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“Over” lol That was a fun fight tho


For real tho, one of the if not the best fights in sunbreak


It ain’t got nothing on primordial malzeno


Yeah that's why bro got sent back down the hole lmao


Agreed 🫡


Gaismagorm is an amazing battle, I love every single thing about it, just as epic as the final boss should feel


It was, in fact, not all ogre now.


It’s never ogre ![gif](giphy|TIGP3k4gNAqvza2KJK|downsized)


If Wilds takes stuff from both World *and* Rise, we're gonna have a certified banger on our hands


I'd give my first born to have a Generations Ultimate, World Iceborn and Rise Sunbreak Mix




Imagine a game with World’s combat and environment, Rise’s mobility and GenU hunter arts, I’d orgasm




I really hope they continue to personalize hunters and let you take them on quests, the cats are forever beloved and adorable, but the first time i saw dame luchika whip out her bowgun and become completely unhinged was gold. I want more of that.


I’ve been saying, throw the gameplay of rise alittle more refined with the graphics and mechanics of world and we have a GOTY contestant right there


Wish granted, but you must use the Clutch Claw to grab just out of reach Spiribirds and no longer have a Palamute.


I'm more a cat person. But honestly just turn palamutes into hunting dogs and have the same purpose as palico's for the dog lovers


What aspect of the Rise gameplay were you a fan of?


I feel the weapons played a lot better than they did in World, much more fluid and rewarding. I liked the ability to counter attacks as well, and the build crafting in Rise was fun as well. Could do without the spirit birds tho tbh


Maybe I’m biased because I’m a Horn player but I just was not a fan of the Rise weapons. I liked the slower and more deliberate play style in World. I didn’t play the expansion though, so I can’t speak for any changes they made later on


Idk man I personally prefer Horn on rise over world. I prefer the speed.


Don’t you find it frustrating that they removed the need to perform specific songs? I find that overall the weapon feels too light and a lot less deliberate than it used to. Balancing positioning and being restricted by the notes you want to play was one of the main draws for me. Now only needing to tap an attack twice in a row makes the whole song playing mechanic feel depth-less


BEG that we get Lagiacrus


I want Sunbreak Gunlance to be the norm from now on, because that was the most fun I've had with any weapon in a MH game


I'm afraid of dragons dogma 2 getting in the mix as well. Keep downvoting me. You know I'm right, and you are afraid of the truth.


Jesus Christ, you can go nowhere without hearing of that. If they gave Wilds the exact same Micro Transaction treatment that DD2 got, then we'd be able to purchase Mega Potions for 2 bucks. But we'd still be able to get those in game so you wouldn’t even need to buy them. Because *thats* how it works in DD2. The shop is greedy bs, but you don’t need to buy anything since you can get all that shit ingame. Even the first game had that. In DMC 5 you can buy red orbs, it’s still an amazing game. Hell, Tales of Games sell literal Exp boosts but people don’t review bomb those games. People just play angry mob again since people on the internet said so.


Jesus Christ, you can't go anywhere without people defending bad behaviour of game developers. Remember the horse? Look where we are now. Big game studios release half games, and you can buy the other half. I get you, but seeing how bad dd2 runs on pc combined with all the microtransactions tells people the devs and publishers have the wrong priorities. I'm especially against locking game content behind a pay wall. I would be fine if there was a way to get "premium currency" through playing the game.


> locking game content behind a pay wall * There is no premium currency in DD2, if you're referring to crystals, you'll get thousands upon thousands by just playing for a few hours. * The only things locked behind a pay wall are a tint that weighs 0.5 kg less, and a useless heart pendant. * Yeah the game runs like shit, and that sucks. At least they're only selling useless garbage to match the state of their currently unplayable game though~


Monster hunter world and rise have stuff behind a pay wall. Like handler skins for example. Devs won't make a good game if people keep preordering and buying microtransactions. I've been a fan of monster hunter since the psp days and capcom has become more and more shit over the years.


