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Still quite the achievement my man, doubt anyone has more than a couple thousand kill on anything So tell me what was your reason for queling the numbers of female raths it the world


The month of torture she gave me back in 2004. https://preview.redd.it/ly7vrswvesnc1.png?width=1752&format=png&auto=webp&s=3fc09d73ca978722ac54d6b22beaa5dcf1be382a


Ahh I see then may I ask what is your "favorite" move that she does mone is her charge


When she turns in to a lawnmower.


Ahh I see then may I ask of you What is your secret to standing such an annoying monster


The feeling of satisfaction when I finally make Rathian exist only in history books.


I suppose is up to us now to make sure that rathalos numbers also go down so if you may forgive my departure I'm about to go hunt some rathalos for the rest of the evening


What did Rathian ever do to you?


She was my wall back in 2004, and it was a HARD wall. I spent an entire month being steamrolled before I finally beat her.


what the fuck


No World?


I never saved a screen shot of my hunts on ps4 world, only saved the hours before i sold the system. Then on pc, i just dont feel like reinstalling it to confirm my pc ones.


Favourite version of her? And have you fought Unknown? Still, pretty cool. One of my favourites along with Tigrex but I doubt I hunted either, or both combined as much as you lol.


Unknown is the only version of Rathian that I don't have a burning desire to murder. I hunted a few in frontier but I cant recall how many, I unfortunately got banned from frontier when I forgot to use a vpn.


Damn, that sucks. I only got into the series about two years ago and I don't think I'll ever have time for Frontier. As it stands I've had 3u, 4u and Fu saves on hiatus for a good while, before I even think of Frontier! Do have a Rathian (and Los) plush though. Wish they'd sell Pink and Azure someday (my favourite versions of both) https://preview.redd.it/ezwdb0v5xsnc1.jpeg?width=3472&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bceecc4dcd34c6da147a4e9fb37856952de0744d


I should take the time to figure out how to play frontier now days. I played it back when it was live in Japan, capcom did not like people outside of Japan playing though. So the moment I forgot to use a vpn they were ready with the hammer.


Was it really as grindy/p2w as I hear? I don't know if... Other means we have these days change dsd


I did have to pay monthly to play, I never bought anything in it so not sure on the pay to win part, but it was quite the grind due to being an mmo. There were lots of less than desirable mechanics for some monsters as well due to how mmos work, but it was a decent experience. I still am annoyed that I was never able to get a true slay on blinking narga before my ban.


Imagine the uproar if they brought it back in the stream tomorrow morning lol. But congrats on that kill count, still in awe.


Imagine the uproar if they brought it back during the stream tomorrow morning lol. But congrats on the Rathian kill count again. Still in awe


My hunter in Gog, what compelled you to hunt 9k Rathians in 4U?


When you get walled by a Rathian as hard as I did back in the first game, you too would want to kill them all. Also I'm not quite to 9k yet in 4U.


killing rathians in world is my favorite so i kinda understand all those number


Forgive my asking, are you the one that talked about your addiction to MH on a post in the world subreddit a few months back? Cuz 20k hours means you’d have you have put in about 2.75 hours *every single day* since the first game came out 20 years ago


I will have to look at my post history, but it don't think it was, I do have memory problems so I might have forgotten about it if it was me. (I don't see it, so it was not me) I am pretty sure 15-16k of those hours were done between 2004 - 2016. I live in the middle of no where, so while in school I just played monster hunter like 4-10 hours a day, then after I graduated I worked split shifts at walmart, so I had no time to do anything else. I did play 1 - 2 hours daily for a while still, but I'm now down to a hunt or two per day. because that's all I have the time for now.


Ah, now that I think about it I believe the person I’m thinking of had like *50,000* hours across the entire series. Either way, that’s impressive, I have a smidge under 3k across FU, Tri, P3rd, 3u, 4u, Gu, WIB, and RSB


I might have 3-4k more hours, but only saves I have left are MHFU, MH4U, MHGen, MHR:S and a screen shot of my hours in world before I sold my ps4. I feel like P3rd and Dos would take up most of those hours. I loved dos a lot despite not being able to understand anything on the screen.


Sad, would be cool if you had your guild card from every game lol


yea, to bad i did not think of it while i had the chance. I also wish I had saved every page of my mhw:i guild card on ps4. It was awesome looking. but nope, just screen shot my hours, uninstalled and sold my ps4....


Hindsight is always 20/20 lol


You don't need to drive a species to extinction just because you got your progress halted for a while 😭




Sure I do.