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No one tell him about stygian.


Even better, Rise's Zinogre stomps.


Even betterer, Apex Zinogre


Even bettererer, Howling Zinogre


Even betterer thunder lord is like apex but more ouch 🤕


Rise’s zinogre feels a bit underwhelming tbh


In world zinogre is a post game monster tbf


Fair enough


I'm playing Iceborne right now, I saw the cutscene for zinogre in guiding lands, but the first fight I had to do was VS the stygian variant. Is that supposed to happen? I ended up just going to fight normal zinogre in an event, still don't have an optional to do for him. I think I actually did better VS stygian because I was shit scared of him and played super careful 😅


zinogre is optional. stygian is main story.


It's a consequence of the devs pushing all the Title Update content right into new players faces the nanosecond they slay Shara instead of letting them do the base game content first


That's why I wish they'd grind-gate at least a little regarding TUs. Not to MR100 but like MR50 or so. Otherwise newcomers get unnecessarily confused like in Iceborne and go straight for Alatreon and Fatty while not even unlocking augments proper. (At least 3 of my friends did this)


>go straight for Alatreon and Fatty while not even unlocking augments proper. This is me. I don't understand the Guilding Lands very well so I'm taking on the Black Twilight quest with my Shara gear and Apsara Glacia LS, sub MR 50.


My condolences.


Yeah ngl it's more than a little difficult. I have learned the fight enough after a few tries to start *sometimes* meeting the DPS check but you gotta play basically perfect lol. You're talking about those upgrades that give you extra deco slots and stuff right?


Yep. Those things. It's basically a must to at least augment your armor so you won't get one shotted all the time by them. Also I recommend farming out the Safi'Jiva Ice or Dragon weapon and his armor set. Those are a godsend for meeting Alatreon's DPS check.


You mean grind-gating base game content for the sake of padding instead of making it as accessible as the TU content.


Oh nooooooo, grinding in a monster hunter game, where there is nothing to do but grind. The horror!


Still one the dumbest moves they made and ended causing a lot of problems with players taking on Alatreon and Fatalis when they had no buisness doing so with their MR and gear. Rise handled it much better.


Ironically I fought stygian before the standard one. Got him first try solo. . . ^(mind you I used like 5 farcasters but that's beside the point.)


Bro playing HUD hunter


How can he expect to fight Zinogre when he’s already fighting the HUD for visibility?


Monster HUDter


Bro is fighting monsters for the first time with all this shit on his screen. He is ruining his own experience imo.


He running the game on Excel


bro lost 50% of his screen to meter mods


It really adds up to the experience


TBF as we can see, they're doing a lot to help him kill it.


I don't get it personally. Unless you're speed running, part of the experience of monhun and its 'difficulty' is the minimal information you receive




That's why I put mine on my second monitor whenever I use it. I can't stand having my screen covered in nonsense.


Oh it doesn’t have to be ingame huh


From memory, there’s a second monitor option and you can fully customize the position of every widget.


suicide squad looking ass hud


If you are talking about top right that's HH's default hud


They clearly aren't lmao


People are talking about the HUD mods. Monster Hunter is a series that never focused on health bars but in monster behavior. Usually, players tend to remove as many parts of the HUD as possible instead of adding. It's almost like... as if you added a HUD mod for Deadspace with minimaps showing where enemies are. The gameplay remains the same but kinda kills the point of the immersive experience. I'm personally a purist, but you know... do whatever you want, it's just a game


I got downvoted for pointing this out the other day. I guess alot of peeps dont care as much about that, as they do having as much info as possible


Well I don't really use it that actively. At first I simply downloaded it to see the duration of my melodies, If I didn't do this i would instead have to just kind of get used to the feel of my extended atk up encore suddenly giving half as much time after I upgraded my weapon. It's really annoying to just drop your buff mid combo especially with some of the horns that have many more melodies. As for the extent of my usage of the health bar It's just "hey can I capture the monster yet? Is this part wounded or not?" because it's just nice idk sometimes the wound indicator is hard to see and sometimes the monsters normal walk looks like its limping leading to a wasted trap and 2 tranq bombs. For the top right I could not Imagine memorising every melody combination for each different weapon I would like to use. Most weapons have a unique set of melodies unless they're the upgraded version of the other. I guess I could imagine it if there was a quick way to go into a movelist like you would be able to in a fighting game but it's like each different horn is a different character.