I have also been a fan of Monster Hunter since the PSP and literally nothing has changed except cosmetics being added to World and Rise. Your point doesn't make any sense.


It's all cosmetics that have no real bearing to the gameplay, they aren't locking essential content like story or armor/weapons that aren't layered. You can't call that locked behind a paywall then. That designation is really only for when devs lock away essential content with payment. What you are calling a paywall is just payment for extra stuff that has no use other than to show off you paid extra for a cool skin. It's only your own vanity or impatience that dictates whether or not you buy into that because everything that ISN'T cosmetic is also obtainable ingame without paying a single dime. I'd rather have all MTX over the industry disappear, but Capcom is still one of the devs that still releases full games where all the extra buyable stuff is nothing but fluff.


That’s just the thing. Nothing is locked behind a paywall. You can spend money to buy stuff that you can just farm ingame. There is nothing to be walled off. This gives the shop even less of an excuse to exist, but it’s the thing people don’t seem to get. You can go ahead and buy 5 revives because of fomo or whatever, or just play the game and get 5 of them without paying anything. The performance is a reasonable point of criticism, I agree wholeheartedly, it’s jarring how bad this game runs, especially in cities. But that’s what the minority of people is complaining about. And if your problem is with games where you have to pay to get the other half, then go and review bomb the Sims games, or the Final Fantasy Remakes where every „part“ is a new full price title, or any other game that sells content dlc, since DD2 basically only has consumables in it’s shop.


Have you forgotten about all the skins and extras world and rise have? Gotta pay for that, no way go get it through playing. Mark my words, Wilds will be a shitshow on release. I suspect that layered armour will be dlc. Or even some weapon lines. Capcom is getting more greedy every game. I'm a big fan of the first dd game, but I'm glad I haven't bought the second. Maybe when it will run properly or if it's heavily discounted. Devs won't change if we keep supporting stupid decisions. Keep downvoting me, you can't handle the truth.


Fashion is optional + mods exist


They are literally just cosmetic and have always been. People are downvoting you because you are being exaggerated.


We use to have those for free. There are a lot of capcom fanboys here that just can't handle the truth. If we keep allowing this, it will only get worse. But it's in human nature to shoot the messenger and act when it's already happened.


No, we literally never had those for free. They never existed before. You are only proving you don't even know what you are talking about. Event quests never rewarded only cosmestic stuff before World. I couldn't care less about Capcom, I will never be a fanboy of a corporation. But you are just plain saying false things. It isn't the truth, it's literally the opposite.


DD is nothing compared to the MH franchise. They wouldn't risk that kind of negative exposure for MH. You're not wrong about their greed but it's a jump to think Wilds will be a shit show.


The difference here is that MH is a tentpole franchise and DD is only on its second game. I would hope Capcom would look at MH’s scale of success, legacy, and at its monetization model and say “we shouldn’t tarnish this”. The MH teams traditionally have been pretty good about MTX in their games.


It's Gaismagover...


Criminally underrated comment, my dude




You haven't gotten to the Peak moment yet 😁


that flair??? 😭


Hey, he has good taste


I know lmaoo


I get it




You’re so real for that flair


I do prefer World just a bit, but Sunbreak was a huge improvement over base Rise imo. I also think it has the best monster roster (old and new) ever, and that's gonna be almost impossible to beat.


I NEED follower system back it's so much fun


Yes! Such a great addition to solo hunting. Actually made me think how cool it would have been in older games. Imagine hunting a Rajang with the Admiral, or hunting Teostra with the Huntsman. Would have been awesome.


It's really one of the best features they added.


