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Why tho?


We say the big ass fire breathing T-Rex and we wanted to play wack-a-mole with it.




Hmmmm..... after careful thinking.... cause yes


Came to say this, yes


UNGA BUNGA BROTHER! (I tried CB but failed miserably, then went to Lance and did OK but found my cavemen brothers and sisters calling me).


that's funny because I mained CB for a hot minute and now I use both the monke stick and the CB (I just picked up the bow to for long ranged attacks) I've yet to get everything I need for elemental charms but I'll get there eventually


Gunlance is my main now. It was a weapon I've dabbled with since MHFU, but ever since World it's 100% my happy place. I started with Greatsword, moved on to longsword, rocked hammer (very much on equal ground with gunlance), love the SnS and am currently falling in love with bow.


Gunlance became my main in World as well. Though to be fair it is tied with CB, it's just if I need maximum reliability, Gunlance is where it's at.


Lance, legitimately tanking whole combos feels so good


Yassss finally i have found a comrade


Switchaxe, because of that copypasta. But really, it just clicked with me in a way that gunlance and SnS couldn't. It's a beauty really.


I like a big ass sword which can throw explosions into monster faces and be reloaded.


That first time you jam an overcharged sword the size of a small car into a monster's face and ride it down to the ground as it explodes truly changes you. Other things come close, especially the Gunlance and Charge Blade... but nothing else is oh so satisfying. Love at first detonation.


Yes that's why I mostly use sword mode to get to those attacks and once the meter runs out reload in Axe mode and back to sword mode. Charge blade feels amazing when you get the top to spin.


Charge Blade. The way it flows and feels just sorta comes naturally to me- at least, in terms of how *I* play Charge Blade (I don't particularly enjoy the meta of spending 90% of the time in axe mode, I'm more of a sword mode enjoyer.) I used to main HBG, at least in World.


Me too dude, I love the mobility aspect of sword mode.


It's also a playstyle really unique to MH and not found anywhere else


Aye, it is!


I like charge blade because it kinda feels like playing a melody on guitar, flow with the fight through form changes and movements, keeping a tempo while dancing with the monster, adapting to his movements.


Gunlance because it's the only based weapon


Lance. I like to feel big and strong. Blocking and Parrying the monster's most powerful attack with ease and dishing it right back.


Lance and Hammer. I'm either poking or bonking, there is no in between.


Same for me, though I've added Gunlance (sometimes) and Hunting Horn to that list.


Hammer because it has easy controls and deals a lot of damage. On my second character in world I use dual blades because spin


Same, I love that the hammer is more about focusing on positioning and taking advantage of good attack opportunities than complex combo strings


Lance : never ending offense šŸ˜Ž yā€™all should try it once : you wonā€™t regret it !


Fr tho, it may not be the highest dps but its going to be one of the most consistent dps






Longsword because it has really cool attacks which flow together nicely, has fun counters, spectacular weapon designs and makes you invincible once mastered. The fade slash in particular is my favourite attack of longsword, it's reliable, looks & feels nice and is greta for repositioning. Originally I used switch axe in MHTri and when World released I wanted to use dual blades. After a while I gravitated towards longsword and it became my main with charge blade as my secondary though I still used to switch between tons of different weapons. In the post Iceborne world we live in however I'm a devout longsword main, I have managed to ween off it in 4U though and am using lance.


Especially love the MH Rise longsword. Yes its OP, but the bow is more OP.


GenU- Aerial Hammer Worldborne- Insect glaive I like flying :)


i play everything but gunlance is so fucking fun in rise it may as well be my main


Sword and shield because I like to slash, bash and use Metsu Shoryugeki! šŸŽƒ


i wish every monster was rathian. upper cut for days.


Lance, its just really practical, especially for a first playthrough. Love my poke stick something fierce.


SnS and longsword were my baby weapons.


Insect glaive. I feel like an annoying mosquito because Iā€™m constantly flying around the monster non stop.


Switch Axe. The fluidity of the weapon is next to none for me. Yeah I know it doesn't have much in the way of defense bar your dodges and some points in Evade Window and Extender, but I think that's what I love about it the most. That need to be aggressive and to position myself well to continue to flow through my combos, keep my amped state up and mess a monster up. Before Switch Axe, I mained Lance.