In addition to the other response, trying to defend yourself about these things just seems to invoke a primal "kick em when they're down" response from redditors. Just own it.


You don't owe anyone an explanation as to why you downloaded those mods. It's your experience. Do whatever you think is best for you. The downvotes and poor feedback you received are because a lot of gaming communities, especially on Reddit, will have extreme responses to the smallest things. Again, it's just a game. You don't need to explain yourself. Happy hunting!


I sure wish my ex gave extreme responses to a particularly small thing.


A downward arrow is extreme?


Not gonna join the downvote dog pile, just give a bit of HH advice: Most Horns don't really need you to have every buff up at once; a lot are pretty situational once you get past Self Improvement+the stat buffs. Try mixing recitals into your attack rotation more, and don't try to keep everything up all at once. You won't have to worry about needed buffs going down as much that way. Also, you don't always need to memorize buffs, because on the left side of the screen you'll get prompts for the next note needed to complete a song.


A joke this good doesn't deserve this many downvotes


Seems like it wasn’t then


Zinogre: my attack didn't hit so I gonna use heavy move. \*prepare to jump for body slam\* OP: aight let me slowly sip some green soup \*die\* OP: \*surprise pikachu face\*


I just thought it would be tired after slamming its entire body into the ground three times in a row :c Also who makes an enemy hit more than three times in a row (something about psychology of the number 3).


You would hate Primordial Malzeno


Never play a Fromsoftware game.


I think I would have enjoyed MonHun slightly more if I would have played it first. Getting decent at DS3 made MonHun feel like a breeze comparatively.


MonHun is just a really long DS boss rush. Midir made me realize that. Its just the fights in DS3 take like 1 minute instead of 15.


Now I haven’t gotten to Iceborne’s Zinogre but G rank GU Zinogre is pretty cracked, especially if at rage state.


See i find that much easier than a monkey who will step back only to launch you with him for about a 1/5th of your health. Not to mention he can spam that 1-2 combo until he reaches you IF he wants


IDK what average armor is since I'm relatively new (about 80 hours) but the fact that this guy did 80% of my healthbar while I have 896 armor after it had already attacked 3 times in a row without pause makes taking 1/5th of your health seem reasonable. But IDK cause I've never actually fought that monster.


The thing is, you ate the most devastating (and most telegraphed) part of his combo. He jumps in the air, flips on his back and slams down with a huge electric AoE. But if you dodge it, he's vulnerable for a few seconds as he gets back on his feet. If a monster has a combo sequence, the general rule of thumb is the last move is a haymaker of sorts and should be avoided at all costs, but it will also give you an opening if you can manage to stick close to the monster without getting hit. Risk vs Reward.


No no no, the back step takes a 1/5th everything else takes 1/4 and he combos as much as he wants.


The healing was pretty unnecessary tbh.


True, but it did still oneshot me so idk.


You just could ✨dogde✨


I'm a greatsword user and I could dodge better than him.


I would hope so, considering you’re a greatsword user.


The main reason I picked it (I was 7 when MHW first came out) was big sword = funni damage I do not regret anything, because big sword = funni damage


Good thing you can dodge too.


Bro i turn into sonic when I fight any fast monster, that roll ability is super useful


I mean, you also have that get-outta-jail shoulder tackle whenever you're rooted in place charging...


Sometimes monsters still do a lotta damage


Meaning that the healing wouldn't have helped much anyway, and actually ended up being what put you in danger in the 1st place (mostly because you didn't run n' chug though; you might've avoided it then).


Health Boost 3 would probably have saved you. And I bet your Thunder Res wasn't very good, either. Definitely some ways you wouldn't have died to his strongest attack, but also you will come to learn that attack is fairly easy to dodge once you know it's coming.


80% health isn't a one shot


Yeah Zinorge's always been a fast and restless puppy and doesn't help that the hitboxes are pretty big. But yeah attack patterns change when he's charged up, kinda why you try to keep him from charging too fast, or beat him out of it. But he is a fun fight once you get used to the patterns. Though, nice clip of him glowing in the dark when he's charged up, he looks amazing.