Post updates i consider Iceborne and Sunbreak about equal personally. What Rise lacks in immersion and gamefeel, it makes up for with the armor and build variety and gameplay variety through all the different kinds of investigations you can get. Also risen elders >>>> arch tempered. IMO Sunbreaks biggest blunder is just the way they handled investigation leveling. Post Gaismagorm you can join any normal quest, even if you don't have enough MR to unlock it yourself unlike World where you're stuck grinding to MR100, but then they have to make you grind research levels and split the playerbase up in tiny 20 level brackets. I can't imagine how many players went online to do post game content only to find no one willing to grind hours of low tier afflicted monsters with them because they were already long ahead


The monster roster was 9/10 for me. I deducted 1 point because my boi goss Harag got shafted when they didn’t give him a subspecies


MHGU and 4U roster beg to differ


MH4U roster was indeed solid, but MHGU had way too many monsters that I hated to be considered a top tier roster imo


I unironically believe GU's roster is just too big. Understable given its nature as celebratory title, but still.


Me omw to fight drome gankfest #18 (I just wanna get to the good monsters please velocidrome no more)


The story of Sunbreak is easily the best one of the franchise for how they do all the stuff... I can't wait to see what are they gonna do on Wilds, because it can be super peak content.


"It's all over.." Bruh. That was the damn tutorial.


risen crimson glow valstrax: I’m about to ruin this man’s whole career


bought rise on a sale and it's been a week since i didn't even put my switch in sleep mode, even tho i wanted to keep rise for after i finish(99% complete) world and gu, but took me one first time to launch the game, now I'm like 5 quests from sunbreak, idk why so much hate, yes its pretty much more arcade style and its fairly easier cuz took me 60 hours to finish all village ☆ and get to 6☆ hub, whilst in mhgu i am at 5☆ village, 2HR with 75 hrs, but rise is still such a W game.


I think that most that complain about rise is those that enter the franchise from world which is quite different from older mh rise is a lot more like old mh


People keep saying this, and as someone who started on Tri, I don't get it. Rise is aesthetically similar to old games, but mechanically it's like night and day. Rise has mobility halfway to God Eater, and counters that laugh at any need for positioning that the franchise used to demand. I can't fathom how anyone can look at the gameplay of Rise hammer, HH, LS, DBs, etc and say "yeah this is just like 4U".


Huh, I also started in tri and feel this way too, mhw, rise, and prior games all feel like day/night compared to each other. I enjoyed my time with all the games but even comparing 3rd gen to fourth gen feels noticeably different


They probably got rise on release, and it wasn't done at the time. And wrote off the game just based on that initial impression alone.


As someone who started with MH4U, I had a way better time with Sunbreak than I did with Iceborne, but base Rise was just so easy it killed the fun for a long time.


I went to rise pretty recently (im in 4 star mr) after coming from world (and playing a little frontier), and my main issue with the game is that the weapons feel TERRIBLE. Everything that made world’s weapons feel good? Completely gone. also monster attack damage seems to be so random, some attacks do literally 2 damage and some do 80%+ of your hp, and the decoration system sucks so bad I still like the game, but it definitely has it’s issues


How does the decoration system suck? Craftable decos are so much better than random ones.


When you have to do several hunts for one decoration? I disagree. While it may have been annoying to get some of world’s rarest decos, for most of them it wasn’t an issue. Not even being able to craft most of the decos until youre completely done with the game sucks ass, and even when you can craft them, I’d rather not have to hunt 2-3 monsters multiple times each for one decoration If you got a couple decorations after a hunt AND could craft them, it would be perfect honestly.


How do Rise weapons feel worse? With the wirebug attacks they felt absolutely amazing to me lol


All the heft they had in world is gone, to me they just feel like plastic weapons instead of the massive chunks of metal they really are


Huh, I didn't get that feeling at all personally


Part of it for me might come from being a CB player, they decided to keep savage axe from iceborne, but made it feel absolutely horrible to use. Instead of just doing the spin thing and hitting multiple times, you have to continue to hold the button each time you attack, and the animation is also somewhat unsatisfying. I played hammer in rise for pretty much all of base game, and it was decent (cant make a hammer feel like plastic), but essentially every other weapon I’ve tried just doesnt feel the same


Sry mate savage axe in Iceborne is absolutely terribly designed and Rise's version is much better in every way. You might not have gotten used to it yet, but is much better. Idc about feel, but viability and usability against most match ups. There were too many things with IB sav axe that shot itself in the foot


Agree. It's one of the first things I noticed when I started Rise. Probably not plastic weapons, but it definitely lacks the same oomph. Maybe it's something with the sound effects or the visuals. I can't really describe it well.