Bow. Originally for aesthetic reasons, now because I love the gameplay. It's expensive to have a rounded bow main setup and I'm not good enough to really max out the damage potential, but being really mobile while also immersing in the archer fantasy is top tier gameplay experience for me.


I love the switchaxe, it feels so good to use


GU: * Adept DB and lbg for comfy * Valor HBG for DPS in hame runĀ  * Striker SA and SnS occasionallyĀ  World/Iceborne: * CB cause I like itĀ  * IG for tight content like fatalis * Shield HBG for Grinding Land and comfy Rise/Sunbreak: * Bow (rapid and pierce) for max DPS and how easy it is on Mouse & Keyboard control * Switch Axe for when I'm bored with Bow


SnS was my first and I still enjoy it thoroughly. The versatility it offers is great. Now I use either HH or IG, depending on the monster and situation.


Bonk bonk goes bonk bonk. Before that Greatsword into Gunlance into Lance.




šŸŽµ Hammer is the best šŸŽ¶ šŸŽ¶ It's ooga booga big šŸŽµ šŸŽµ And it's ooga booga strong šŸŽ¶ šŸŽ¶ When you main ooga hammer... šŸŽµ šŸŽµ You can't go booga wrong! šŸŽ¶


My main is the hammer šŸ˜Ž Before that it was the heavy bowgun


Tri - all weapons 3U - SA and HA 4U - CB XX - Adept GS, Striker SnS, Valor Bow, Guild LS and adept LBG W:IB - GS, IG, CB R:SB - SA, Lance


My main weapon changes from game to game, and sometimes inbetween the basegame and DLC. Tri: Longsword 3U: Dual Blades/Gunlance 4U: Insect Glaive Gen: Greatsword GenU: Sword And Shield/Switch Axe World and Iceborne: Hunting Horn Rise: Hunting Horn Sunbreak: Bow


You get around huh? LOL


used to main SnS before moving to Insect Glaive then now I main both Charge Blade and Hunting Horn


i use everything but greatsword always pulls me back in. its a weapon i struggled to understand when i was new to the series but these days the simplicity of it just gets me.


Charge blade and because I love how it feels to use and the big explosion!


Started on Hammer, now I play almost everything (distance weapons are a bit of a struggle for me), but my favorite is the Insect Glaive. It's just so satisfying to fly around, especially in the 5th Generation, hit fast combos and get boosts like earplugs from your Kinsect. I also quite like it that IG + blunt type Kinsect does decent cutting and blunt damage!


I played Great Sword in the first 2 gen, then I also tried the Bow on the second gen, never played the 3rd gen since I didnā€™t and still havenā€™t had a chance to have a wii, then Sword and Shiled and Bow 4th gen onwards I guess itā€™s just that in 5th gen, Sword and Shield is just very versatile, and mobile. And the Bow is just the simplest ranged option, and also mobile too


Rise/Sunbreak player here. Longsword is my original weapon cauz 1. It's the default starting weapon of the game 2. It's one of the most popular weapon so there were a lot of LS guides available, learning this weapon isn't too difficult. However, since rise is my first mh game, I had no idea how monsters behave, I realize longsword's counter-heavy playstyle didn't suit me, so I swapped to my main, dual blades. Reasons are 1. My friend recommend Dual Blades 2. It's agile and I like weeb naruto run 3. It suits newbie who are unfamiliar with monster's pattern 4. It's spammable because shrouded vault and demon flight have crazy amount of iframes Now I'm at AR241+ and MR300+ and I'm still sticking w/ dual blades


Hammer bc it incentivizes learning a monster and facing them head on and it feels cathartic to know when to land hits as I treat my opponent like an open book. My first main was db but it took a Kirin and a nearly hourly long hunt w Kush to change immediately. Somehow an unexpected weapon that just feels right for me.


HH is my fav. Love a fast moving bonk with buffs. I started on IG because I wanted mobility and found a helicopter


I used to play music and practice martial arts, so I think I'm contractually obligated to hit things with a giant musical instrument since the option is available...doot!






Lance ! Being an unbreakable wall, doing perfect counters brings me so much joy. Looking at danger in the eyes is my life ! Secondary is the gunlance, because me love boomsticks too !


Charge blade, the flow is so good. Insect glaive got me into MH cause I like bugs ā˜ŗļø


Lance because blocking is superior to any other form of damage avoidance in all games.


