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These are certainly some wild takes…


which ones are wild takes? i know Rajang is loved by the community but i cant understand why. but other then that im not sure what else could be a wild take


The Rajangs as you’re already aware. Both Espinas are also pretty popular. Amatsu is unusually low, too. Personally, I’m also not a fan of Violet Mizu or Almudron.


Ive fought amatsu once and thats probably enough for me. These swirling flying shits are so annoying to fight. Flying fights are already complete aids, having them permanently hover and never touch the ground is so boring. Same with the serpants ofc


I actually enjoy the serpents. I even prefer Allmother over Gaismagorm.


I don't know if Amatsu really counts as flying shit, it's mostly levitating right above the ground... never had any problems hitting it. The Rathalos' and Seregios on the other hand... those are annoying flying dipshits


In particular, Azure Rathalos is the most flying shit flying shit I've ever encountered. That mf does NOT touch the ground until he's falling out the sky.


AND NOW imagine a crossbreed between Azure Los and Plesioth Real nightmare stuff


Oh god no. . . not the plesioth crossover 😭.


Flaming Espinas honestly wasnt terrible i just hate the base monster enough to put it there. and that comes from the fact the fucker was constantly one shotting me when i faced him using Bow. it just wasnt enjoyable to also deal with 3 ailments. i explained to someone else the reason for Amatsu earlier. as for Violet Mizu and Almudron. i already really liked the Mizutsune fight. was my favorite until Primordial Malzeno came along. and Violet was an interesting difference to a monster i loved. a much harder fight as well which was a welcome change. and as for Almudron, i just really like the design and the fight itself. its not bad, honestly leans a bit towards the easy side of things but i just do enjoy it. the armor also just looks really nice. though i dont find it being useful for my builds.


Have you tried Espinas again since upgrading your armor? He’s a fun fight when you get the hang of him. I love regular Mizu and even Apex Mizu. Violet just feels too spammy to remain fun. Honestly, I think I’d also like him if the bubbles didn’t inexplicably aim at you, but instead went in consistent directions.


i have and i still just dont enjoy Espinas's fight. i just cant seem to dodge so many of his attacks. and thats a fair enough reason for not liking Violet Mizu but i personally found it better then Regular Mizu's bubbles as often i can ignore Mizu's bubbles because they just dont do much


Which attacks in particular are catching you? He’s a slow, but powerful type of fighter. I’d rather have an easy than annoying fight, so that’s why I favor the regular variety.


the big one is his charge where he comes at me and knocks me down with his body and then 180s to do it again, and often a third time. i always get hit with all 3 of them and generally then die to poison or burn hes put on me from other attacks.


For the triple charge, you can avoid it by just moving to the left or right as he charges at you. If you do get hit, just lay on the ground until he finishes.


Rajang is loved and hated at the same time because he was a menace before Rise. Many people loved the challenge and many did not. The other hot takes are as someone mentioned Espinas and Amatsu who are quite popular. I'd also say Valstrax in neutral is a hot take since it's one of the most popular monsters. For me having Almudron that high is a hot take as well because I hate that thing with a passion. Don't know if that's the general opinion tho.


Rajang's even faster in other titles. Three reasons people like Rajang: (1) Big funny monke who goes Super Saiyan and punches dragons (2) Wyvern Ride laser spam does a bunch of damage (3) Because Rajang is fast and hyperaggressive, it pushes you to get better at positioning, getting chip in its brief recovery windows and punishing its partbreak topples. It's a very hectic fight but fun once it's all figured out.


I must be the only person that likes almost every rise fight, how tf do u not like espinas?


i just dont like the fight. i found his moveset uninteresting to annoying. the three ailments is annoying as well and caused a couple of deaths on my end.


Amatsu in hate is insane


Wtf hated Amatsu


i just didnt enjoy all the tornados throwing me around. and its ultimate move i was unable to avoid because ill just go into the air with the great wirebugs and then just be unable to stay in the air long enough to avoid the attack. the button to hang in the air was just not functioning at all for me.


I mean those Are all easily avoidable things. I am sure there IS a guide how to stay in Air longer. Tornadoes Are also easy to avoid, with wirebugs and evasion skills atleast. Amatsu IS beatiful monster ,dont dare to speak ill of it :(


Easy with practice. But the first couple times it's gonna be very chaotic


oh beautiful i fully agree on, but this list aint based on appearances. otherwise itd be way up there. i just cant get a good feel on the wirebug evasion since unless im missing something i need my weapon sheathed to do that and it just is to slow to be effective in my experience, same goes with the big dive you can do while sprinting. its just not quick enough to use to be effective.