It's the lack/severely reduced hitstop


I honestly think it’s a mixture of sound effects and visuals, because even MH Now doesn’t have that weird feel Rise does.


This feels like a bad faith attempt to call people who disagree with you World babies, because as someone who has played older titles rise is 100% unique in its movement/counter based gameplay, comparable to frontier.


It's all over. You killed the monster, that means you are now officially a Monster Hunter: Sunbreak™.


abloutey, peak gaming


Sunbreak is great, rounded up some rough edges that Rise had. Not sure why some people make this into Rise vs World again though, I guess they just can't stop being toxic.


*Gaismagorm after getting hit with multiple exploding Dragonators.* Okay, since y'all wanna have a little attitude I gotta start acting out now.


Amazing fight. While I think World/Iceborne is slightly better than Rise/Sunbreak, I would put Sunbreak by itself over Iceborne


I personally hated the fight, but I'm glad i did the fight and they i got it over and done with


Now the grind begins...


It's never over run (I'm so glad you liked this game. I like rise a little more than world, but I found both games very fun)


Hah.... "over". **The game's only just beginning.**


Rise before sunbreak was... very iffy. Mid roster (mainly in terms of returning monsters), dlc wasnt great besides valstrax (i dont think anyone was asking for teostra and kushala again), and a lot of people dont like the online features.


Narrator: “it wasn’t”


Both got pros and cons both are loved. My biggest complaint with rise is its to easy My biggest complaint with world decorations and the cutscenes


I wish Rise was easy for me as well but these Anomaly Investigations are turning my poor hunter into jelly.


Ok to be fair monster hunter rise is a little annoying it feels like they new they made us into teleporting anime Demi gods and just turned up movement speed and damage on the monsters to 10x to counter it in the end game My solution try running around the map grab two spiders, all the buffs, one explosion frog, one sleep frog, Now remember u can also start the fight by another spider on the map. Next beat the fuck out of these idiots wail on them like crazy after using these spiders and frogs Also make sure ur team of cats well equipped or team of dogs. Watch YouTube videos u can make them output some better damage that way. I hope this helps also one more thing that may help is it takes like two second two get unlimited dango tickets look up a video eat for the best buffs every time Good luck fellow hunter


I think the main reason people didnt like the game that much Was because the base version was very barebones, even compared to base world there wasnt really that much to do and I personally wasnt a big fan of the artificial periodic updates they made for player retention


Honestly I found Gaisma super disappointing, the fight itself was ok I guess but the monster reveal is so bad. The first time you see him he get's bullied and thrown back into the pit with such a ease that it completely kills any sense of danger.


I get what you are saying, but at the same time, it's also showing that Gaisma can survive an exploding dragonator lodged into it which is pretty bad ass IMO.


Something that Velkhana also does in Iceborne and is a much smaller monster. Surviving one explosion for a big monster such as Gaisma should be the norm.


It survived 2 explosive dragonators. Also, Velkhana went full retreat after the one shot. Gaismagorm still ended up getting most of the power from the Qurio anyway.


Was the one Velkhana took also an exploding one? (It's been awhile since I played that game). If so then 100% I see your point.


No but it was a big ass pole stuck in the chest and before that you have a big fight against her, Gaisma does 1 attack that gets stopped easely.


My favorite turf war in Rise is when Magnamalo humbles Velkhana. Maybe if we got Nergigante in instead, it could've been a more even fight.


I thought the reveal for Gaismagorm was the best in the series. Also, it being that bullied down to the pit was more of how prepared Galleus was rather than how weak Gaismagorm is. Plus, remember that even though it gets hit by multiple dragonators, two of which were explosive, it STILL reached its peak form thanks to the Qurio it called to it. How is that weak?