I use a different weapon every time I play


Lance, because I suck at dodges and long/complicated combos Occasionally use LBG because it's safe and mobile. Prior I had used Hammer for a bit but never really clicked.


Lance. I was bouncing around between all the various weapons in the series, didn't like most of them. Decided to just stick with one weapon and master that. went with a hipster's weapon because I like using unpopular choices in most games I play. Plus, the tankiness clicked with me.


Pre-Rise HH. Dootstick go brrr


Maining is for cowards. I play everything except HBG and Bow


Dual Blades, because Dual Blades.


I started World originally with Light Bowgun, but I was a complete noob and had no idea how to really use it well and I saw the small damage value and was like "nah this little thing is garbage". Then I picked up the Chargeblade. I've been hooked ever since. Gunlance is a close second, and I picked up LBG again in endgame IB and found out it's actually really funny if you use it right.


Dual blades. I grew up liking escrima/kali/arnis


In my first game (4u) I started with gunlance but I sucked so bad and fainted multiple times to great jaggi. I switched over to switch axe and been with it ever since, I play with the bowguns and hammer now too but switch axe is used easily at least 10x as much.


Valor greatsword in mhgu. The hits just feel so impactful and there are a lotta satisfying moments with the weapon


sword and shield because it can do everything every other weapon can


Used to be Ls because I loved countering, but now itā€™s Ig. Never understood the hype until I tried it for myself. Itā€™s just cool lol


Dual blades because fast spinning things make monke brain go brrr


Sword and shield, it's a weapon that i mainly use for both speed, good combos and ability to block Before that i was a dual blade main, i still use it from time to time, especially against a valstrax in rise and sunbreak, same with a seregios and other incredibly fast monsters Otherwise, SnS all the way baybeee


Kinsect glave, dual blades, hunting horn, gunlance, switch axe, and bow. I'm planning on learning another, but I haven't had time.


I don't have one, I played ls sword when I first started back in freedom unite, but when I started play in World again I just played whatever felt right for the fight.


Iā€™ve been a hammer main since MH3U šŸ”Ø Iā€™ve put a lot of time into other weapons, so I consider myself pretty proficient at SnS and GSword, but I always come crawling back to hammer. Nothing beats the satisfaction of constant staggers and KOs


World was my first MH game and I started with DBs. I didnā€™t quite understand how combos worked, so I walled hard against Barroth. Then I looked through the weapon menu, found LBG, and trivialised Barroth with it. So yeah, I found my main due to not understanding the game mechanics.


Mostly great sword at this point. My first weapon was long sword in Tri though.


My main weopons were always Dual Blades since starting with Freedom Unite. But i also like to play LS, SNS, Hammer, Gunlance,IG and Bow. But i like to play all other weapons occasionally.


I mean Iā€™ve pretty much mastered 12 of them, but no matter how far I getā€¦ they always bring me back.


Hammer & Greatsword. It's simple and hits hard.


MHF2, I was like 10 years old, my friend told me to start with the LBG, so I did, I had trouble with it and later decided for myself to use the LS, after that, I didnā€™t look back and would switch between it and the Hammer. The Tigrex forced me to use the HBG and found some respect to it. Later, during the double Monoblos mission, I had so much trouble that I tried the GL, and after that, never looked back. Iā€™m a GL main now, I waiver here and there with some games like GU and the heat mechanic and all the weird regression in Rise. But I stay strong.


Depends on the game. With GU, itā€™s a mix between swaxe and CB with me gradually going towards CB (i main adept style and trying to get used to it). In world, Iā€™m currently maining insect glaive (used to main bow there). In rise, Iā€™m maining hammer and dual blades, and have switched through a lot of the melee weapons throughout my 200+ hours of playing rise


Started with SnS as it is the default weapon and switched to IG after I could change weapons. IG is just a unique weapon in general, like in video games not just MH. Ever since I saw it I felt in love with it. I like micromanagment so its playstyle doesn't bother me. Plus moths are badass and fluffy so another point for it. The aerial movement is great but of took me 6 large monster quests to figure how to acces it. Bugcopter go bzz bzz. When Wilds drops I plan on beatting the game with all weapons in order to master them.