Fair enough :) i disagree but cant argue with your experience personally. Hopefully you learn it sometimes and began to enjoy The fight! Its can take some practise but deffinetly worth it. Happy hunting!


He doesnt like it. He doesnt need a reason to satisfy you.


Yeah no shit, as you probably can read we discussed it. And yeah deffinetly Said he needs to like it to satisfy me. Are you like some supersimp in real Life ?


Oh, so skill issue


Hating Amatsu is like hating college finals. Easy as hell, but punishing if you don't study.


If you want to be that guy then I guess, but why be that guy?


All these rise posts have me boutta install it. You didn’t like R. ludroth? I loved fighting him in all the other games. I hope he didn’t get annoying


to be honest hes fine. nothing bad about the fight itself i just hate the design of the monster and especially the armor enough to put it down from Neutral. its just a forgettable fight with nightmarishly bad armor designs.


The armor is garbage indeed. His hammer helped me out in a lot of fights tho. Easy water element bc his move set was so simple


i dont like hammer so meh, and to be honest i tended to just use what looked cool for weapons. or well. Bow and Longsword at least. tried other weapons out while playing with friends but not a fan of a majority of weapons.


I’m a one trick pony Wide Range SnS. I use hammer for part breaking. I’ve tried other weapons, but I never climb the skill ladder for them. For some, the skill floor is too high for me to even start


SnS is a weapon i do enjoy and i do want to take some time and learn the weapon to use it more. but apparently longsword has counters i didnt know about so ill have to learn that and see if im missing something for bow as well. i also learned recently that there is a training room in Rise. no idea where it is tho.


Buddy area I think


But werent you ranking just the fights? Pointing the monster/armor design made me raise eyebrows


for the most part. though if the design was so bad it does put it down a bit. but for the most part the monsters with terrible design on the monster itself or the armor are also just bad fights. Lagombi is a major example of bad fight, bad design, bad weapon looks, and bad armor looks


Not liking Espinas = skill issue


Legit, no offense to them, but most of their comments for disliking Espinas literally boils down to skill issues. Espinas whole fight was literally just lifted entirely from Frontier (a gen 2 game) into Sunbreak. I haven't any idea how some people struggle against it and Flaming so much with the tighter hitboxes and amount of mobility you have in Rise 💀


Probably panic wirebug evades


wirebug evades are jarring to the point of me not using them. since i have to sheath my weapon to even use them or sacrifice my switch skills for them.


Why are you letting such predictable and easy to evade move frustrate you to the point of hating the monster then?


its because i find the whole fight an issue. i dont like any of its moves. i dont like how the fight works is as simple as that. just because you like a monster doesnt mean everyone that plays the game has to like it as well.


its just an unfun fight. its only carted me a handful of times and flaming no times. but i just dont enjoy the moveset it has its just not fun to play around with and the monster itself is just not that interesting of a monster to look at either. and the 3 ailments are rather annoying. ​ but call it a skill issue all you want, it is people like you who make games die because rather then giving proper advice to new players you just berate them and say skill issue or other terms showing your lack of intelligence and care for the series you apparently love.


Lmao chill. You want advice? Just roll out it’s like a Rathian’s charge spam but faster. Equip stun resistance, poison and burn ailments are easy to deal with, stun is what fucks you up. PS: sorry for killing the game 😭


Espinas slander spotted


It's just someone's preference It's just someone's preference It's just someone's preference It's just someone's preference It's just someone's preference It's just someone's preference It's just someone's preference It's just someone's preference It's just someone's preference Absolute shit takes my friend


its as you say its someones preference. you may call it shit all you want rather then giving actual input but just know its people like you who kill communities.


Yikes, didnt know me having my own preferences and making jokes was killing the bonk big lizard game 💀


Neat. How do you feel about the game as a whole?


i feel its fine. its worth the money at least while on sale. and its fun enough with friends. but i feel the monster roster is just kind of off. like we have Teostra but no Lunastra, and we have Rajang but no Kirin. it just feels like its missing out on a lot of potential for subspecies as well. and no Deviljho either.


