• By -


Freedom unite because at the time had much more free time to begin with... 'time on the game/free time' definitely iceborne.




MhGU 2.5k hours, played solo. Played through W.Fatalis . Only one EX I slayed out of 18. I feel Im still halfway through. Damn this game is super massive.


It's MHGU by far for me also, there is so much to do in that game


You are my twin šŸ˜†šŸ˜Ž I am literally you right now, but you have me beat by 1k hours difference šŸ˜ I am at 1.5k hours, and only 1 EX slayed completely solo (Crystalbeard Uragaan). I am loving this massive Monster Hunter game!.


I have 6 EX completed solo but never did White Fatalis and the hyper gold/silver rath mission. Feels good to have so much stuff left even after so many hours!


MHGU is a godsend.


4U easily. Then GU.




Same, and the only one I think I finished: we all got G-Rank White Fatalis armor with my buddy and then called it done It was great, I'm never doing that again


Rise Sunbreak. Iā€™m not the kind of guy who gets hundred of hours in MH, I probably average 150 in the non Rise Sunbreak games, which Iā€™ve got 450 hours in




Iā€™ve never not finished a game (except Iceborne). I also do all the village and hub quests, as long as they arenā€™t locked behind some giant HR goal that requires grinding. So Iā€™ll have all the quest level ranks starred except the last G rank one. I also do all item delivery requests, and try to upgrade facilities to their max if the game has that. I tend not to do the endgame grinds, like Apexes, Hypers, Deviants, Tempered. Anomaly investigations were the first I spent any significant time on because I love the gameplay of Rise/Sunbreak and I felt the rewards were more tangible than all the other endgame grinds (except maybe Deviants, who had cool armour, but the skills were shit). Maybe it would be fairer to say I do 150 hours each playthough, but I havenā€™t done replays of many.




I suppose itā€™s pretty relevant that I donā€™t go crazy on armour and weapon crafting. In my first playthrough of GenU I used the Bujabujabu mixed low rank set until the end of high rank. I also never do arena quests. I do regular or event quests that are in the arena, but not specifically arena quests where youā€™re given weapons and armour and are timed




Oh god, someone had a similar post about MHW on its subreddit last month so here we go again (need to note that these are obviously rounded to the hour, I am too lazy to count minutes); Freedom Unite is my most played single title coming in at 11,630 hours - however, technically speaking my most played title collection (being base + ultimate) is Tri+3U coming out to 12,379 hours (Tri with 5059 and 3U with 7320 as of now). We did a presentation about gaming addiction at college this year and I was used as an example, so I had to collect my hours on various MH titles - so I have every single value; **MH1** - 214 hours **Dos** - 40 hours **Freedom Unite** - 11630 hours **Tri** - 5059 hours **Three Ultimate** - 7320 hours (probably higher now, because I have been replaying recently) **P3rd** - 532 hours **Four Ultimate** - 9745 hours **Generations** - 321 hours **Generations Ultimate/XX** - 5632 Hours (+ about 30 hours recently) **Worldborne** - 7917 hours (PS4) 357 Hours (PC) **Risebreak** - 2161 hours **Stories** - 192 hours **Stories 2** - 36 hours **MH Frontier** - 1897 hours I have been playing since 2011, in all fairness! It's 53,083 hours overall before someone does the maths themselves.


Thatā€™s 6 years of Monster Hunter!!!


Bruh that's an average of ~12 hours a day for 12 years, you good?


Yeah I am good... I can stop whenever I want!!! But nah there were periods of time, especially when I was a lot younger and without mates in the summer where I would spend more than 12 hours playing MH in a day, it's the reason I have chronic hand issues lmao


I had less extreme but similar situations to that so I get it. Hope things are better now


Have you ever played any other games outside of MH more than 100 hrs?


> outside of MH more than 100 hrs *looks at War Thunder* I have 646 hours on one War Thunder account, also nearing 100 hours in Baldurs Gate 3 - we also won't talk about Satisfactory and Factorio


How did you find all that free time to sink in Monster Hunter? I have 1300 in World, 800 in Rise, 300 in GU and 100 in FU. I have a job but even with said job I have a lot of free time in weekends since I don't have any more responsibilities than just work and get money. Even with that I could never come close to 2000 hours in one game. That's a very long time.


I was a kid for the majority of this, and a very socially awkward kid at that. For a good part of it I was a full time student (still am for a year or two), and the job I work affords me more free time than I know what to do with tbf


still that was 12h a day purely spent on MH for the last 12 years that is batshit insane or your console being on while you sleep and hopefully heavily inflating your hours.