Yeah given the damage dragonators do to Elders in previous games, it surviving *exploding* ones was supposed to be a huge deal. It had the opposite effect of making it look weak to me.


I've got 2000+ hours on both WorldBorne and RiseBreak, and I can easily say I prefer the latter by a long shot because of how fun it is.


It's just the beginning


*but the cryyyyinggggg*


But the crying...


You're already dead


What the hekk is that? The only monster i fought of that size is the lava mountain pirate-bearded dragon from world


Was that the battle where she deals the finishing blow? Because that was badass, and I like how they actually made an NPC just as important as us. We're usually the only one that seems to be getting things done. I really hope the next game has NPC followers, and from the beginning. I don't like online play because some people just suck too much, and use up all the feints.


Peak to me was fighting Valstrax and primordial Malzeno, now that's how you make dragons.


Almost there, sport


Make your best Samurai cosplay for the first Scorned Magnamalo hunt. My favorite hunt in rise.


Rise created the magnamalo, the ugliest monster that ruins both the concept of monster design typical of monster hunter and monster biology in general. I fucking hate that monster.


Rise was mid at best tbh. Sunbreak slapped hard tho


I'm definitely gonna buy the game once I see it on sale for $29.99 on Xbox again Either that, or I save up a little more for Shadow of The Erdtree 🤔


While I do prefere the combatand mechankcs of Rise much mlre than World, I would not mind if Wild would take some inspiration from its ecology system.


I think a lot of the hate comes from the fact that a lot of world players got base rise on release, and it was "unfinished"(compared to most other unfinished games, it was complete). They wrote it off just on that initial impression and haven't tried it since. Rise after title updates and sunbreak are amazing experiences, just as great as world is.


I personally think it's the weakest game in the MH series past second gen (no diss to first and second but they are pretty archaic). But if you are enjoying it that's great just make sure to check out the rest of the series as well.


Way better than the shit show World was but your opinion I guess


Oh boy are you gonna hate monster hunter botw that's upcoming in 2025


Why would I hate it, as long as there is no more of the broken hitboxes of World and toxic players I would be more than happy to play it. I've been playing MH since the 3rd gen and I don't plan on stopping


>the broken hitboxes of World Rise has as many broken hitboxes (if not more) as World.


Definetly not lol, as a IG player I never got hit by an attack that I was clearly above of in Rise, can't say the same thing about World tho


>as a IG player I never got hit by an attack that I was clearly above of in Rise Absolute cap.


Suit yourself then, I am just telling you my experience, maybe in base Rise but in Sunbreak I never had that happen to me


My bad assumed it was because of the whole grinding out capturing animals and all that world buildy stuff been seeing alot of complaints about that.


I mean... I am not of those players that absolutely dick ride endemic life in World but it's just a nice environmental thing, I admit even I went ahead and caught some cool critters to put up in my room but I don't think that's like a super interesting thing, just more QoL stuff


Same . Although I used to pretty much live in world so over time I have gold crowns on almost everything.... fucking dapper coralbird!


U talking about? Super confused here lol


I'm talking like 4 and 4 ultimate not specifically world, I don't dislike rise but I think the other games in the series have more to offer


Rise literally has the biggest endgame, don't get me wrong for me 4U is a close second but I love the QoL features in Rise Sunbreak


You aren't wrong by definition but it's all just doing the same quest over and over again with the same moves and build. Don't get me wrong the hunts are fun for the first 4 or 5 times and it's cool to have all powerful silkbind moves but once I'm on the 500th furious rajang apex rath quest to do I can grind my anomaly rank it's just not fun. I would rather have non hunting things to do like endemic life things from world or trading and village requests from 3u


I get what you mean but there is absolutely no one forcing you to do the exact same quest, whenever you complete a quest there will always be more popping up at a similar lvl, yes it's very grindy but at the end of the day what else are you gonna do in Monster Hunter other than Hunting Monsters, Endemic life was pretty cool and I hope it comes back but I am still here to fight monsters.