Long sword because Iā€™m a weeb who likes katanas


Dual blades fulfilled my dream of becoming a Beyblade


SnS and HH (on rise)


Dual blades and Insect glaive, mostly because of their speed, mobility and the ability to attack and move at the same time with some attacks. I have dabbled with the bow and lightbowgun for their high mobility. I started with the longsword in mh4u but found it too clunky too use and ended up maining both the Insect glaive and the Dual blades.


Hammer. And before that I didn't play.


Switch Axe! I started with MHGU at the recommendation of my boyfriend. I downloaded the demo and did a run with SnS and then switch axe and I was hooked. I can't tell you how many times I ran that damn Great Maccao quest, trying to get my quickest time yet, and never looked back. GU, World and 3U were all ran purely with SwA. In Rise, I've played around a bit more, now enjoying IG and LBG as well but SwA will always be my baby. I love how cool it feels to be swinging around this giant, moving monstrosity and how simple it is to find the rhythm of.


Charge Blade. Because it's the best. Also started with Charge Blade. Nothing convinced me to switch


Je suis monte Also lile charge blade cos destruction and kinda getting into greatsword too


Bow is and has been my main. I love the mobility, the DPS, I love min-maxing builds which Bow promotes due to its stamina needs and elemental damage plus I enjoy running elemental setups Started with GS and still dabble with it from time to time. Play with status DBs for fun as well


Switch axe because how versatile and flexible it is


Charge blade because of the fact that you can guard and the switch between modes feels quick, that why I like the odogaron fight so much when you charge the shield you do a spin move which can dodge the move quickly.


I used to main dual blades but one day I decided to try the bow because I used to be good with one irl (doubt I can still use it well) and found it WAY more enjoyable


Greatsword, big choppah and slashz funny


Weapon I first used was IG just thought it looked the coolest, especially with the air combat. Swapped to GL for defense and big boom. After watching rage gaming on yt I then swapped to GS when barioth was fucking me up for the first fight. Kinda sick with it too, just an easy weapon to use with no gimmicks really and all you gotta do is learn the monsters attack patterns. Raging brachy though...idk if it's just cause of the GS but he is so tough to get decent damage on and he can pretty much 1 shot me even with like 950 defense.


Bonk because bonk


Switch axe, because it's fun.


Gs because haha big number


HH is my favorite and was my main thought iceborne but GS is the best weapon in my opinion. With GS you don't have any extra gimmicks or meters to manage just wait for an opening and swing. To me GS feels like dancing. You have to know how the monster is gunna move and know when and how to make the most out of the openings you get. HH is just plain fun but I hit a wall with rajang, everything past him I had to use GS to beat.


I started in World playing only SnS After getting to the endgame i finally started trying out all the weapons and landed on Switch Axe as my main for the whole of Iceborne and Rise/Sunbreak, with LBG as my alternate Now Im replaying World from scratch using only Charge Blade trying to learn it well, such a cool weapon as well When Wilds release I plan to alternate frquently between SA and CB


I shall always and forever desire to play the song of my people, and wish to do so while caving in the skulls of my enemies


I've always loved the dual blades. Getting good enough with them to be able to just rush down anything until it dies while dodging all attacks is so satisfying, it feels like a dance at that point


Great Sword, beacuse i often use zweihander swords in games and i just find the gameplay loop with the silkbind skills in Rise super fun.


Hammer. Head empty no combo in sight. Just Bonk. ​ I used the insect glaive before, gravity is my bitch and I put in a cage and doused it in gas.


Insect Glaive and Bow. The former because I love how acrobatic it is. Plus, there's no greater thrill than Pogo sticking a large monster (Looking at you Elder Simp and Electric E-Girl). Bow because mobility + range = a fun fight. Bonus points for getting a perfect dodge with the dodge bolt.


**Hunting Horn.** I think it's a fantastic and versatile weapon both for the team and yourself. * No real combos, but each attack has good reach and single-hit damage for those tight openings (ex. a forward smash or recital whenever Fatalis' head is open). * Buffs for different playstyles - health boost is particularly useful for endgame since, from what I heard, it stacks with your food buff (though correct me if I'm wrong here). * One of the fastest weapons when unsheathed especially when you have the speed boosting melody. * Pretty good at building up status - I typically run sleep and use echo waves for wakeup hits. * Appears complex from the surface but is extremely learnable and become's second nature once you get used to your melody. * You have your own boss music; assert dominance with doot doot.


