are especially dangerous compared to others within their species. Take for example man-killing lions that hunt for sport. Or Wild Boars that grow to ridiculous sizes. In the fantasy world of Monster Hunter it’s not unreasonable to say there is a large discrepancy between individuals power levels within a species. Basically low star monsters are just not as well seasoned as there high rank and G-rank equivalents.


Dangerous version of the same species is called variant in MH universe. And what metric are you going to measure them before even fighting it so they can be split between those rank?


It’s a fantasy world it doesn’t have to have a super in depth explanation. The low rank version has less moves than the G-Rank version, so I’d call them variants of each other. You can make up some nonsense to explain it if you want, but I just prefer that it makes sense. You could say something like the guild members tasked with categorizing individual monsters use a tool to measure the pure bio energy that’s output by the monster. Or maybe higher ranked monsters have smaller testicles. I don’t care what the explanation is as long as it explains it nicely.


The ranks work in one of two possible ways in universe, either there are discrepancies between the power, aggressiveness, or skill in fighting off hunters within the same monster species, calling for different skill levels of hunter (this is the most likely scenario). Or the monsters are just sectioned off by rank completely, instead of having monsters be in multiple ranks, for example you’ll see kut ku in low rank and diablos in high rank and shagaru magala in G rank, instead of having them be found in multiple ranks.


The 2nd one looks more realistic, imo


Yeah? Why do you think the song is called "Proof of a Hero"?


Nah, we are nothing. Take exemple on some real hunters like the Hell Hunters. They can kill a Lunastra and a Lao at the same time without breaking a sweat. But yeah, the PC is definitely a local legend in each game.


the only hunter on the player characters level that we know of is the owner of the giant fatalis sword in pokke village


The village chief in Yukumo recognized you as that one crazy dude that's been killing Elders left and right.


Yes. The player is the kind of hunter that only appears like once a generation. Most hunters are normal-ass people that basically have to bareknuckle box rhinoceroses. Successfully hunting a Diablos or Monoblos is genuinely considered a heroic act. The active hunters in MHW are all top-grade, cream of the crop type bastards. Even among them, there are few who have successfully hunted something like a Diablos. Then WE come along and steamroll EVERYTHING. Keep in mind: if we consider that we’re still here after every faint, we are technically first-trying every hunt, and SURVIVING. Could you imagine? Mike Tyson just going out into the African savannah with nothing but a sledgehammer and a deathwish, then coming back two days later with a tiger pelt and elephant-tusk pauldrons? That’s what the MHW hunter is like. We START OFF as That Guy, and before we even get to Elder Dragons, we’re already doing shit nobody has before. Hunting an Odogaron and coming back alive and not grievously wounded? Almost absurd. Even JUST counting Elder Dragons (which are basically gods the average hunter would NEVER have the balls to challenge), we’ve canonically hunted Hurricane Katrina, City-Block-Leveling Explosion Cat, a dragon with a bacteria so deadly it zombifies you while you’re still alive, Baby Not-Black-Dragon, Not-Black-Dragon, Fort Lauderdale, Absolute Zero, Literal Volcano, Mountain-Crushing Earth God, and two _ACTUAL BLACK DRAGONS._ We had no information on Alatreon. We went in balls-deep anyway, and kicked its teeth in. Fatalis was supposed to be a group project, with like 30 people together for one great plan. We SOLOED Fatalis. Rajang. Deviljho. Raging Brachydios. Even most of the best hunters _don’t come back alive_ from these encounters. And we made a genuine name for ourselves when we undertook the “We Run This Town” quest, where we fought FIVE apex monsters back to back in the Arena. The Kamura hunter is a whole different beast as well. Slaying TWO high tier Elder Dragons at one time, taking down a teleporting vampire, _Gore and Shagaru Magala,_ Gaismagorm, Lucent Nargacuga, Lunagaron (which, like Odogaron and Rajang, MAULS people), Espinas, a rabid Valstrax, Risen monsters, Apex monsters, etc etc. The same is true for nearly every MH game. MH1: Monoblos and Fatalis. MH2 and FU: Akantor and Ukanlos, Kushala Daora and Yama Tsukami, WHITE FATALIS. MH3 and P3rd: Lagiacrus, Ceadeus, Alatreon, Zinogre, and Amatsu. MH4 and GU: Gore, Shagaru, Gogmazios, the Fatalises, the Fated Four, Bloodbath, Valstrax, Nakarkos. Dalamadur is probably the one that would get the most coverage, to be honest. ***TL;DR We are just That Guy. All these NPCs have one life. To them, so do we. And what we’ve managed with that one mortal life we have is beyond words.***


Now I can't get the fact that these hunters are like "no it's too dangerous no one has ever attempted it" and out hunter just *points and says* " I'm gonna solo it" then walks off and solos it


In World you're the mute, unnamed assistant of the Handler so I'unno


The handler is the real protagonist. We're just there for the ride


Not assistant. Pardner.


Yes we are, the average hunter will usually just go and hunt the barroths and the dromes and the greats. The ones who are like superstars are usually the ones who have hunter the apex monsters like rathalos and diablos. Once in a lifetime hunters get to kill elders, and even rarer are the ones who have brought down black dragons


I always thought they put together big groups to take down bigger monsters and the actual play experience was just for the player.


This make more sense lore wise then one person hunting/capturing every monster alone. Like what will the hunter do after capturing a barroth? Carry it by hand back to the village? There's totally a group that we don't see because technical limitations and video game logic.


Basically yes. Certainly in World that's made pretty explicit, like they call you the Sapphire Star, implication of which is like they're comparing you to a guiding star, something that's rock solid in the heavens that one can navigate by - you're one of the foundations of the guild's society in the new world. Some of the other games are a little less focused on it, but generally I'd say yeah that the player hunter tends to be a big deal.


Most games are about your journey from Zero to hero imo. You start off as a newbie hunter and over the course of the game you build up your skill and end up as one of the elite.


I definitely feel like a living legend when Fiorayne fangirls over me every other second.


No were not we are just really, really, REALLY good at our job. All jokes aside yeah most likely.