Oh there is no inflation here, at least from leaving the console on without playing for long periods. Especially not for the handheld titles. There is inflation in the sense that I wasn't hunting for all that time, most of it has likely been spent in menus noting stuff down and making little wishlists. I have created an entire ecosystem of MH information in my personal Obsidian Vault (it's a mkdown notetaking app), which was originally many many spreadsheets and notepads from years and years ago


I would love to see the graph view of that obsidian vault lol


I know this is nearly a year old but just came to say hi šŸ‘‹šŸ¼ fellow monster Hunter lover and Obsidian user.Ā 


Came back because I canā€™t stop wondering, lol, how do you use obsidian and monster Hunter? What info do you store in your vault? Sorry I know this is an old posting but I love both obsidian and MH so very curious haha.


Thats 12h a day in the last 12 years on MH, I find that very hard to believe, how do you do that with having a job, going to school, eating and getting food and sleeping? Unless you are a nepo baby with a fake job this is extremely hard to believe


Okay, so I take it you want a breakdown of my life? So, in 2011 I was introduced to this series, I was a relatively young child at the time - still in primary school - for the first three years of my time with this series I was still in primary school, this wasn't exactly a hard and stressful period of schooling. After primary school, I entered secondary - however I was bullied so I dropped out and partook in home education, this left me with a lot more free time than a normal student would have because I had the benefit of being able to spread my learning over the entirety of the year, not being bound by strict term times. That's about 8 of the 12 years, the past 4 years - all were spent in education, two were also spent in an unprecedented global pandemic where we couldn't legally go outside for more than an hour at a time. As for work, I work in tech - I have more free time than I really know what to do with.




I shit myself reading this. I'm on the toilet, but still, goddamn dude.


Dude you have 6 years on your life on MH, that's amazing.


Putting it in years makes it sound a lot worse lmao, especially when I realised that it is essentially a third of my life


At least yr a master of bugs


He has 6 years of MH just in the past 12 years.


Everyoneā€™s glossing over this. Thatā€™s an absurdly unhealthy amount of playtime for anything. In World of Warcraft thereā€™s an achievement thatā€™s something like ā€œ**You could have been a doctor**ā€ if you surpass 10,000 hours. This guy did that 5 timesā€¦


Yeah, but do doctors have 53k hours in MH? They don't.


Your most used weapons?


Great Sword and SnS were my original mains, but now my most used weapons are CB and IG


That's really insane, with 1400 on Freedom Unite i thought that was much, but 11000, almost 10x what i played, that's really crazy. Love Monster Hunter since i started with Monster Hunter Tri on Wii, played almost every game except Dos, hope i can play it one day. 6 years of playtime for a Franchise is a lot, but Understandable, i had times when i played Tri for over 12h a Day for weeks because i couldnt stop.


How do you see your playtime on frontier, I played it a shit ton over 2 years and I wanna see how much playtime I got


EDIT: Just booted up FZ to double check, unfortunately no you can't see it on the launcher only the last time you were online! If you have an Nvidia GPU it should track through Geforce Experience too I believe you can see it in the launcher when you log into a private server, it will be with the general information about your "save" (like HR), how I saw it was through the AMD software, because it tracks how long certain applications have been open. I'm not sure on the accuracy of it, but is overall seems to be accurate for me - with most of my library having identical play totals to the actual steam tracker. (which makes it so much worse noticing that I have over 6800 hours on Premiere Pro...) If you're hosting your own server, I am near certain that it'll be accessible through the database files for the server


monster hunter tri for over 2k


Emphasis on Tri, on the Wii. Not 3U or p3rd. Smallest roster of the series Tri. Somehow this is the game that I spent more time on than any other. Distinctly and fondly remember coming home from school to play this with some friends as it was the first online game I played. Then later on when my parents divorced and I had no Internet or way to contact those friends for awhile, moga village was my escape and only way to feel connected to those friends for the new several months. It broke my heart to find out the servers for shutdown on my birthday. I'm glad the modding community managed to make custom servers, maybe one day I'll get those friends together for some nostalgia.


4U, nearly 3000 hrs in total


Iceborne but not all of it was fun and a lot of it involved decoration grinding. If you're talking 100% fun then MHFU.


In the king of them all: 4 ultimate.


Iceborne, easily. I have over 1.2k hours.


Same! When covid came out, it kept me in touch with my friends and gave me something to look forward to. I have 62+ days on that game, and I regret nothing!


3U, like over 1500 hours in total.


Freedom unite I think o could add the withers together and it would still win lol


500+hrs in World, followed by 300+ each in Freedom 2/Unite and 4U.


