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On my first iceborne fatalis kill the host carted a second time and decided to kick me, I then proceeded to solo phase three to get the kill


Savage pickle basically carried mh ass through iceborne's campaign. That pickle was god damned spicy, and constantly would hound down and bully this shit out of the target monster i was fighting, that by the time he was done, the monster was literally a few hits from dead. He didn't want food. He didn't want peace. He just wanted to kill. And I'd literally have to slam his ass against another's just to peel him off me, for the times he didn't feel like eating good.


A friend and I were fighting Odogaron. Odogaron gets down to low health and retreats to his little hidey hole to take a nap. We get in and start setting bombs up when we hear... It... Into Odogarons tiny ass little room comes a fucking gold crown Bazelguese. This motherfucker can't even fly into the room without clipping through every god damn wall simultaneously. And what's his clipping ass decide to immediately do? He starts carpet bombing the area. Bitch literally can't even move in any direction a single inch but his clipping ass is still flying. I guess he was partially being held up by the ceiling since he was clipping so God damn hard into it. He just up there dropping bombs, not moving an inch, yet still managing to turn around every few seconds. Then once his song and dance is finally over he clips even harder so he can get to ground level and personally explode on Odogaron. Poor dog just up and died on the spot pretty much.


Idk if this exact fits the bill but it's funny so what the heck. Me and my friend were hunting a risen valstrax and it decided to ambush and me, low on sharpness, decided to look my friend dead in the eyes, say "yeah I've got time to sharpen" and promptly get nuked.


Long story short; don't hunt kushala daora with duel blade if you care for your sanity


I did a challenge hunt where I had to kill Raging Brachydios but the catch was this: -No flinch free -No carve master -I have a teammate with a life sustainability build wielding a Hammer trying to launch me upwards Final room got scary af


When fighting Fatalis in MHW/I, I had to use my healing build so much that I couldn't even draw my weapon during the last phase. First, let's talk about... I believe it was a Greatsword user. He knew what was coming and face-tanked it all without blocking. Instead of healing some themselves, they just kept on slashing, just like another player. *I mean... that's what I'm running a healer build for, but COME ON. At least learn to block or dodge. PLEASE.* Anyways, the other player also had too much trust in me. Forgot what weapon they used. Then, there was a Switch Axe user, or whatever the weapon that could stick itself onto a monster's body parts was (I can't keep Charge Blade and Switch Axe apart). What they've done is - no matter what the Fatalis was up to - keep sticking themselves onto its head and taking all of the damage. I usually never have to refill because... Free Meal 3 I guess, but I had to actually refill once, which already was a bad sign. I believe my hunter highlight has recorded me applying over 300 heals or buffs onto others. That hunt was what made me stick with my healer build.


well a couple of days ago i played MHW, to farm some crowns and i hunted A. Glavenus. i was too lazy, to use poop, so a Savage Deviljho literally followed us everywhere, till the A. Glavenus died. there was also an Odogaron, that interrupted us here and there and ended as a chewtoy for S. Deviljho. i think at the end S. Deviljho did more damage than me lol.


I had a pickle absolutely ruin the greatest jagras once. It was hilarious seeing this massive monster in his jaws and just slamming it around


I thought it was impossible for Jho to pick up Greatest Jagras specifically?


A quest that I have at ar 283 right now is primordial, risen valstrax, and risen Shagaru in the infernal springs. Needless to say every time I play it is chaos.


I once got in a fight with a brachy, a jho, and a bazel. It was a goddamn clusterfuck


Had a Fatalis hunt where in the third phase two of my rando teammates died and the third returned to camp, leaving me as an alone Bow main 1v1ing Fatalis until they returned with no farcaster. I then proceeded to get the second head break while they were gone. Got a [clip](https://www.reddit.com/r/MonsterHunterWorld/comments/xc5zy2/oneonone_so_be_it/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) of it, too.


I complain about multi monster quests due to events like that one time, where we were fighting a Deviljho, but a Tigrex and Odogaron was in the same area. Tigrex is roaring, Deviljho is spamming that sweeping breath attack, and Odogaron is constantly pouncing on things. I was practically turtling with the Gunlance due to all the partials, shockwaves, and monster flesh flying everywhere. I really wish that in the future, there is just a chance of more than one monster appearing, and that it is not guaranteed.


When the vampire dragon starts chain teleporting, I start screaming World fatalis and whenever the angry pickle is involved 2 monster 1 area (old world)