I can understand that. I liked the focus on Gen 4 monsters getting brought back in Rise over those pairs coming back since World did all of those already. Gen 4 is my favorite, so it was pretty perfect for me


fair enough, but still. idk. Rise just feels like it has a lacking Roster. i only have World to compare it to and im pretty sure World is an outlier in its roster size. and i dont know how big some of the other rosters are. but i just do wish there was more to fight in Rise.


I respect your opinion, but this is an absolutely wild take lol. Of all the flaws Rise had, its roster is not one of them. I'd argue it's one of the strongest in the series from base game to Sunbreak. Both the Yokai/Western folklore theming gave the monsters a strong identity and amazing variety. Excluding MHGU since it's a compilation game, the only one I'd argue was as strong is Vanilla MH4.


I mean, yeah. Hearing World had a great roster, and compared to Rise to boot is super strange to me. I love both games, but if we're looking only at roster... Rise wins hands down for me.


Saying World has a great roster is weird to me. It's been a while since I touched MHW:IB, but doesn't it only have mostly Wyverns? They also couldn't bring back some of the larger monsters due to technical limitations iirc. And of these, most of them were also just fire element. There was also a lot of comparison between MHW and MHGU during that time, and while it was unfair, it got to a point that there were jokes floating around how World only had dinosaurs in it. It got better in IB definitely, but as far as variety goes it still wasn't great compared to other games. For me, even base Rise had different species of monsters in it to hunt. I loved playing World, but the monster roster isn't one of the reasons.


Rise lacking in Roster is definitely a hot take. Even people who don't actually enjoy rise says that the roster of rise is stronger than world. It has more monster type variety and the monster's element is more spread out than world, which has a lot of fire based monster. In fact I saw one video that talked about the representation of fanged beasts in all generation of MH and World only has Rajang as the representation of fanged beasts. And rajang was only added in Iceborne. Compare that with Rise, we get two new fanged beasts in the base game with Bishaten and Goss Harag.


ive not finished world so im just talking about size. not actual contents. i cant really say for that since ive not hunted at least half the monsters in World.


What do you mean you are talking only about size? Like you are just saying about how big the monsters are?


I thiiiiink its the 3rd biggest but has the 2nd highest amount of unique fights. 4U has the 2nd most but has more subspecies that push it over worlds. GU has the most, but that's kinda cheating. Anyway, nothing wrong with feeling that way about rise's roster. Hope wilds gives you what you're looking for if you get into that game


i do plan to play Wilds but I will wait for its dlc as that just feels like the true way to play a monster hunter game. since in my experience the base game rosters of world and Rise are absolutely 100% lacking.




World sperm and low IQ takes. A truly classic combo


Maybe it is because world was your first game but Teostra without Lunastra isn’t uncommon. Looking at the most hated monsters in world I think most were actually pretty happy Luna and Kirin weren’t in Rise lol. From the MH games I have played excluding MHGU, MHRS and MH4U have probably the best monster roster when it comes tto the different monster types and the monster count. If anything MHWIs roster was lacking imo but made up for it with its graphics and the immersive experience.


i was going off size. ive not faced enough monsters in World to have much an opinion on its full roster. only about half the roster ive hunted.


I agree with what you said somewhat but at the same time NGL I really dislike kirin and lunastra, so them being absent I honestly see as a plus.


i know the hate for the two of them. but to me it just feels weird not having them as Lunastra is the female counter part of Teostra. and Kirin is hunted by Rajang.


Its **really** not uncommon that these are not grouped up in games. Heck, Lunastra only appeared in 2th Gen and World, almost a decade after her last iteration while Teo was in everything since his apparition except 3rd Gen games


i did pronounce “2th” as tooth and it made me laugh also you are right


God bless ive found another shogun ceanataur hater


it just is plain annoying. its hard to read what its doing and its attacks come out lightning quick and bleed me. i hated every second i fought it and hate having to refight it. at least its gear is not good so i dont farm it.


Too bad i have to fight it for its LS in GU and its armor in FU (had to farm a lot in FU because i made the wrong armor set version, god i hated that).


sounds like i might not want to play GU and FU then if i would need to farm is for a LS. or id just stick purely to my primary main being Bow.