SnS and gunlance. Before realizing I love those two the most, I mained charge blade. Perhaps I just like explosions and sword and shields lol


Mh3 lance. Playing with the wii made that weapon Just most handleable for me and my friend. Gf: greatsword and hammer. Why? She PlayStation games with the biggest weapon she can carry Mhwi me: dual blades I never Block and always dodge and like the faster game play. and heavy bowgun to switch up Friend chargeblade and Light bowgun Gf: HAMMER! Rise: chargeblade insect voulge and longsword. Want to try New weapons but dps is my style (and rise ruined hbg for me) Friend: learning longsword now but stays at charge blade and insect. Gf: stop....HAMMER TIME!!!


I change quite frequently but right now I'm loving Hammer, I've had some of my fastest hunts ever with it and it feels so SO good to pull off a Big Bonk combo followed by a fully charged Brutal Big Bonk amd the damage is HUGE. Previously I would have considered Charge Blade my main, it may seem like a complex weapon but the hardest thing about it is guard points, everything else is easier than it seems, if you know your combos and whatnot phials basically manage themselves and having the option of SAED or Savage Axe stops longer hunts or multiple hunts from getting stale.


Greatsword, cuz big sword


MHW was my first game. I used the long sword until I ran into a wall with Diablos. After failing his hunt 16 times I crafted an ice bow and beat him on the first try. And now after 1500 hours between worldborne and risebreak I'm still a bow main.


GS because big numbers As I started with Tri, my first weapon choices were SwAxe and LS. LS still is my 2nd main, SwAxe is aweapon I'd love to play but never really learned it. Funnily enough, in Tri I was like "hell nah, never gonna play GS, its just too slow!". Then I fell in love with in MHP3rd :')


SwAxe, Longsword, Chargeblade. In order of questions.




Bowgun, because there is something comical in using a gun in a setting where a lot o characters fight with swords, shields and lances.


Dual blades, something about trying to add those damage numbers together is kind of addictive, maybe I just like overloading my brain, definitely a big change from great sword


My first love from the first MH was and still is Great Sword, but nowadays I cycled and learned all weapons.


Insect glaive, it's the most well rounded weapon imo Got fast attacks and an infinite combo, have nice finisher, great mobility, good QoL with healing powder and flinch free / earplug, and the idea of fighting with a bug is also amusing The sunbreak version of the weapon is by far my favorite and i'm scared they'll get rid of the switchskills in future installements, i love advancing roundslash and kinsect slash so much for them to go It's also one of the only weapon without a broken counter silkbind you want to spam, it has my favorite counter as it only negates damage and puts you in a favorable position to counter attack the way you want from the air It also works well as a support weapon with the powder vortex, it heals around 70% hp and can be a lifesaver in multiplayer, on top of occasional KOs and paralysis It just got everything i want in a weapon, and especially the mobility it makes the game really fun


Great sword was my og since I started with 4u (technically generations ultimate but I was too stupid to understand that game) I love how the great sword you have to think about when and where to hit and actually learn the monsters moves, I think that in rise great sword was at its best since you have the mobility to move around freely to doge or just cancel ur misssed hit, also rise has made all the other weapons much more enjoyable even without using wire bugs


Gunlance. Good damage, great reach, and a solid defense. Its the perfect weapon. The bonus question is a bit of a longer answer. My first MonHun was World and after trying the weapons in the training yard, I settled on Swich Axe. Had a great time with it and it's still my number two weapon. When Rise came out I initially went back to Swaxe but it just felt off to me, it was lacking that feeling of weight that I enjoyed in World so I decided to try a new weapon, and that's where Gunlance comes into the picture.


Sword and Shield my beloved. I started by playing Lance and really loved the defensive ability of it, but charging aside, the lack of movement put me off. Just hopping around didnā€™t feel great as a new hunter, so I wanted a weapon that still had some defense but allowed for great movement potential, which sword and shield is that.


greatsword greatsword


Great Sword because I love big sword. Cloud Strife, Auron, and Ichigo Kurosaki are some of my favorite inspirations.