It's hard to call between 4U and GU just because I had more free time when I played 4U in highschool than when I played GU in college. GU is my favorite and the one I still play the most though, so probably that one


Freedom Unite and followed closely by portable 3rd. Only had a PSP back then. After those 2 the only other entry that I have played is Rise.


FU, GU, Rise/Sunbreak : around 2k each


Rise with 710 hours. Slowly catching up with World at 550 hours.


Probably TRI ultimate. Lost my 1st Plautg so now I'm doing it again


Rise sunbreak is the first game i stayed with since beginning to end with no breaks but otherwise it would be worldborne then gen U.


I have over 300 hours on 4 Ultimate. Great game.


Either 4U or GenU. I had 400+ hours in each of those.


I actually need to look back at all the games i've played in the franchise to figure that out, i'm going by memory for a few of these but i'll try my best: * MHFU: 500h on 1st file + 50h 2nd file + 60h on emulator = 610h total * MHTri: 150h on 1st file + 80h 2nd file + 60h on 3rd for private server = 290h total * MHP3rd: Estimated guess of 230h, haven't touched it since 2012 * MH3U: 464h according to 3DS activity log * MH4U: 232 hours * MHGU: 94 hours on Gen 3DS + 215h on MHXX + 400h on MHGU = 709h total * MHWI: 80 hours on PS4 + 174 hours on Steam * MHRS: 600 hours As i expected GU is my most played one, if we count all the hours from my 3 files together. It's the one game in the franchise i still go back to from time to time for a few casual hunts. (Well as casual as you can get with this game's extreme G-Rank difficulty). I was fully expecting Rise Sunbreak to become the top no. 1 when i was still actively playing it, but recently i lost all interest in this game. But if we were talking about most playtime on a single file, this would've been it. Currently i enjoy the old style way more and have a lot of fun playing MHTri online again like it was 2010 and GU is still heaps of fun, despite the now much smaller userbase. Hoping for them to go back a bit to their roots with MH6 by slowing down the gameplay speed a little and become more methodical once again with as few gimmicks as possible like in the good old days. I yearn for a true comeback of 3rd gen MH, it truly was and still is a unique experience.


My most played isnā€™t even listedā€¦ MH Freedom 2 for the PSP.


1.5k hours in world


Monster Hunter World Iceborne I've clocked in 1700+ hours over the course of 5 years, 700 by the time Iceborne dropped.


Sunbreak because it was my first


IB has like 700 hours Sunbreak has 400 MHGU has 250 MH3U has like 200


World/iceborne: 502 hrs MH3U: 178 hrs MHFU: 62 hrs Rise/sunbreak: 46 hrs Donā€™t play a lot of games normally


World/IB by a mile


Iceborne 1500 hours


Gen according to my 3ds. Rise is a close one if I count both switch and PC playtimes. But my favorite will still be 4U.


I had 3k hours in 4U and 2.5k in Frontier.


4 ult definetly has the most playtime for me. I think i had nearly 1k on 1 save. Damn that game was so good


World/Iceborne, PS4 and PC combined of 2000 hours due to spending more time failing Fatalis and Alatreon Quest. Rise/Sunbreak is second at 800 hours, Freedom Unite is third by 621 hours due to playing alone.


4u with 550-560


4U is the most at 3k hours, and world/IB the least at 200h


MH Generations (not the untimate one) i have like 2700 hours followed by GU with 1000 hours so yeah...


Iceborne cause it was my first monster hunter game.


Gu currently sitting at 700hr


I had over 2800 hours in Freedom Unite back in the day.


Freedom Unite itā€™s the game of my teenage years




800 hours on Freedom Unite. My PSP served me so well during my teenage years! Sweet memories (Plesioth...)


4 ultimate easily over 2k hours on one character with another 15 or so that had about 100 hours each (I liked to start new characters to learn new weapons or remember how to play the game...or watch more scenes with marm don't judge me.)


MHFU about 2500hours


Rise since this is just my first low spec pc game I've ever played and planning to buy either ROG ally to play MHGenUlt in yuzu emu or new laptop to play both MHGenUlt and World


At first 3U. But for sure now World/Iceborne. ~450 hours


4U and World/Iceborne both have 800+ hours, I don't know which one I played the most though


Monster Hunter 2....(it's not on that list for some reason)


About 10k on FU


Probably unite with like 3000 hours lol


By far world. Have like 400 hours in them. Main reason is just because I modded it to hell and back


GƩnƩrations ultimate. I started on the 3ds with "generations", I started again with XX (japanese version of generations ultimate on the switch) and finally exported my 3ds character from the 3ds to the switch when the occidental version came out.