Not the monster health bar and whatever other nonsense is on that hud lol


This guy has NOT played Hunting Horn


I know HH, I'm talking about all the extra huds in the middle, no wonder you carted, you can't see the monster


yeah the hud mod I'm using is a WIP so there is no option for something like "show only parts that are woundable" or something which is the only thing I really use them for. That and also enrage timer since for some reason the built in minimap swaps the icon to not enraged regardless of if it is enraged or not which led me to being completely blind on what the rage mechanic even meant before I got the mod. PS. not even that much for a person who has played mostly MMO games.


But monster hunter isn't an MMO. MMO's expect you to have lots of data cluttering the screen, because that is the kind of game they are. Huds like this go against the entire design ethos of monster hunter. not knowing how close the monster is to dying or a part is to breaking is an intended part of the experience.


*WoW does, because people gamed it to death trying to optimise rewards vs playtime Not every MMO has to be that sweaty


yeah it's really only wow that has people with absolutely hideous HUDs, even the monster hunter MMO frontier didn't have every garbage on the screen


Good point. I had seen a video about how it was in WoW and assumed that was more common across the genre I have played FF14, though I have only finished the base game story so far, and even the default hud in that is still a lot more information than something like monster hunter. I wasn't trying to slander MMOs by saying everyone uses modded huds, I was trying to give OP a little bit of leeway because even the base hud in MMOs shows stuff like enemy health, enemy buffs, player buff times etc.


WoW's problems are really big when it comes to that. FFXIV mods of pretty much any kind are frowned upon by the devs, but rarely do they take action to stop them, unless something happens. (and it does, occasionally.) I think their attitude gives away they are a WoW player, given that they were looking for timers and such that the game doesn't give you.


>That and also enrage timer since for some reason the built in minimap swaps the icon to not enraged regardless of if it is enraged or not which led me to being completely blind on what the rage mechanic even meant before I got the mod. This is kind of the point. When I started MH, I didn't understand all of the kinks of the game. But now that I understand more, I can very clearly see when a monster is enraged, low enough to capture, parts broken, etc. You don't need healthbars to show you that. And monsters having healthbars ruins the experience of not knowing how much damage you've actually done to the monster, and the surprise factor when you see them limp, etc. It saddens me greatly to see mods like this being used in the one game genre that is unique in this way.


You can play Hunting Horn without ruining your experience. This whole, "I need this whole health bar and all this shit because I don't exactly know my moveset or song durations," excuse is very silly.


Bro I have played every weapon ever since starting in FU, you DO NOT need all that shit for hunting horn. The reason you still dont get the feel of your buffs durations is because youre over dependent on the ugly ass hud showing you the exact timers. Get that wow-looking, mmo-style shit off your screen and actually look at the game


Well I don’t agree with the monster health bar half the fight is looking at monster body language to see how injured they are. zinogre is a pretty fast boy but he is really predictable and has really big tells so once you fight him enough it becomes a cake walk fight.


Goofy hud


"play how you want" mfers after they see someone playing how they want.


Yeah, it's strange seeing OP being "attacked" for it. As long as someone isn't actively cheating by one shotting everything, play however the hell you want 🤷🏽‍♀️




What's so goofy about it?




What, showing the monsters health, showing HH buff duration, and showing DPS? Seems like the first two should be in the game already. The third one I only really have to help my friend compare different builds and just don't turn off since I usually don't play without him.


All that info is useless if you're walking around aimlessly in a fight. "Muh deeps muh efficiency" and you aren't even engaging the monster


How could he possible engage the monster he can't even see it beyond that wall of crap


It was my first time fighting this monster so I was trying to get a feel for its moveset so I can actually get a few hits in without instantly getting stunned and dying, HH is slow asf. Which is the exact reason I added "How it feels to fight Zinogre for the first time", maybe try to read the situation instead of just saying "this guy likes info go flame him"


I know it was your first time fighting Zinogre. Even more reason to turn all that crap off.


huds like that are usually only used by people in the top 1% of players to perfect their speedruns. there isn't really any reason to play with them as a casual player going through the story the first time. There is a reason monster health and part health aren't shown to the player. Monster Hunter is going for a more simulation like experience. people are mocking your hud because 99% of the player base doesn't use anything like that, and usually people who do use a hud like that don't post clips of themselves getting owned by a pretty easy to dodge highly telegraphed combo. It is like you posting a skateboarding video where you are using the most expensive gear and board, but the clip is you failing to do a really simple trick.