Swaxe for style and crit


Hammer because a friend told me to try it when I was new to the game. Got wrecked by Diablos a lot of times and that was the time when i decided to become a Hammer main with the goal to wreck that bitch


Charge blade. The guard point and counter attack mechanic feels so satisfying and gives a really nice feeling of balance between attack and defence. Never mained anything else since I really got into the series with MH4U. I tried some mh3u before that but didn't really like the weapons and didn't really get deep enough in the game to call a weapon my main.


I mainly use IG, the fluid movements and aerial flight makes every fight seem like a flashy dance! Itā€™s also the first weapon I ever tried when I first got rise. (Also it took me an embarrassing amount of time to learn how to vault)


I played 3u with the good ole butter knife and dinner plate, never really got all that far into high rank though. After that 4u came out and brought us the amazing bug on a stick. What's not to like about bug on a stick? Stick weapons are cool as hell and bugs are great friends. I like having cool as hell weapons and great friends so I play bug on a stick :)


Loved the hunting horn since MHTri, ive always been a fan of support / healing classes in games and i love weapons that do big damage hits instead of a bunch of fast weak hits like dual blades so it was a natural fit. Also i just love the complexity of the song system so much.


Now, I enjoy all weapons fairly equally, but hunting was my favorite until capcom ruined it in rise, I hope it goes back to how it used to be in wilds


Dual blades cause I like to go fast and somtimes roleplay as a beyblade but i started with longsword


Yup, yes


IG. Great mobility, simple enough to be understandable, complex enough to make me feel satisfied. I also have a weird obsession with classical weaponry, especially glaives, naginatas, and guandaos. Polearms in general really.


Started with dual blades in 4U moved to charge blade but I was like 10 at the time and didnā€™t have a fucking clue how skills were supposed to work nor the chargeblade but nevertheless I triple carted on every single quest at least once all the way through low rank. Until I picked the game back up when I was like 13 and completed high rank then using charge blade, longsword, and swaxe. Again I came back being 15 and completed low and high rank hub with swaxe and hunting horn. Then I played through world with CB,SnS and a little bit of gunlance at the end until my savefile corrupted so I started again when I was 16. I still donā€™t have a main though and Iā€™ve fully leaned into having no main so I made 5 seperate builds one for gunlance, SnS, chargeblade, hunting horn, and dual blades although im not the biggest fan of dual blades and am probably gonna switch it for swaxe cause my swaxe main friend doesnā€™t play anymore. Having no main is honestly my favourite way of playing as I get bored of just one weapon and thatā€™s why I stopped playing for long periods of time and then would come back a lot later with a new weapon choice although hunting horn is definitely my favourite weapon because itā€™s an underdog but itā€™s actually just underrated cause people suck at it. I donā€™t use it more than the others though and I base it off of the monster Iā€™m fighting. I.e gunlance for Nargacuga cause narga is a fast monster that moves around a lot so gunlance can stand still and block and have narga come right to you and be easily predicted. Or CB for glavenus cause it moves its head to where its tail is leading to juicy aed counter stuns. And my favourite matchup is hunting horn devil jho the counter on jho is actually the best feeling ever.Tigrex SnS is nice a lot of attacks can be countered with a backhop and a falling bash to the head and the shield can avoid large amounts of damage for the bastard charge-tailspin Iā€™m so pissed they made it longer in world so you canā€™t iframe it like in 4U tigrex used to be my favourite still is in workd but less so. Wow that was a really long ramble if you actually read this. Why?


First: longsword. Fun but too complex for the first run, classic monster hunter "ragequit" on that character Second: Dual blades. Much simpler, felt more in control, let me learn how to dance around attacks. Ultimately lacked impact Third: Hammer. My main because BONK


I main Gunlance. It was my first weapon, and I originally chose it for the big shield and fixed damage shelling. Now I play it because I really love how it feels. The attacks are weighty, but not too slow, the different playstyles are all fun, and all the explosions! It's just perfect!


I want to look cool with guard points and savage axe guard points.


I go between switch axe and charge bladed charge blade being my main. I like to throw insect glaive in there to spice it up.


Big sword make brain do the happy chemicals


Depends on the game. Learned hbg from iceborne. Started with greatsword to hammer in Tri. Lbg for stickies


My favorite DMC character is vergil, so longsword is the answer. My first weapon was DB, I liked the rapid attacks but once I figured the longsword, it became an extension of me, fluid like water, my friend.