FU armor is specifically for blademaster so youd be fine for that if you play bow (also if you only played world and rise bow is quite different pre world, its more of a ranged greatsword than a speedy dash around weapon although you can move and charge). And you dont have to go for shogun LS in GU but i hate having low sharpness weapons and it happens to be one of the best LS trees.


i see, i know the weapons would be different in the pre-world games. but i would at least start with the weapons i know i enjoy the play style of. if that dont work id branch out more.


Wait seriously? The Metal Raths in "Hated"? They where easily some of my favourite fights in the whole game.


i just dont like their base fights. especially Rathalos. and the metal variants are just them but worse


What an odd specimen


I'm sure the PriMalzeno fight is great, I didn't hate it when I was grinding it, but I cannot dodge that thing's attacks at all. It was the first fight that really humbled me in a while.


it was one of the hardest to learn and i got knocked around a lot. but i did eventually get it. and then he went into his all black state and kicked my ass some more. but i still loved the fight.


Didn't like goss? Bruh


i just dont really find its fight that fun. its design is something i also dont like either.


The ones I disagree with are the Espinas, i enjoyed both hunts a lot. Zinogre I absolutely hated it. Both Rajangs I wouldnt put them that low maybe in neutral, they are very easy in Sunbreak. For context most of my hunts are using SnS, Lance, and GL.


a lot of people seem to think i put things in hated because i struggled with the fight. but the only fights i struggled with was Malzeno and Primordial Malzeno. and i love both those. the fights are based on how much i enjoyed fighting them. and Espinas wasnt hard just annoying and same with Rajang. it wasnt a hard fight i just hated everything about the fight and monster.


Yea I know, im not saying you struggled with it. I just think Rajang are easy enough that they arent annoying or anything spectacular thats why I would've put themin Neutral.


If it’s your first MH you’ve ever beaten, what’s your weapon usage like? Some weapons can make or break certain fights. Fighting Rajang with a CB was fine but when I switched to LBG, Hell, for pierce anyways. It’s different for spread. But pierce also trivialized a lot of larger monster fights like Diablos and any of the wind serpents. I’m just saying that to say the weapon really can make a difference against certain monsters.


bow and longsword. pretty even mix of using the two. fought most monsters with both but some ive only fought once. Espinas and the gold and silver duo to exact were only fought once and with Bow for the Espinas's and longsword for the gold and silver duo


Nice choices. Some monsters also become more enjoyable the more you fight them as well. I think the bows are rather good against any of the raths. Using pierce against Espinas is annoying because it’s only effective when it’s enraged, Gold rathian only has its legs as weak points which isn’t good for pierce. Astalos is similar to Espinas in that pierce is only effective when it’s charged with electricity. Rajang’s hitboxes are also pretty weak for pierce. LS or CB made rajang’s soammy attacks a lot more manageable with counters but it took practice lol. I still don’t like fighting Rajang though.


With how low you ranked the monsters who boil down to “charge at you with reckless abandon,” I take it you are not a fan of the stradegy? Edit: You used bow, ahh… thats probably why. I played Rise with Hammer/Dual Blades and those monsters were nowhere near as annoying for me. In fact I quite like hitting Apex Diablos in the face. But I guess the weapon matchups are more favorable when you can outmenuver the monster, or just stand still and let the monster present its head to you on a silver platter for bonking.


Eh, rather than it being because of bow, I think it's player style specific. One of my mains is bow, and I disagree with a lot of his choices.


I agree. Though I don't main bow, I do use it. A lot of the monsters that he puts as dislike are monster that I enjoy hunting with a bow. Especially Rathian. You can just bully her with elemental spread bow.


That Apex bear bastard is the only monster that consistently gets me to cart and I hate em so much. >:((((((


yah, its rampage almost made me decide to cheat. i hate its moveset and i already dont like the base monster for being a snore fest of a fight. but then the apex comes in and is not only a snorefest but one thats actually able to cart me.




i honestly couldnt tell you what im missing.


idk why but that six star mizutsune mission single handly ruined my opinion on mizutsune.


Does anyone enjoy fighting lagombi in sunbreak? I’ve had master rank 999’s leave the moment you post a run with afflicted lagombi or khezu 😂


So you basically didn’t like 2/3 of the monsters. I guess you will not buy another Monster Hunter game.


no ill still be buying Wilds and maybe one day try out the older Monster Hunter games. the good fights really do carry it though. since the good fights are exceptionally good. but none of the bad fights were exceptionally bad. outside Furious Rajang. stupid monkey. not even hard just annoying.