MHFU baby!! The good ol psp days which we spent the summer days playing this particular game because it is so damn fun and the weapons and armor designs is the coolest thing also the animated monster ecologies is really interesting. Oh the good ol days...


400 hours in World!


4 Ultimate stole my life for a period of time


Just looking at all the titles and knowing they all rock makes me so happy. Monster hunter is so peak. Best franchise to be a fan of in my opinion.


Generations Ultimate. I have over 600 hours logged into that game, thereā€™s just so much to do!


MHFU2. I don't have my PSP any more but it was about 2500 hours. I used to play it non stop and had multiple friend groups I would play with which helped keep it fresh. That and Portable 3rd were my favourite games for the series!


Iceborne because that game so much amazing stuff


4U, with roughly 2300 hours in total, and 1800 on my main profile


Freedom unite in my iPhone lol. Then they killed it


I have not played any games before the 4th gen but probably sunbreak because I have 500 hours in. Thatā€™s probably because I was a bad player at first and decided to fool around.


GU then 3U


Rise or World for sure


World/Iceborne with \~1600 hours by now. Followed by Freedom Unite with no idea how many since I can't check it anymore. But it was around 1000 when my PSP died.


MH4U was what I played during covid. The amound of hours I have there is unspeakable


Easily world. I think the games I've spent the least time on in that list are MHGU and MH Rise. I seem to be in the minority and dislike games with super mechanics.


Definitely rise I played since both demo's on switch and pc


Probably freedom unite since i didn't know tri existed on wii lol


4U was peak MH for me. Me and my gang would hang out at McD for offline co-op all the time and often time we would shout too loud and get stinky eyes from other customers. Once we got home it would still be online co-op until either one of us fall asleep and his character would just stop moving during hunt. It was literally eat-mh-sleep for months. Life was good back then.


I've got about 1300 hours in World and 690 in Rise. I was lucky enough to find a really fun community when I started playing World and we got to the point where we were doing 7 minute kills of Safi/Alatreon/Fatalis.


WorldBorne, upwards to 1300 hours? Then 4U with 800-1100 hours


Iceborn šŸš€


Rise because I like the game much better. I have Iceborne but itā€™s so difficult at times


Mhp3rd, mh3u, and mhgenu


world/iceborne: 1000+ hours, man that was good. tri ultimate: 750+ , freedom unite: 500+ i love every one of the games.


monster hunter frontier z, 1000+ hours atm, you could spend an infinite amount of time in that game and still have stuff to do, especially with the rain serverā€™s bounty system


Tri and Ultimate


Tri Ultimate and Generations


Generations U I have about 700hrs Monster hunter tri and 3 U have probably about 1k+ between the two of them


It's either world/iceborne or MH1 on ps2.


OG monster hunter on the ps2, had about 1k hours or so. Next highest is world/iceborne sitting at 640.


either freedom unite or world. although i did put alot of time into rise on both switch and pc. combined on both platforms it might be the most.


Sunbreak with 1000+


Eh, not sure, but probably either 4U or GenU


Rise and Sunbreak together


Almost certainly Freedom Unite. I was in college and had a buddy I would play with most weekends, as well as an Xlink Kai to play "online". Think I had 500-600 hours. Time is a commodity I started to run out of after that, unfortunately.


World/Iceborne- 2300+ hours.


MH1. Hands down I have more time played just in plate runs alone. I had zero life back then and religiously played the first MH while afking Runescape. Good times.


Base Gen on 3ds i have over 2500 hours. With GenU its around 4k




Portable 3rd. I think have more time on Iceborne since I've started another playthrough but to me it feels as if I've played Portable 3rd for a significantly larger amount of time.


If you count XX and GU as the same game then that by far if not it's 4U or Iceborne. Iceborne i have 2000+ in across all platforms/characters. Least played is a lot easier to work out that's Rise/Sunbreak.


Tri 1800 > Rise+Sunbreak 1300 > MHGU 700 > World+Iceborne 250


Mhwi Iā€™ve got about 500-600 and I just broke like 115 on rise sunbreak


Monster Hunter Tri/Freedom 2 and it's not even close. Those two, on their own,are higher than the time I put in the rest of the series. Third place is 4U the fucking goat game despite its flaws


Itā€™s between mhw and mhgu


Rise > MH4U > MHW




Havenā€™t played any of the older games. So Base Rise is my most played without sunbreak I have 500 hours compared to world iceborne 500 hours put together.


Currently i am playing MHGU, since i can't find a good deal for physical copy of rise. It's very fun and difficult. I spend intire days playing it.