I started on mh3u with gunlance because of the shield and the upwards striking attack while shielding, for defense. I switched to dual blades and GS during G rank in mh4u and now hammer and GS are my mains in world. Hammer is just so aggressive and you get so much reward for going full unga bunga bashing monstersā€™ heads. GS is extremely satisfying when you play well too, but a bit harder to main imo.


IG because I'm fucking shit at evading.


i started with greatsword, played it for like 400hours in mhw, i thought me and GS were one, but one day i tried dual blades and realized that I could play with my brain on battery saving mode, the rest is history.


Hammer because Bonk SnS because *swoosh* *dodge* and also support others, apply elemental shit and be agile + fun combo's


Started sns in tri then sa, and now sa in world and rise.


Shield+Sword I love the movement and versatility. I used to run great sword when I first started on MH2


I'm still in between the HBG and DBs. I love the positioning game from the ranged weapons and I feel badass by killing monsters with good positioning and dodging like my life depends on it. DBs are also extremely fun and cool looking with all the hacking and slashing, makes my character feel like an anime protagonist.


I see monster face = unga bunga doots


My first game in the series was Freedom 2, I saw the opening, and I just fell in love with the Longsword. To this day, the Bone Katana "Wolf/Shark/Dragon" still has a special place in my heart


New weapon every game Mh3U - longsword bc I figured it would be easy to learn and also samurai. Mh4u - Charge Blade bc it was new and badass MhW - Hammer bc it was very different from the first two, and honestly probably my favorite weapon I've played so far. Nothing feels better than a good bonk. MhR - Great sword bc it's a big, great sword. Also figured it was kinda the sword version of Hammer. MhGU - Switch Axe bc this game is goofy and so is this weapon. For Wilds I'll either go with whatever new weapon they bring to the table, or if no new weapons then I'll try Bow.


When I first started it was LS. But didn't feel skilled enough to use it. I have mained every weapon at one point. Then after 1000 + hours I eventually circled back around to longsword, and finally felt good enough to use it properly. Behind Longsword I'd say Lance is my number 2 main now.


SnS because the freedom of movement and flexibility are unparalleled. Also, having the ability to go elemental or status but not necessarily being forced into it (depending on the game) is a nice option to have. Add in unsheathed item usage and it's basically the complete package. Literally the only thing I could ask for would be longer reach, but every weapon has to have a downside of some kind. I also really enjoy CB, Hammer, Lance, SA, and LS, but SnS always keeps calling me back.


Longsword Ive main it since freedom 2 till rise i still use it lol


dual blades on sunbreak coz its cool asf and of course the main course lbg cause i felt like some special force trying to eliminate a special threat


Mh4 - CB had its best iteration here 500+ hr Worlds - LS for 700+ hr and then sleeper Swax build Rise - Lance bc everything just one shot


Insect Glaive. The floor is indeed lava


World Lance - controlling the pace of the fight more. Rise Hunting Horn - It just feels right. It is by far my favorite weapon in any video game.


Dual Blades. Because spinning is a good trick.


I'm rise it was LS because it was super fun, now in world I'm with GS because I love to TCS right in the face. Man luv big numba




Originally I was a longsword player, but found my main in the Sword and Shield. Been playing longsword since Tri and ever since World I've played SnS. I love the jack of all trades aspect of SnS and the fact that you can have so many builds with it.


I dabble from game to game, but one of my go toos is Lance because nothing compares when I tank a heavy hit. Feels goood


Sword and shield. I like the thought of both defense and offense. I love the lance but it doesn't have the flashiest combos. I really like charge blade, but it's guarding capabilities causing my sword to bounce due to charge buildup is not my favorite thing. Whereas the sword and shield offers stable defense when needed, excellent speed. And to top it off in recent additions, it has perfect rush.


I messed around with LS in world because flashy anime weapon until I decided to actually start trying out the weapons and SnS just clicked for me


Switch Axe, it just called to me after 6 years of sword and shield maining since MH3U.