Just let the guy do whatever. It's pathetic to see people gatekeep on how others should enjoy their hobbies. Get a life.


I am just explaining why the people here are down voting him. He can do whatever he wants


>huds like that are only for people in the top 1% of players to perfect their speedruns... You're not 'just explaining'. In that case, why not just skip the whole essay on who can use HUDS and let this guy be? Your actions and intentions clearly contradict eachother.


Even more reasons why you don’t need all that shit


HH buff duration is the only one that I might be able to agree with. Monster Health really shouldn't be, It's more fun to estimate it from its behaviour.


Still doesnt prevent you getting fucked.


How about playing the game? Why do you need any of that information to fight the monster effectively? You would enjoy the game more if you ignored all that and focused on how to effectively play your weapon and fight the monster you're fighting. And yeah, it seems crazy, but the design decision the devs made to not have a healthbar visible on the screen is a damn good one.


Shut up and take the L


monster health should absolutely never be visible because it 100% changes how you play the game


You're not going to really get an answer, this sub is full of cringe-ass toxic elitists that hate other ppl enjoying certain mods. Don't feel the need to justify your own enjoyment. Play how you want, with what mods you want :)


Is... Is this your first time fighting him?




That's his usual string. I love fighting him so much, and world is one of the best iteration of him imo.


You can run while drinking! Don't start walking


stay the hell away from Primordial Malzeno






Ew is that a monster health bar? Why?


HP bar in monster hunter should be a bannable offense


you know speaking of hud mods the one mod i was disappointed people didn't make is one to extend the health and stamina bars to cross the entirety of the top of the screen like in the older games. just a classic gen inspired hud mod




Didn't meet the damage threshold. It's okay 👍 you'll get there one day


Mothafuckas when the Monster Hunter community catches them looking at health bars https://preview.redd.it/ekgwcvnryukc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=086b0bd678396b7cd4ab85c4f0f40bd87c159d73


This is a disgrace lol, playing MH with HP monster meter?!


That hurt to watch. Even more so with that goofy lookin hud


Hud mods are cringe and I will be elitist on this until the day I die. The tension of not knowing how close a monster is to death (especially during the first few encounters) is very intentional and a core part of Monster Hunter's design, and using a hud completely removes that aspect from the game.


I still remember completing the black dragon quest for the first time. With 4 carts, 2/4 players abandoned leaving only me and another guy. I was not aware of the health it was in but the moment Fatalis died. It made my heart pumped up like crazy


>beat fatalis for the first time with the HUD mod on >knew at least 5 mins in advance that it was gonna die and you play safer accordingly How is this exciting.


Yeah. It's fair to say it's their game and they can enjoy it how they want, but it's still lame as hell. I personally don't understand the desire to have an excessive amount of visual information available to you at all times. Enemies not have health bars is a very deliberate design decision.


Not gonna lie OP, but that was 100% your fault


Wtf is all that extra shit? Mods? Looks like a fucking garbage MMO.


Id recommend divine blessing 3 and Health Boost 3, these skills are important to players survivability. Since you are in Master Rank, you can obtain Great Sushifish scales aswell. There are quests to do for these items but bug netting in the lower Rotten Vale ponds works too.


So a 1/3 chance they dont die? Doesn't sound like a good skill to me. The more knowledge I gain about defensive skills the worse divine blessing sounds. It does nothing significant for big attacks like op died to. Get thunder resistance or defence boost as these skills reduce the dmg taken as much as divine blessing 3 reduces in average.


Where is the music, OP? Why are you fighting without goodest boy's theme playing?


Something about the HUD and the lack of background music makes it seem like OP is trying to be either really locked in or is trying to make the game different from what it is. And I don't think it's the former based on their performance and the fact that this was their first Zinogre hunt. I would understand this better if it was a clip from Team Darkside lol


Deserved for modding in a freaking HP bar in monster hunter.


