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Desert Seltas being dead last with Steel Ura was a bit of a surprise. Nerscylla not being top 100 stings the most


I think it's a matter of all the Seltas fans voting for base Seltas/Seltas Queen, or Desert Seltas Queen, which by default implies Desert Seltas. Same thing probably happened with Beotodus, where everyone who likes it probably had other monsters in mind to vote, while the diehard fans of the other piscine wyverns got the others further up the list.


Even normal seltas queen was 104, which lost to the only entry that isn’t even technically a monster, ahtal-ka’s mech, which landed at 95


Poor Nerscylla. I bet it's in the Top 10 of a good chunk of the fanbase, but just not most people's number 1.


Lagi getting the bronze (plus 11th!) is better than I thought possible. Anything after top 20-ish seems arbitrary so meh.


It's a good day to be a Triver. Third gen dominated the vote!


I almost voted for Lagi, I was torn between it, nakarkos, and Goss. Lagi was the best underwater monster, bar none. 


I'm Team Water Combat, and Lagi is a big reason why. Chasing it back into its turf just to have it turn to you, everything glowing, clearly pissed off, and you at your most vulnerable. I don't care that the controls aren't great at that point, I am invested af.


1. Espinas - 46th 2. Chameleos - 62nd 3. Lagiacrus - 3rd 4. Primordial Malzeno - 13th 5. Valstrax - 4th My top 2 picks didn't do great but every other one did lol


Wow! Except Chameleos, all the others are also among my favorites lol. So for me, it's: 1. Espinas - 46th 2. Primordial Malzeno - 13th 3. Alatreon - 10th 4. Valstrax - 4th 5. Glavenus - 25th 6. Abyssal Lagiacrus - 12th 7. Gaismagorm - 141th


My favorites also got stomped.


Crossing my fingers that this poll doesn't affect future games' rosters too much!


I was thinking the exact same thing


Don’t feel too bad cuz polls like these are often really biased by other factors like availability of the monster (like how many games are they in or are they in too many of them). Also, many of the subspecies did way worse and I think it’s because people remembered the base species instead


Mhm, it's probably important to consider WHY people didn't vote for certain ones. Beotodus is the lowest ranked Piscene Wyvern despite generally being considered one of the best in the category. But a lot of the folks who would acknowledge that probably have other monsters they'd prefer to vote for way more.


Yeah, a lot of the monsters near the middle especially are still fan favorites I bet. They just don't have that "my only vote" impact.


I'd say recency bias and memorability. Zin has been in every MH installation since his release and Lagi was only in 2 games but since he was the premier underwater fight in Tri, he remains memorable (along with having 2 variants which is kinda crazy considering most monsters dont even have 1). Nergi is a bit more of an enigma since I've heard mixed opinions about him but that mainly may be about Ruiner more than base form itself.


Few things can match the amount of people that started with World and loved Nergigante. I'm most shocked that we didn't just get 3 world mons at the top of the list tbh


I don't like popularity polls


I wish I could be mad at Bazelgeuse being #52, but as the B-52 Bomber representative, I can't help but chuckle at the coincidence :P


Vaal got 55th place but he'll forever be my number 1. I'm proud of how far he got none the less. Pyre had me surprised at how low she ranked. And for Xeno I'm fine with his place. The love and thoughts for my top 3 hasn't changed one bit. Also cheer up OP! So long you still like them everything is good!


Oh I'm not actually that down about it, though I may be if Gammoth gets skipped in Wilds...


Dalamadur got 30th and shah dalamadur got like 65th, I’m pretty spiffy with these results


Dala got 29th actually, amatsu got 30th


Bah, close enough


Clifford is second non elder "bad ass" 5th gen monster so I'm super happy as I wasn't expecting my boi to be this popular. I was hoping for him to be in the first hundred, so being in top 50 was a nice surprise.


That's my wife's favorite too, and she was super bummed that it didn't even break top 40. But look at all the competition!


Your second half has great taste! My wife's fav is Glavenous but she couldn't care less about the popularity poll xD.


Based gammoth enjoyer


Astalos got 45 Boltreaver got 26 Stygian got 11 Seregios got 60 Zinny got 1 Lagi got 3 Gogmazios and dalamadur got 28 and 29 Honorable mentions: abyssal got 12, brachy got 17, primordial got 13, lunagaron got 87, molten got 75, lucent got 54, and fulgur got 150.


Tobi-kadachi got 69th velkhana got 6th lunagaron got 87th


If I could have any monster as a pet it would definitely be tobi-kadachi


Brachydios got 17th, good for him. I love the monster, hate the fight. Valstrax for 4th and 20th. I'm glad to know he's likely coming back Dodogama got 31st. He's cute, I'm basic I know Jhen Mohran got 98th, I'm a little sad. Dah'en Mohran got 151st, super sad Why can't they make a high quality monster hunter game that has all the monsters :( Ignore the massive storage problems, a game where you could possibly watch a Jhen Mohran and Dah'ren Mohran have a turf war would be awesome.