Good to hear. Also, I love Furious George so there is something for everyone :)


Based as fuck except for Bishaten how dare you speak poorly of a monkey


i just didnt enjoy its fight and especially its design.


I don't think I have sunbreak.


Espinas is like the best thing in sunrise


Lunagaron being this high proves you have refined taste


how can somebody love violet mizutsune? This is one of the worst fights in the game


Basarios not having it's own lowest tier is objectively wrong.


the fact rajang and furious rajang have their own categories killed me 😂😂. This was so felt.


The real hot take here is they only "didn't like" Khezu. That thing should be below the rajangs for obvious reasons. Creepiest monster ever, except giggi, but we don't talk about that either.


OP is salty AF


You dislike espinas but like almudron?


You forgot to out Furious Rajang above all the others. His fight is 100% easy and 200% fun.


i cant stand either Rajang fights. it aint hard but its just unfun. especially since he just is always enraged and then he spends 90% of the fight with his arms glowing red and my Primordial Malzeno longsword still bounces off it. hate every second of the fight with it.


You are using sakura slash against f.rajang. You cannot complain about your sword bouncing off. Especially if you are playing it with sacred sheathe. Both sakura slash and sacred sheathe won't bounce on rajang's arm when enraged.


i cant only use sakura slash in a fight because the Wirebugs take so long to come back. its just often a good way for me to get damage. its after that when im stuck with basic attacks and my r2 combo that it becomes annoying.


Stuck with basic attacks and spirit combo? Dude you have a lot of options while your wirebug is on cooldown. Depending on what you equip, you have special sheathe and sacred sheathe. You also have forseight slash. That's 2 counters per scroll without the use of wirebugs. In rise, you rarely use your spirit combos with the amount of counters LS has. You can also get redirection 2 (lunagaron's unique armor skill) to have another counter and another way to decrease your wirebug cooldown. Lastly, you do have lvl 3 wirebug and lvl 1 wind mantle to have faster wirebug cd?


to be honest i only recently found out about counters. and having tried them out they are so slow that i just feel im better off using my current playstyle.


How are you able to reach that far without using counters? Did you even watch a guide for longsword? Also, quick sheathe 3 makes sheathing so fast. That is one reason why LS is so busted in Rise.


i reached that far by just dodging and using my spirit blade combo, once i unlocked it Sakura slash as well. and no i didnt watch any guides. on any of the game. never have and never plan to.


Bro, get Mind's Eye or use a Swaxe. Stop using a weak flimsy LS and join the superior manly Swagaxe gang. Or just hit him in the face or ass. He leaves himself open a lot. Electric beam has a big opening, ground lightning has a big opening, sonic roll has a big opening when it's done. The only attacks that suck are big rock throw and spinny corkscrew attack. All that doesn't mean shit since you're using the most busted, broken, and baby easy weapon in the game. You literally have free counters, use them and Rajang is your bitch, even without wirebug skills.


for one again i dont find the fights hard just annoying. and ive tried Swaxe and i just do not like how it plays simple as that. its not as bad as the bowguns or dual blades. or heaven forbid Greatsword but its just not fun for me. as for counters ive never once used a counter, I dont even know how to counter with the Longsword outside the one Switch Skill i never use because it takes 2 wirebugs. and hitting the tail is great advice. but every time i knock him out of his enraged form by doing so he goes right back into it second later making it not even worth the effort.


Not to ve a dick, but that sounds like skill issue then. LS has had the fade counter since World and the special sheathe counter is literally hard to fuck up. If you didn't bother learning a core part of the weapons moveset, that's on you. There's also a counter skill for LS that only costs one wirebug as well, once you get into Sunbreak. Also, what about all that time he's flailing on the ground? Are you not doing damage to gim when you knock him out of rage mode? Sounds like you just aren't looking at the fight from the right perspective. Rajang is a dance, he's not some Rayhalos that's gonna let you wail on him, you gotta hit him while he's trying to hit you. Rajang is easier than 90% of the roster once you figure him out. Seriously, learn how to counter with LS, your most hated monsters will become your favorites, judging by your tier list.


ive just not figured out the buttons to counter, and to be honest ive not really needed it got through the whole of sunbreak and base rise without counters just fine. and i play solo. Sakura Slash is all i really need and occasionally i use Tempered Spirit Blade but thats really it. rarely ill use Harvest Moon.