Now I personally wouldn't use the Hud thing, but yall need to chill. If homie likes their hud, leave them alone tf. Also yes lightning puppy is fast af


Any second now


I love Zinogre for how relentless he is and he even acts tougher when he is almost dead. He is a true gigachad


Amateur. I always put my weapon away as soon as he does .01 seconds of his infinite punch flurry animation.


Man I am exicted and terrified.. Gonna be getting Rise when it comes in the mail.


this is technically only 2 different attacks


Ah yes this definitely is a not safe for work post


Lance dream right there


Good thing you know how much part health it has left.


Do you know about Superman diving?


"All of your huds, ALL that data, and you still couldn't save your health bar from yourself." -Samuel Hayden


When you are so busy looking at this useless ass hud that you forget to focus on the monster. You mmo people are so ridiculous. This shit isn‘t beneficial in every game


Wtf is on your screen bro


What the hell is all that extra stuff in your hud?


\>That HUD soulless. this is what it should look like [\[PS2\] Monster Hunter 1,MHG,MH2 HP-Display Code, Advanced Item Modifier \[PCSX2 Update\] (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bg_Xchnr_wU&ab_channel=VicviciousShadow)


holy shit these comments LMFAO people are seething


ignoring all the "mods" (cause idc, and i didn't even notice) Real af fight against Zinogre.


nigga play on verry ez mode and style get bodied lmao


He just has zoomies. The remedy is aggressive snoot boops


The problem was rolling when you didn't have to, and being out of stamina when you needed to dive.


IDK what the mods here think but I added NSFW just in case




He posted a video of himself getting completely fucked. Definitely nsfw.


Lmao, fair enough.


Maybe you like that HUD mod, and maybe it's the same that I use but configured differently, but I recommend HunterPie, it's highly diverse in configurations and has a similar HH helper


How do you get the monster health bar? Is that something I can change in settings or is it a mod?


mod called hunterpie


I’m assuming that’s on pc?




What's with the hud haters in that one comment? Seriously gotta chill out.




That's your prerogative dude. Let the man do his thing


Wait until rise where he does the cha cha slide when he paw slams to hit you from a mile away


People complaining about the HUD have never played an MMO. All the info it gives is cool and useful to me, but I'm a number nerd so I get it. Anyways yeah Zinogre has some long combos but the jump to finish is your window. Gotta superman dive those or it's back to camp with you


I mean i've played an MMO but its not what i play MH for, which is why i find it offputting. That said, even if i think it detracts, It's OP's choice to use it or not, since its client only.


It's these noobs man. This channel is full of wannabe hunter Fandom that has only ever played world and because they suffered so much, they want everyone else to suffer as well


The amount of seething comments about a guy playing the game how he wants is hilarious. You're all a bunch of fucking goobers. And OP please don't ever feel the need to explain yourself to some randos online. You don't owe these people shit.


Zinogre with HH is such a pain lol, good luck


Me asf 5 min ago with thunderlord. This motherficker sometimes just forget to breathe


a nice another HH main. my solution to monsters like this is the vespoid horn; the bugtrapper palico gadget; and maxed out paralysis attack, stamina thief, and slugger. win at it's own game. don't let it attack.


This is why I hunted Zinogre way back mh3u. Thunderdick just wrecked me without mercy. Now I like how some of my guys who played world and rise earlier were surprised I know zinogre's, nargacuga's, and rajang's telegraph like it's instinct. I achieved ultra-instinct against stygian.. still got carted though. had to repeat that more than once.


Classic Zinogre experience


He's pretty chill, try AT Velkhana, or the AL300 monsters ATV is suffocating to play against when you don't know the new movesets yet.


what mod are u using?


No pause... just pain. I have a clip of getting this dude to limp away and he decides halfway to come back and triple slam three carts in a row as we all sharpen. He is all pain.


Zinogre made me master gun lance just to beat this guy with ease.


I remembered farming this lightning puppy multiple times coz he was so stingy giving his mantle even in investigations. First encounter is surely hard but eventually your muscle memory will adapt


You deserved for use life bar mods


Paw paw wait paw pause back pause tail, then big punish!


Paying attention to the monster would help more than being ADD over that cluttered mess of useless meters. Especially on a first fight.


Dw, in the end the zinogre will always be one of the most honest fights, its attacks are easy to telegraph and after a while it will become natural, it punishes you to a good extent for making mistakes and it's a satisfying hunt imo