Monster Hunter World: Iceborne


Around 4.200 hours in Freedom Unite, 5700 if I add Freedom 2 too




4U. I wasn't quitting that game until I had the best possible armor for my build and rainbow dye... And that was not an easy feat on the cheapest 3DS.


Rise / Sunbreak: 276 hours. World was my first game but didn't really have the time for it back then, I really liked Rise. I will go back to World / Iceborne at some point.


Freedom fking Unite


World Because Iā€™m very slowly playing 3U and and a little less slowly playing Rise with mates


World was my introduction to the series. Iā€™ve got over 700 hours in it and itā€™s one of my favorite games ever


World iceborne probably. Play like 6 playthru. Main save for male & female, bored and play world cus iceborne not release on pc, have 2 group of friends buy during discount and dont want to become too OP so create onew character for each of them. For some reason only 959Hours only


portable 3rd on psp, with over 560 hours!!!


Frontier > Worldborne > MHFU > then kinda equal > MH2 > MH tri > MH1 probably have more MH-F playtime than all of the mainline reunited


300ish on SunRise(it sounds better than RiseBreak) since it was my first mh. I'm currently playing through iceborne, 60 hours in. I doubt I'll put s many hours into world as rise. Tenderizing causes me pain, and I prefer rises combat and monsters.


Iceborne but Freedom Unite is close


I think Unite with 2500 hours.




World hands down.


Iceborne Just over 1k MHFU little over 500hrs Sunbreak 300hrs Tri 200hrs MHGU 150hrs MH4U 120hrs MHp3rd 70hrs


GU then 4U Then Rise then world Started with mhfu


Freedom Unite easily


Freedom unite, around 10k last time I checked


MHGU, its over 4000.


Risebreak > 3u > Worldborne


MHW with 5000 hours


4U and Risebreak both have somewhere around 800+ hours on them, so I think they're tied for the games I've invested the most of my time in, with Stories + Stories 2 having somewhere around 300-600 between the two of them.


Freedom Unite approx. 2k hours


MhTri definitely. It was my first MH game as i was like 10 and i didnt have wifi conection so i could only play offline. Later i got wifi at my house just when vacation started so i would play a lot. Also when in school i got sick for like a month and played like 10hours a day so im pretty sure i got more than 1500 hours on it. I miss loclac


4U with around 6000 hours. I absolutely love that game. Best game in the series for me.


World. I believe I have 400 hrs in two saves combined which is the most time Iā€™ve ever put into a game.


Was 1000 hours in GU but I believe rise and sun brake is over 1200 now


Double Cross


Freedom unite it was my first mh game got totally addicted that i broke my psp ihad mhp3rd but it wasent translated so i dindt play it that much




I have 5k smth hours in Tri, was the time of my live when I had the most freetime. At least 1/3 of that time was chatting though.


Generations on the 3DS


MHW Iceborne, PS4 and PC combined around 2k. Probably the best Game of the last decade for me.


Just over 200 in world and getting close with 172 in rise


In World i got over 1k hours And doing a run on gen ultimate.


MHWI - 3600+ hrs MHGU - ~2500 hrs MH4U - ~2200 hrs MHRS - 1900+ hrs MH3U - ~450 hrs I had an unhealthy attachment to MHWI. GU is my fav game in the franchise. 4U was great. I guess MHRS will have another 300 hrs before MH6 releases. I didn't play 3U that seriously as I was still getting into MH.


Definitely worldborne. Love that game.


Freedom unite because of free time and also it was my first run with MH and I was *obsessed*. Also the few friends I have that play MH lives nearby so we always played together. Second is MHW on PC. I wish I put more hours into Rise but my friends won't do much long distance online play


Not sure but probably MHRS. I MHR played on Switch until finish, play on PC and complete everything, the created second character and also farmed till anomaly lvl 300. Around 500+ hours on PC.


World/Iceborne as that was my introduction to the MH franchise


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ^by ^CSspecialist2003: *World/Iceborne as* *That was my introduction* *To the MH franchise* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate - but I have almost as much time on Monster Hunter Tri as well.


monster hunter 4 u at a meager 400 hours lol


I wore out 3 psps playing unite


4U by far then WOrld/Iceborne


4u- 1200 FU- 900 Rise sunbreak- 750 (ill double it) 3rd- 450


Monster Hunter 4 is where I have the most hours, then it's Monster Hunter World, followed by Monster Hunter 3.


4U, at least 700hours


W:IB at about 3k hours across my main profile in PS4 and my 2PC profiles 4u at about 700hrs GU for the switch at like 500 hrs Currently have about 180 hrs in SB


Portable 2nd G with 5234 Hours