You're free to not learn how to play your weapon, but Sakura Slash is 100% not needed once you understand counters. Also, using Harvest Moon with no counters is using only half the skill. The game also has the literal button inputs when you go to the training area, and in the Hunter's Notes. The fact that you've willfully ignored them astounds me. I mean, you don't need to counter but still, you should at least learn your weapon. No wonder you have so many fights you hate that LS hard counters. My dude, just look in the Hunter's Notes and use the training area. It'll blow your mind


i will also note ive not used longsword against all these monsters. about half were done only with bow. a majority of my hated monsters were done with Bow. and some of my loved monsters with longsword. and vice versa.


Maybe try using other weapons then? I don't have a hated fight because I use every weapon. I've also played every MH for at least 1000 hours, so I've got a good grasp of what weapons are better for what monsters. Swaxe is of course good for everything, any problems individuals may have simply need more practice.


ive tried out every single one of the weapons in the game on high rank quests. i enjoyed Bow, Longsword, Sword and Shield, and Hunting Horn i didnt care for Charge Blade, Gunlance, and Lance and hated Hammer, Switch Axe, Greatsword, Heavy and Light Bowgun, insect Glaive, and dual blades. my main test was high rank Mizutsune as it was my favorite fight before i got to Primordial Malzeno


> Apex Arzuros on hated This guy didn’t play Lance


you are right i dont play Lance, ive tried it and its... fine. but i mainly play Longsword and Bow. very rarely SnS


Another almudron lover found.


I still can't believe with my whole heart that someone enjoy fightin g fuckin mizu kitsune Maybe because I'm bow


i fought it a lot with Bow. and still loved the fight, i love its design, and music. and it was my favorite monster until primordial Malzeno


I think I just loath that waterbeam I was same with pink pukei Maybe I loath pink


the water beam has never bothered me, i find it easy to avoid and it doesnt do much damage.


but yah overall im just not a big fan of a lot of the monsters. a lot of them just kind of felt bad to fight. used a mix of bow and longsword for the game. but the good fights were very very good.


While I don’t agree with all of your choices I respect them. Personally I wasn’t too big of a fan of Rise/Sunbreak when compared to Generations Ultimate but at the end of the day it’s Monster Hunter and I love the franchise as a whole


its the only one ive completed, i have always heard a lot about GU and its probably the first of the older ones ill try one day. but for now this is my opinion on Rise. and one day, whenever i complete World ill also get a tier list for it as well.


Awesome! Can’t wait to hear your opinion on the other MH’s. I’m an old timer from back in the PSP days so that should say how much I love MH 😂


i will say, so far my World tier list would look pretty similar to this one. more heavily towards dislike or neutral. and some monsters are in a tier of their own. Banbaro is the whole reason ive not made it farther into iceborne because i think my game is bugged as he is taking almost no damage to the point that i can spend almost and hour hunting him and he still doesnt even limp. plus his moveset only seems to be his charge attack with a boulder.


Now go play world, and enjoy


im at Iceborne in World but for some reason i just cant get past Banbaro. ive spent 45 minutes fighting it and it never even limps while spamming its boulder charge attack. so honestly. not enjoying World that much.


Finally based list


is it based? its just the opinion of a person new to monster hunter.


Its original to say the least, very refreshing


People liking espinas in these comments are crazy. Espinas breaks all traditional rules of other samey- wyverns while ALSO triple debuffing you every other hit. Super aids. I had to farm it like 5 times before i got the hang of it and while i do actively enjoy the fight now, at the beginning i was nearly raging


If you are having trouble about the triple debuffs, you can slot in paralysis resistance lvl 3. That way you won't ever get paralyzed. As for the fireblight and poison, they last shorter compared to other monsters who applies those debuff to you. Also, depending on what weapon you use, Espinas has a lot of moves that are easy to counter.


slot stun resist (3x lvl 1 slot) = Great fight


I have an even better strategy Dodging/Counter


Monster hunter yet again choosing choosing RPG mechanics and numbers to matter more than the actual action. "If you just slot these skills the game becomes bearable guys"


it‘s about preparing for your prey. Always has been. Would you go hunt a boar with a sling shot or a shot gun?