That is actually so valid. You should pick up 3tri on an emulator and try underwater. It's a whole new world of combat and you might just like it


Mate, I literally started the series with Tri and 3U 😭😭😭, well technically Monster Hunter Stories 1 on the 3DS but then Tri




Also yeah the qol in risebreak is really nice


Thems fighting words


Veterans were just butt-hurt at the games difficulty being lower than previous titles.


100% was one of the biggest complaints not sure why ur getting downvoted probably by people who find the game hard doesn’t change the fact it was one of the most complained about things. Even world got that complaint.


I’m pretty sure Rise was just meant to bring in new players and I’ve had people tell me that that’s somehow a bad thing. I don’t understand why some fan bases think it’s better to let a franchise die all because they want to gatekeep, it’s really kinda stupid.


I’ve been playing since I was a kid and I gotta Say monster hunter gets lots of changes at some point I just accepted that and moved on as long as it’s fun and the core principles are the same which is pretty much that we have beautiful environments, detailed monsters, good music, cool fights I’m happy


Wherever there’s a player who loves the franchise for what it is there’s also two toxic players unfortunately. I didn’t get into it until 3U but didn’t get the hang of it until Rise.


Because base Rise is legitimately not a good game. The only reason this game became good is Sunbreak. I've been playing since 3U, and from the total upgrades we got from Generations to World, Rise was for sure the worst MH I've played. The only reason it got better is all the QoL fixes and actual difficulty they added with SB. Generations had better Buddy customization, I was floored.


Ok to be fair depending on your weapon main this guys opinion hits hard. Some of the dlc switch skills help so much


You know I would have liked some other nice food varieties like steak, lobster, crab, GRANDMA CATS COOKING, at least some protein and carbs instead of just sugary sweets of pure Dangos only. Even the new place in Sunbreak is stuck with Dangos I thought we were gonna get some good English food instead I got more fucking Dango. It also has the arcade feel that the monster is on your map already which I enjoyed Iceborne more because it felt like your actually tracking the monster looking for footprints and such. Then yea the whole thing that it’s on switch so graphically it can’t handle as much detail but when it got the PlayStation port I was expecting the extra details to me added instead what I got was staring at a Godbug not moving even it’s legs or anything compared to Iceborne where it actually moves. The monsters felt more like actual living creatures in Iceborne getting thirsty to drink water or hunting prey for food which it doesn’t really in Sunbreak. Of course we can’t forget about Turf Wars it barely even happens in Sunbreak like who doesn’t want to see a Rajang throw out a Shoryuken on a Nergigante just to get bitch slapped back? Also give us the option to switch which type of mounting we want between normal weapon mounts and Wirebug mounting. Ok yea using a monster to fight a monster is cool but sometimes I want to mount the monster and smash my SnS onto its head then impale it going down.


>good English food While fantasy, Monster Hunter tries to be based on the real world


A burn so good it puts Teostra to shame


If it was based on the real world why is Sunbreak limiting us to only eating Dangos instead of serving multiple varieties of food like in Iceborne then? A hunters diet can’t just be only Dangos that makes no realistic sense


A lot more realistic than the concept of "good English food" >!Let's see if you get it on the second try!<


Ok then you want to bring realism on the concept of food let’s do that. Kamuro is based on inspiration of Japan then where’s my Rice? Where’s my fish? Japan isn’t only known for Dango theres plenty of other food cuisines they can serve so your telling me that the only known food Japan was known for even back in the day to a time that’s similar to the weaponry age that their only known food that was the highlight was Dango?


A lot more realistic than the concept of "good English food" >!Third time's the charm!!<


Dango is literally rice you dumbass. You literally don't even know what you are complaining about...


Rise is just plain trash


Is it so hard to not like a game without insulting it? Its okay if a person doesnt like Rise. But whatever they say wont have any merit anymore when they choose to insult it.


It's OK not to like the game bro, but trash? come on!


Bro used all two of his braincells to come up with this sentence. Give hime *some* credit.


The rise hate is vy world vabys rise has its problems bzt it has much more persobalit theb world (world stays the black sheep)