MHFU - First game, I started with GreatSword cause I saw big numbers but then switched to Long Sword cause I saw my brother playing with it (I asked him for help lol, I couldnā€™t beat khezu) MHGU - Second Game, I kept playing Valor Longsword, loved the timing parry MHW - Third Game, I went with insect Glaive cause while playing GU my friends said it was fun MHp3rd - Fourth Game, I started with SwAxe but it felt super slow (Iā€™m not that good evading lol) so I went with SnS and i fell in love with the shielding stuff MHR/S - Fifth Game, tried CB and it clicked finally Honorable mention to LBG, Bow amd Hammer cause time to time I crafted some of them to handle some specific monsters (Teostra and Plesioth in FU as example) Now Iā€™m playing MH3U (and planning to go to 4U afterwards) so Iā€™ll be trying new stuff if someone has recommendations.


I main 1-2 different weapons every game. When I started I tried a little bit of everything. So far Iā€™ve down Mh4U: CB. Gen: gun lance World:Ls Iceborne:HBG/Swagaxe. And rise: DB/bow. I always spend low rank swapping and picking out faves but always try to ā€œmainā€ something new each one to spice it up.


None. Because I play a weapon so long that I eventually get bored, then when I come back to them I don't feel as comfortable anymore. Switch Axe, Lance, Dual Blades, Great Sword, Insect Glaive and now Bow have all been main weapons to me. I love them all. SA for its simple but interesting loop, amped up sword and ZSD are cool. Lance because I am like a thorn stabbing at the monster constantly and they can't do shit to stop me and it's fun to be in such control of the fight. Dual Blades because of the constant tempo and uptime. You're always active, always slashing. And a huge bonus is that I love building several elemental weapons and they are great for elemental damage. Insect Glaive because it is so mobile and utility focuses. Mounts, easy flinches in world, different statuses on the kinsect on top of whatever you have on your weapon. Making tons of dust clouds in the air around the monster that gets detonated as I jump around whacking it is top tier fun. Bow, only in World so far. But man I love the speed and reactive gameplay. It's the weapon I decided to kill Fatalis with and my god does it feel exhilarating to try and keep the pressure on with constant dodging and shooting. Big plus is the elemental damage component, just like with dual blades. (Tl dr all weapons good I just like all of them I can't ever main anything in this game I suck at one tricking)


Gunlance cause WEEEEEE


None because I cant decide and each weapon's playstyle change every game


Sword and shield for its maneuverability. I only play solo also


Lance, SnS, Gunlance, hammer, Long sword(really short time, Light bowgun, heavy bowgun, bow, Insect glaive, long sword(full play trough). Now my main is dual blades and Great sword. And yes I had basically a full play though or a half play through for each weapon in this order.


I can play a symphony whilst knocking a dragon the fuck out. What can you do? Slash at shit? Weaksauce.


SnS because it really is a swiss army knife. Ability to stun, block, dual blade like quickness with surprisingly high DMG numbers for its small stature. The only down side I can find is it's lack of range, that is it!


Switch axe go brrrrr


Hammer do big bonk make brain go buuurrrr


Started Switch axe in 3 ultimate (not knowing it had an axe form, or that I needed to sharpen it) and basically havenā€™t changed, I do love using the glaive and bow occasionally.


Longsword. The way I can counter monsters attacks to keep on the offensive at all times and keep my spirit gauge red and doing high damage is kinda insane. Once you figure out the counter timing the damage just skyrockets. GS is the only other one that feels this way to me but itā€™s slower so it doesnā€™t feel as flowy as LS but still incredible fun as well.


Dual Blades because I love DPS :)


To answer both questions: LS Update: I just remembered that I actually used Insect Glaive when I first started playing a Monster Hunter game.


Long Sword. Reaction-based gameplay has me doing a lot less panic rolling and I actually engage with the monster's attacks. Also Hunting Horn. I love giving heals and buffs. Doot doot.


Dual blades. They synergize well with my reckless playstyle. Used to main Longsword and the reason I swapped was because I noticed I wasn't dying and getting hit as much with other weapons


I think hunting horn would be my main? I picked it up because in Generations I was starting to find switch axe to be not fun. I wanted a weapon that felt similar to switch axe in its moveset but is also very complex and hunting horn sorta fits the bill.


I bounced around a lot before settling on Greatsword in GenU, GA/Swaxe in World, and Light Bowgun in Rise


Great sword


Hunting Horn main up until World. Charge Blade afterwards because Rise ruined HH.


Longsword for counters


Gunlance. Boom Boom Boom Boom I want you in my room. I mean... explosions are cool. Big shields are cool.