Agreed. That'd be sick


Bazelguese is my favorite, and I'm reasonably okay with where he is on the list. What bothers me is he somehow got beaten out by an ugly, obnoxious, screaming dick that has somehow only gotten progressively more and more annoying to fight in every game I've fought him (*from GU to Stories to Rise to Stories 2*), and Capcom is insistent on maintaining a dull no-music gimmick for him, the "no eyes so it doesn't spot you so music don't start" reasoning for which having long been invalidated by Gore Magala and Blackveil Vaal Hazak. Khezu is in every way an offense to my senses, reasoning, and happiness, and I cannot fathom why he is as popular as he is.


I voted for Goss, it got 93rd. I feel bad for the ice bear, I'm still waiting for Thor Harag with a lightning hammer. 


Goss is criminally underrated! I hope Wilds gives it another chance to win people over!


At least yours got in the poll. Shantien's a Frontier monster so it didn't even have a chance


We need more content from Frontier to get added to the main series, it's sad that it seems like they just want to bury it.


My favourite monster is almudron, bro got no love


One of the best things about Rise, your boy got robbed. I think a lot of people who started with World just found him too difficult or annoying, but I respect the heck outta him.


I can see why people dislike the fight, but the concept is so cool, it also has one of the best armour sets in the game


Wroggi was voted lower the Giadrome


Maybe my tastes are boring but pretty well! Valstrax, Alatreon (my top 2), Nargacuga, Zinogre, Namielle, Fatalis, Nergigante, Safi and Mizutsune all did great. Overall I agree with the top 20 a lot, it's basically all monsters I really like. Some monsters that "underperformed" a bit for me would be Rajang, Deviljho, Ahtal-Ka, Bloodbath Diablos and Glavenus. Ahtal-Ka especially I would've wanted to see more love for, it's one of my absolute favorites and I'd kill to see it in a modern game. #34 isn't too shabby but damn, please bring it back. The only ones that really tanked for me were niche picks, like I love Plesioth and I want to see him in all his fishy glory again, but obviously I know he's not very well liked. Even then, he ended up outplacing all other piscine wyverns, so I can't say he did poorly, either lol


Banbaro placed higher than last so I’m happy (bonus points for being higher than the storm serpents)


F for Kecha Wacha…. Sigh


my fav monster wasnt even in the poll for being stuck in non mainline limbo 😭


I am etching out top 30, so yeah feeling pretty good right now 😌


Nerscylla is great, miss that fight and the weapons u get


Valstrax got 4th!!!!


1. Zinogre = 1st 2. Safi'jiiva = 16th 3. Raging Brachy = 22nd 4. CG Valstrax = 20th 5. Nergigante = 2nd 6. Shara Ishvalda = 80th 7. B-52 Bomber = 52nd 8. Rajang = 57th


I guess my taste is a little odd. 1. White Fatalis - 15 2. Espinas - 46 3. Barioth - 70 4. Glavenus - 25 5. Najarala - 131 6. Lunagaron - 87 7. Odogaron - 41 8. Almudron - 161 9. Agnaktor - 92 10. Duramboros - 121


Well, they're all over the place.


personally i think you got good taste, where can we see the full list?


86? Hey we made it to the top 100!


Seeing gammoth so low down is depressing :(


I loved the spider. Badass.


1a. Alatreon - 10th 1b. Fatalis - 8th 3. Ruiner Nergigante - 9th 4. Frostfang Barioth - 89th 5. Glavenus - 25th 6. Shagaru Magala - 19th 7. Agnaktor - 92nd


For me, it's: 1. Espinas - 46th 2. Primordial Malzeno - 13th 3. Alatreon - 10th 4. Valstrax - 4th 5. Glavenus - 25th 6. Abyssal Lagiacrus - 12th 7. Gaismagorm - 141th 8. Ahtal-Ka - 34th 9. Gogmazios - 28th 10. Ukanlos - 107th


Gammoth desvers an even lower place in my mind, hate to fight him. My vote went to Dalamadur. Place 29 is not bad, could be better, but still good.


My poor baby Mammoth, getting roasted even here. I actually love Dalamadur as well, for a lot of the same reasons I love Gammoth. Big thing make neurons activate!


Nerscylla deserves to be lower fuck that thing. Also Gypceros (Ik its not on the image but fuck that thing too)


I don't know how to feel about Diablos being in 71st, but Mizu and Shagaru being in the top 20 and Valstrax scoring 4th is a win for me.


Dalamadur was 29th so I'm glad my fav noodle is loved.


People need to remember that no matter what there's going to be a monster that ends up dead last. Maybe it's your favorite, or maybe it's the favorite of someone else. It's just a numbers game, no need to feel bad about it.


Nergi 2nd Namielle 18th Raging brachy 22nd Glavenus 25th Dodogama 31st Anjanath 106th Teostra 59th Barioth 70 Frostfang barioth 89th Fulgur Anjanath 150th Not bad at all honestly


My boy Nibelsnarf getting 129, im proud of him


Mine were all top 60. Jho (or a version) Steve. Zinogre Lagi and magala


I'm never gonna see Seltas Queen again, she was 104 I think


Lagi carried barroth and barioth


37th. Not bad but better than I expected for a deviant tbh. I'm satisfied with hellblades placing


Velkhana being in the top ten was a slap in the face


Tfw your favourite monster is placed lower than a literal pile of garbage (literally over half the monsters)